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should-type - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.4 to 0.0.5



var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
var types = {
NUMBER: 'number',
UNDEFINED: 'undefined',
STRING: 'string',
BOOLEAN: 'boolean',
OBJECT: 'object',
FUNCTION: 'function',
NULL: 'null',
ARRAY: 'array',
REGEXP: 'regexp',
DATE: 'date',
ERROR: 'error',
ARGUMENTS: 'arguments',
SYMBOL: 'symbol',
ARRAY_BUFFER: 'array-buffer',
TYPED_ARRAY: 'typed-array',
DATA_VIEW: 'data-view',
MAP: 'map',
SET: 'set',
WEAK_SET: 'weak-set',
WEAK_MAP: 'weak-map',
PROMISE: 'promise',
var types = require('./types');
WRAPPER_NUMBER: 'object-number',
WRAPPER_BOOLEAN: 'object-boolean',
WRAPPER_STRING: 'object-string',
function TypeChecker() {
this.checks = [];
// node buffer
BUFFER: 'buffer',
TypeChecker.prototype = {
add: function(func) {
return this;
// dom html element
HTML_ELEMENT: 'html-element',
HTML_ELEMENT_TEXT: 'html-element-text',
DOCUMENT: 'document',
WINDOW: 'window',
FILE: 'file',
FILE_LIST: 'file-list',
BLOB: 'blob',
addTypeOf: function(type, res) {
return this.add(function(obj, tpeOf) {
if(tpeOf === type) {
return res;
XHR: 'xhr'
addClass: function(cls, res) {
return this.add(function(obj, tpeOf, objCls) {
if(objCls === cls) {
return res;
module.exports = function getType(instance) {
var type = typeof instance;
getType: function(obj) {
var typeOf = typeof obj;
var cls =;
switch(type) {
case types.NUMBER:
return types.NUMBER;
case types.UNDEFINED:
return types.UNDEFINED;
case types.STRING:
return types.STRING;
case types.BOOLEAN:
return types.BOOLEAN;
case types.FUNCTION:
return types.FUNCTION;
case types.SYMBOL:
return types.SYMBOL;
case types.OBJECT:
if(instance === null) return types.NULL;
for(var i = 0, l = this.checks.length; i < l; i++) {
var res = this.checks[i].call(this, obj, typeOf, cls);
if(typeof res !== 'undefined') return res;
var clazz =;
switch(clazz) {
case '[object String]':
return types.WRAPPER_STRING;
case '[object Boolean]':
return types.WRAPPER_BOOLEAN;
case '[object Number]':
return types.WRAPPER_NUMBER;
case '[object Array]':
return types.ARRAY;
case '[object RegExp]':
return types.REGEXP;
case '[object Error]':
return types.ERROR;
case '[object Date]':
return types.DATE;
case '[object Arguments]':
return types.ARGUMENTS;
case '[object Math]':
return types.OBJECT;
case '[object JSON]':
return types.OBJECT;
case '[object ArrayBuffer]':
return types.ARRAY_BUFFER;
case '[object Int8Array]':
return types.TYPED_ARRAY;
case '[object Uint8Array]':
return types.TYPED_ARRAY;
case '[object Uint8ClampedArray]':
return types.TYPED_ARRAY;
case '[object Int16Array]':
return types.TYPED_ARRAY;
case '[object Uint16Array]':
return types.TYPED_ARRAY;
case '[object Int32Array]':
return types.TYPED_ARRAY;
case '[object Uint32Array]':
return types.TYPED_ARRAY;
case '[object Float32Array]':
return types.TYPED_ARRAY;
case '[object Float64Array]':
return types.TYPED_ARRAY;
case '[object DataView]':
return types.DATA_VIEW;
case '[object Map]':
return types.MAP;
case '[object WeakMap]':
return types.WEAK_MAP;
case '[object Set]':
return types.SET;
case '[object WeakSet]':
return types.WEAK_SET;
case '[object Promise]':
var global = new TypeChecker();
.addTypeOf(types.NUMBER, types.NUMBER)
.addTypeOf(types.UNDEFINED, types.UNDEFINED)
.addTypeOf(types.STRING, types.STRING)
.addTypeOf(types.BOOLEAN, types.BOOLEAN)
.addTypeOf(types.FUNCTION, types.FUNCTION)
.addTypeOf(types.SYMBOL, types.SYMBOL)
.add(function(obj, tpeOf) {
if(obj === null) return types.NULL;
.addClass('[object String]', types.WRAPPER_STRING)
.addClass('[object Boolean]', types.WRAPPER_BOOLEAN)
.addClass('[object Number]', types.WRAPPER_NUMBER)
.addClass('[object Array]', types.ARRAY)
.addClass('[object RegExp]', types.REGEXP)
.addClass('[object Error]', types.ERROR)
.addClass('[object Date]', types.DATE)
.addClass('[object Arguments]', types.ARGUMENTS)
.addClass('[object Math]', types.OBJECT)
.addClass('[object JSON]', types.OBJECT)
.addClass('[object ArrayBuffer]', types.ARRAY_BUFFER)
.addClass('[object Int8Array]', types.TYPED_ARRAY)
.addClass('[object Uint8Array]', types.TYPED_ARRAY)
.addClass('[object Uint8ClampedArray]', types.TYPED_ARRAY)
.addClass('[object Int16Array]', types.TYPED_ARRAY)
.addClass('[object Uint16Array]', types.TYPED_ARRAY)
.addClass('[object Int32Array]', types.TYPED_ARRAY)
.addClass('[object Uint32Array]', types.TYPED_ARRAY)
.addClass('[object Float32Array]', types.TYPED_ARRAY)
.addClass('[object Float64Array]', types.TYPED_ARRAY)//XXX not sure
.addClass('[object DataView]', types.DATA_VIEW)
.addClass('[object Map]', types.MAP)
.addClass('[object WeakMap]', types.WEAK_MAP)
.addClass('[object Set]', types.SET)
.addClass('[object WeakSet]', types.WEAK_SET)
.addClass('[object Promise]', types.PROMISE)
.addClass('[object Window]', types.WINDOW)
.addClass('[object HTMLDocument]', types.DOCUMENT)
.addClass('[object Blob]', types.BLOB)
.addClass('[object File]', types.FILE)
.addClass('[object FileList]', types.FILE_LIST)
.addClass('[object XMLHttpRequest]', types.XHR)
.addClass('[object Text]', types.HTML_ELEMENT_TEXT)
.add(function(obj) {
if((typeof Promise === types.FUNCTION && obj instanceof Promise) ||
(this.getType(obj.then) === types.FUNCTION)) {
return types.PROMISE;
case '[object Window]':
return types.WINDOW;
case '[object HTMLDocument]':
return types.DOCUMENT;
case '[object Blob]':
return types.BLOB;
case '[object File]':
return types.FILE;
case '[object FileList]':
return types.FILE_LIST;
case '[object XMLHttpRequest]':
return types.XHR;
case '[object Text]':
return types.HTML_ELEMENT_TEXT;
if((typeof Promise === types.FUNCTION && instance instanceof Promise) || (getType(instance.then) === types.FUNCTION && instance.then.length >= 2)) {
return types.PROMISE;
.add(function(obj) {
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && obj instanceof Buffer) {
return types.BUFFER;
.add(function(obj, _, cls) {
if(/^\[object HTML\w+Element\]$/.test(cls)) {
return types.HTML_ELEMENT;
.add(function() {
return types.OBJECT;
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && instance instanceof Buffer) {
return types.BUFFER;
function getGlobalType(obj) {
return global.getType(obj);
if(/^\[object HTML\w+Element\]$/.test(clazz)) {
return types.HTML_ELEMENT;
getGlobalType.checker = global;
getGlobalType.TypeChecker = TypeChecker;
if(clazz === '[object Object]') {
return types.OBJECT;
Object.keys(types).forEach(function(typeName) {
module.exports[typeName] = types[typeName];
getGlobalType[typeName] = types[typeName];
module.exports = getGlobalType;
"name": "should-type",
"version": "0.0.4",
"version": "0.0.5",
"description": "Simple module to get instance type. Like a bit more advanced version of typeof",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

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