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Simple S3 Image Upload is a Node.js package that simplifies the process of uploading images to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service). It uses the AWS SDK for JavaScript and the Buffer module to handle image data. This package allows you to quickly and easily

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Simple S3 Image Upload

Simple S3 Image Upload is a Node.js package that simplifies the process of uploading images to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service). It uses the AWS SDK for JavaScript (@aws-sdk/client-s3) and the Buffer module to handle image data. This package allows you to quickly and easily upload images to your S3 bucket.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Configuration
  • Example
  • API Documentation
  • Contributing
  • License


You can install the Simple S3 Image Upload package using npm:

npm install simple-s3-file-upload


To use this package, follow these steps:

  1. Import the uploadImage function from the package.
  2. Provide the required parameters to the uploadImage function.
  3. Handle the promise returned by the function to access the uploaded image's URL.


Before using the package, you need to configure your AWS credentials and region. You can do this by setting environment variables or using other AWS SDK configuration methods.

Ensure you have the following environment variables set:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your AWS access key ID.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your AWS secret access key.
  • AWS_REGION: The AWS region where your S3 bucket is located.

Alternatively, you can configure the AWS SDK using the aws-sdk library or by specifying credentials and region directly in your code.


Here's an example of how to use the Simple S3 Image Upload package:

const { uploadImage } = require("simple-s3-file-upload");

const base64Image =
  "..."; // Replace with your base64 image data
const accessKeyId = "your-access-key-id";
const secretAccessKey = "your-secret-access-key";
const region = "your-s3-region";
const bucket = "your-s3-bucket";
const path = "your-image-path";
const fileExtension = "jpg";

  base64: base64Image,
  .then((result) => {
    console.log(`Image uploaded successfully. URL: ${result.url}`);
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error(`Error uploading image: ${error}`);

Replace the placeholders with your actual image data and AWS credentials. The uploadImage function uploads the image to your specified S3 bucket and returns the URL of the uploaded image.

API Documentation

The uploadImage function accepts the following parameters in its configuration object:

  • base64 (string): The base64-encoded image data.
  • accessKeyId (string): Your AWS access key ID.
  • secretAccessKey (string): Your AWS secret access key.
  • region (string): The AWS region where your S3 bucket is located.
  • bucket (string): The name of your S3 bucket.
  • path (string): The path to save the image within the bucket.
  • fileExtension (string): The file extension of the image (e.g., "jpg", "png").

Documentation for uploadVideo Function

The uploadVideo function is designed to facilitate the upload of video files to an Amazon S3 bucket. This function is asynchronous and takes an object as an argument with the following properties:

  • file (required): The video file to be uploaded. It should be of type File.
  • accessKeyId (required): The access key ID for AWS S3 authentication.
  • secretAccessKey (required): The secret access key for AWS S3 authentication.
  • region (required): The AWS region where the S3 bucket is located.
  • bucket (required): The name of the S3 bucket where the file will be uploaded.
  • path (required): The path within the S3 bucket where the file will be stored.
  • fileExtension (required): The file extension of the video file.

Example Usage

import { uploadVideo } from 'your-module-path';

const file = /* provide the File object representing your video */;
const accessKeyId = 'your-access-key-id';
const secretAccessKey = 'your-secret-access-key';
const region = 'your-aws-region';
const bucket = 'your-s3-bucket';
const path = 'your-s3-path';
const fileExtension = 'mp4';

  .then((result) => {
    console.log('Upload successful:', result);
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error during upload:', error);

Function Details

Input Parameters

  • file (type: File, required): The video file to be uploaded.
  • accessKeyId (type: string, required): AWS access key ID for S3 authentication.
  • secretAccessKey (type: string, required): AWS secret access key for S3 authentication.
  • region (type: string, required): AWS region where the S3 bucket is located.
  • bucket (type: string, required): Name of the S3 bucket where the file will be uploaded.
  • path (type: string, required): Path within the S3 bucket where the file will be stored.
  • fileExtension (type: string, required): File extension of the video file.


The function returns a Promise that resolves to an object with the following properties:

  • url (type: string): The public URL of the uploaded video file.
  • data (type: PutObjectCommandOutput): The response data from the AWS S3 service.

Error Handling

If the file parameter is not provided, the function returns an Error object with the message "File not found."

If an error occurs during the S3 upload process, the function catches the error and logs it to the console.


This function relies on an external s3Client function, assumed to be correctly implemented elsewhere in your codebase.

Please make sure to handle the AWS SDK and any other dependencies appropriately in your project.


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow our contribution guidelines.


This code is released under the MIT License.

Note: Ensure that you have the required AWS permissions and have configured your S3 bucket to allow the intended actions for successful image uploads.



Last updated on 10 Nov 2023

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