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slippers-ui - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.1.10 to 3.1.11




@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { defineComponent as L, computed as $, openBlock as s, createElementBlock as r, mergeProps as H, renderSlot as b, normalizeClass as _, createElementVNode as v, createBlock as O, resolveDynamicComponent as j, normalizeStyle as Z, withCtx as N, createCommentVNode as M, ref as k, onMounted as P, onUnmounted as J, createVNode as y, unref as G, Fragment as T, renderList as z, withModifiers as q, toDisplayString as w, createTextVNode as B, resolveComponent as ne, withDirectives as F, vShow as D, normalizeProps as se, guardReactiveProps as le, onBeforeUnmount as K, onBeforeMount as Q, watch as U, vModelSelect as ie } from "vue";
import { _ as S, C as X, a as Y, b as x, c as re } from "./chunks/ChevronLgUp-EczI5oF8.js";
const de = ["href"], ce = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
import { defineComponent as m, computed as d, openBlock as n, createElementBlock as o, mergeProps as k, renderSlot as l, normalizeClass as r, createElementVNode as p, createBlock as S, resolveDynamicComponent as N, normalizeStyle as z, withCtx as I, createCommentVNode as w, ref as b, onMounted as C, onUnmounted as B, Fragment as M, renderList as q, withModifiers as A, toDisplayString as E } from "vue";
import { _ } from "./chunks/_plugin-vue_export-helper-CHgC5LLL.js";
const V = ["href"], x = /* @__PURE__ */ m({
__name: "SlpButton",

@@ -10,22 +10,22 @@ props: {

setup(p) {
const e = p, o = $(() => e.disabled ?? !1), i = $(() => e.variant ?? "primary");
$(() => e.href ?? "");
const a = $(() => {
let n = [`slp-btn-${i.value}`];
return o.value && n.push("slp-btn-disabled"), n.join(" ");
setup(i) {
const s = i, c = d(() => s.disabled ?? !1), a = d(() => s.variant ?? "primary");
d(() => s.href ?? "");
const e = d(() => {
let t = [`slp-btn-${a.value}`];
return c.value && t.push("slp-btn-disabled"), t.join(" ");
return (n, d) => e.href ? (s(), r("a", H({ key: 0 }, n.$attrs, {
class: ["slp-btn", a.value],
href: e.href
return (t, f) => s.href ? (n(), o("a", k({ key: 0 }, t.$attrs, {
class: ["slp-btn", e.value],
href: s.href
}), [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 16, de)) : (s(), r("button", H({ key: 1 }, n.$attrs, {
class: ["slp-btn", a.value],
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 16, V)) : (n(), o("button", k({ key: 1 }, t.$attrs, {
class: ["slp-btn", e.value],
type: "button"
}), [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 16));
}), W = /* @__PURE__ */ S(ce, [["__scopeId", "data-v-56e2df5f"]]), ue = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
}), ne = /* @__PURE__ */ _(x, [["__scopeId", "data-v-56e2df5f"]]), O = /* @__PURE__ */ m({
__name: "SlpColumn",

@@ -36,38 +36,38 @@ props: {

setup(p) {
const e = p, o = $(() => e.cols ?? null), i = $(() => e.size ?? "md"), a = $(() => o.value ? `slp-col-${i.value}-${o.value}` : `slp-col-${i.value}`);
return (n, d) => (s(), r("div", {
class: _(a.value)
setup(i) {
const s = i, c = d(() => s.cols ?? null), a = d(() => s.size ?? "md"), e = d(() => c.value ? `slp-col-${a.value}-${c.value}` : `slp-col-${a.value}`);
return (t, f) => (n(), o("div", {
class: r(e.value)
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2));
}), It = /* @__PURE__ */ S(ue, [["__scopeId", "data-v-00b68f22"]]), pe = {
}), oe = /* @__PURE__ */ _(O, [["__scopeId", "data-v-00b68f22"]]), T = {
key: 0,
class: "slp-full-light-purple-background"
}, fe = {
}, j = {
key: 1,
class: "slp-charcoal-grey-background"
}, ve = {
}, R = {
key: 2,
class: "slp-gradient-background"
}, he = {
}, D = {
key: 3,
class: "slp-full-gradient-background"
}, me = {
}, H = {
key: 4,
class: "slp-full-charcoal-background"
}, ge = {
}, L = {
key: 5,
class: "slp-partial-charcoal-background"
}, _e = {
}, U = {
key: 6,
class: "slp-half-grey-background"
}, be = {
}, W = {
key: 7,
class: "slp-partial-white-background"
}, ye = {
}, F = {
key: 8,
class: "slp-partial-grey-background"
}, $e = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
}, P = /* @__PURE__ */ m({
__name: "SlpContainer",

@@ -78,66 +78,66 @@ props: {

setup(p) {
const e = p, o = $(() => e.fluid ?? !1), i = $(() => e.variant ?? "white"), a = $(() => o.value ? "fluid" : "");
return (n, d) => i.value === "light-purple-100" ? (s(), r("div", pe, [
v("div", {
class: _(["slp-container", a.value])
setup(i) {
const s = i, c = d(() => s.fluid ?? !1), a = d(() => s.variant ?? "white"), e = d(() => c.value ? "fluid" : "");
return (t, f) => a.value === "light-purple-100" ? (n(), o("div", T, [
p("div", {
class: r(["slp-container", e.value])
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2)
])) : i.value === "grey-100" ? (s(), r("div", fe, [
v("div", {
class: _(["slp-container", a.value])
])) : a.value === "grey-100" ? (n(), o("div", j, [
p("div", {
class: r(["slp-container", e.value])
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2)
])) : i.value === "gradient" ? (s(), r("div", ve, [
v("div", {
class: _(["slp-container", a.value])
])) : a.value === "gradient" ? (n(), o("div", R, [
p("div", {
class: r(["slp-container", e.value])
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2)
])) : i.value === "gradient-full" ? (s(), r("div", he, [
v("div", {
class: _(["slp-container", a.value])
])) : a.value === "gradient-full" ? (n(), o("div", D, [
p("div", {
class: r(["slp-container", e.value])
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2)
])) : i.value === "charcoal-100" ? (s(), r("div", me, [
v("div", {
class: _(["slp-container", a.value])
])) : a.value === "charcoal-100" ? (n(), o("div", H, [
p("div", {
class: r(["slp-container", e.value])
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2)
])) : i.value === "charcoal-75" ? (s(), r("div", ge, [
v("div", {
class: _(["slp-container", a.value])
])) : a.value === "charcoal-75" ? (n(), o("div", L, [
p("div", {
class: r(["slp-container", e.value])
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2)
])) : i.value === "grey-50" ? (s(), r("div", _e, [
v("div", {
class: _(["slp-container", a.value])
])) : a.value === "grey-50" ? (n(), o("div", U, [
p("div", {
class: r(["slp-container", e.value])
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2)
])) : i.value === "white-75" ? (s(), r("div", be, [
v("div", {
class: _(["slp-container", a.value])
])) : a.value === "white-75" ? (n(), o("div", W, [
p("div", {
class: r(["slp-container", e.value])
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2)
])) : i.value === "grey-75" ? (s(), r("div", ye, [
v("div", {
class: _(["slp-container", a.value])
])) : a.value === "grey-75" ? (n(), o("div", F, [
p("div", {
class: r(["slp-container", e.value])
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2)
])) : (s(), r("div", {
])) : (n(), o("div", {
key: 9,
class: _(["slp-container", a.value])
class: r(["slp-container", e.value])
}, [
b(n.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2));
}), ee = /* @__PURE__ */ S($e, [["__scopeId", "data-v-67a0761e"]]), ke = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
}), le = /* @__PURE__ */ _(P, [["__scopeId", "data-v-67a0761e"]]), G = /* @__PURE__ */ m({
__name: "SlpIcon",

@@ -161,36 +161,36 @@ props: {

setup(p) {
const e = p, o = $(() => {
const a = ["slp-icon"];
return typeof e.size == "string" && isNaN(Number(e.size)) && a.push(`slp-icon--size-${e.size}`), e.color && !e.color.startsWith("#") && a.push(`slp-icon--color-${e.color}`), a;
}), i = $(() => {
var n;
const a = {};
if ((n = e.color) != null && n.startsWith("#") && (a.color = e.color, a.fill = e.color), typeof e.size == "number" || !isNaN(Number(e.size))) {
const d = typeof e.size == "number" ? e.size : Number(e.size);
a.width = `${d}px`, a.height = `${d}px`;
setup(i) {
const s = i, c = d(() => {
const e = ["slp-icon"];
return typeof s.size == "string" && isNaN(Number(s.size)) && e.push(`slp-icon--size-${s.size}`), s.color && !s.color.startsWith("#") && e.push(`slp-icon--color-${s.color}`), e;
}), a = d(() => {
var t;
const e = {};
if ((t = s.color) != null && t.startsWith("#") && (e.color = s.color, e.fill = s.color), typeof s.size == "number" || !isNaN(Number(s.size))) {
const f = typeof s.size == "number" ? s.size : Number(s.size);
e.width = `${f}px`, e.height = `${f}px`;
return a;
return e;
return (a, n) => {
var d, l;
return s(), O(j(p.icon), {
class: _(["slp-icon", o.value]),
style: Z(i.value),
return (e, t) => {
var f, g;
return n(), S(N(i.icon), {
class: r(["slp-icon", c.value]),
style: z(a.value),
role: "img",
"aria-hidden": "true",
"data-icon-name": ((l = (d = p.icon) == null ? void 0 : d.__docgenInfo) == null ? void 0 : l.displayName) || ""
"data-icon-name": ((g = (f = i.icon) == null ? void 0 : f.__docgenInfo) == null ? void 0 : g.displayName) || ""
}, null, 8, ["class", "style", "data-icon-name"]);
}), R = /* @__PURE__ */ S(ke, [["__scopeId", "data-v-b82aeda9"]]), we = {}, Se = { class: "slp-row" };
function Ce(p, e) {
return s(), r("div", Se, [
b(p.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
}), ie = /* @__PURE__ */ _(G, [["__scopeId", "data-v-b82aeda9"]]), J = {}, K = { class: "slp-row" };
function Q(i, s) {
return n(), o("div", K, [
l(i.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
const Nt = /* @__PURE__ */ S(we, [["render", Ce], ["__scopeId", "data-v-adc8d02f"]]), Le = {
const re = /* @__PURE__ */ _(J, [["render", Q], ["__scopeId", "data-v-adc8d02f"]]), X = {
key: 0,
class: "arrow-symbol"
}, Ie = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
}, Y = /* @__PURE__ */ m({
__name: "SlpTypography",

@@ -201,4 +201,4 @@ props: {

setup(p) {
const e = [
setup(i) {
const s = [

@@ -225,9 +225,9 @@ "heading1",

], o = ["span", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "p", "div"], i = p, a = $(() => e.includes(i.variant || "") ? i.variant : "body1"), n = $(() => o.includes(i.tag || "") ? i.tag : "span"), d = $(() => `slp-text-${a.value}`);
return (l, c) => (s(), O(j(n.value), {
class: _(d.value)
], c = ["span", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "p", "div"], a = i, e = d(() => s.includes(a.variant || "") ? a.variant : "body1"), t = d(() => c.includes(a.tag || "") ? a.tag : "span"), f = d(() => `slp-text-${e.value}`);
return (g, h) => (n(), S(N(t.value), {
class: r(f.value)
}, {
default: N(() => [
b(l.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0),
a.value === "arrow" ? (s(), r("span", Le, "→")) : M("", !0)
default: I(() => [
l(g.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0),
e.value === "arrow" ? (n(), o("span", X, "→")) : w("", !0)

@@ -237,6 +237,3 @@ _: 3

}), A = /* @__PURE__ */ S(Ie, [["__scopeId", "data-v-fba90f83"]]), Ne = {
key: 0,
class: "dropdown-menu"
}, Te = ["onClick"], ze = { class: "side-navigation" }, Me = ["data-ga-name", "onClick"], Ee = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
}), de = /* @__PURE__ */ _(Y, [["__scopeId", "data-v-fba90f83"]]), Z = { class: "side-navigation" }, ee = ["data-ga-name", "onClick"], te = /* @__PURE__ */ m({
__name: "SlpSideNavigation",

@@ -251,25 +248,27 @@ props: {

default: !1
navigationItems: {
type: Array,
required: !0
setup(p) {
const e = p, o = k(null), i = (f) => {
o.value && !o.value.contains( && (l.value = !1);
}, a = k(null), n = k(null);
let d = null;
const l = k(!1), c = (f) => {
const g = document.getElementById(f);
g && g.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" }), l.value = !1;
}, t = () => {
if (!n.value) return;
const f = => document.getElementById( => h !== null), g = (window.innerHeight - 140 - 1) * -1;
d = new IntersectionObserver(
(h) => {
h.forEach((u) => {
if (u.isIntersecting) {
const m ="id");
m && (a.value = m);
setup(i) {
const s = i, c = b(null), a = b([]), e = b(null);
let t = null;
const f = (h) => {
const y = document.getElementById(h);
y && y.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" });
}, g = () => {
if (!e.value) return;
const h = e.value.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6");
a.value = Array.from(h).map((u) => {
var v;
return {
id: u.getAttribute("id") || "",
text: ((v = u.textContent) == null ? void 0 : v.trim()) || "Untitled"
const y = (window.innerHeight - 140 - 1) * -1;
t = new IntersectionObserver(
(u) => {
u.forEach((v) => {
if (v.isIntersecting) {
const $ ="id");
$ && (c.value = $);

@@ -279,775 +278,48 @@ });

rootMargin: `-120px 0px ${g}px 0px`,
threshold: Array.from({ length: 99 }, (h, u) => (u + 2) / 100)
rootMargin: `-120px 0px ${y}px 0px`,
threshold: Array.from({ length: 99 }, (u, v) => (v + 2) / 100)
), f.forEach((h) => d == null ? void 0 : d.observe(h));
), h.forEach((u) => t == null ? void 0 : t.observe(u));
return P(() => {
t(), document.addEventListener("click", i);
}), J(() => {
d && d.disconnect(), document.removeEventListener("click", i);
}), (f, g) => (s(), r("div", {
class: _([
{ "side-navigation--dark": e.darkMode }
return C(() => {
}), B(() => {
t && t.disconnect();
}), (h, y) => (n(), o("div", {
class: r(["side-navigation-layout", `side-navigation-layout--${s.position}`, { "side-navigation--dark": s.darkMode }])
}, [
v("div", {
ref_key: "dropdownRef",
ref: o,
class: "side-navigation-dropdown"
}, [
v("button", {
class: "dropdown-toggle",
onClick: g[0] || (g[0] = (h) => l.value = !l.value)
}, [
g[1] || (g[1] = v("span", null, "Jump to a section", -1)),
y(R, {
icon: l.value ? G(X) : G(Y),
color: "black",
size: "sm"
}, null, 8, ["icon"])
l.value ? (s(), r("ul", Ne, [
(s(!0), r(T, null, z(e.navigationItems, (h) => (s(), r("li", {
class: "dropdown-item"
}, [
v("a", {
href: "#",
class: "dropdown-link",
onClick: q((u) => c(, ["prevent"])
}, w(h.text), 9, Te)
]))), 128))
])) : M("", !0)
], 512),
v("nav", ze, [
v("ul", null, [
(s(!0), r(T, null, z(e.navigationItems, (h) => (s(), r("li", {
p("nav", Z, [
p("ul", null, [
(n(!0), o(M, null, q(a.value, (u) => (n(), o("li", {
class: "side-navigation__item"
}, [
v("a", {
p("a", {
href: "#",
class: _(["side-navigation__link", { "side-navigation__link--active": a.value === }]),
"data-ga-name": h.text,
class: r(["side-navigation__link", { "side-navigation__link--active": c.value === }]),
"data-ga-name": u.text,
"data-ga-location": "side anchor",
onClick: q((u) => c(, ["prevent"])
}, w(h.text), 11, Me)
onClick: A((v) => f(, ["prevent"])
}, E(u.text), 11, ee)
]))), 128))
v("div", {
p("div", {
ref_key: "slotContentRef",
ref: n,
ref: e,
class: "side-navigation-content"
}, [
b(f.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
l(h.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 512)
], 2));
}), Tt = /* @__PURE__ */ S(Ee, [["__scopeId", "data-v-76494345"]]), Ge = ["for"], Be = ["name", "value", "id", "checked", "disabled"], Ve = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
__name: "SlpRadioButton",
props: {
option: {},
name: {},
config: {}
emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(p, { emit: e }) {
const o = e, i = (a) => {
const n =;
o("update:modelValue", n.value);
return (a, n) => {
var d, l, c;
return s(), r("label", {
for: a.option,
class: _(["slp-radio", { disabled: (d = a.config) == null ? void 0 : d.disabled }])
}, [
B(w(a.option) + " ", 1),
v("input", {
type: "radio",
value: a.option,
id: a.option,
onInput: i,
checked: (l = a.config) == null ? void 0 : l.checked,
disabled: (c = a.config) == null ? void 0 : c.disabled
}, null, 40, Be),
n[0] || (n[0] = v("span", { class: "slp-radio__checkmark" }, null, -1))
], 10, Ge);
}), Oe = /* @__PURE__ */ S(Ve, [["__scopeId", "data-v-f37e970e"]]), Re = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
__name: "SlpRadioButtonGroup",
props: {
options: {},
name: {},
modelValue: {},
config: { default: {
orientation: "vertical"
} }
emits: ["update:modelValue"],
setup(p, { emit: e }) {
const o = {
VERTICAL: "vertical",
HORIZONTAL: "horizontal"
}, i = e, a = (n) => {
i("update:modelValue", n);
return (n, d) => {
var l, c;
return s(), O(ee, {
class: _(["slp-radio-group", {
"slp-radio-group--vertical": ((l = n.config) == null ? void 0 : l.orientation) === o.VERTICAL,
"slp-radio-group--horizontal": ((c = n.config) == null ? void 0 : c.orientation) === o.HORIZONTAL
}, {
default: N(() => [
(s(!0), r(T, null, z(n.options, (t) => (s(), O(Oe, {
key: t.value,
option: t.value,
config: {
checked: t.value === n.modelValue
"onUpdate:modelValue": a
}, null, 8, ["option", "name", "config"]))), 128))
_: 1
}, 8, ["class"]);
}), zt = /* @__PURE__ */ S(Re, [["__scopeId", "data-v-ae31ec89"]]), Ae = {
key: 0,
class: "slp-loading-round"
}, Fe = {
key: 1,
class: "slp-loading-linear"
}, Pe = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
name: "SlpLoader",
__name: "SlpLoader",
props: {
config: {}
setup(p) {
const e = p;
return (o, i) => {
var a;
return ((a = e.config) == null ? void 0 : a.variant) === "round" ? (s(), r("div", Ae)) : (s(), r("div", Fe));
}), Mt = /* @__PURE__ */ S(Pe, [["__scopeId", "data-v-ee32411b"]]), De = ["href", "data-ga-name", "data-ga-location"], We = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
__name: "Tree",
props: {
text: { default: "" },
nodes: { default: () => [] },
config: { default: () => ({
href: "",
isSelected: !1,
dataGaName: "",
dataGaLocation: "",
depth: 0,
mobile: !1
}) }
setup(p) {
return (e, o) => {
var a, n, d, l, c, t;
const i = ne("Tree", !0);
return s(), r("div", {
class: _([`depth-${(a = e.config) == null ? void 0 : a.depth}`, { mobile: (n = e.config) == null ? void 0 : }])
}, [
e.text ? (s(), r("a", {
key: 0,
class: _(["anchor", { selected: (d = e.config) == null ? void 0 : d.isSelected }]),
href: (l = e.config) == null ? void 0 : l.href,
"data-ga-name": (c = e.config) == null ? void 0 : c.dataGaName,
"data-ga-location": (t = e.config) == null ? void 0 : t.dataGaLocation
}, w(e.text), 11, De)) : M("", !0),
(s(!0), r(T, null, z(e.nodes, (f) => {
var g, h, u, m, I, C;
return s(), O(i, {
key: f.text,
nodes: f.nodes,
text: f.text,
config: {
href: ((g = f.config) == null ? void 0 : g.href) ?? "",
dataGaName: (h = f.config) == null ? void 0 : h.dataGaName,
dataGaLocation: (u = f.config) == null ? void 0 : u.dataGaLocation,
depth: (((m = e.config) == null ? void 0 : m.depth) ?? 0) + 1,
isSelected: (I = f.config) == null ? void 0 : I.isSelected,
mobile: (C = e.config) == null ? void 0 :
}, null, 8, ["nodes", "text", "config"]);
}), 128))
], 2);
}), te = /* @__PURE__ */ S(We, [["__scopeId", "data-v-c3be63ed"]]), He = { class: "dropdown__list" }, qe = { class: "horizontal-rule slp-my-16" }, Ue = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
__name: "SlpAnchorDropdown",
props: {
dropdownLabel: { default: "Jump to a section" },
anchors: {},
hyperlinks: {}
setup(p) {
const e = k(!1), o = () => {
e.value = !e.value;
return (i, a) => {
var n, d, l;
return s(), r("div", {
class: _(["dropdown", { hide: !e.value }])
}, [
y(W, {
class: "dropdown__button",
variant: "ghost",
onClick: o
}, {
default: N(() => [
v("span", null, w(i.dropdownLabel), 1),
y(R, {
icon: e.value ? G(X) : G(Y)
}, null, 8, ["icon"])
_: 1
v("div", He, [
F(y(A, {
tag: "div",
variant: "body3-bold",
class: "nav-heading"
}, {
default: N(() => [
B(w(i.anchors.text), 1)
_: 1
}, 512), [
[D, i.anchors.text]
y(te, {
mobile: "",
onClick: o
}, null, 8, ["nodes"]),
F(v("div", qe, null, 512), [
[D, (n = i.hyperlinks) == null ? void 0 :]
F(y(A, {
tag: "div",
variant: "body3-bold",
class: "nav-heading"
}, {
default: N(() => {
var c;
return [
B(w((c = i.hyperlinks) == null ? void 0 : c.text), 1)
_: 1
}, 512), [
[D, (d = i.hyperlinks) == null ? void 0 : d.text]
v("ul", null, [
(s(!0), r(T, null, z((l = i.hyperlinks) == null ? void 0 :, (c) => (s(), r("li", {
key: c.text
}, [
y(W, {
class: "dropdown__link",
variant: "ghost",
href: c.config.href
}, {
default: N(() => [
v("span", null, w(c.text), 1),
y(W, { variant: "icon" }, {
default: N(() => [
y(R, {
icon: G(x),
size: "xs"
}, null, 8, ["icon"])
_: 1
_: 2
}, 1032, ["href"])
]))), 128))
], 2);
}), je = /* @__PURE__ */ S(Ue, [["__scopeId", "data-v-9b690a76"]]), Ze = { key: 0 }, Je = {
key: 1,
id: "collapsible-sidebar-wrapper"
}, Ke = { id: "collapsible-sidebar-content" }, Qe = { id: "collapsible-sidebar" }, Xe = { class: "anchors" }, Ye = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
__name: "SlpSideNavigationWithTree",
props: {
anchors: {},
hyperlinks: {}
setup(p) {
const e = p, o = k([]), i = k( => ({
text: u.text,
nodes: u.nodes,
config: {
href: u.config.href,
dataGaName: u.config.dataGaName,
dataGaLocation: u.config.dataGaLocation,
depth: 0,
mobile: !1
}))), a = k(!1), n = k(!0);
let d = null;
const l = (u, m = []) => (u.forEach((I) => {
I.config.href && m.push(I.config.href), I.nodes && l(I.nodes, m);
}), m), c = (u) => {
const m = [], I = (C) => C.some((E, V) => (m.push(V), E.config.href === u || E.nodes && I(E.nodes) ? !0 : (m.pop(), !1)));
return I(, m;
}, t = (u) => {
let m = 0;
const I = (C, E) => {
const V = {
text: C.text,
config: {
href: C.config.href,
dataGaName: C.config.dataGaName,
dataGaLocation: C.config.dataGaLocation
return u && E === 0 && (V.config.isSelected = !0), o.value[m] === E && (C.nodes && (m += 1, V.nodes =
(ae, oe) => I(ae, oe)
), m -= 1), m + 1 === o.value.length && (V.config.isSelected = !0)), V;
(C, E) => I(C, E)
}, f = (u) => {
u.forEach((m) => {
m.isIntersecting ? (o.value = c(`#${}`), i.value = t(!1)) : n.value && (i.value = t(!0), n.value = !1);
}, g = () => {
a.value = window.innerWidth < 768;
}, h = () => {
i.value = t(!0), n.value = !1;
const u = (window.innerHeight - 120 - 48) * -1;
d = new IntersectionObserver(
rootMargin: `-120px 0px ${u}px 0px`,
threshold: 0
), setTimeout(() => {
l( => {
const C = document.querySelector(I);
C && (d == null || d.observe(C));
}, 0);
return P(() => {
g(), window.addEventListener("resize", g), h();
}), J(() => {
window.removeEventListener("resize", g), d && d.disconnect();
}), (u, m) => (s(), r("div", null, [
a.value ? (s(), r("div", Ze, [
y(je, se(le({ anchors: u.anchors, hyperlinks: u.hyperlinks })), null, 16),
b(u.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
])) : (s(), r("div", Je, [
v("div", Ke, [
b(u.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
v("nav", Qe, [
b(u.$slots, "header", {}, void 0, !0),
v("div", Xe, [
u.anchors.text ? (s(), O(A, {
key: 0,
tag: "div",
variant: "body3-bold",
class: "nav-heading"
}, {
default: N(() => [
B(w(u.anchors.text), 1)
_: 1
})) : M("", !0),
y(te, { nodes: i.value }, null, 8, ["nodes"])
b(u.$slots, "footer", {}, void 0, !0)
}), Et = /* @__PURE__ */ S(Ye, [["__scopeId", "data-v-9319fd2e"]]), xe = ["id", "aria-describedby"], et = { class: "slp-tooltip__wrapper" }, tt = ["id", "data-ga-features", "data-ga-features-sub", "data-ga-features-sub-card", "data-ga-name", "data-ga-location", "href"], at = ["id"], ot = ["id", "aria-describedby"], nt = { class: "slp-tooltip__wrapper" }, st = ["id", "innerHTML"], lt = ["id"], it = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
__name: "SlpTooltip",
props: {
text: { default: "" },
list: { default: () => [] },
position: { default: "bottom" },
mode: { default: "hover" },
id: { default: "" },
dataProperties: { default: null }
setup(p) {
const e = p, o = k(!1), i = k(""), a = k(""), n = k(""), d = (t) => {
e.mode === "hover" && (o.value = t.type === "mouseenter");
}, l = () => {
o.value = e.mode === "click";
}, c = (t) => { !== && (o.value = !1);
return P(() => {
if (e.mode === "click" && document.addEventListener("click", c), e.text) {
const t = e.text.match(/\[(.*?)\]/), f = e.text.match(/\((.*?)\)/);
i.value = t ? t[1] : "", a.value = f ? f[1] : "", n.value = e.text.replace(`(${a.value})`, "").replace(`[${i.value}]`, "").trim();
}), K(() => {
document.removeEventListener("click", c);
}), (t, f) => {
var g, h, u;
return t.mode === "hover" ? (s(), r("div", {
key: 0,
"aria-label": "Click to open tooltip with more information.",
"aria-describedby": `${}-content`,
class: "slp-tooltip",
onMouseenter: d,
onMouseleave: d,
onClick: l
}, [
v("div", et, [
b(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0),
o.value ? (s(), r("div", {
key: 0,
class: _(["slp-tooltip__content", `${t.position} ${t.mode === "hover" ? "hover-mode" : ""}`])
}, [
B(w(n.value) + " ", 1),
t.text ? (s(), r("a", {
key: 0,
id: `${}-content`,
"data-ga-features": t.dataProperties && t.dataProperties.features.toLowerCase() || null,
"data-ga-features-sub": (g = t.dataProperties) == null ? void 0 : g.sub,
"data-ga-features-sub-card": (h = t.dataProperties) == null ? void 0 : h.card,
"data-ga-name": (u = t.dataProperties) == null ? void 0 : u.plan,
"data-ga-location": t.dataProperties ? "features content" : null,
role: "tooltip",
href: a.value
}, w(i.value), 9, tt)) : t.list ? (s(), r("ul", {
key: 1,
id: `${}-content`,
role: "tooltip",
class: "slp-tooltip__list"
}, [
(s(!0), r(T, null, z(t.list, (m) => (s(), r("li", {
key: m.text
}, w(m.text), 1))), 128))
], 8, at)) : M("", !0)
], 2)) : M("", !0)
], 40, xe)) : (s(), r("button", {
key: 1,
"aria-label": "Click to open tooltip with more information.",
"aria-describedby": `${}-content`,
class: _(`slp-tooltip ${t.mode === "click" ? "button-mode" : ""}`),
onClick: l
}, [
v("div", nt, [
b(t.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0),
o.value ? (s(), r("div", {
key: 0,
class: _(["slp-tooltip__content", `${t.position} ${t.mode === "hover" ? "hover-mode" : ""}`])
}, [
t.text ? (s(), r("span", {
key: 0,
id: `${}-content`,
role: "tooltip",
innerHTML: t.text
}, null, 8, st)) : (s(), r("ul", {
key: 1,
id: `${}-content`,
role: "tooltip",
class: "slp-tooltip__list"
}, [
(s(!0), r(T, null, z(t.list, (m) => (s(), r("li", {
key: m.text
}, w(m.text), 1))), 128))
], 8, lt))
], 2)) : M("", !0)
], 10, ot));
}), rt = /* @__PURE__ */ S(it, [["__scopeId", "data-v-a2668f04"]]), dt = {
key: 0,
class: "breadcrumb",
vocab: "",
typeof: "BreadcrumbList"
}, ct = ["onMouseenter", "onMouseleave"], ut = ["data-ga-name", "data-ga-location", "href"], pt = {
key: 0,
class: "breadcrumb__chevron"
}, ft = ["content"], vt = {
key: 1,
class: "breadcrumb",
vocab: "",
typeof: "BreadcrumbList"
}, ht = ["href", "data-ga-name", "data-ga-location"], mt = ["content"], gt = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
__name: "SlpBreadcrumb",
props: {
crumbs: { default: () => [] },
router: {}
setup(p) {
const e = p, o = k(e.crumbs), i = k(!1), a = (l) => {
const c = l.split(" ");
for (let t = 0; t < c.length; t++)
c[t] = c[t][0].toUpperCase() + c[t].substr(1);
return c.join(" ");
}, n = () => {
i.value = window.innerWidth < 768;
}, d = (l) => {
o.value[l] && (o.value[l] = {
hover: !o.value[l].hover
return Q(() => {
if (e.router) {
const l = e.router.currentRoute.path, c = l.startsWith("/") ? l.substring(1).split("/") : l.split("/"), t = [];
let f = "";
c.forEach((g) => {
f = `${f}/${g}`;
const h = e.router.match(f);
h.params.slug !== null && g.length && t.push({
title: a(g.replace(/-/g, " ")),
hover: !1,
}), o.value = t;
}), P(() => {
n(), window.addEventListener("resize", n);
}), K(() => {
window.removeEventListener("resize", n);
}), (l, c) => o.value && !i.value ? (s(), r("ol", dt, [
(s(!0), r(T, null, z(o.value, (t, f) => (s(), r("li", {
key: t.title,
class: _(["breadcrumb__crumb", {
"breadcrumb__crumb--disabled": f === o.value.length - 1
property: "itemListElement",
typeof: "ListItem",
onMouseenter: (g) => d(f),
onMouseleave: (g) => d(f)
}, [
y(rt, {
text: t.title,
class: "breadcrumb__crumb__tooltip",
position: "top"
}, {
default: N(() => [
v("a", {
property: "item",
typeof: "WebPage",
"data-ga-name": t.dataGaName || t.title.toLowerCase(),
"data-ga-location": t.dataGaLocation || "breadcrumb",
href: f !== o.value.length - 1 ? t.path : void 0
}, [
y(A, {
tag: "span",
variant: "body3",
property: "name"
}, {
default: N(() => [
B(w(t.title.length > 18 ? t.title.substring(0, 18).concat("...") : t.title), 1)
_: 2
}, 1024)
], 8, ut)
_: 2
}, 1032, ["text"]),
f !== o.value.length - 1 ? (s(), r("span", pt, [
y(R, {
color: "accent-500",
size: "xs",
icon: G(x)
}, null, 8, ["icon"])
])) : M("", !0),
v("meta", {
property: "position",
content: f + 1
}, null, 8, ft)
], 42, ct))), 128))
])) : o.value && i.value ? (s(), r("ol", vt, [
(s(!0), r(T, null, z(o.value, (t) => (s(), r("li", {
key: t.title,
class: "breadcrumb__crumb breadcrumb__crumb--mobile",
property: "itemListElement",
typeof: "ListItem"
}, [
v("a", {
class: "slp-flex slp-align-items-center",
href: o.value[o.value.length - 2].path,
"data-ga-name": t.dataGaName || t.title.toLowerCase(),
"data-ga-location": t.dataGaLocation || "breadcrumb",
property: "item",
typeof: "WebPage"
}, [
v("span", null, [
y(R, {
color: "accent-500",
size: "xs",
icon: G(re)
}, null, 8, ["icon"])
y(A, {
class: "slp-ml-8",
tag: "span",
variant: "body2",
property: "name"
}, {
default: N(() => [
B(w(o.value[o.value.length - 2].title), 1)
_: 1
], 8, ht),
v("meta", {
property: "position",
content: o.value.length - 1
}, null, 8, mt)
]))), 128))
])) : M("", !0);
}), Gt = /* @__PURE__ */ S(gt, [["__scopeId", "data-v-fd412793"]]), _t = { class: "dropdown" }, bt = ["aria-label", "name"], yt = ["value", "name"], $t = ["value", "name"], kt = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
__name: "SlpDropdown",
props: {
name: {},
options: {},
textField: { default: void 0 },
valueField: { default: void 0 },
value: { type: [String, Object, Number, Boolean], default: void 0 },
dropdownLabel: { default: void 0 },
config: { default: {
primitive: !0
} }
emits: ["input"],
setup(p, { emit: e }) {
const o = p, i = e, a = k(o.value), n = k(!0);
Q(() => {
var l;
if (n.value = !o.options.every(
(c) => typeof c == "object"
), !n.value && !(o.textField && o.valueField))
throw new Error(
"The 'options' prop is an Array of Objects and textField nor the ValueField have been specified"
if (o.value === void 0 && o.options.length > 0)
if (n.value)
a.value = o.options[0], i("input", a.value);
else {
const c = o.options[0];
a.value = (l = o.config) != null && l.primitive ? c[o.valueField] : c, i("input", a.value);
}), U(
() => a.value,
(l) => {
i("input", l);
), U(
() => o.value,
(l) => {
a.value = l;
const d = (l) => {
const c =;
i(, c.value);
return (l, c) => (s(), r("div", _t, [
F(v("select", {
"aria-label": l.dropdownLabel || `${} dropdown`,
class: "dropdown__select",
onChange: d,
"onUpdate:modelValue": c[0] || (c[0] = (t) => a.value = t)
}, [
n.value ? (s(!0), r(T, { key: 0 }, z(l.options, (t) => (s(), r("option", {
key: t,
value: t,
name: t
}, w(t), 9, yt))), 128)) : (s(!0), r(T, { key: 1 }, z(l.options, (t) => {
var f;
return s(), r("option", {
key: t[l.valueField],
value: (f = l.config) != null && f.primitive ? t[l.valueField] : t,
name: t[l.textField]
}, w(t[l.textField]), 9, $t);
}), 128))
], 40, bt), [
[ie, a.value]
}), Bt = /* @__PURE__ */ S(kt, [["__scopeId", "data-v-9c71f7b0"]]), wt = ["id"], St = /* @__PURE__ */ L({
__name: "SlpSection",
props: {
backgroundColor: {
type: String,
required: !1,
validator(p) {
const e = /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3}){1,2}$/.test(p), o = /^\$color-[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/.test(p);
return p ? e || o : !0;
id: {
type: String,
required: !1
setup(p) {
const e = p, o = $(() => {
var a;
return !e.backgroundColor || (a = e.backgroundColor) != null && a.startsWith("$") ? {} : { backgroundColor: e.backgroundColor };
}), i = $(() => {
var a, n;
return (a = e.backgroundColor) != null && a.startsWith("$") ? `slp-background-${(n = e.backgroundColor) == null ? void 0 : n.slice(1)}` : null;
return (a, n) => (s(), r("section", {
style: Z(o.value),
class: _(i.value),
id: || void 0
}, [
y(ee, null, {
default: N(() => [
b(a.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
_: 3
], 14, wt));
}), Vt = /* @__PURE__ */ S(St, [["__scopeId", "data-v-2b3ad016"]]);
}), ce = /* @__PURE__ */ _(te, [["__scopeId", "data-v-c76509f9"]]);
export {
Gt as SlpBreadcrumb,
W as SlpButton,
It as SlpColumn,
ee as SlpContainer,
Bt as SlpCustomDropdown,
Bt as SlpDropdown,
R as SlpIcon,
Mt as SlpLoader,
Oe as SlpRadioButton,
zt as SlpRadioButtonGroup,
Nt as SlpRow,
Vt as SlpSection,
Tt as SlpSideNavigation,
Et as SlpSideNavigationWithTree,
rt as SlpTooltip,
A as SlpTypography
ne as SlpButton,
oe as SlpColumn,
le as SlpContainer,
ie as SlpIcon,
re as SlpRow,
ce as SlpSideNavigation,
de as SlpTypography

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"author": "GitLab",
"version": "3.1.10",
"version": "3.1.11",
"type": "module",

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ "files": [

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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