This packages enables to build a sitemap of a solid-start-app.
Currently only file routes are available automatically.
The package will grab the route definitions from vinxi/routes
Dynamic routes have are formatted like /posts/:postId
or for the catch all routes pages/*slug
This package is build on top of sitemap.js.
npm i solid-start-sitemap
yarn add solid-start-sitemap
pnpm add solid-start-sitemap
Generate a sitemap with one of the following options and add this entry to your robots.txt
in the public directory
User-agent: *
Allow: /
###### add the following line ######
hostname | string | '' | Required: Basedomain of your app. |
pubDir | string | 'public' | Defaults to 'public'. Path to public directory where the public assets are stored and the XML(s) will be saved to. The plugin will get this automatically from the app config. |
ingoreRoutes | string[] | ['/posts/archive','/posts/archive/:postId'] | array of routes which should be excluded from the |
replaceRouteParams | Record<string,(number|string)[]> | {':postId':[1,2,3]} | Object which provides all params for the dynamic routes. Note that the params should have a unique name. So instead of /posts/[id] and /products/[id] you may rename them to /posts/[postId] and /products/[productId] or you may use the option dynamicRoutes . If you don't pass any params all dynamic routes will be ignored. Otherwise provide all params for dynamic routes which are not ignored with ingoreRoutes |
dynamicRoutes | string[] | ['posts/1','/posts/2','/posts/3'] | array of custom routes to add to the sitemap. Can be used to add dynamic routes for more complex use cases |
limit | number | 45000 | Maximum number if urls in one sitemap. If provided will generate multiple XML(s) and also create a index sitemap which references all sitemap files. |
Generate a static sitemap during build
For a static site with static routes or dynamic routes with fixed amount of params add the plugin to the app.config.ts
It will add a sitemap.xml
or if you pass
import { defineConfig } from '@solidjs/start/config';
import { SolidStartSiteMapPlugin } from 'solid-start-sitemap';
export default defineConfig({
vite: {
plugins: [
hostname: '',
replaceRouteParams: {
':postId': [1, 2, 3],
limit: 5000,
Generate dynamic sitemap
The most common use case will probably be to create a sitemap dynamically either periodically (e.g. every day / every sunday, ...) or based on changes of data (e.g. new post).
Here are a few examples how to achieve this.
Add an API route which generates a new sitemap when you call it.
You can use a cronjob to re-generate periodically or if using a cms you can also use a webbhook as a trigger e.g. every time a new post is published.
import { createSitemap } from 'solid-start-sitemap';
import { isServer } from 'solid-js/web';
export const generateSitemap = async () => {
if (!isServer) throw new Error("This function may only be called on the server");
const postsIDs = await getPostIDs();
await createSitemap({
replaceRouteParams: {
':postId': postIDs,
limit: 5000,
import { generateSitemap } from '~/lib/sitemap';
export async function createPost(data) {
try {
await db.create("post", data)
} catch (err) {
import { generateSitemap } from '~/lib/sitemap';
export async function GET() {
const token = await getAuthToken()
if (!token || token !== process.env.SITEMAP_TOKEN) return new Response('Not Authorized',{status:401})
try {
await generateSitemap()
return new Response('Sitemap generated successfully')
} catch (err) {
return new Response(e instanceof Error ? e.message : JSON.stringify(e), { status: 500 });