This is a sandbox for testing node and express features.
create project folder then:
npm init
use npm run dev command to use nodemon to debug faster with hot reload.
non blocking: waiting for an external system to do something and return a callback (or promise)
async & await: a syntactic sugar that takes the return value and automatically resolves it as a promise, and also sets up a context to use the await keyword which pauses the execution of a function, instead of chaining together a bunch of then callbacks
use CI/CD (jenkins?)
Testing are automated
using jest.
npm run test
These are unit tests. There is also integration test and user acceptance test (UAT, done by users).
functions should be small
3 arguments in a function should be avoided - ideally should be 0
comments are necessary evil: maybe expression of an intent, todo comments
moneyback guarantee
grid-template-columns: repeat(number, 1fr)
use the global variable