A simple trie structure to perform search on texts in O(n) time, where n - number of characters in searched word.
Super simple, Super fast, and just 45 lines long.
Trie is a basic Tree structure, also known as suffix tree.
Has even more simpler structure, optimized for a single build and a few searches afterwards.
Search-tree does not compact Tree into the "suffix" Tree, speeding up the build process.
Build a trie from array of strings, and return a search function.
- searchTrie(string:[]): (string) => boolean;
import buildTrie from 'search-trie';
const searchTrie = build(['first term','second term']);
searchTrie('first') === true;
searchTrie('first term') === true;
searchTrie('third term') === false;
searchTrie.put('third term')
searchTrie('third term') === true;
To search exactly for the keyword you provided - add, you know, "." to the end, and thats all.
searchTrie.put('third term.')
searchTrie('third term.') === true;