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scroll-into-view-if-needed - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.5.0 to 1.5.1



"name": "scroll-into-view-if-needed",
"description": "Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded ponyfill that can animate the scrolling",
"description": "Ponyfill for upcoming Element.scrollIntoView() APIs like scrollMode: if-needed, behavior: smooth and block: center",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "Stian Didriksen",
"license": "MIT",
"homepage": "",
"homepage": "",
"repository": {

@@ -11,59 +11,57 @@ "type": "git",

"version": "1.5.0",
"main": "dist/bundle.js",
"version": "1.5.1",
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@@ -74,2 +72,3 @@ "scroll",


@@ -79,2 +78,10 @@ "smoothscroll",

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@@ -1,15 +0,16 @@

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# This is the work-in-progress, the current stable version is [here](
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[![npm stat](](
[![npm version](](
This is a [ponyfill]( with the added ability of animating
the scroll itself.
This used to be just a [ponyfill]( for
`Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded` but is currently being rewritten to cover
`Element.scrollIntoView(ScrollIntoViewOptions)` including the new `scrollMode: "if-needed"` option. This readme will be updated when it's ready for stable
## [Demo](
## [Demo](
Kudos to [@hsablonniere]( for sharing the
[original polyfill]( and
[@jocki84]( for
[improving]( it!
## Install

@@ -24,3 +25,3 @@

const scrollIntoViewIfNeeded = require('scroll-into-view-if-needed')
import scrollIntoView from 'scroll-into-view-if-needed'
const node = document.getElementById('hero')

@@ -31,220 +32,49 @@

// see:
// same behavior as Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded()
// see:
scrollIntoView(node, {
scrollMode: 'if-needed',
block: 'nearest',
inline: 'nearest',
// same behavior as Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(true)
// same behavior as Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(true) without the "IfNeeded" behavior
// see:
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(node, { centerIfNeeded: true })
scrollIntoView(node, { block: 'center', inline: 'center' })
// scrollMode is "always" by default
// animate the transition by setting a duration (in milliseconds)
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(node, { duration: 300 })
// smooth scroll if the browser supports it and if the element isn't visible
scrollIntoView(node, { behavior: 'smooth', scrollMode: 'if-needed' })
## API
### Ponyfill smooth scrolling
### scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(target, [options])
If you're ok with a larger bundlesize and want the smooth scrolling behavior to be ponyfilled you can use the [`smooth-scroll-into-view-if-needed`]( addon.
> New API introduced in `v1.3.0`
### Custom scrolling transition
### options
If the default smooth scrolling ponyfill isn't the duration or easing you want,
you can provide your own scrolling logic by giving `behavior` a callback.
Type: `Object`
import scrollIntoView from 'scroll-into-view-if-needed'
const node = document.getElementById('hero')
#### boundary
scrollIntoView(node, {
// Your scroll actions will always be an array, even if there is nothing to scroll
behavior: scrollActions =>
// list is sorted from innermost (closest parent to your target) to outermost (often the document.body or viewport)
scrollActions.forEach(([el, scrollTop, scrollLeft]) => {
// implement the scroll anyway you want
el.scrollTop = scrollTop
el.scrollLeft = scrollLeft
Type: `Element`<br> Default: `document.documentElement`
Outermost parent element that might be scrolled to bring `target` into view. Use
this if you have multiple scrollable views and you need to limit what's
scrolled. Also use this if you know that you will only need to scroll the parent
of your `target` to skip performance costly checks.
#### centerIfNeeded
Type: `boolean`<br> Default: `false`
Center the `target` if possible, and if it's not already visible. If it's not
centered but still visible it will _not_ scroll.
#### duration
Type: `number`
Set a duration in milliseconds to animate the transition between scroll
positions on the x and/or y axis.
#### easing
Type: `'ease' | 'easeIn' | 'easeOut' | 'easeInOut' | 'linear'`
Change the easing mechanism. This option takes effect when `duration` is set. In
`v2.0.0` it'll be possible to set your own
[bezier easing]( similar to CSS
#### handleScroll(parent, {scrollLeft, scrollTop}, options)
> Introduced in `v1.4.0`
Type: `Function`
Take control over how the target is scrolled into view. This function is called
for each parent node that need scrolling. `scrollLeft` and `scrollTop` are
destination coordinates. The from coordinates you'll have to get yourself if you
want to animate the transition using a different library.
When using this option you likely don't need the built in animation feature. To
cut down on filesize you can do the following adjustment if you are using a
recent version of webpack or rollbar (and use ES6 imports):
-import scrollIntoViewIfNeeded from 'scroll-into-view-if-needed'
+import maybeScrollIntoView from 'scroll-into-view-if-needed/dist/calculate'
+maybeScrollIntoView(node, {handleScroll: (parent, {scrollLeft, scrollTop}, config) => {
+ // The following is actually the default implementation
+ // if this is all you need you can skip passing this option
+ parent.scrollLeft = scrollLeft
+ parent.scrollTop = scrollTop
// If you need the relative scroll coordinates, for things like window.scrollBy style logic, just do the math
const offsetTop = el.scrollTop - scrollTop
const offsetLeft = el.scrollLeft - scrollLeft
// all the other options (scrollMode, block, inline) still work, so you don't need to reimplement them (unless you really really want to)
#### offset
Type: `Object`
Used for creating whitespace between the `target` and the scroll container.
Useful in scenarios where a `position: fixed` element might overlay the scroll
container to "offset" the `target`.
However this option has known bugs and may be dropped or replaced in `v2.0.0`.
If possible wrap your `target` in an element and create spacing using `CSS
padding` or similar. This way you won't be affected by breaking changes here or
the current bugs.
##### top
Type: `number`<br> Default: `0`
Behaves similarily to `margin-top`. A negative value will "pull" the target
upward, while a positive value will "push" it downwards.
##### right
Type: `number`<br> Default: `0`
##### bottom
Type: `number`<br> Default: `0`
##### left
Type: `number`<br> Default: `0`
### scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(target, [centerIfNeeded], [animateOptions], [finalElement], [offsetOptions])
> Legacy API, will be deprecated in `v2.0.0`
#### centerIfNeeded
Type: `boolean`<br> Default: `false`
Legacy alias for [`options.centerIfNeeded`](#centerifneeded)
#### animateOptions
Type: `Object`
##### duration
Type: `number`
Legacy alias for [`options.duration`](#duration)
##### easing
Type: `string`
Legacy alias for [`options.easing`](#easing)
#### finalElement
Type: `string`
Legacy alias for [`options.boundary`](#boundary)
#### offsetOptions
Type: `Object`
##### offsetTop
Type: `number`
Legacy alias for [``](#top)
##### offsetRight
Type: `number`
Legacy alias for [`options.offset.right`](#right)
##### offsetBottom
Type: `number`
Legacy alias for [`options.offset.bottom`](#bottom)
##### offsetLeft
Type: `number`
Legacy alias for [`options.offset.left`](#left)
## Examples
### React
import scrollIntoViewIfNeeded from 'scroll-into-view-if-needed'
import { Component } from 'react'
export default class Homepage extends Component {
render() {
return (
onClick={event => {
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(this._signupNode, {
duration: 150,
Signup Now!
ref={node => {
this._signupNode = node
### 1989 JS
<script src=""></script>
var node = document.getElementById('hero')
// if you don't have a bundler don't worry, you can access the global like the good old days
## More documentation will be added (hang in there)
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