String 🅱'ify (Sbify)
It's about time you im🅱roved your strings
🅱ecause why not? It's almost 2019. We needed a lightweight and deadsimple solution that worked for browsers and NodeJS a long time ago.
(This package replaces b's and starts of words with "b" emojis)
const b = require('sbify');
b('Hello, world!') === '🅱ello, 🅱orld!'
b('Sbify is the best package!') === '🅱🅱ify 🅱s 🅱he 🅱est 🅱ackage!'
Other replacement characters or emojis are supported
b('Hello, world!', 'bbb') === 'bbbello, bbborld!'
b('This package is #TheBest!', '🦆') === '🦆his 🦆ackage 🦆s #🦆he🦆est!'
Simple npm install and add the index.js script onto your site.
Index.js was built by browserify --standalone, so you'll be able to access window.sbify
as a function.
console.log(sbify('Hello, world!'));
Enjoy this package? Consider starring on github and checking out some of my other work:
Youtube Search API and its CLI
Fluent Filepaths
Urban Dictionary
Need support? Send me an email at, or connect with me on Discord at (William Zhou#0001)
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