Documentation / made lovely by counting words / maybe we would read!
Provides the API primitives to mix shiki with @typescript/twoslash to provide rich contextual code samples.
Things it handles:
- Shiki bootstrapping:
- Running Twoslash over code, with caching and DTS lookups:
- Rendering any code sample with Shiki:
Generic libraries for common tools which use this generator:
Plugins for common Static Site Generators:
Or you can use the API directly in a Node.js script:
import { renderCodeToHTML, runTwoSlash, createShikiHighlighter } from "shiki-twoslash"
import { writeFileSync } from "fs"
const go = async () => {
const highlighter = await createShikiHighlighter({ theme: "dark-plus" })
const code = `
// Hello world
const a = "123"
const b = "345"
const twoslash = runTwoSlash(code, "ts", {})
const html = renderCodeToHTML(twoslash.code, "ts", { twoslash: true }, {}, highlighter, twoslash)
fs.writeFileSync("output.html", html, "utf8")
User Settings
The config which you pass in is a mix of Shiki's HighlighterOptions
interface HighlighterOptions {
theme?: IThemeRegistration;
themes?: IThemeRegistration[];
langs?: (Lang | ILanguageRegistration)[];
paths?: IHighlighterPaths;
With twoslash's TwoSlashOptions
export interface TwoSlashOptions {
defaultOptions?: Partial<ExampleOptions>;
defaultCompilerOptions?: CompilerOptions;
customTransformers?: CustomTransformers;
tsModule?: TS;
lzstringModule?: LZ;
fsMap?: Map<string, string>;
vfsRoot?: string;
customTags?: string[];
The Twoslash ExampleOptions
looks like (these are things which can be set via // @[flag]
in a code sample):
export interface ExampleOptions {
noErrors: boolean;
errors: number[];
showEmit: boolean;
showEmittedFile: string;
noStaticSemanticInfo: boolean;
emit: boolean;
noErrorValidation: boolean;
And one extra for good luck:
export interface TwoslashShikiOptions {
addTryButton?: true;
disableImplicitReactImport?: true;
wrapFragments?: true;
includeJSDocInHover?: true;
alwayRaiseForTwoslashExceptions?: true;
ignoreCodeblocksWithCodefenceMeta?: string[];
That said, most people will just want to set a theme
resolve: "gatsby-remark-shiki-twoslash",
options: {
theme: "github-light"
You can find all built-in themes here and all built-in languages here.
Common Use Case
Default Compiler Options
You can set a default set of TypeScript options via defaultCompilerOptions
themes: ["min-light", "min-dark"],
defaultCompilerOptions: {
types: ["node"],
Node Types in a Code Sample
To set up globals for one-off cases, import them via an inline triple-slash reference:
```ts twoslash
/// <reference types="jest" />
import { createHighlightedString } from "../src/utils"
describe(createHighlightedString, () => {
it("handles passing the LSP info through in a way that the CSS renderer can understand", () => {
const result = createHighlightedString([], "longest")
`"<data-lsp lsp='function longest<number[]>(a: number[], b: number[]): number[]' >longest</data-lsp>"`
The user-exposed parts of the API is a well documented single file, you might find it easier to just read that: src/index.ts
Sets up the highlighter for Shiki, accepts shiki options:
async function visitor(highlighterOpts) {
const highlighter = await createShikiHighlighter(userOpts)
visit(markdownAST, "code", visitor(highlighter, userOpts))
export declare const renderCodeToHTML: (
code: string,
lang: string,
info: string[],
shikiOptions?: import("shiki/dist/renderer").HtmlRendererOptions | undefined,
highlighter?: Highlighter | undefined,
twoslash?: TwoSlashReturn | undefined
) => string
For example:
const results = renderCodeToHTML(node.value, lang, node.meta || [], {}, highlighter, node.twoslash)
node.type = "html"
node.value = results
node.children = []
for language which shiki cannot handlerenderers.defaultRenderer
for shiki highlighted code samplesrenderers.twoslashRenderer
for twoslash powered TypeScript code samplesrenderers.tsconfigJSONRenderer
for extra annotations to JSON which is known to be a TSConfig file
These will be used automatically for you, depending on whether the language is available or what the info
param is set to.
To get access to the twoslash renderer, you'll need to pass in the results of a twoslash run to renderCodeToHTML
const highlighter = await createShikiHighlighter(highlighterOpts)
const twoslashResults = runTwoSlash(code, lang)
const results = renderCodeToHTML(
node.meta || ["twoslash"],
Used to run Twoslash on a code sample. In this case it's looking at a code AST node and switching out the HTML with the twoslash results:
if (node.meta && node.meta.includes("twoslash")) {
const results = runTwoSlash(node.value, node.lang, settings)
node.value = results.code
node.lang = results.extension
node.twoslash = results