Seneca With Flow (seneca-wflow)
A simple waterflow wrapper for seneca microservices
Basic building block for workflows.
Chain microservices based on business workflow.
To Use
var _seneca = require('seneca')()
.use('seneca-wflow', {
filename:'./workflow/yourflow',// module that contains the business flow
sequence:['process1', 'process2',...]
Example 1 :
run with flow without seneca
$ node example/example1 --seneca.log.all | grep flowEngine
Example 2:
Example of creating a new workflow using the create command.
$ node example/example2
Add loging to your plugin
$ node example/example2 --seneca.log.all | grep example2
Example 3:
Using the append command will append a sequence with number of times to execute the sequence. Used to make loops.
$ node example/example3
Example 4:
Use pre-workflow flag to modify workflow prior to execute.
var options={
filename:"example4_seneca", // module
$ node example/example4