A base class for sdk with some common & useful functions.
flagOrFunction is optional, and the argument type can be Boolean, Error or Function.
client.ready(new Error('init failed'));
client.ready(err => {
if (err) {
console.log('client init failed');
console.log('client is ready');
.then(() => { ... })
.catch(err => { ... });
await client.ready();
async readyOrTimeout(milliseconds)
ready or timeout, after milliseconds not ready will throw TimeoutError
await client.readyOrTimeout(100);
.isReady getter
detect client start ready or not.
.on(event, listener)
wrap the EventEmitter.prototype.on(event, listener), the only difference is to support adding async function listener on events, except 'error' event.
once(event, listener)
wrap the EventEmitter.prototype.once(event, listener), the only difference is to support adding async function listener on events, except 'error' event.
prependListener(event, listener)
wrap the EventEmitter.prototype.prependListener(event, listener), the only difference is to support adding async function listener on events, except 'error' event.
prependOnceListener(event, listener)
wrap the EventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener(event, listener), the only difference is to support adding generator listener on events, except 'error' event.
addListener(event, listener)
wrap the EventEmitter.prototype.addListener(event, listener), the only difference is to support adding async function listener on events, except 'error' event.
client.on('data', async function(data) {
client.once('foo', async function(bar) {
client.on('error', err => {
: await an event, return a promise, and it will resolve(reject if event is error
) once this event emmited.
const data = await client.await('data');
: await the first event in a set of event pairs, return a promise, and it will clean up after itself.
(async function main() {
const o = await client.awaitFirst([ 'foo', 'bar' ]);
if (o.event === 'foo') {
if (o.event === 'bar') {
: The _close()
method is called by close
, It can be overridden by child class, but should not be called directly. It must return promise or generator.
: The close()
method is used to close the instance.