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The scrypt crypto library for NodeJS

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#Scrypt For NodeJS node-scrypt is a native node C++ wrapper for Colin Percival's scrypt key derivation utility.

##What Is Scrypt? Scrypt is an advanced crypto library used mainly for key derivation (i.e. password authenticator). More information can be found:

For additional interest, also read the key derivation function article on wikipedia.

###The Three Essential Properties Of Password Key Derivation Password key derivation requires three properties:

  • The password must not be stored in plaintext. (Therefore it is hashed).
  • The password hash must be salted. (Rainbow table attack is very difficult to pull off).
  • The salted hash function must not be fast. (If someone does get hold of the salted hashes, it will take a long time to brute force).

This scrypt library automatically handles the above properties. The last item seems strange: Computer scientists are normally pre-occupied with making things fast. Yet it is this property that sets Scrypt apart from the competition. As computers evolve and get more powerful, they are able to attack this property more efficiently. This has become especially apparent with the rise of parallel programming. Scrypt aims to defend against all types of attacks, not matter the attackers power.

What This Library Provides

This library implements node modules for the following:

  • Scrypt password key derivation
    • All three essential properties of password key derivation are implemented (as described above).
    • Both asynchronous and synchronous versions are available.
  • Scrypt encryption
    • Both asynchronous and synchronous versions are available.

I suspect scrypt will be used mainly as a password key derivation function (its author's intended use), but I have also ported the scrypt encryption and decryption functions as implementations for them were available from the author. Performing scrypt cryptography is done if you value security over speed. Scrypt is more secure than a vanilla block cipher (e.g. AES) but it is much slower. It is also the basis for the key derivation functions.

##Why Use Scrypt? It is probably the most advanced key derivation function available. This is is quote taken from a comment in hacker news:

Passwords hashed with scrypt with sufficiently-high strength values (there are 3 tweakable input numbers) are fundamentally impervious to being cracked. I use the word "fundamental" in the literal sense, here; even if you had the resources of a large country, you would not be able to design any hardware (whether it be GPU hardware, custom-designed hardware, or otherwise) which could crack these hashes. Ever. (For sufficiently-small definitions of "ever". At the very least "within your lifetime"; probably far longer.)

The three tweakable inputs mentioned above are as follows (Quoting from the author):


maxtime will instruct scrypt to spend at most maxtime seconds computing the derived encryption key from the password; [If using scrypt] for encryption, this value will determine how secure the encrypted data is, while for decryption this value is used as an upper limit (if scrypt detects that it would take too long to decrypt the data, it will exit with an error message).


maxmemfrac instructs scrypt to use at most the specified fraction of the available RAM for computing the derived encryption key. For encryption, increasing this value might increase the security of the encrypted data, depending on the maxtime value; for decryption, this value is used as an upper limit and may cause scrypt to exit with an error.


maxmem instructs scrypt to use at most the specified number of bytes of RAM when computing the derived encryption key.

A Note On How Memory Is Calculated: maxmem is often defaulted to 0. This does not mean that 0 RAM is used. Instead, memory used is calculated like so (quote from Colin Percival):

the system [will use] the amount of RAM which [is] specified [as the] fraction of the available RAM, but no more than maxmem, and no less than 1MiB

Therefore at the very least, 1MiB of ram will be used.

###The Three Tweakable Inputs Note: This is a very important section to understand. The three tweakable inputs mentioned above are actually just human understandable inputs into a translation function that produces the inputs required for the internal scrypt cryptographic function. These inputs (as defined in the scrypt paper) are as follows:

  1. N - general work factor, iteration count.
  2. r - blocksize in use for underlying hash; fine-tunes the relative memory-cost.
  3. p - parallelization factor; fine-tunes the relative cpu-cost.

Values for maxtime, maxmemfrac and maxmem are translated into the above values, which are then fed to the scrypt function. The translation function also takes into account the CPU and Memory capabilities of a machine. Therefore values of N, r and p may differ for different machines that have different specs.

Pros And Cons

Here are some pros and cons for using it:


  • The scrypt algorithm has been published by IETF as an Internet Draft and is thus on track to becoming a standard. See here for the draft.
  • It is being actively used in production at Tarsnap.
  • It is much more secure than bcrypt.
  • It is designed to be future proof against attacks with future (and more advanced) hardware.
  • It is designed to defend against large scale custom hardware attacks.
  • It is production ready.
  • There is a scrypt library for most major scripting languages (Python, Ruby etc). Now this module provides the library for NodeJS :)

I will end this section with a quote from Colin Percival (author of scrypt):

We estimate that on modern (2009) hardware, if 5 seconds are spent computing a derived key, the cost of a hardware brute-force attack against scrypt is roughly 4000 times greater than the cost of a similar attack against bcrypt (to find the same password), and 20000 times greater than a similar attack against PBKDF2.

###Cons There is just one con I can think of: It is a relatively new library (only been around since 2009). Cryptographers don't really like new libraries for production deployment as it has not been battle tested. That being said, it is being actively used in Tarsnap (as mentioned above) and the author is very active.

#Security Issues/Concerns As should be the case with any security tool, this library should be scrutinized by anyone using it. If you find or suspect an issue with the code- please bring it to my attention and I'll spend some time trying to make sure that this tool is as secure as possible.

#Dependencies There are no Node module dependencies, but the scrypt C library requires the following:

  • Openssl Library - this is linked with lcrypto in the makefile (binding.gyp).
  • Realtime Extensions Library - linked with lrt, used for translation of three tweakable inputs into scrypt inputs (see above for details).

The above libraries are standard on Linux.

#Installation Instructions As of now (Dec 2012), this library has been tested and works on Linux (Ubuntu to be exact). ##From NPM

npm install scrypt

##From Source You will need node-gyp to get this to work (install it if you don't have it: npm install -g node-gyp):

git clone
cd node-scrypt
node-gyp configure build

#Testing Testing is accomplished with the node tap module. ##If installed via NPM To test, go to the folder where scrypt was installed, and type:

cd node_modules/scrypt
npm install
node tests/scrypt-tests

##If installed via source Go to the folder where scrypt was installed and type:

cd node-scrypt
npm install
node tests/scrypt-tests

#Hash Info All scrypt output is encoded into Base64 using René Nyffenegger library. The character sets that compromises all output are ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/.

#Usage There are both asynchronous and synchronous functions available. It is highly recommended not to use the synchronous version unless necessary due to the fact that Node's event loop will be blocked for the duration of these purposefully slow functions.

##Asynchronous Authentication For interactive authentication, set maxtime to 0.1 - 100 milliseconds.

###To create a password hash

var scrypt = require("scrypt");
var password = "This is a password";
var maxtime = 0.1;

scrypt.passwordHash(password, maxtime, function(err, pwdhash) {
    if (!err) {
        //pwdhash should now be stored in the database

Note: maxmem and maxmemfrac can also be passed to hash function. If they are not passed, then maxmem defaults to 0 and maxmemfrac defaults to 0.5. If these values are to be passed, then they must be passed after maxtime and before the callback function like so:

var scrypt = require("scrypt");
var password = "This is a password";
var maxtime = 0.1;
var maxmem = 0, maxmemfrac = 0.5;

scrypt.passwordHash(password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac, function(err, pwdhash) {
    if (!err) {
        //pwdhash should now be stored in the database

###To verify a password hash

var scrypt = require("scrypt");
var password = "This is a password";
var hash; //This should be obtained from the database

scrypt.verifyHash(hash, password, function(err, result) {
    if (!err)
        return result; //Will be True
    return False;    

##Synchronous Authentication Again, for interactive authentication, set maxtime to 0.1 - 100 milliseconds.

###To create a password hash

var scrypt = require("scrypt");
var password = "This is a password";
var maxtime = 0.1;

var hash = scrypt.passwordHashSync(password, maxtime);

Note: maxmem and maxmemfrac can also be passed to hash function. If they are not passed, then maxmem defaults to 0 and maxmemfrac defaults to 0.5. If these values are to be passed, then they must be passed after maxtime and before the callback function like so:

var scrypt = require("scrypt");
var password = "This is a password";
var maxtime = 0.1;
var maxmem = 0, maxmemfrac = 0.5;

var hash = scrypt.passwordHashSync(password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac);

###To verify a password hash

var scrypt = require("scrypt");
var password = "This is a password";
var hash; //This should be obtained from the database

var result = scrypt.verifyHashSync(hash, password);

Note: There is no error description for the synchronous version. Therefore, if an error occurs, it will just return its result as false.

##Asynchronous Encryption and Decryption

var scrypt = require("scrypt");
var message = "Hello World";
var password = "Pass";
var maxtime = 1.0;

scrypt.encrypt(message, password, maxtime, function(err, cipher) {
    scrypt.decrypt(cipher, password, maxtime, function(err, msg) {

Note that maxmem and maxmemfrac can also be passed to the functions. If they are not passed, then maxmem defaults to 0 and maxmemfrac defaults to 0.5. If these values are to be passed, then they must be passed after maxtime and before the callback function like so:

var scrypt = require("scrypt");
var message = "Hello World";
var password = "Pass";
var maxtime = 1.0;
var maxmem = 1; //Defaults to 0 if not set
var maxmemfrac = 1.5; //Defaults to 0.5 if not set

scrypt.encrypt(message, password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac, function(err, cipher) {
    scrypt.decrypt(cipher, password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac, function(err, msg) {

##Synchronous Encryption and Decryption

var scrypt = require("scrypt");
var message = "Hello World";
var password = "Pass";
var maxtime = 1.0;

var cipher = scrypt.encryptSync(message, password, maxtime);
var plainText = scrypt.decryptSync(cipher, password, maxtime);

Note: that maxmem and maxmemfrac can also be passed to the functions. If they are not passed, then maxmem defaults to 0 and maxmemfrac defaults to 0.5. If these values are to be passed, then they must be passed after maxtime and before the callback function like so:

var scrypt = require("scrypt");
var message = "Hello World";
var password = "Pass";
var maxtime = 1.0;
var maxmem = 1; //Defaults to 0 if not set
var maxmemfrac = 1.5; //Defaults to 0.5 if not set

var cipher = scrypt.encryptSync(message, password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac);
var plainText = scrypt.decrypt(cipher, password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac);




  • passwordHash(password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac, callback_function)
    • password - [REQUIRED] - a password string.
    • maxtime - [REQUIRED] - a decimal (double) representing the maxtime in seconds for running scrypt. Use 0.1 (100 milliseconds) for interactive logins.
    • maxmem - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified number of bytes of RAM (default 0).
    • maxmemfrac - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified fracion of RAM (defaults 0.5).
    • callback_function - [REQUIRED] - a callback function that will handle processing when result is ready.
  • verifyHash(hash, password, callback_function)
    • hash - [REQUIRED] - the password created with the above passwordHash function.
    • password - [REQUIRED] - a password string.
    • callback_function - [REQUIRED] - a callback function that will handle processing when result is ready.


  • passwordHashSync(password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac)
    • password - [REQUIRED] - a password string.
    • maxtime - [REQUIRED] - a decimal (double) representing the maxtime in seconds for running scrypt. Use 0.1 (100 milliseconds) for interactive logins.
    • maxmem - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified number of bytes of RAM (default 0).
    • maxmemfrac - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified fracion of RAM (defaults 0.5).
  • verifyHashSync(hash, password)
    • hash - [REQUIRED] - the password created with the above passwordHash function.
    • password - [REQUIRED] - a password string.



  • encrypt(message, password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac, callback_function)
    • message - [REQUIRED] - the message data to be encrypted.
    • password - [REQUIRED] - a password string.
    • maxtime - [REQUIRED] - a decimal (double) representing the maxtime in seconds for running scrypt.
    • maxmem - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified number of bytes of RAM (default 0).
    • maxmemfrac - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified fracion of RAM (defaults 0.5).
    • callback_function - [REQUIRED] - a callback function that will handle processing when result is ready.
  • decrypt(cipher, password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac, callback_function)
    • cipher - [REQUIRED] - the cipher to be decrypted.
    • password - [REQUIRED] - a password string.
    • maxtime - [REQUIRED] - a decimal (double) representing the maxtime in seconds for running scrypt.
    • maxmem - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified number of bytes of RAM (default 0).
    • maxmemfrac - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified fracion of RAM (defaults 0.5).
    • callback_function - [REQUIRED] - a callback function that will handle processing when result is ready.


  • encryptSync(message, password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac)
    • message - [REQUIRED] - the message data to be encrypted.
    • password - [REQUIRED] - a password string.
    • maxtime - [REQUIRED] - a decimal (double) representing the maxtime in seconds for running scrypt.
    • maxmem - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified number of bytes of RAM (default 0).
    • maxmemfrac - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified fracion of RAM (defaults 0.5).
  • decryptSync(cipher, password, maxtime, maxmem, maxmemfrac)
    • cipher - [REQUIRED] - the cipher to be decrypted.
    • password - [REQUIRED] - a password string.
    • maxtime - [REQUIRED] - a decimal (double) representing the maxtime in seconds for running scrypt.
    • maxmem - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified number of bytes of RAM (default 0).
    • maxmemfrac - [OPTIONAL] - instructs scrypt to use the specified fracion of RAM (defaults 0.5).

#Credits The scrypt library is Colin Percival's scrypt project. This includes the encryption/decryption functions which are basically just wrappers into this library.

The password hash and verify functions are also very heavily influenced by the scrypt source code, with most functionality being copied from various placed within scrypt.




Package last updated on 23 Feb 2013

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