Seven Tween Ease
Easing functions for seven tween or whatever you might need them for
Installing Package
npm install -D seven-tween-ease
Importing in node
let sevenTweenEase = require('seven-tween-ease')
Importing in Webpack
import sevenTweenEase from 'seven-tween-ease'
Importing through script tag
To be found in the release folder
<script type="text/javascript" src="seven-tween-ease.min.js">
Access the tweening functions and use them as you want or to overwrite seven-tweens _easeFunctions property. If you are using it for seven-tween, you can also just use the plugin method.
sevenTween._easeFunctions = sevenTweenEase.easeFunctions
let easeFunctions = sevenTweenEase.easeFunctions
let elasticOut = easeFunctions.easeOutElastic
let exponentialInOut = easeFunctions['easeInOutExpo']
Ease Function parameters
All the supplied functions take the following parameters: (t, b, c ,d) where:
- t = total time ellapsed of tween.
- b = initial tween value
- c = difference from initial tween value and the final tween value
- d = total duration of tween