Influenced by the good experiences from JSF (Java Server Faces) with regard to
function and an easy integration into the markup, arose a similar client-side
fullstack solution.
Seanox aspect-js focuses on a minimalist approach to implementing
Single-Page Applications (SPAs).
This framework takes the declarative approach of HTML and extends this with
expression language, rendering with addional attributes, object/model binding,
Model View Controller, Resource Bundle, NoSQL datasource, test environment and
much more.
- Easy integration in markup and JavaScript (clean code)
- Lightweight implementation (requires no additional frameworks)
- Easy to integrate and combine with other JavaScript frameworks
if the frameworks do not do the same or use the same syntax - Component based architecture
- Modularization (supports imports at the runtime)
component concept for smart/automatic loading of composite resources - Event handling
- Expression Language
meta-language extension with full JavaScript support - Markup rendering
supports: condition, custom tags, events, filter, interval, iterate,
rendering, resources messages, validation, ... - Markup hardening
makes it difficult to manipulate the attributes in the markup
Non-visible components are removed from the DOM and only reinserted when used - Model View Controller
supports: events, virtual paths, sitemap, permission concept, ... - Resource Bundle / Resource Messages
localization, internationalization (i18n) and text outsourcing - NoSQL datasource based on XML
lightweight data management for aggregation / projection / transformation - Test environment
for automated unit tests and integration tests - ...
Licence Agreement
Seanox Software Solutions ist ein Open-Source-Projekt, im Folgenden
Seanox Software Solutions oder kurz Seanox genannt.
Diese Software unterliegt der Version 2 der GNU General Public License.
Copyright (C) 2020 Seanox Software Solutions
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
System Requirement
- ECMAScript 6 support or higher (normally the current browsers)
Engines (tested): Blink, Edge, Gecko, Goanna, WebKit, ... - Web server for hosting
Seanox aspect-js 1.3.1
Seanox aspect-js 1.3.1 Sources
Release Channels
latest release
latest release of major version 1.x
The release channels continuously provide the newest final major versions, which
are downward compatible to the major version. Seanox aspect-js is always up to
date when using the release channels.
Changes (Change Log)
1.3.1 20200202 (summary of the current version)
BF: Composite Expression Parse: Correction in the detection/processing of escape sequences
BF: DataSource Collect: Correction of the cache usage with a collector
BF: DataSource Fetch: Correction of the pattern of schema switching
BF: DataSource Fetch: Optimization of the language determination
BF: MVC SiteMap: Optimization to focus from the current target after changing the path
BF: Modules: Optimization of JavaScript processing to support import and export
BF: Composite Render: Optimization of JavaScript processing to support import and export
BF: Composite Events: Correction of the callback of HTTP events
BF: Composite Mount: Correction to find event methods also in prototypes
BF: Composite Modules: Correction of the script processing of the #import meta-directive
BF: Composite MutationObserver: Correction for recognition of expressions in text nodes
CR: MVC Path: Simplification of the syntax restrictions
CR: DataSource Locator: Simplification of the syntax restrictions
CR: Composite Render Condition: Added console error output for faulty expression
CR: Composite Render Condition: Added console error output for faulty expression
CR: Composite Render: Optimization in the detection and validation of expressions
CR: Composite Render: Simplification of the syntax restrictions for variable expressions
CR: Composite Render: Simplification of the syntax restrictions for composite IDs
CR: Composite Render: Simplification of the syntax restrictions for element IDs
CR: Composite Render: Simplification of the syntax restrictions for custom tags
CR: Composite Modules: Change so that the common composite is now loaded before the first rendering
CR: Composite Modules: Added the meta directive #import to import additional composites/modules
CR: Composite Events: Renaming of EVENT_AJAX... in EVENT_HTTP...
CR: DataSource Fetch: Omission of the parameter raw
CR: DataSource Fetch: Added optional parameters for the transformation
CR: DataSource Transform: Omission of the parameter raw
CR: DataSource Transform: Added optional parameters for the transformation
CR: DataSource Transform: Change of return value from NodeList to DocumentFragment
Read more
Sven Lorenz
Andreas Mitterhofer
novaObjects GmbH
Leo Pelillo
Gunter Pfannmüller
Annette und Steffen Pokel
Edgar Röstle
Michael Sämann
Markus Schlosneck
T-Systems International GmbH