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Build a Yup schema object to validate models from a domain model schema (JSON or GraphQL)

Version published

Schema to Yup schema

Build a Yup schema from a JSON Schema, GraphQL schema (type definition) or any other similar type/class and field/properties model or schema :)


  • JSON
  • GraphQL
  • Avro
  • Custom

JSON schema

  • AJV: JSON Schema keywords
  • Learn JsonSchema

The builder currently supports the most commonly used JSON Schema layout

GraphQL schema

GraphQL type definition exports using graphSchemaToJson (see GraphQL schema).

Avro schema

Recently basic Avro schema support has been added as well.

Custom/Alternative schemas

You can easily add support for your own custom schema formats.

We also supports some extra convenience schema properties that make it more "smooth" to define validation requirements declaratively (see below).

According to the JSON schema specs, you are free to add extra metadata to the field schema definitions beyond those supported "natively".

Custom/Alternative validators

You can use the building blocks of this library to support alternative validators other than Yup. See Supporting alternative validators

Customization hooks

This library is built to be easy to customize or extend to suit individual developer needs. |Use any of the following customization hooks to add custom features, circumvent missing functionality or bugs or extend any way you see fit. You can even use these hooks to support a different validator library, leveraging the generic schema validator builder infrastructure.

Build and Sample run

$ yarn run build

Sample runs (uses built file in dist)

node sample-runs/person-schema.mjs

This sample run is configured with detailed logging in the config object:

  logging: true,
  logDetailed: [{
    propName: 'exclusiveMinimum',
    key: 'age'

Quick start


npm install schema-to-yup -S or yarn add schema-to-yup


const schema = {
  $schema: "",
  $id: "",
  title: "Person",
  description: "A person",
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    name: {
      description: "Name of the person",
      type: "string",
    email: {
      type: "string",
      format: "email",
    foobar: {
      type: "string",
      matches: "(foo|bar)",
    age: {
      description: "Age of person",
      type: "number",
      exclusiveMinimum: 0,
      required: true,
    characterType: {
      enum: ["good", "bad"],
      enum_titles: ["Good", "Bad"],
      type: "string",
      title: "Type of people",
      propertyOrder: 3,
  required: ["name", "email"],

const config = {
  // for error messages...
  errMessages: {
    age: {
      required: "A person must have an age",
    email: {
      required: "You must enter an email address",
      format: "Not a valid email address",

const { buildYup } = require("schema-to-yup");
const yupSchema = buildYup(schema, config);
// console.dir(schema)
const valid = await yupSchema.isValid({
  name: "jimmy",
  age: 24,

// => {valid: true}

This would generate the following Yup validation schema:

const schema = yup.object().shape({
  name: yup.string().required(),
  age: yup.number().required().positive(),

Note the "required": true for the age property (not natively supported by JSON schema).


Please note that this library does not currently resolve $ref (JSON Pointers) out of the box. You can use another library for that.

You could f.ex use json-schema-ref-parser to preprocess your schema. Also see:


By default, any property will be explicitly notRequired unless set to be required, either via required: true in the property constraint object or via the required list of properties of the object schema definition (of the property).

You can override the notRequired behavior by setting it on the new mode object of the configuration which can be used to control and fine-tune runtime behaviour.

const jsonSchema = {
  title: "users",
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    username: { type: "string" },
const yupSchema = buildYup(jsonSchema, {
  mode: {
    notRequired: true, // default setting

// will be valid since username is not required by default
const valid = yupSchema.validateSync({
  foo: "dfds",
const yupSchema = buildYup(jsonSchema, {
  mode: {
    notRequired: true, // default setting
// will be invalid since username is required by default when notRequired mode is disabled
const valid = yupSchema.validateSync({
  foo: "dfds",

The new run time mode settings are demonstrated under sample-runs/mode

No validation error (prop not required unless explicitly specified):

$ npx babel-node sample-runs/modes/not-required-on.js

Validation error if not valid type:

$ npx babel-node sample-runs/modes/not-required-on.js


You can access the internal Yup shape, via shapeConfig on the yup schema returned by the buildYup schema builder function. This allows you to easily mix and match to suit more advanced requirements.

const { buildYup } = require("json-schema-to-yup");
const { shapeConfig } = buildYup(json, config);
const schema = yup.object().shape({


Currently the following schema types are supported:

  • array
  • boolean
  • date
  • number
  • object
  • string

Mixed (any type)

  • strict
  • default
  • nullable
  • const
  • required
  • notRequired
  • oneOf (enum, anyOf)
  • notOneOf
  • refValue for confirm password scenario
  • when
  • isType
  • nullable (isNullable)

Reference constraints

Reference constraints within the schema can be defined as follows:

schema = {
  required: ["startDate", "endDate"],
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    startDate: {
      type: "number",
    endDate: {
      type: "number",
      min: "startDate",

Internally this will be resolved using Yup.ref as documented here in the Yup readme.

ref allows you to reference the value of a sibling (or sibling descendant) field to validate the current field.

Yup.ref is supported in the Yup docs for the following:


  • ensure
  • compact
  • items (of)
  • maxItems (max)
  • minItems (min)
  • itemsOf (of) NEW


No keys


  • maxDate (max)
  • minDate (min)


  • integer
  • moreThan (exclusiveMinimum)
  • lessThan (exclusiveMaximum)
  • positive
  • negative
  • min (minimum)
  • max (maximum)
  • truncate
  • round


  • camelCase
  • constantCase
  • noUnknown (propertyNames)


  • minLength (min)
  • maxLength (max)
  • pattern (matches or regex)
  • email (format: 'email')
  • url (format: 'url')
  • lowercase
  • uppercase
  • trim

For pattern (RegExp) you can additionally provide a flags property, such as flags: 'i'. This will be converted to a RegExp using new RegExp(pattern, flags)

For the pattern constraint you can also pass in excludeEmptyString to exclude empty string from being evaluated as a pattern constraints.

Confirm password

You can use the special refValue constraint for password confirmation scenarios.

  "password": {
    "minLength": 6,
    "type": "string"
  "confirmPassword": {
    "refValue": "password",
    "type": "string"

See the sample test case in test/confirm-password.test.js

Multi-type constraints

A sample implementation to support multi type constraints has been implemented in MultiPropertyValueResolver.

To improve support this, pass a custom factory method createMultiTypeValueResolver on the config object and build on or improve the current implementation.

Custom builder

To customize the builder to suit your needs, simply subclass the YupBuilder class and create your own factory function which instantiates your subclass.

class MyCustomYupBuilder extends YupBuilder {
  init(schema, config)
    // my pre-init
    super.init(schema, config)
    // my post init

  // my other overrides

export function buildYup(schema, config = {}) {
  return new MyCustomYupBuilder(schema, {...config}).yupSchema;

Custom builder functions

  • init
  • buildProperties
  • buildProp
  • setRequired
  • setPropEntry

Custom init

You can supply a custom init function on the config object to do custom initialization. The init function will be bound to the YupBuilder instance so that this returns the builder instance.

import * as yup from "yup";

const yupSchema = buildYup(jsonSchema, {
  init: (schema, config) {
    if (config.locale) yup.setLocale(config.locale);

Custom buildProperties

You can override the built-in buildProperties method (see code below) by supplying a custom buildProperties function on the config object.

  buildProperties() {
    const propKeys = Object.keys(;
    const buildProp = (this.config.buildProp || this.buildProp).bind(this)
    return propKeys.reduce(buildProp, {});

Custom buildProp

You can override the built-in buildProp method (see code below) by supplying a custom buildProp function on the config object.

buildProp(propObj, key) {
    const value =[key];
    const required = this.getRequiredPropsList();
    const setRequired = (this.config.setRequired || this.setRequired).bind(this)
    // normalize required for prop
    setRequired(value, key, required)
    // set schema property entry
    const setPropEntry = (this.config.setPropEntry || this.setPropEntry).bind(this)
    setPropEntry(propObj, key, value)
    return propObj;

Custom setRequired

You can override the built-in setRequired method (see code below) by supplying a custom setRequired function on the config object.

  // normalize required for prop
  setRequired(value, key, required) {
    const isRequired = required.indexOf(key) >= 0;
    if (!isObjectType(value)) {
      this.warn(`Bad property value: ${value} must be an object`);
    value.required = this.isRequired(value) || isRequired;
    return value

Custom setPropEntry

You can override the built-in setPropEntry method (see code below) by supplying a custom setPropEntry function on the config object.

  setPropEntry(propObj, key, value) {
    // order so required errors will be first
    propObj[key] = {
      required: value.required,

Custom entry builders

You can pass in custom functions for the following kinds of type entry values

  • object value, such as {type: 'string'}
  • list value, such as ["string", "integer"]

The custom functions are:

  • toSingleType(yupSchemaEntryBuilder)
  • toMultiType(yupSchemaEntryBuilder)

Each takes an instance yupSchemaEntryBuilder of YupSchemaEntry, which primarily holds the following properties of interest, that you can leverage in your custom handler logic

  schema, key, name, value, type, obj, config;

Custom type handlers

You can pass any custom type handlers in a typeHandlers object as part of the config object passes. See setTypeHandlers() and get typeHandlers() in entry.js for how this works internally.

function myCustomStringHandler = (obj, config) => {
  // ... custom handler
  // return yup type schema such as yup.string()
  // with one or more constraints added

const yupSchema = buildYup(jsonSchema, {
  typeHandlers: {
    string: myCustomStringHandler

This can be used to support special cases:

  • to circumvent a bug
  • add or override with custom functionality
  • extend to add additional type handlers, such as for Avro schema
  • add support for validators other than Yup
Custom array type handler

Currently this library has minimal support for the array type. To add better array type support, create a custom type handler for handling array types and use it as follows.

const yupSchema = buildYup(jsonSchema, {
  typeHandlers: {
    array: myCustomArrayHandler,

Use the array.test.js file for testing improved array support. Currently many of the array tests are marked with skip.

$ npm test toYupArray

Additional type handlers

In order to pass a a type handler map that does not rely on any built in type handlers, pass in a types object

const yupSchema = buildYup(jsonSchema, {
  types: {
    bytes: myCustomBytesHandler,
    // more handlers

You can use the built in type handler classes as building blocks.

To control which constraints are enabled (executed), simply edit the typeEnabled getter on your type handler class. Here is the default typeEnabled getter for the YupDate (Date) type handler, which is configured to execute constraint handler functions: minDate and maxDate.

  get typeEnabled() {
    return ["minDate", "maxDate"];

A simpler alternative is to add custom constraint functions to the handlers as described in the next section.

Custom constraint handler functions

You can add custom constraint handler functions directly via the config object. This can be used to override built in constraints or extend with your own.

A custom handler to validate a string formatted as a valid ip address might look something like this (presuming such a method is available on yup string). You can also use this with yup schema type extensions.

// takes the typehandler (such as YupString) instance as argument
const ipHandler = (th) => {
  const constraintName = th.constraintNameFor("ip", "format");
  const method = "ip";
  th.addConstraint("ip", {
    constraintValue: true,
    errName: method,

const config = {
  string: {
    convert: {
      ip: ipHandler,
    enabled: [
      "ip", // custom
      // built in
  // ... more configuration

buildYup(jsonSchema, config);

Instead of using enabled with the full list, you can also use extends

    extends: [
      // custom additions
      // built in handlers all included automatically

Note that if convert has entries and extends for the type configuration is not set (and no enabled list of constraints defined either) it will use all the entries in convert by default (ie. extends set to all keys).

We welcome feedback on how to better structure the config object to make it easy and intuitive to add run-time configuration to suit your needs.

You can use this approach to add base level entry handlers via mixed which is the base handler for any specific type handler such as for string and number.

Here we are replacing the label handler with our custom handler implementation which uses description if available.

const mixed = {
  enabled: [
    // "label", not enabled
    // custom
    "my-custom-label" // enabled
  convert: {
    "my-custom-label": (th) =>
      const value = th.value;
      const label = value.title || value.label || value.description;
      return th.apply('label', label)

const yupSchema = buildYup(jsonSchema, { mixedEnabled }

Custom constraint builder

This library supports using a custom constraint builder to add and build constraints. All factories are initialized in initHelpers and executed as the first step of convert (see mixed.js)

import { ConstraintBuilder } from "schema-to-yup";

class MyConstraintBuilder extends ConstraintBuilder {
  constructor(typeHandler, opts = {}) {
    super(typeHandler, opts);
    // custom instance configuration

  build(propName, opts) {
    /// custom build logic

    // returns new type validation handler (base) with built constraint added
    return newBase;

  addConstraint(propName, opts) {
    // custom add constraint logic
    return this.typeHandler;

  // custom event handler
  onConstraintAdded({ name, value }) {
    // ...
    return this.typeHandler;

To use a custom constraint builder we recommend subclassing the ConstraintBuilder class that comes with the library. Then create a factory method thart can instanciate it.

const createConstraintBuilder = (typeHandler, config) => {
  return new MyConstraintBuilder(typeHandler, config);

const config = {
  // ... more configuration

buildYup(jsonSchema, config);

Supporting alternative validators

Supply a validator instance (or getter function) on the config object which returns an instance of the validator you wish to use.

Optionally supply a validatorFor function on the config that returns a specific validator to be used for a given type handler.

  init(...) {
    this.validator = this.getValidator()
    this.base = this.getBase()

  getBase() {
    return this.customBaseValidator || this.validatorInstance;

  getValidator() {
    return this.opts.validator || this.builder.validator || yup;

Subclass all the built-in type handlers, such as YupString and override the following key methods:

  get baseType() {
    return "string";

  get validatorInstance() {
    return this.validator.string();

Then create a new types type handler mapping object and pass it via the types entry on the config object

class MyCustomValidatorStringHandler extends YupString {
  get validatorInstance() {
    return this.validator.fieldHandlerFor("string");

buildYup(jsonSchema, {
  types: {
    string: MyCustomValidatorStringHandler,
    // ...

Subclass YupBuilder and override the yupSchema getter method and optionally the setLocale method as well

  get yupSchema() {
    return yup.object().shape(this.shapeConfig);

  setLocale() {
    this.config.locale && yup.setLocale(this.config.locale);

Something like this

const validatorSingleton = new MyValidator()

class MyCustomBuilder extends YupBuilder {
  init(schema, config)
    super.init(schema, config)

  get validator() {
    return validatorSingleton

  get yupSchema() {
    return this.validator.buildSchema();

You can access the entryHandler and from there the builder from within a type handler via this.entryHandler.builder

So you can access a validator instance set in the builder via this.entryHandler.validator (note: should normally be a singleton instance)

Then do further customizations as needed.

Conditional logic

Basic support for when conditions as requested and outlined in this issue is now included.

Work will continue in the when-condition branch.

Sample schema using simple when constraint:

const biggyJson = {
  title: "biggy",
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    isBig: {
      type: "boolean",
    count: {
      type: "number",
      when: {
        isBig: {
          is: true,
          then: {
            min: 5,

Sample valid and invalid values with respect to biggyJson schema

const bigJson = {
  valid: {
    isBig: true,
    count: 5, // since isBig is set, must be >= 5
  invalid: {
    isBig: true,
    count: 4, // since isBig is set, must be >= 5

Currently basic support is included in 1.10.x on npmjs

More advanced conditionals support will likely be included the next major release: 2.0.

You are welcome to continue the effort to support more conditional schema logic by continuing on this branch and making PRs.

Support for if then and else conditional JSON schema constraints can likely be added using an approach like the when condition (perhaps by transalating to equivalent: when, then and otherwise).

  • if - This keyword's value MUST be a valid JSON Schema
  • then - This keyword's value MUST be a valid JSON Schema
  • else - This keyword's value MUST be a valid JSON Schema

See also json-schema-spec

Customizing conditional logic

You can now also override, extend or customize the when condition logic by passing in your own factory method for the config object entry createWhenCondition

const myWhenConditionFactoryFn = (opts = {}) => {
  const { type, key, value, when, schema, properties, config } = opts;
  // ...

const config = {
  createWhenCondition: myWhenConditionFactoryFn,
const schema = buildYup(nameJsonSchema, config);

The best and easiest way to do this is to extend the WhenCondition class which contains most of the necessary infrastructure you can further build on.

See the src/conditions/legacy folder for the legacy 1.9.0 logic that works but has limited functionality.

Additional properties

Currently this library does not have built-in support for the additionalProperties feature of JSON schema as described here

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "number":      { "type": "number" },
    "street_name": { "type": "string" },
    "street_type": { "type": "string",
                     "enum": ["Street", "Avenue", "Boulevard"]
  "additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }

See issue 55

Yup does not directly support this, so it would require some "hacking" to make it work.

You can extend YupBuilder to include custom logic to support additionalProperties

class YupBuilderWithSupportForAdditionalProperties extends YupBuilder {
  additionalPropsToShape(opts, shape) {
    // do your magic here using this.additionalProps
    // make new yup constraint function calls on the incoming yup shape object
    return shape;

See the issue for ideas and hints on how to achieve support for this.

Complex example

Here a more complete example of the variations currently possible

  "title": "Person",
  "description": "A person",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "description": "Name of the person",
      "type": "string",
      "required": true,
      "matches": "[a-zA-Z- ]+",
      "min": 3,
      "maxLength": 40
    "age": {
      "description": "Age of person",
      "type": "integer",
      "moreThan": 0,
      "max": 130,
      "default": 32,
      "required": false,
      "nullable": true
    "birthday": {
      "type": "date",
      "min": "1-1-1900",
      "maxDate": "1-1-2015"
    "married": {
      "type": "boolean"
    "boss": {
      "type": "object",
      "noUnknown": ["name"],
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "type": "string",
          "notOneOf": ["Dr. evil", "bad ass"]
    "colleagues": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "propertyNames": ["name"],
        "properties": {
          "name": {
            "type": "string"
    "programming": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "languages": {
          "type": "array",
          "of": {
            "type": "string",
            "enum": ["javascript", "java", "C#"]
          "min": 1,
          "max": 3

Complex/Nested schemas

Nested object schema properties are supported.

See test/types/object/complex-schema.test.js

Custom models

This library now also supports non JSON schema models. See the types/schema-parser-maps mappings.


module.exports {
  getProps: obj =>,
  getType: obj => obj.type,
  getName: obj => || obj.title,
  getConstraints: obj => obj,
  isString: obj => obj.type === "string",
  isArray: obj => obj.type === "array",
  isInteger: obj => obj.type === "integer",
  isBoolean: obj => obj.type === "boolean",
  hasDateFormat: obj => ["date", "date-time"].find(t => t === obj.format),
  isDate: obj => obj.type === "string" && defaults.hasDateFormat(obj.format),
  isNumber: obj => obj.type === "number" || defaults.isInteger(obj.type),
  isObject: obj => obj.type === "object",
  isRequired: obj => obj.required

This can be used to support any kind of schema, including JSN schema and GraphQL type definition schemas etc.

GraphQL schema

To support another model, such as GraphQL schema (type definitions) via graphSchemaToJson


  Person: {
    name: 'Person',
    fields: {
      name: {
        type: 'String',
        directives: {
          constraints: {
            minLength: 2
        isNullable: false,
        isList: false
    directives: {},
    type: 'Object',
    implements: []

Create a map of methods to match your model layout:

const typeDefConf = {
  getProps: (obj) => obj.fields,
  getType: (obj) => obj.type,
  getName: (obj) =>,
  getConstraints: (obj) => (obj.directives || {}).constraints || {},
  isString: (obj) => obj.type === "String",
  isArray: (obj) => obj.isList,
  isInteger: (obj) => obj.type === "Int",
  isBoolean: (obj) => obj.type === "Boolean",
  isDate: (obj) => obj.type === "Date" ||,
  isNumber: (obj) => obj.type === "Int" || obj.type === "Float",
  isObject: (obj) => obj.type === "Object",
  isRequired: (obj) => !obj.isNullable,

Please note that getConstraints can be used to control where the constraints of the field will be taken from (depending on the type of model/schema or your preference).

Pass overrides to match your model in config as follows:

const schema = buildYup(nameJsonSchema, { ...typeDefConf, log: true });

The type definition mappings above are already built-in and available. To switch the schema type, pass schemaType in config as follows.

const schema = buildYup(nameJsonSchema, { schemaType: "type-def", log: true });

## Avro schema

Simply use schemaType: "avro" in the config object.

const schema = buildYup(nameJsonSchema, { schemaType: "avro", log: true });

Other/custom schema format support

You can supply a config.schemaParserMap object with parser entries for any specific schema formats you wish to support.

const mySchemaParserMap = {
  "my-schema": {
    // ...
    isArray: (obj) => obj && obj.type === "list",
    // ...

const schema = buildYup(nameJsonSchema, {
  schemaType: "my-schema",

You can eaven extend and override an existing entry in the map as follows, using the special extends key

const mySchemaParserMap = {
  "my-schema": {
    extends: "avro",
    isArray: (obj) => obj && obj.type === "list",
    // ...

You can supply a custom createSchemaParserBuilder entry in the config object to further customize the building of a SchemaParser using this map.

Feel free to make PRs to make more common schema models available!

Custom logs and error handling

You can enable logging py passing a log option in the config.enable object. If set to true, it will by default assign the internal log function to console.log You can enable/disable warnings in a similar fashion with enable.warn

const schema = buildYup(nameJsonSchema, { enable: { log: true, warn: true } });

You can also pass a log function in the log option to handle log messages and an err option with a custom error handler function.

See Custom errors in Node for how to design custom errors

class ValidationError extends Error {}

const schema = buildYup(nameJsonSchema, {
  log: (name, msg) => console.log(`[${name}] ${msg}`)
  err: (msg) => {
    console.error(`[${name}] ERROR: ${msg}`
    throw new ValidationError(msg)

Logging can also be enabled simply by passing logging:true. In addition, detailed logging can be enabled for specific matches, such as whenever a combination of a specific key, propName and method are encountered by the ConstraintBuilder

  logging: true,
  logDetailed: [{
    propName: 'exclusiveMinimum', // property name in JSON schema
    key: 'age' // key in JSON schema
  }, {
    method: 'lessThan' // method that propName is resolved to
  logTypes: ['array', 'number']

You can also use the logTypes setting to enable logging only for certain type handlers. Please mot that this currently only affects calls to logTypeInfo

  logging: true,
  logTypes: ['array', 'number']

This type of logging is only enabled for the array type handler at present, but you can add this type of logging as needed when/if you create your own type handlers.

this.logTypeInfo("array:of", { schemaConf });
const schemaEntry = this.createYupSchemaEntry(schemaConf);
this.logTypeInfo("array:of", { schemaEntry });

Localized error messages

You can specify the locale to use in the config object. Internally the builder will use the following yup call: yup.setLocale(config.locale)

Thanks @gabrielburich


You can supply a createYupSchemaEntry function as an entry in the config object. This function will then be used to build each Yup Schema entry in the Yup Schema being built.

Use the Yup Type classes such as types.YupArray to act as building blocks or create your own custom logic as you see fit.

Customization example

const { YupSchemaEntry, buildYup, types } = require("schema-to-yup");

class CustomYupArray extends types.YupArray {
  // ...

class CustomYupSchemaEntry extends YupSchemaEntry {
  // ...

function createYupSchemaEntry(key, value, config) {
  const builder = new CustomYupSchemaEntryBuilder(key, value, config);
  builder.types.array = (config) => createYupArray(config);
  return builder.toEntry();

// use some localized error messages
const messages = i18n.locale(LOCALE);

const yupSchema = buildYup(json, {

Extend Yup API to bridge other validators

You can use extendYupApi to extend the Yup API with extra validation methods:

const validator = require("validator");
const { extendYupApi } = require("schema-to-yup/validator-bridge");

// by default extends with string format validation methods of validator
// See
extendYupApi({ validator });

You can optionally pass in a custom validator and a constraints map of your choice. You can either extend the default constraints or override them with your own map.

PS: Check out src/validator-bridge for more many options for fine control

const myValidator = new MyValidator();
const constraints = ["creditCard", "currency", { name: "hash", opts: "algo" }];
extendYupApi({ validator: myValidator, override: true, constraints });

const { buildYup } = require("schema-to-yup");
// type def sample schema, using credit-card format validator
const schema = {
  name: "BankAccount",
  fields: {
    accountNumber: {
      type: "String",
      format: "credit-card",

// opt in to use generic string format validation, via format: true config option
const yupSchema = buildYup(schema, { format: true, schemaType: "type-def" });
// your validation
const valid = await yupSchema.isValid({
  accountNumber: "123-4567-1828-2929",

Now the bridge includes tests and seems to work ;)


You can sublass YupBuilder or any of the internal classes to create your own custom infrastructure to suit your particular needs, extend with extra features etc.

const { YupBuilder } = require("schema-to-yup");

class MyYupBuilder extends YupBuilder {
  // ... custom overrides etc

const builder = new MyYupBuilder(schema, config);
const { yupSchema } = builder;
// ...

Error messages

You can pass an errMessages object in the optional config object argument with key mappings for your custom validation error messages.

const config = {
  errMessages: {
    apple: {
      required: "Bad apple",

You can alternatively specify an errMessage entry on any of your schema entries:

"properties": {
    "apple": {
        "type": "string",
        "required": true,
        "errMessage": "Bad apple"
    "orange": {
        "type": "string",
        "required": true,
        "errMessage": "Bad orange"

For fine-tuned error messages specify an errMessages map object entry on any of your schema entries:

"properties": {
    "apple": {
        "type": "string",
        "required": true,
        "min": 5,
        "errMessages": {
          "required": "Bad apple",
          "min": "Apple name too short"
    // ...

You can set the specific keys to be used for error handling via errMessageKey and errMessagesMapKey on the config object

const config = {
  errMessagesMapKey: 'errMessageMap`

Then use this custom key in your JSON

    "apple": {
        "type": "string",
        "required": true,
        "min": 5,
        "errMessageMap": {
          "required": "Bad apple",
          "min": "Apple name too short"

Error message handling

Internally the validator error messages are resolved via an instance of the ErrorMessageHandler calling the validationErrorMessage method.

  notOneOf() {
    const {not, notOneOf} = this.value
    const $oneOf = notOneOf || (not && (not.enum || not.oneOf))
    $oneOf && this
      .notOneOf($oneOf, this.validationErrorMessage('notOneOf'))
    return this

Error handling

class ErrorMessageHandler {
  // ...
  validationErrorMessage(msgName) {
    const { constraints, description, title } = this;
    const errMsg = this.errMessageFor(msgName);
    return typeof errMsg === "function"
      ? errMsg(constraints, { description, title })
      : errMsg;

Note that the error message function has description and title available.

Use a custom error message handler

For simple cases, you can use the config object to pass your own custom validationErrorMessage function. In the example below we expand the default function to use value.errors if present on the entry type value object (similar to errMessage above).

const config = {
  validationErrorMessage: (msgName, typeHandler) => {
    const { constraints, description, title, value } = typeHandler;
    const customErrMsg = value.errors && value.errors[msgName];
    const errMsg = customErrMsg || this.errMessageFor(msgName);
    return typeof errMsg === "function"
      ? errMsg(constraints, { description, title })
      : errMsg;

You can also subclass the existing ErrorMessageHandler as follows

import { ErrorMessageHandler } from "schema-to-yup";

class MyErrorMessageHandler extends ErrorMessageHandler {
  // ...

const createErrorMessageHandler = (typeHandler, config = {}) => {
  return new MyErrorMessageHandler(typeHandler, config);

You could f.ex override errMessageFor as follows, using the type

  errMessageFor(name) {
    return this.propertyErrMessageFor(name) || this.genericErrMessageFor(name)

  propertyErrMessageFor(name) {
    const { errMessages, key } = this;
    const errMsg = errMessages[key];
    if (!errMsg) return
    return errMsg[name]

  genericErrMessageFor(name) {
    const { errMessages, type } = this;
    const genricErrMsgMap = errMessages['_generic_'];
    const fullName = `${type}.${name}`
    return genricErrMsgMap[fullName] || genricErrMsgMap[name];

Then pass in your factory function in config as follows.

const config = {

You can pass the errMessages as follows. Note that you can define error messages specific to a property such as emailAdr.format and generic messages prefixed with $ such as $email and $required. Note: This convention might well change in future releases.

let config = {
  errMessages: {
    emailAdr: {
      // note: would also work with email as the key
      format: "emailAdr must be a valid email",
    // generic fallback message for any email format validation and required fields
    // note: if not present uses yup default validation message
    $email: "Email format incorrect",
    $required: "Required field",

The key entries can be either a function, taking a value argument or a static string. Here are some of the defaults that you can override as needed.

export const errValKeys = [

export const defaults = {
  errMessages: (keys = errValKeys) =>
    keys.reduce((acc, key) => {
      const fn = ({ key, value }) =>
        `${key}: invalid for ${ || value.title}`;
      acc[key] = fn;
      return acc;
    }, {}),

Custom validation messages using select defaults

const { buildYup, types } = require("schema-to-yup");
const { defaults } = types;

const myErrMessages = require("./err-messages");
const valKeys = ["lowercase", "integer"];

// by default Yup built-in validation error messages will be used if not overridden here
const errMessages = {

const yupSchema = buildYup(json, {

Adding custom constraints

See the number type for the current best practice to add type constraints.

For simple cases: use addConstraint from the superclass YupMixed

  required() {
    return this.addConstraint("required");

For types with several of these, we should map through a list or map to add them all.

  strict() {
    return this.addTrueValueConstraint("strict");

  required() {
    return this.addConstraint("required");

  notRequired() {
    return this.addConstraint("notRequired");

Can be rewritten to use conventions, iterating a map:

  addMappedConstraints() {
    Object.keys(this.constraintsMap).map(key => {
      const list = constraintsMap[key];
      const fnName = key === 'value' ? 'addTrueValueConstraint' : 'addConstraint'[fnName]);

  get constraintsMap() {
    return {
      simple: ["default", "required", "notRequired", "nullable"],
      trueValue: ["strict"]

For more complex contraints that:

  • have multiple valid constraint names
  • require validation
  • optional transformation

You can create a separate Constraint subclass, to offload and handle it all separately. Here is a sample RangeConstraint used by number.

class RangeConstraint extends NumericConstraint {
  constructor(typer) {

  get $map() {
    return {
      moreThan: ["exclusiveMinimum", "moreThan"],
      lessThan: ["exclusiveMaximum", "lessThan"],
      max: ["maximum", "max"],
      min: ["minimum", "min"],

Instead of wrapping a Constraint you can call it directly with a map

// this would be an instance such as YupNumber
// map equivalent to $map in the RangeConstraint
range() {
  return createNumericConstraint(this, map);

For the core type constraint class (such as YupNumber) you should now be able to simplify it to:

  get enabled() {
    return ["range", "posNeg", "integer"];

  convert() { => this.processConstraint(name));
    return this;

The following constraint classes are available for use:

  • NumericConstraint
  • StringConstraint
  • RegExpConstraint
  • DateConstraint

Currently only YupNumber has been (partly) refactored to take advantage of this new infrastructure. Please help refactor the rest!

YupNumber also has the most unit test coverage, used to test the current infrastructure!

Similar projects

The library JSON Schema model builder is a powerful toolset to build a framework to create any kind of output model from a JSON schema.

If you enjoy this declarative/generator approach, try it out!


Uses jest for unit testing.

  • Have unit tests that cover most of the constraints supported.
  • Could use some refactoring using the latest infrastructure (see NumericConstraint)
  • Please help add more test coverage and help refactor to make this lib even more awesome :)


A new version is under development at schema-to-yup-mono which is this code ported to a lerna monorepo with a cleaner, mode modular structyure. More work needs to be done in terms of TDD and unit testing. Ideally this repo should be ported to Nx

Ideas and suggestions

Please feel free to come with ideas and suggestions on how to further improve this library.


2018 Kristian Mandrup (CTO@Tecla5)





Package last updated on 17 Jul 2022

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