interpret abbreviated and informal timezone names
Spencer Kelly
The IANA timezone database is the official nomenclature for timezone information, and is what you should use, whenever possible.
Humans though, are goofballs, and use a whole different informal scheme.
- In (North) America, we use: PST, MST, EST...
- in Europe (lately) they use: WEST, CEST, EEST...
- in Africa they use: EAT, CAT, WAST...
- in Australia they use: AWST, AEDT, ACST...
these line-up with the IANA timezones sometimes. Other times they don't.
These names collide all the time, (like IST - irish/indian stardard time).
These names produce all-sorts of ambiguities, regarding DST-changes -
Both Winnipeg and Mexico City are CST, but have a much different DST schedule:
Of course, there's a bunch of political/historical/disputed stuff going on, too. Apologies if I step into this unknowingly.
This library is an attempt to 'soften' this exchange, between human-IANA, using some opinionated-but-common-sense rules and decision-making.
It was built for use in the spacetime timezone library, but may be used without it.
const informal = require('spacetime-informal')
informal.find('south east asia')
it was built to be as forgiving as possible, and return the most common-sense IANA timezone id from user-input.
along with spacetime, you can generate human-friendly time formats, like this:
const spacetime = require('spacetime')
const informal = require('spacetime-informal')
let display = informal.display('montreal')
let s =
let abbrev = s.isDST() ? display.daylight.abbrev : display.standard.abbrev
let time = `${s.time()} ${abbrev}`