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this is a simple, fast light weight implementation of tools to help create a server based web application without using any 3rd party library, other than the core libraries provided by node.

  • 1.0.9
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this is a simple light weight implementation of tools to help create a server based web application without using any 3rd party library, other than the core libraries provided by node.


  • express like server architechture
  • static routing
  • middlewares like bodyparser.json bodyparser.urlencoded
  • middleware for formdata
  • middleware for cross-origin-access(cros)
  • json-web-token
  • handlebars like view engine
  • web like fetch api for http requests
  • Wrapper class for websocket protocol for realtime socket connections
  • cookie parsing
  • database driver for postgresql

minimum node version

node 15

javascript type




  • type : class
  • usage : create a web server
  • module: modules/server.js


create an express like server using this class. inherits from Router. so all the functionalities of router is also applicable for server


import Server from 'sp-wt/modules/server.js'
//create server object
let app = new Server();
//add routes (see router class for more)
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
	res.send("hello world");
//listen to port
app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('server listening at port 3000') });


server.set(name, value)

sets a value with the key name that can be accsess from


get a value set in the server

server.get(routeUrl, middleware1?, middleware2? ..., handler)

set middlewares and handler for GET requests on the routeUrl path the order of the function determines which function is called before other one. handler is called at the end. if next() is not called from the middleware the upocming middlewares and handler will not be called.

see other available methods is Router section


a callback function with three arguments req, res, next


function middleware (req, res, next) {
	if(isAuthenticated) // demo if condition add your own logic
		res.json({error: 'not authenticated'})

a callback function with two arguments req and res

example :

function handler (req, res) {
	let name =;
	res.json({userName : name})

req is a modified http.IncomingMessage object which has several fields and methods on top of the standard ones

  • req.rawBody : Buffer containing raw data sent with request
  • req.hasBodyData :boolean, true if there is any data sent with the request
  • req.rawBodyLength : length of req.rawBody buffer in bytes
  • req.params :containing all the params in the url (i.g. '/path/:param1/:param2')
  • req.ip :client ip
  • req.port :client port
  • req.param(field) :get the value of the param with :field placeholder
  • req.get(field) :get the value of request header with key field
  • : check if req is of content type type
  • req.getCookies() : returns all coookies in the request as object

res is a modified http.ServerResponse object which has several methods on top of the standard ones

  • res.redirect(path, statusCode?) : redirects request to the given path

  • res.send(data) :sends data as rensponse, data can be anything

  • res.sendFile(filepath) :send the file mentioned in the filepath as response

  • res.status(code) : sets the code for the response statusCode

  • res.header(name, value) :sets header with name as key for value

  • res.type(t) : sets the correct mimetype t for for content-type header (e.g. res.type('json'))

  • res.contentType(t) : set content-type header to t

  • res.json(object) : sends javascript object object as json as response

  • res.setCookies(cookies) : set cookies for the response

    • cookies is a object containing names as key and values of the cookies
    • example: res.setCookies({status : 'good', age: 20})
  • res.render(viewTemplateName, props): renders correspondent view template using RenderEngine with supplied props at serverside and sends as html response

    • default view templetes folder is './views/'
    • set view templetes folder using app.set('view folder', folderName)
    • see RenderEngine section for more details

instantiates a new Router object


instantiates a new StaticRouter object

server.listen(port, ...args)

listens to a given port, reuturns internal http server function overloads-

  • listen(port?: number, hostname?: string, backlog?: number, listeningListener?: () => void): this;
  • listen(port?: number, hostname?: string, listeningListener?: () => void): this;
  • listen(port?: number, backlog?: number, listeningListener?: () => void): this;
  • listen(port?: number, listeningListener?: () => void): this;


  • type : class
  • usage : create a router for server
  • module: modules/router.js


create an express like router using this class. server itself is an router so all router methods are available for server


import Server from 'sp-wt/modules/server.js'
import Router from 'sp-wt/modules/router.js'
//create server object
let app = new Server();
//create a router object
let router = new Router();
//add all routes'/pokemon/:id', (req, res) => {

		params: req.params,
		body: req.body

//use router for anime path, i.e. POST to /anime/pokemon/2
app.use('/anime', router);



sets middleware for all routes in the router. these middlewares are called first ,before the middlewares in the hendler mothods like get, post etc. order of middleware is depends on declearation of use in code

router.use(routePath, router)

set another router object to handle all the subroutes in the routePath

router.all(routeUrl, middleware1?, middleware2? ..., handler)

set middlewares and handler for all kinds of requests(e.g. GET, POST etc.) on the routeUrl path

router.get(routeUrl, middleware1?, middleware2? ..., handler)

set middlewares and handler for GET requests on the routeUrl path, middleware1?, middleware2? ..., handler)

set middlewares and handler for POST requests on the routeUrl path

router.put(routeUrl, middleware1?, middleware2? ..., handler)

set middlewares and handler for PUT requests on the routeUrl path

router.delete(routeUrl, middleware1?, middleware2? ..., handler)

set middlewares and handler for DELETE requests on the routeUrl path

router.patch(routeUrl, middleware1?, middleware2? ..., handler)

set middlewares and handler for PATH requests on the routeUrl path

StaticRouter (foldername)

  • type : class
  • usage : serve a folder as router
  • module: modules/staticRouter.js


serve files folder and all it's subfolders with same path relative to folder constructor takes path to the folder as argument should be used as a Router


import Server from 'sp-wt/modules/server.js'
import StaticRouter from 'sp-wt/modules/staticRouter.js'

//create server object
let app = new Server();
//given that all files you want to serve are present in public folder in same directory
//i.e. public/pages/about.html will be served at localhost:3000/pages/about.html
app.use('/', new StaticRouter(__dirname +'/public'))
//listen to port
app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('server listening at port 3000') });


an internal class for serverside renderring


file structure



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
	<h1>hello world</h1>
		{{for (let p of this.pokemons) { }}
			<li>name: <b>{{}}</b>, ability: <b>{{p.ability}}</b> </li>
		{{ } }}
		<input type="text" id="msg"/>
		<button id="btn">Button</button>


import Server from 'sp-wt/modules/server.js'
import StaticRouter from 'sp-wt/modules/staticRouter.js'

//create server object
let app = new Server();
//set the folder for view templates
app.set('view folder', './views')

// render page.htm template  at localhost:3000/
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
	res.render('page', {
		name: 'spandan mondal',
		pokemons: [
				name: 'pikachu',
				type: 'electic',
				ability: 'static'
				name: 'charmender',
				type: 'fire',
				ability: 'blaze'
				name: 'ratatta',
				type: 'normal',
				ability: 'run away, guts, hustle'
//listen to port
app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('server listening at port 3000') });


res.render(templateName, renderprops)


string interpolation of renderprops

use double curly braces to get access values of renderprops. props are acccessable under this

{{ }}

javascript evaluation

any valid javascript expression under {{ }} will be pre calcuated before rendering

{{ 2 + 2 }} -> 4

if-else statement

acts like normal if-else. javascript part should be in {{ }}

{{ if (condition_1 ) { }} < html to render if condition_1 is true > {{ } else if (condition_2) { }} < html to render if condition_2 is true > {{ } else { }} < html to render if condition_1 and condition_2 are false > {{ } }}

for statement

acts like normal for loop. javascript part should be in {{ }}

{{for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++ >) { }} < print this html 10 times > {{ } }}

switch case statement

same as if-else. just keep javascript part in {{ }}


use this to include a template in another template. properties will be accessable from included templates too



<div class="card">
	<h3>{{ c.title }}</h3>
	<p>{{ c.description }}</p>


	{{for (let c of ){ }}
		{{ @include <card> }}
	{{ } }}


res.render('page', { cards : [
	{title: 'title 1', description: 'description 1'},
	{title: 'title 2', description: 'description 2'},
	{title: 'title 3', description: 'description 2'}


  • type : function
  • usage : set environment variables
  • module: modules/env.js



key2 = value2
key3 = "value3"


import env from '../modules/env.js';
//call to set environment variables

common middlewares

set of functions to add essential middlewares to server app

  • cros
  • json
    • addtional options: inflate, limit, reviver, verify
  • urlencoded
    • addtional options: inflate, limit, verify
  • formdata -additional options: limit


import Server from '../modules/server.js';
import { json, urlencoded, formdata, cros } from '../modules/commonMiddlewares.js';

let app = new Server();
//enable cross origin requests
//parse json requests and put data object as req.body
//parse urlencoded requests and put fields into req.body boject
//parse multipart/formdata requests
// put text fields into req.body object
// put files into req.files array
// every object in req.files array contain 
//		fieldName : name of the input field,
// 		fileName : name of the uploaded file,
// 		contentType : mimetype of the uploaded file,
// 		extension : extension of the uploaded file,
// 		buffer : Buffer object containing binary data of the file 


  • type : class
  • usage : create and vertify jwts
  • module: modules/jsonWebToken.js


create and verrify json web tokens for authentication


import JWT from 'sp-wt/modules/jsonWebToken.js'

//instanciate jwt object
let jwt = new JWT();
//create jwt token
let token =  jwt.sign({user: 'ash', age: 10}, 'secret_of_ash')

let v = jwt.verify(token, 'secret_of_ash')
if(v) {
	const {user, age} = v;
}else {
	console.log('invalid token');


jwt.sign(payload, secret, options)

used to create jwt tokens

  • payload : data to be encoded as jwt ( type: Object)
  • secret : private key to encrypt data
  • options : object containing additional options
    • algorithm : algorithm to encrypt. (supported:HS256, RS256)
    • expiresIn : time to expire (i.e. '10s', '2h')
    • subject
    • audience
    • notBefore : time until which the token is not valid (i.e. '10s', '2h')
    • issuer
jwt.verify(token, secret)

used to verify a token. if the token is valid returns payload else returns false.

WebSocket (httpServer)

  • type : class
  • usage : use websocket api to make socket connection to client
  • module: modules/webSocket.js


create and use websocket server for realtime socket connection with websocket api provided by client browser get httpServer from app.httpServer where app is an object of Server class


import Server from '../modules/server.js';
import WebSocket from '../modules/webSocket.js';

let app = new Server();

//create websocket instance
let ws = new WebSocket(app.httpServer);

//listen to client connection
ws.onConnect = (socket, sid) => {
	console.log('connected id: ' + sid );
	ws.send(socket, {
		message: 'connected to server' 
ws.onTextMessage = (data, socket, sid) => {

app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('server listening at port 3000') });



callback that is called when client connects

(socket, sid) => {} socket represents the connection socket of the client. store the socket to use it to send message data to client. sid represents unique uuid assigned to the client


callback that is called when client disconnects

(socket, sid) => {} socket represents the connection socket of the client. sid represents unique uuid assigned to the client


callback that is called when client sends a message

(data, socket, sid) => {}; data contains the message as raw socket represents the client socket. use it to identify client sid represents unique uuid assigned to the client


callback that is called when client sends a message

(data, socket, sid) => {}; data contains the message in text format socket represents the client socket. use it to identify client sid represents unique uuid assigned to the client


webSocket.send(socket, obj)

function to send message to client socket prepersents client socket that you want to send data obj represent the javascript object you want to send as json

webSocket.send(sid, obj)

function to send message to client sid prepersents unique client uuid that you want to send data obj represent the javascript object you want to send as json

webSocket.sendText(socket, text)

function to send message to client socket prepersents client socket that you want to send data text represent the string you want to send

webSocket.sendText(sid, text)

function to send message to client sid prepersents unique client uuid that you want to send data text represent the string you want to send


close connection with client socket


close connection with client with sid as unique id


  • type : class
  • usage : database access for postgresql
  • module: modules/postgres.js


connect to postgresql sql database, execute queries, get results. can be used in both async and callback mode. connection and disconnection is innitiated automatically when you try to execute query.

example :

import PostgreSql from "../modules/postgres.js"

console.log("database test")
let pg = new PostgreSql({
    host: "localhost",
    user: "postgres",
    password: "spandan9733",
    database: "testdb"

async function main() {
	//databse query using callback
	pg.query("select * from items", (err, result) => {
		let row;
		//getting one row at a time
		while(row = result.fetch_assoc()) {

	//database query using async and arguments
    try {
		let res = await pg.query("select * from items where id = $1", [1]);
	} catch (e) {



pgDriver.query(sql, args?, callback?)

sql represents the sql query callback represent a fucntion that is called when the query is executed. (optional)

returns a javascript promise containing result object

the callback function looks like

(err, result) => {}


if there is error in execution err will contain the error, else it will be null for successful query and the result object will contain output of the query


contains different fields and method

  • num_rows : number of rows in the output
  • fields : titles of the attribute present in a row
  • types : array containing datatypes of the attributes
  • rows : array containing all rows
    • all values in a row oject are in string format with keys as attribute
  • status : not null for successful query
  • fetch_assoc(): function that returns one row each time called
    • every call will return next row
    • will return null when all rows are returned
    • datavalues in row are in proper datatype format as mentioned in types(i.e. int will be in Number format)
  • fetch() : return array containing all correctly formatted rows.

returns an prepareStatement object with functions to make secure sql queries

  • bind_params(format, ...args) :function to bind parameters to the statement
    • format : stiring representing datatypes of other argulments in order. (i.e. "iss")
      • i : integer parameter
      • s : string parameter
      • d : double (floating point) paramenter -args: paramenters to replace ? in sqlPrepareStatement
  • execute() : asynchronous function which returns result object



callback for successful connection to database


callback for successfully disconnecting from database


callback for error handling, has one argument containing error

fetch (url, options)

  • type : function
  • usage : Make http requests
  • module: modules/fetch.js

serverside implementation of fetch function to make http calls. By default it makes GET request.


  • method : method of request (i.e. 'GET', 'POST', etc)
  • headers : any headers you want to add to your request, contained within this object.
  • body : Any body that you want to add to your request



Package last updated on 05 Jul 2023

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