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searchmate-react - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.0 to 1.3.0



@@ -1,9 +0,9 @@

import { useEffect as A, useState as T } from "react";
const q = "", S = "heading", L = ".searchmate-result-part", m = "searchmate-result-selected", B = `<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth={1.5} stroke="currentColor" class="searchmate-search-icon">
import { useEffect as q, useState as S } from "react";
const B = "", I = "heading", C = ".searchmate-result-part", m = "searchmate-result-selected", j = `<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth={1.5} stroke="currentColor" class="searchmate-search-icon">
<path strokeLinecap="round" class strokeLinejoin="round" d="M21 21l-5.197-5.197m0 0A7.5 7.5 0 105.196 5.196a7.5 7.5 0 0010.607 10.607z" />
`, I = `<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" class="searchmate-path-icon">
`, P = `<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="currentColor" class="searchmate-path-icon">
<path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="M13.19 8.688a4.5 4.5 0 011.242 7.244l-4.5 4.5a4.5 4.5 0 01-6.364-6.364l1.757-1.757m13.35-.622l1.757-1.757a4.5 4.5 0 00-6.364-6.364l-4.5 4.5a4.5 4.5 0 001.242 7.244" />
`, j = `<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" class="searchmate-hash-icon">
`, _ = `<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor" class="searchmate-hash-icon">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M9.493 2.853a.75.75 0 00-1.486-.205L7.545 6H4.198a.75.75 0 000 1.5h3.14l-.69 5H3.302a.75.75 0 000 1.5h3.14l-.435 3.148a.75.75 0 001.486.205L7.955 14h2.986l-.434 3.148a.75.75 0 001.486.205L12.456 14h3.346a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-3.14l.69-5h3.346a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-3.14l.435-3.147a.75.75 0 00-1.486-.205L12.045 6H9.059l.434-3.147zM8.852 7.5l-.69 5h2.986l.69-5H8.852z" clip-rule="evenodd" />

@@ -14,60 +14,71 @@ </svg>

`, D = `<svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns="" class="searchmate-logo">
<g clip-path="url(#clip0_102_15)">
<rect width="40" height="40" rx="4" fill="#EF4444"/>
<path d="M32 32L25.071 25.071M25.071 25.071C26.9463 23.1956 27.9999 20.6521 27.9999 18C27.9999 15.3478 26.9463 12.8043 25.071 10.9289C23.1956 9.05355 20.6521 8 18 8C15.3478 8 12.8043 9.05355 10.9289 10.9289C9.05355 12.8043 8 15.3478 8 18C8 20.6521 9.05355 23.1956 10.9289 25.071C12.8043 26.9463 15.3478 27.9999 18 27.9999C20.6521 27.9999 23.1956 26.9463 25.071 25.071Z" stroke="white" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<clipPath id="clip0_102_15">
<rect width="40" height="40" fill="white"/>
function g(n, t, e) {
const r = document.createElement(n);
return e.forEach((o) => r.classList.add(o)), t.appendChild(r), r;
function g(e, t, n) {
const r = document.createElement(e);
return n.forEach((o) => r.classList.add(o)), t.appendChild(r), r;
function h(n, t) {
const e = document.createElement(n);
return t && t.forEach((r) => e.classList.add(r)), e;
function d(e, t) {
const n = document.createElement(e);
return t && t.forEach((r) => n.classList.add(r)), n;
function D(n, t) {
const e = h("a", [
function O(e, t) {
const n = d("a", [
]), r = h("p", ["searchmate-result-path-header"]);
r.innerHTML += I;
const o = h("span");
o.textContent = `/${n}`, r.appendChild(o), e.appendChild(r);
const c = t ? `${t}/${n}` : `/${n}`;
return e.setAttribute("href", c), e;
]), r = d("p", ["searchmate-result-path-header"]);
r.innerHTML += P;
const o = d("span");
o.textContent = `/${e}`, r.appendChild(o), n.appendChild(r);
const c = t ? `${t}/${e}` : `/${e}`;
return n.setAttribute("href", c), n;
function R(n, t, e, r) {
const o = h("a", [
function R(e, t, n, r) {
const o = d("a", [
o.innerHTML += j, o.innerHTML += n;
o.innerHTML += _, o.innerHTML += e;
const c = r ? `${r}/${t}` : `/${t}`;
return o.setAttribute("href", `${c}#${e}`), o;
return o.setAttribute("href", `${c}#${n}`), o;
function O(n) {
const t = h("div", [
function U(e) {
const t = d("div", [
return t.innerHTML += n, t;
return t.innerHTML += e, t;
function P(n, t) {
const e = h("div", ["searchmate-result"]), r = D(n.path, t);
return e.appendChild(r), n.content.forEach((o) => {
if (o.type === S) {
function W(e, t) {
const n = d("div", ["searchmate-result"]), r = O(e.path, t);
return n.appendChild(r), e.content.forEach((o) => {
if (o.type === I) {
const c = R(
} else {
if (o.type === "yaml")
const c = O(o.content);
const c = U(o.content);
}), e;
}), n;
function C(n, t) {
const e = t.querySelectorAll(L)[n];
return e ? (e.classList.add(m), e.scrollIntoView({
function y(e, t) {
const n = t.querySelectorAll(C)[e];
return n ? (n.classList.add(m), n.scrollIntoView({
behavior: "smooth",

@@ -77,37 +88,49 @@ block: "center"

function H(n, t) {
const e = t.querySelectorAll(L)[n];
e && e.classList.remove(m);
function H(e, t) {
const n = t.querySelectorAll(C)[e];
n && n.classList.remove(m);
function U(n, t) {
const e = n.clientX, r = n.clientY, o = t.querySelectorAll(L);
function X(e, t) {
const n = e.clientX, r = e.clientY, o = t.querySelectorAll(C);
let c = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
const u = o[i], { top: s, bottom: l, left: p, right: f } = u.getBoundingClientRect();
r >= s && r <= l && e >= p && e <= f ? (c = i, u.classList.add(m)) : o[i].classList.remove(m);
for (let l = 0; l < o.length; l++) {
const u = o[l], { top: s, bottom: f, left: p, right: i } = u.getBoundingClientRect();
r >= s && r <= f && n >= p && n <= i ? (c = l, u.classList.add(m)) : o[l].classList.remove(m);
return c;
function Y(n, t) {
const e = n.touches[0].clientX, r = n.touches[0].clientY, o = t.querySelectorAll(L);
function Y(e, t) {
const n = e.touches[0].clientX, r = e.touches[0].clientY, o = t.querySelectorAll(C);
let c = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
const u = o[i], { top: s, bottom: l, left: p, right: f } = u.getBoundingClientRect();
r >= s && r <= l && e >= p && e <= f ? (c = i, u.classList.add(m)) : o[i].classList.remove(m);
for (let l = 0; l < o.length; l++) {
const u = o[l], { top: s, bottom: f, left: p, right: i } = u.getBoundingClientRect();
r >= s && r <= f && n >= p && n <= i ? (c = l, u.classList.add(m)) : o[l].classList.remove(m);
return c;
function W(n) {
const t = h("div", ["searchmate-not-found"]);
function F(e) {
const t = d("div", ["searchmate-not-found"]);
t.innerHTML += z;
const e = h("p", ["searchmate-not-found-text"]);
e.textContent = "No results found for ";
const r = h("span", ["searchmate-not-found-query"]);
return r.textContent = `"${n}"`, e.appendChild(r), t.appendChild(e), t;
const n = d("p", ["searchmate-not-found-text"]);
n.textContent = "No results found for ";
const r = d("span", ["searchmate-not-found-query"]);
return r.textContent = `"${e}"`, n.appendChild(r), t.appendChild(n), t;
var X = _;
function _(n, t, e) {
function K() {
const e = d("div", ["searchmate-initial-content"]), t = d("p", [
return t.textContent = "What are you looking for?", e.appendChild(t), e;
function N() {
const e = d("div", ["searchmate-footer"]), t = d("p", ["searchmate-footer-text"]);
t.textContent = "Powered by ";
const n = d("a", ["searchmate-footer-link"]);
return n.textContent = "Search Mate", n.setAttribute("href", ""), t.appendChild(n), e.appendChild(t), e.innerHTML += D, e;
var G = V;
function V(e, t, n) {
var r = null, o = null, c = function() {
r && (clearTimeout(r), o = null, r = null);
}, i = function() {
}, l = function() {
var s = o;

@@ -117,10 +140,10 @@ c(), s && s();

if (!t)
return n.apply(this, arguments);
var s = this, l = arguments, p = e && !r;
return e.apply(this, arguments);
var s = this, f = arguments, p = n && !r;
if (c(), o = function() {
n.apply(s, l);
e.apply(s, f);
}, r = setTimeout(function() {
if (r = null, !p) {
var f = o;
return o = null, f();
var i = o;
return o = null, i();

@@ -130,8 +153,8 @@ }, t), p)

return u.cancel = c, u.flush = i, u;
return u.cancel = c, u.flush = l, u;
function F({
appId: n,
function Z({
appId: e,
urlPrefix: t = void 0,
onClose: e = void 0
onClose: n = void 0
}) {

@@ -144,7 +167,7 @@ const r = document.body, o = g("div", r, [

]), i = g("div", c, [
]), l = g("div", c, [
i.innerHTML += B;
const u = g("input", i, [
l.innerHTML += j;
const u = g("input", l, [

@@ -155,9 +178,12 @@ ]);

let l = 0;
function p({ query: a, appId: d }) {
]), f = N();
const p = K();
let i = 0;
function A({ query: a, appId: h }) {
if (a.length <= 0)
const k = new URL(q);
k.searchParams.set("query", a), k.searchParams.set("appId", d), fetch(k).then(async (v) => {
const L = new URL(B);
L.searchParams.set("query", a), L.searchParams.set("appId", h), fetch(L).then(async (v) => {
const w = await v.json();

@@ -168,46 +194,46 @@ if (!v.ok)

}).then((v) => {
s.innerHTML = "", l = 0;
s.innerHTML = "", i = 0;
const w = v.results;
if (w.length <= 0) {
const y = W(a);
const k = F(a);
w.forEach((y) => {
const $ = P(y, t);
w.forEach((k) => {
const $ = W(k, t);
}), C(l, s);
}), y(i, s);
}).catch((v) => {
const f = X(p, 300);
const T = G(A, 300);
u.addEventListener("input", (a) => {
const d =;
f({ appId: n, query: d.value });
const h =;
T({ appId: e, query: h.value });
function E(a) {
function x(a) {
if (a.key === "ArrowDown") {
const { end: d } = C(
l + 1,
const { end: h } = y(
i + 1,
d || (H(l, s), l += 1);
h || (H(i, s), i += 1);
if (a.key === "ArrowUp") {
if (a.preventDefault(), l <= 0)
if (a.preventDefault(), i <= 0)
H(l, s), l -= 1, C(l, s);
H(i, s), i -= 1, y(i, s);
if (a.key === "Enter") {
const d = s.querySelector(
const h = s.querySelector(
if (d) {
if (h) {
if (a.ctrlKey) {, "_blank");, "_blank");

@@ -217,18 +243,18 @@ }

u.addEventListener("focus", () => {
document.addEventListener("keydown", E);
document.addEventListener("keydown", x);
}), u.addEventListener("blur", () => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", E);
document.removeEventListener("keydown", x);
function x(a) {
const d = U(a, s);
d >= 0 && (l = d);
function E(a) {
const h = X(a, s);
h >= 0 && (i = h);
s.addEventListener("mousemove", x);
s.addEventListener("mousemove", E);
function M(a) {
const d = Y(a, s);
d >= 0 && (l = d);
const h = Y(a, s);
h >= 0 && (i = h);
"ontouchstart" in window && s.addEventListener("touchstart", M);
function b() {
s.removeEventListener("mousemove", x), "ontouchstart" in window && s.removeEventListener("touchstart", M), o.remove(), e && e();
s.removeEventListener("mousemove", E), "ontouchstart" in window && s.removeEventListener("touchstart", M), o.remove(), n && n();

@@ -241,14 +267,14 @@ c.addEventListener("keydown", (a) => {

function N({ appId: n, isOpen: t, urlPrefix: e, onClose: r }) {
return A(() => {
t && F({
appId: n,
urlPrefix: e,
function Q({ appId: e, isOpen: t, urlPrefix: n, onClose: r }) {
return q(() => {
t && Z({
appId: e,
urlPrefix: n,
onClose: r
}, [t, n, e]), null;
}, [t, e, n]), null;
function V() {
const [n, t] = T(!1);
return { isOpen: n, onOpen: () => {
function tt() {
const [e, t] = S(!1);
return { isOpen: e, onOpen: () => {

@@ -260,4 +286,4 @@ }, onClose: () => {

export {
N as Search,
V as useSearch
Q as Search,
tt as useSearch

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

(function(f,w){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?w(exports,require("react")):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports","react"],w):(f=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:f||self,w(f["searchmate-react"]={},f.React))})(this,function(f,w){"use strict";const $="",q="heading",k=".searchmate-result-part",m="searchmate-result-selected",A=`<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth={1.5} stroke="currentColor" class="searchmate-search-icon">
(function(p,w){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?w(exports,require("react")):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports","react"],w):(p=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:p||self,w(p["searchmate-react"]={},p.React))})(this,function(p,w){"use strict";const A="",$="heading",k=".searchmate-result-part",m="searchmate-result-selected",q=`<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth={1.5} stroke="currentColor" class="searchmate-search-icon">
<path strokeLinecap="round" class strokeLinejoin="round" d="M21 21l-5.197-5.197m0 0A7.5 7.5 0 105.196 5.196a7.5 7.5 0 0010.607 10.607z" />

@@ -13,2 +13,13 @@ </svg>

`;function g(n,t,e){const r=document.createElement(n);return e.forEach(o=>r.classList.add(o)),t.appendChild(r),r}function h(n,t){const e=document.createElement(n);return t&&t.forEach(r=>e.classList.add(r)),e}function z(n,t){const e=h("a",["searchmate-result-part","searchmate-result-path"]),r=h("p",["searchmate-result-path-header"]);r.innerHTML+=j;const o=h("span");o.textContent=`/${n}`,r.appendChild(o),e.appendChild(r);const c=t?`${t}/${n}`:`/${n}`;return e.setAttribute("href",c),e}function D(n,t,e,r){const o=h("a",["searchmate-result-part","searchmate-result-heading"]);o.innerHTML+=B,o.innerHTML+=n;const c=r?`${r}/${t}`:`/${t}`;return o.setAttribute("href",`${c}#${e}`),o}function R(n){const t=h("div",["searchmate-result-other","markdown-body"]);return t.innerHTML+=n,t}function O(n,t){const e=h("div",["searchmate-result"]),r=z(n.path,t);return e.appendChild(r),n.content.forEach(o=>{if(o.type===q){const c=D(o.content,n.path,o.headingId,t);e.appendChild(c)}else{if(o.type==="yaml")return;const c=R(o.content);r.appendChild(c)}}),e}function C(n,t){const e=t.querySelectorAll(k)[n];return e?(e.classList.add(m),e.scrollIntoView({behavior:"smooth",block:"center"}),{end:!1}):{end:!0}}function M(n,t){const e=t.querySelectorAll(k)[n];e&&e.classList.remove(m)}function P(n,t){const e=n.clientX,r=n.clientY,o=t.querySelectorAll(k);let c=-1;for(let l=0;l<o.length;l++){const u=o[l],{top:s,bottom:i,left:p,right:v}=u.getBoundingClientRect();r>=s&&r<=i&&e>=p&&e<=v?(c=l,u.classList.add(m)):o[l].classList.remove(m)}return c}function U(n,t){const e=n.touches[0].clientX,r=n.touches[0].clientY,o=t.querySelectorAll(k);let c=-1;for(let l=0;l<o.length;l++){const u=o[l],{top:s,bottom:i,left:p,right:v}=u.getBoundingClientRect();r>=s&&r<=i&&e>=p&&e<=v?(c=l,u.classList.add(m)):o[l].classList.remove(m)}return c}function Y(n){const t=h("div",["searchmate-not-found"]);t.innerHTML+=I;const e=h("p",["searchmate-not-found-text"]);e.textContent="No results found for ";const r=h("span",["searchmate-not-found-query"]);return r.textContent=`"${n}"`,e.appendChild(r),t.appendChild(e),t}var W=X;function X(n,t,e){var r=null,o=null,c=function(){r&&(clearTimeout(r),o=null,r=null)},l=function(){var s=o;c(),s&&s()},u=function(){if(!t)return n.apply(this,arguments);var s=this,i=arguments,p=e&&!r;if(c(),o=function(){n.apply(s,i)},r=setTimeout(function(){if(r=null,!p){var v=o;return o=null,v()}},t),p)return o()};return u.cancel=c,u.flush=l,u}function _({appId:n,urlPrefix:t=void 0,onClose:e=void 0}){const r=document.body,o=g("div",r,["searchmate-container"]);"searchmate-docs-search";const c=g("div",o,["searchmate-search-container"]),l=g("div",c,["searchmate-input-container"]);l.innerHTML+=A;const u=g("input",l,["searchmate-search-input"]);u.setAttribute("placeholder","Type to search...");const s=g("div",c,["searchmate-results-container"]);let i=0;function p({query:a,appId:d}){if(a.length<=0)return;const E=new URL($);E.searchParams.set("query",a),E.searchParams.set("appId",d),fetch(E).then(async L=>{const y=await L.json();if(!L.ok)throw new Error(y.error);return y}).then(L=>{s.innerHTML="",i=0;const y=L.results;if(y.length<=0){const x=Y(a);s.appendChild(x);return}y.forEach(x=>{const N=O(x,t);s.appendChild(N)}),C(i,s)}).catch(L=>{})}const v=W(p,300);u.addEventListener("input",a=>{const;v({appId:n,query:d.value})});function b(a){if(a.key==="ArrowDown"){a.preventDefault();const{end:d}=C(i+1,s);d||(M(i,s),i+=1)}if(a.key==="ArrowUp"){if(a.preventDefault(),i<=0)return;M(i,s),i-=1,C(i,s)}if(a.key==="Enter"){a.preventDefault();const d=s.querySelector(`.${m}`);if(d){if(a.ctrlKey){,"_blank");return}}}}u.addEventListener("focus",()=>{document.addEventListener("keydown",b)}),u.addEventListener("blur",()=>{document.removeEventListener("keydown",b)});function T(a){const d=P(a,s);d>=0&&(i=d)}s.addEventListener("mousemove",T);function S(a){const d=U(a,s);d>=0&&(i=d)}"ontouchstart"in window&&s.addEventListener("touchstart",S);function H(){s.removeEventListener("mousemove",T),"ontouchstart"in window&&s.removeEventListener("touchstart",S),o.remove(),e&&e()}c.addEventListener("keydown",a=>{a.key==="Escape"&&H()}),o.addEventListener("click",a=>{}),u.focus()}const V="";function F({appId:n,isOpen:t,urlPrefix:e,onClose:r}){return w.useEffect(()=>{t&&_({appId:n,urlPrefix:e,onClose:r})},[t,n,e]),null}function K(){const[n,t]=w.useState(!1);return{isOpen:n,onOpen:()=>{t(!0)},onClose:()=>{t(!1)}}}f.Search=F,f.useSearch=K,Object.defineProperty(f,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"})});
`,P=`<svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 40 40" fill="none" xmlns="" class="searchmate-logo">
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"name": "searchmate-react",
"private": false,
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "1.3.0",
"type": "module",

@@ -26,3 +26,3 @@ "files": [

"react-dom": "^18.2.0",
"searchmate-js": "1.2.0"
"searchmate-js": "1.3.0"

@@ -29,0 +29,0 @@ "devDependencies": {

@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ This package is a React client for [Searchmate](

:root {
/* Searchmate */
/* Searchmate */
/* container */

@@ -52,2 +52,5 @@ --searchmate-container-color: rgba(15, 23, 42, 0.1);

--searchmate-selected-color: #f8fafc;
/* footer */
--searchmate-footer-text-color: #3f3f46;

@@ -77,3 +80,3 @@ ```

/* results */
--searchmate-result-bg: #030712;
--searchmate-result-bg: #0f172a;
--searchmate-result-text-color: #d1d5db;

@@ -83,3 +86,6 @@ --searchmate-selected-bg: #ef4444;

--searchmate-selected-color: #f8fafc;
/* footer */
--searchmate-footer-text-color: #d1d5db;

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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