Sculptor JS
What Is Sculptor JS
Sculptor JS allows you to easily 'sculpt' beautiful html dropdowns that look the same across all browsers with just CSS.
The library is very lightweight and is intended to be a quick way for you to get custom styled dropdowns on a page.
This is accomplished with the age old practice of creating custom html elements on top of existing native select
controls and then feeding the user interaction back to those native elements.
What Sculptor JS Is Not
It is not at this point in time intended as your go-to for cross-browser styling of all native html elements.
It is not a jack of all trades and will only style drop-downs that it is specifically told to style.
Installation Instructions
Sculptor JS can be installed using NPM or by cloning the repository and including the compiled js file in your website.
First you have to install the tool itself (which comes bundled with pocket-dom)
npm install sculptorjs
Javascript Example
(function (w, doc) {
"use strict"
var myAgeSelector,
sculptor = require("sculptorjs");
w.onload = function () {
var myAgeSelector = doc.getElementById("age-selector");
}(window, document));
First you have to clone the repo
git clone
After cloning, you can use the compiled sculptor.js file and CSS in your website like this
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Page</title>
<script src="node_modules/sculptorjs/dist/sculptor.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/sculptor/dist/sculptor.css" type="text/css"/>
<select id="age-selector" name="age">
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2">Two</option>
(function (w, doc) {
"use strict"
var myAgeSelector;
w.onload = function () {
myAgeSelector = doc.getElementById("age-selector");
}(window, document));
Required Base CSS
After Sculptor JS is installed, please reference the base css in your page. This can be as simple as copy/pasting
the css in node_modules/sculptorjs/dist/sculptor.css to your existing stylesheets or referencing the file directly.
NOTE: If you're running with LESS then please feel free to @import "node_modules/sculptorjs/src/sculptor.less"
Make Sure It's Working
Load up your HTML page in your favorite browser and you should no longer be seeing the native select elements
but their Sculptor JS counterparts.
We love feedback! If you run into any issues while installing or using this project, please create a new issue here. If the issue is related to a specific browser(s), then please be sure to leave the browser information in the issue description.
Special Thanks to OrderGroove
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at for allowing us the time to work on open sourcing this project. Without their support, this project would not exist.