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mongodb query style array filtering

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Package description

What is sift?

The sift npm package is a library that provides a way to use MongoDB-like query syntax for filtering, sorting, and manipulating JavaScript arrays and objects. It is commonly used for client-side querying of JSON data, in-memory database emulation, and other applications where MongoDB query semantics are desired without a database.

What are sift's main functionalities?

Filtering Arrays

This code sample demonstrates how to filter an array of objects to find elements where the age is greater than 18 and the name starts with the letter 'J'.


Sorting Arrays

This code sample shows how to sort an array of objects by the age property in ascending order.



This code sample illustrates how to create a projection of an array of objects, including only the name and age properties in the output.


Other packages similar to sift



validate objects & filter arrays with mongodb queries

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Node.js Examples

import sift from 'sift';

//intersecting arrays
var sifted = sift({ $in: ['hello','world'] }, ['hello','sifted','array!']); //['hello']

//regexp filter
var sifted = sift(/^j/, ['craig','john','jake']); //['john','jake']

//A *sifter* is returned if the second parameter is omitted
var testQuery = sift({

	//you can also filter against functions
	name: function(value) {
		return value.length == 5;

//filtered: [{ name: 'craig' }]
	name: 'craig',
	name: 'john'
	name: 'jake'

//you can test *single values* against your custom sifter
testQuery({ name: 'sarah' }); //true
testQuery({ name: 'tim' }); //false\

Browser Examples

		<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript">
			//regexp filter
			var sifted = sift(/^j/, ['craig','john','jake']); //['john','jake']


.sift(filter[, array][, selectorFn])

  • filter - the filter to use against the target array
  • array - sifts against target array. Without this, a function is returned
  • selectorFn - selector for the values within the array.

With an array:

sift({$exists:true}, ['craig',null]); //['craig']

Without an array, a sifter is returned:

var siftExists = sift({$exists:true});

siftExists('craig'); //true
siftExists(null); //false
['craig',null].filter(siftExists); //['craig']

With a selector:

var sifter = sift({$exists:true}, function(user) {
	return !!;

		name: "Craig"
		name: null

With your sifter, you can also test values:

siftExists(null); //false
siftExists('craig'); //true

Supported Operators:

See MongoDB's advanced queries for more info.


array value must be $in the given query:

Intersecting two arrays:

//filtered: ['Brazil']
sift({ $in: ['Costa Rica','Brazil'] }, ['Brazil','Haiti','Peru','Chile']);

Here's another example. This acts more like the $or operator:

sift({ location: { $in: ['Costa Rica','Brazil'] } }, [ { name: 'Craig', location: 'Brazil' } ]);


Opposite of $in:

//filtered: ['Haiti','Peru','Chile']
sift({ $nin: ['Costa Rica','Brazil'] }, ['Brazil','Haiti','Peru','Chile']);


Checks if whether a value exists:

//filtered: ['Craig','Tim']
sift({ $exists: true }, ['Craig',null,'Tim']);

You can also filter out values that don't exist

//filtered: [{ name: 'Craig', city: 'Minneapolis' }]
sift({ city: { $exists: false } }, [ { name: 'Craig', city: 'Minneapolis' }, { name: 'Tim' }]);


Checks if a number is >= value:

//filtered: [2, 3]
sift({ $gte: 2 }, [0, 1, 2, 3]);


Checks if a number is > value:

//filtered: [3]
sift({ $gt: 2 }, [0, 1, 2, 3]);


Checks if a number is <= value.

//filtered: [0, 1, 2]
sift({ $lte: 2 }, [0, 1, 2, 3]);


Checks if number is < value.

//filtered: [0, 1]
sift({ $lt: 2 }, [0, 1, 2, 3]);


Checks if query === value. Note that $eq can be omitted. For $eq, and $ne

//filtered: [{ state: 'MN' }]
sift({ state: {$eq: 'MN' }}, [{ state: 'MN' }, { state: 'CA' }, { state: 'WI' }]);


//filtered: [{ state: 'MN' }]
sift({ state: 'MN' }, [{ state: 'MN' }, { state: 'CA' }, { state: 'WI' }]);


Checks if query !== value.

//filtered: [{ state: 'CA' }, { state: 'WI'}]
sift({ state: {$ne: 'MN' }}, [{ state: 'MN' }, { state: 'CA' }, { state: 'WI' }]);



//filtered: [300, 600]
sift({ $mod: [3, 0] }, [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600]);


values must match everything in array:

//filtered: [ { tags: ['books','programming','travel' ]} ]
sift({ tags: {$all: ['books','programming'] }}, [
{ tags: ['books','programming','travel' ] },
{ tags: ['travel','cooking'] } ]);


ability to use an array of expressions. All expressions must test true.

//filtered: [ { name: 'Craig', state: 'MN' }]

sift({ $and: [ { name: 'Craig' }, { state: 'MN' } ] }, [
{ name: 'Craig', state: 'MN' },
{ name: 'Tim', state: 'MN' },
{ name: 'Joe', state: 'CA' } ]);


OR array of expressions.

//filtered: [ { name: 'Craig', state: 'MN' }, { name: 'Tim', state: 'MN' }]
sift({ $or: [ { name: 'Craig' }, { state: 'MN' } ] }, [
{ name: 'Craig', state: 'MN' },
{ name: 'Tim', state: 'MN' },
{ name: 'Joe', state: 'CA' } ]);


opposite of or:

//filtered: [ { name: 'Tim', state: 'MN' }, { name: 'Joe', state: 'CA' }]
sift({ $nor: [ { name: 'Craig' }, { state: 'MN' } ] }, [
{ name: 'Craig', state: 'MN' },
{ name: 'Tim', state: 'MN' },
{ name: 'Joe', state: 'CA' } ]);


Matches an array - must match given size:

//filtered: ['food','cooking']
sift({ tags: { $size: 2 } }, [ { tags: ['food','cooking'] }, { tags: ['traveling'] }]);


Matches a values based on the type

sift({ $type: Date }, [new Date(), 4342, 'hello world']); //returns single date
sift({ $type: String }, [new Date(), 4342, 'hello world']); //returns ['hello world']


Matches values based on the given regular expression

sift({ $regex: /^f/i, $nin: ["frank"] }, ["frank", "fred", "sam", "frost"]); // ["fred", "frost"]
sift({ $regex: "^f", $options: "i", $nin: ["frank"] }, ["frank", "fred", "sam", "frost"]); // ["fred", "frost"]


Matches based on some javascript comparison

sift({ $where: " === 'frank'" }, [{name:'frank'},{name:'joe'}]); // ["frank"]
	$where: function() {
		return === "frank"
}, [{name:'frank'},{name:'joe'}]); // ["frank"]


Matches elements of array

var bills = [{
    month: 'july',
    casts: [{
        id: 1,
        value: 200
        id: 2,
        value: 1000
    month: 'august',
    casts: [{
        id: 3,
        value: 1000,
    }, {
        id: 4,
        value: 4000

var result = sift({
    casts: {$elemMatch:{
        value: {$gt: 1000}
}, bills); // {month:'august', casts:[{id:3, value: 1000},{id: 4, value: 4000}]}


Not expression:

sift({$not:{$in:['craig','tim']}}, ['craig','tim','jake']); //['jake']
sift({$not:{$size:5}}, ['craig','tim','jake']); //['tim','jake']

sub object Searching

var people = [{
	name: 'craig',
	address: {
		city: 'Minneapolis'
	name: 'tim',
	address: {
		city: 'St. Paul'

var sifted = sift({ address: { city: 'Minneapolis' }}, people); // count = 1

var sifted = sift({'': 'minneapolis'}, people);//count = 1

Get index of first matching element

Get the index (0-based) of first matching element in target array. Returns -1 if no match is found.

import {indexOf as siftIndexOf} from 'sift';
var people = [{
	name: 'craig',
	address: {
		city: 'Minneapolis'
	name: 'tim',
	address: {
		city: 'St. Paul'

var index = siftIndexOf({ address: { city: 'Minneapolis' }}, people); // index = 0


Last updated on 11 Oct 2018

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