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slickgrid - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.4.15 to 2.4.16




@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ {

"type": "shell",
"command": "yarn run cypress:open",
"command": "npm run cypress:open",
"problemMatcher": []

@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ },

"type": "shell",
"command": "yarn run cypress:ci",
"command": "npm run cypress:ci",
"problemMatcher": []

@@ -98,11 +98,12 @@ /***

var $li, $input;
var $li, $input, columnId;
var columnLabel, excludeCssClass;
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
columnId = columns[i].id;
excludeCssClass = columns[i].excludeFromColumnPicker ? "hidden" : "";
$li = $('<li class="' + excludeCssClass + '" />').appendTo($list);
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' />").data("column-id", columns[i].id);
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' id='colpicker-" + columnId + "' />").data("column-id", columnId).appendTo($li);
if (_grid.getColumnIndex(columns[i].id) != null) {
if (_grid.getColumnIndex(columnId) != null) {
$input.attr("checked", "checked");

@@ -117,5 +118,4 @@ }

$("<label />")
$("<label for='colpicker-" + columnId + "' />")

@@ -131,7 +131,4 @@ }

$li = $("<li />").appendTo($list);
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' />").data("option", "autoresize");
$("<label />")
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' id='colpicker-forcefit' />").data("option", "autoresize").appendTo($li);
$("<label for='colpicker-forcefit' />").text(forceFitTitle).appendTo($li);
if (_grid.getOptions().forceFitColumns) {

@@ -145,7 +142,4 @@ $input.attr("checked", "checked");

$li = $("<li />").appendTo($list);
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' />").data("option", "syncresize");
$("<label />")
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' id='colpicker-syncresize' />").data("option", "syncresize").appendTo($li);
$("<label for='colpicker-syncresize' />").text(syncResizeTitle).appendTo($li);
if (_grid.getOptions().syncColumnCellResize) {

@@ -216,3 +210,3 @@ $input.attr("checked", "checked");

var visibleColumns = [];
$.each(columnCheckboxes, function (i, e) {
$.each(columnCheckboxes, function (i) {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {

@@ -219,0 +213,0 @@ visibleColumns.push(columns[i]);

@@ -42,10 +42,24 @@ /***

* Available menu options:
* hideForceFitButton: Hide the "Force fit columns" button (defaults to false)
* hideSyncResizeButton: Hide the "Synchronous resize" button (defaults to false)
* forceFitTitle: Text of the title "Force fit columns"
* menuWidth: Grid menu button width (defaults to 18)
* resizeOnShowHeaderRow: Do we want to resize on the show header row event
* syncResizeTitle: Text of the title "Synchronous resize"
* menuUsabilityOverride: Callback method that user can override the default behavior of enabling/disabling the menu from being usable (must be combined with a custom formatter)
* Available custom menu item options:
* title: Menu item text.
* divider: Whether the current item is a divider, not an actual command.
* disabled: Whether the item is disabled.
* tooltip: Item tooltip.
* command: A command identifier to be passed to the onCommand event handlers.
* iconCssClass: A CSS class to be added to the menu item icon.
* iconImage: A url to the icon image.
* action: Optionally define a callback function that gets executed when item is chosen (and/or use the onCommand event)
* title: Menu item text.
* divider: Whether the current item is a divider, not an actual command.
* disabled: Whether the item is disabled.
* tooltip: Item tooltip.
* command: A command identifier to be passed to the onCommand event handlers.
* cssClass: A CSS class to be added to the menu item container.
* iconCssClass: A CSS class to be added to the menu item icon.
* iconImage: A url to the icon image.
* textCssClass: A CSS class to be added to the menu item text.
* itemVisibilityOverride: Callback method that user can override the default behavior of showing/hiding an item from the list
* itemUsabilityOverride: Callback method that user can override the default behavior of enabling/disabling an item from the list

@@ -104,4 +118,6 @@ *

var _self = this;
var _visibleColumns = columns;
var $customTitleElm;
var $columnTitleElm;
var $customMenu;
var $list;

@@ -114,3 +130,2 @@ var $button;

hideSyncResizeButton: false,
fadeSpeed: 250,
forceFitTitle: "Force fit columns",

@@ -124,2 +139,13 @@ menuWidth: 18,

_gridOptions = grid.getOptions();
// subscribe to the grid, when it's destroyed, we should also destroy the Grid Menu
function setOptions(newOptions) {
options = $.extend({}, options, newOptions);
function createGridMenu() {
var gridMenuWidth = (_options.gridMenu && _options.gridMenu.menuWidth) || _defaults.menuWidth;

@@ -134,5 +160,2 @@ var $header;

// subscribe to the grid, when it's destroyed, we should also destroy the Grid Menu
// if header row is enabled, we need to resize it's width also

@@ -158,11 +181,5 @@ var enableResizeHeaderRow = (_options.gridMenu && _options.gridMenu.resizeOnShowHeaderRow != undefined) ? _options.gridMenu.resizeOnShowHeaderRow : _defaults.resizeOnShowHeaderRow;

var $customMenu = $('<div class="slick-gridmenu-custom" />');
$customMenu = $('<div class="slick-gridmenu-custom" />');
// user could pass a title on top of the custom section
if (_options.gridMenu && _options.gridMenu.customTitle) {
$customTitleElm = $('<div class="title"/>').append(_options.gridMenu.customTitle);
populateCustomMenus(_options, $customMenu);

@@ -189,3 +206,3 @@ populateColumnPicker();

$(document.body).off("mousedown." + _gridUid, handleBodyMouseDown);
$("div.slick-gridmenu." + _gridUid).hide(_options.fadeSpeed);
$("div.slick-gridmenu." + _gridUid).hide();

@@ -200,5 +217,33 @@ $button.remove();

// user could pass a title on top of the custom section
if (_options.gridMenu && _options.gridMenu.customTitle) {
$customTitleElm = $('<div class="title"/>').append(_options.gridMenu.customTitle);
for (var i = 0, ln = options.gridMenu.customItems.length; i < ln; i++) {
var item = options.gridMenu.customItems[i];
var callbackArgs = {
"grid": _grid,
"menu": $menu,
"columns": columns,
"visibleColumns": _visibleColumns
// run each override functions to know if the item is visible and usable
var isItemVisible = runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(item.itemVisibilityOverride, callbackArgs);
var isItemUsable = runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(item.itemUsabilityOverride, callbackArgs);
// if the result is not visible then there's no need to go further
if (!isItemVisible) {
// when the override is defined, we need to use its result to update the disabled property
// so that "handleMenuItemCommandClick" has the correct flag and won't trigger a command clicked event
if (, "itemUsabilityOverride")) {
item.disabled = isItemUsable ? false : true;
var $li = $("<div class='slick-gridmenu-item'></div>")

@@ -210,2 +255,6 @@ .data("command", item.command || '')

if (item.divider || item === "divider") {
if (item.disabled) {

@@ -215,5 +264,4 @@ $li.addClass("slick-gridmenu-item-disabled");

if (item.divider) {
if (item.cssClass) {

@@ -236,5 +284,9 @@

var $content = $("<span class='slick-gridmenu-content'></span>")
var $text = $("<span class='slick-gridmenu-content'></span>")
if (item.textCssClass) {

@@ -260,14 +312,28 @@ }

// empty both the picker list & the command list
populateCustomMenus(_options, $customMenu);
columnCheckboxes = [];
var callbackArgs = {
"grid": _grid,
"menu": $menu,
"allColumns": columns,
"visibleColumns": _visibleColumns
// run the override function (when defined), if the result is false it won't go further
if (!runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(_options.gridMenu.menuUsabilityOverride, callbackArgs)) {
// notify of the onBeforeMenuShow only works when it's a jQuery event (as per slick.core code)
// this mean that we cannot notify when the grid menu is attach to a button event
if (typeof e.isPropagationStopped === "function") {
if (_self.onBeforeMenuShow.notify({
"grid": _grid,
"menu": $menu
}, e, _self) == false) {
if (_self.onBeforeMenuShow.notify(callbackArgs, e, _self) == false) {

@@ -277,8 +343,9 @@ }

var $li, $input, excludeCssClass;
var $li, $input, columnId, excludeCssClass;
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
columnId = columns[i].id;
excludeCssClass = columns[i].excludeFromGridMenu ? "hidden" : "";
$li = $('<li class="' + excludeCssClass + '" />').appendTo($list);
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' />").data("column-id", columns[i].id);
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' id='gridmenu-colpicker-" + columnId + "' />").data("column-id", columns[i].id).appendTo($li);

@@ -290,5 +357,4 @@

$("<label />")
$("<label for='gridmenu-colpicker-" + columnId + "' />")

@@ -304,7 +370,5 @@ }

$li = $("<li />").appendTo($list);
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' />").data("option", "autoresize");
$("<label />")
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' id='gridmenu-colpicker-forcefit' />").data("option", "autoresize").appendTo($li);
$("<label for='gridmenu-colpicker-forcefit' />").text(forceFitTitle).appendTo($li);
if (_grid.getOptions().forceFitColumns) {

@@ -318,7 +382,4 @@ $input.attr("checked", "checked");

$li = $("<li />").appendTo($list);
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' />").data("option", "syncresize");
$("<label />")
$input = $("<input type='checkbox' id='gridmenu-colpicker-syncresize' />").data("option", "syncresize").appendTo($li);
$("<label for='gridmenu-colpicker-syncresize' />").text(syncResizeTitle).appendTo($li);

@@ -334,3 +395,3 @@ if (_grid.getOptions().syncColumnCellResize) {

.css("max-height", $(window).height() - e.pageY - 10)

@@ -351,3 +412,3 @@ $list.appendTo($menu);

if (item.disabled || item.divider) {
if (item.disabled || item.divider || item === "divider") {

@@ -363,7 +424,15 @@ }

if (command != null && command != '') {
var callbackArgs = {
"grid": _grid,
"command": command,
"item": item
}, e, _self);
"item": item,
"allColumns": columns,
"visibleColumns": _visibleColumns
_self.onCommand.notify(callbackArgs, e, _self);
// execute action callback when defined
if (typeof item.action === "function") {, e, callbackArgs);

@@ -378,9 +447,12 @@

if ($menu) {
_isMenuOpen = false;
if (_self.onMenuClose.notify({
var callbackArgs = {
"grid": _grid,
"menu": $menu
}, e, _self) == false) {
"menu": $menu,
"allColumns": columns,
"visibleColumns": _visibleColumns
if (_self.onMenuClose.notify(callbackArgs, e, _self) == false) {

@@ -445,3 +517,3 @@ }

var visibleColumns = [];
$.each(columnCheckboxes, function (i, e) {
$.each(columnCheckboxes, function (i) {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {

@@ -457,7 +529,10 @@ visibleColumns.push(columns[i]);

var callbackArgs = {
"grid": _grid,
"allColumns": columns,
"columns": visibleColumns
}, e, _self);
_visibleColumns = visibleColumns;
_self.onColumnsChanged.notify(callbackArgs, e, _self);

@@ -472,8 +547,28 @@ }

function getVisibleColumns() {
return _visibleColumns;
* Method that user can pass to override the default behavior.
* In order word, user can choose or an item is (usable/visible/enable) by providing his own logic.
* @param overrideFn: override function callback
* @param args: multiple arguments provided to the override (cell, row, columnDef, dataContext, grid)
function runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(overrideFn, args) {
if (typeof overrideFn === 'function') {
return, args);
return true;
$.extend(this, {
"init": init,
"getAllColumns": getAllColumns,
"getVisibleColumns": getVisibleColumns,
"destroy": destroy,
"showGridMenu": showGridMenu,
"setOptions": setOptions,
"updateAllTitles": updateAllTitles,
"onBeforeMenuShow": new Slick.Event(),

@@ -480,0 +575,0 @@ "onMenuClose": new Slick.Event(),

"baseUrl": "",
"baseExampleUrl": "",
"video": false,
"viewportWidth": 1200,
"viewportHeight": 800
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:8080",
"baseExampleUrl": "http://localhost:8080/examples",
"video": false,
"viewportWidth": 1200,
"viewportHeight": 800
"name": "slickgrid",
"version": "2.4.15",
"version": "2.4.16",
"description": "A lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet",

@@ -29,3 +29,4 @@ "main": "slick.core.js",

"cypress:ci": "node node_modules/cypress/bin/cypress run --reporter xunit --reporter-options output=testresult.xml",
"cypress:open": "node node_modules/cypress/bin/cypress open"
"cypress:open": "node node_modules/cypress/bin/cypress open",
"serve": "http-server ./ -p 8080 -a localhost -s"

@@ -37,4 +38,6 @@ "dependencies": {

"devDependencies": {
"cypress": "^3.4.1"
"cypress": "^3.8.0",
"eslint": "^6.7.2",
"http-server": "^0.12.0"

@@ -43,2 +43,3 @@ (function ($) {

* image: Relative button image path.
* disabled: Whether the item is disabled.
* tooltip: Button tooltip.

@@ -49,2 +50,13 @@ * showOnHover: Only show the button on hover.

* Available menu item options:
* action: Optionally define a callback function that gets executed when item is chosen (and/or use the onCommand event)
* command: A command identifier to be passed to the onCommand event handlers.
* cssClass: CSS class to add to the button.
* handler: Button click handler.
* image: Relative button image path.
* showOnHover: Only show the button on hover.
* tooltip: Button tooltip.
* itemVisibilityOverride: Callback method that user can override the default behavior of showing/hiding an item from the list
* itemUsabilityOverride: Callback method that user can override the default behavior of enabling/disabling an item from the list
* The plugin exposes the following events:

@@ -101,2 +113,18 @@ * onCommand: Fired on button click for buttons with 'command' specified.

var button = column.header.buttons[i];
// run each override functions to know if the item is visible and usable
var isItemVisible = runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(button.itemVisibilityOverride, args);
var isItemUsable = runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(button.itemUsabilityOverride, args);
// if the result is not visible then there's no need to go further
if (!isItemVisible) {
// when the override is defined, we need to use its result to update the disabled property
// so that "handleMenuItemCommandClick" has the correct flag and won't trigger a command clicked event
if (, "itemUsabilityOverride")) {
button.disabled = isItemUsable ? false : true;
var btn = $("<div></div>")

@@ -107,2 +135,6 @@ .addClass(options.buttonCssClass)

if (button.disabled) {
if (button.showOnHover) {

@@ -157,10 +189,20 @@ btn.addClass("slick-header-button-hidden");

var callbackArgs = {
"grid": _grid,
"column": columnDef,
"button": button
if (command != null) {
"grid": _grid,
"column": columnDef,
"command": command,
"button": button
}, e, _self);
callbackArgs.command = command;
// execute action callback when defined
if (typeof button.action === "function") {, e, callbackArgs);
if (command != null && !button.disabled) {
_self.onCommand.notify(callbackArgs, e, _self);
// Update the header in case the user updated the button definition in the handler.

@@ -175,2 +217,15 @@ _grid.updateColumnHeader(;

* Method that user can pass to override the default behavior.
* In order word, user can choose or an item is (usable/visible/enable) by providing his own logic.
* @param overrideFn: override function callback
* @param args: multiple arguments provided to the override (cell, row, columnDef, dataContext, grid)
function runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(overrideFn, args) {
if (typeof overrideFn === 'function') {
return, args);
return true;
$.extend(this, {

@@ -177,0 +232,0 @@ "init": init,

@@ -43,16 +43,23 @@ (function ($) {

* Available menu options:
* tooltip: Menu button tooltip.
* autoAlign: Auto-align drop menu to the left when not enough viewport space to show on the right
* autoAlignOffset: When drop menu is aligned to the left, it might not be perfectly aligned with the header menu icon, if that is the case you can add an offset (positive/negative number to move right/left)
* buttonCssClass: an extra CSS class to add to the menu button
* buttonImage: a url to the menu button image (default '../images/down.gif')
* menuUsabilityOverride: Callback method that user can override the default behavior of enabling/disabling the menu from being usable (must be combined with a custom formatter)
* minWidth: Minimum width that the drop menu will have
* Available menu item options:
* title: Menu item text.
* divider: Whether the current item is a divider, not an actual command.
* disabled: Whether the item is disabled.
* tooltip: Item tooltip.
* command: A command identifier to be passed to the onCommand event handlers.
* iconCssClass: A CSS class to be added to the menu item icon.
* iconImage: A url to the icon image.
* minWidth: Minimum width that the drop menu will have
* autoAlign: Auto-align drop menu to the left when not enough viewport space to show on the right
* autoAlignOffset: When drop menu is aligned to the left, it might not be perfectly aligned with the header menu icon, if that is the case you can add an offset (positive/negative number to move right/left)
* action: Optionally define a callback function that gets executed when item is chosen (and/or use the onCommand event)
* title: Menu item text.
* divider: Whether the current item is a divider, not an actual command.
* disabled: Whether the item is disabled.
* tooltip: Item tooltip.
* command: A command identifier to be passed to the onCommand event handlers.
* cssClass: A CSS class to be added to the menu item container.
* iconCssClass: A CSS class to be added to the menu item icon.
* iconImage: A url to the icon image.
* textCssClass: A CSS class to be added to the menu item text.
* itemVisibilityOverride: Callback method that user can override the default behavior of showing/hiding an item from the list
* itemUsabilityOverride: Callback method that user can override the default behavior of enabling/disabling an item from the list

@@ -145,2 +152,7 @@ *

if (menu) {
// run the override function (when defined), if the result is false it won't go further
if (!runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(options.menuUsabilityOverride, args)) {
var $el = $("<div></div>")

@@ -186,7 +198,8 @@ .addClass("slick-header-menubutton")

// or provide alternative menu implementation.
if (_self.onBeforeMenuShow.notify({
"grid": _grid,
"column": columnDef,
"menu": menu
}, e, _self) == false) {
var callbackArgs = {
"grid": _grid,
"column": columnDef,
"menu": menu
if (_self.onBeforeMenuShow.notify(callbackArgs, e, _self) == false) {

@@ -207,2 +220,17 @@ }

// run each override functions to know if the item is visible and usable
var isItemVisible = runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(item.itemVisibilityOverride, callbackArgs);
var isItemUsable = runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(item.itemUsabilityOverride, callbackArgs);
// if the result is not visible then there's no need to go further
if (!isItemVisible) {
// when the override is defined, we need to use its result to update the disabled property
// so that "handleMenuItemCommandClick" has the correct flag and won't trigger a command clicked event
if (, "itemUsabilityOverride")) {
item.disabled = isItemUsable ? false : true;
var $li = $("<div class='slick-header-menuitem'></div>")

@@ -215,2 +243,7 @@ .data("command", item.command || '')

if (item.divider || item === "divider") {
if (item.disabled) {

@@ -220,5 +253,4 @@ $li.addClass("slick-header-menuitem-disabled");

if (item.divider) {
if (item.cssClass) {

@@ -241,5 +273,9 @@

$("<span class='slick-header-menucontent'></span>")
var $text = $("<span class='slick-header-menucontent'></span>")
if (item.textCssClass) {

@@ -279,3 +315,3 @@

if (item.disabled || item.divider) {
if (item.disabled || item.divider || item === "divider") {

@@ -287,8 +323,14 @@ }

if (command != null && command !== '') {
"grid": _grid,
"column": columnDef,
"command": command,
"item": item
}, e, _self);
var callbackArgs = {
"grid": _grid,
"column": columnDef,
"command": command,
"item": item
_self.onCommand.notify(callbackArgs, e, _self);
// execute action callback when defined
if (typeof item.action === "function") {, e, callbackArgs);

@@ -301,2 +343,15 @@

* Method that user can pass to override the default behavior.
* In order word, user can choose or an item is (usable/visible/enable) by providing his own logic.
* @param overrideFn: override function callback
* @param args: multiple arguments provided to the override (cell, row, columnDef, dataContext, grid)
function runOverrideFunctionWhenExists(overrideFn, args) {
if (typeof overrideFn === 'function') {
return, args);
return true;
$.extend(this, {

@@ -303,0 +358,0 @@ "init": init,

@@ -12,1 +12,12 @@ ## This is the 6pac SlickGrid repo

Also check out the [wiki]( for news and documentation.
#### Cypress E2E Tests
We are now starting to add E2E (end to end) tests with [Cypress]( You can see [here]( the list of Examples that now have Cypress test. We also added these Cypress tests to the GitHub Actions Workflow, basically the tests will run every time someone pushes a commit or a PR.
We also welcome any contributions and if you wish to add Cypress test, all you need to do is to clone the repo and then run the following commands
npm install # install all npm packages
npm run server # run a local http server
npm run cypress:open # open Cypress tool
Once Cypress tool is open, you can click on "Run all Specs" to start the tests.

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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