Automatically applying context-sensitive XSS output filtering to prevent XSS!
The original Handlebars is overriden to perform the following major steps:
- Template Pre-processor executes static contextual analysis on a handlebars template, of which every output expression is applied with some context-dependent helper markups (e.g.,
is rewritten into <h1>{{{yd title}}}</h1>
^). The pre-processed template is compatible with the original (runtime) Handlebars. - The original Handlebars template engine compiles the pre-processed template.
- Context-sensitive XSS filters are registered as Handlebars helpers, so that any untrusted user inputs assigned to those pre-processed output expressions can be escaped with respect to the output context during data binding.
^ The default context-insensitive HTML escaping by Handlebars is disabled with the raw {{{expression}}} to avoid redundant escaping.
Quick Start
Client-side Use
Analyze the HTML contexts of Handlebars templates on client-side
<script src="dist/secure-handlebars.min.js"></script>
var html = '<html><title>{{title}}</title></html>',
data = {title: 'Hello'};
var template = Handlebars.compile(html);
var html = template(data);
Server-side Use (Express/Node.js)
We highly recommend using the express-secure-handlebars npm for a streamlined experience of template pre-processing, compilating, context-sensitive output escaping, and data binding.
Advanced Server-side Use (Standalone Template Pre-processor)
Here's deeper dive into using the standalone template pre-processor to insert context-dependent helper markups.
Install the secure-handlebars npm globally, so it can be used in any project.
npm install secure-handlebars -g
Given a handlebars template file named sample.hbs
like so:
<!doctype html>
Pre-process the template:
handlebarspp sample.hbs > sample.shbs
The pre-processed template file sample.shbs
that is fully-compatible with the original (runtime) Handlebars:
<!doctype html>
<html><title>{{{yd title}}}</title></html>
You may then come up with some statistics such as counting the number of dangerous/unhandled contexts (such as <script>{{script}}</script>
) that deserve more intensive inspections and perhaps workarounds. And in case you would like to work on these pre-processed templates for further Handlebars (pre-)compilations without using the express-secure-handlebars npm, be reminded to register the secure-handlebars-helpers to apply context-sensitive output filtering accordingly.
How to test
npm test
Known Issues
- Templates MUST be in UTF-8 encoding and using HTML 5 doctype (i.e., ).
- We handle the HTML contextual analysis right now, and provide no support to the JavaScript and CSS contexts yet.
- Our approach involves only static analysis on the template files, and thus data dynamically binded through raw output expressions that may alter the execution context on the rendered HTML CANNOT be taken into account.
- We now assume that {{>partial}} and {{{{rawblock}}}} is always placed in the HTML Data context, and by itself will result in the same Data context after its binding (hence, in-state and out-state are both of the data context).
This software is free to use under the BSD license.
See the LICENSE file for license text and copyright information.