What is spdx-expression-validate?
The spdx-expression-validate npm package is used to validate SPDX license expressions. SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange) is a standard format for communicating the components, licenses, and copyrights associated with software packages. This package ensures that the given license expressions conform to the SPDX specification.
What are spdx-expression-validate's main functionalities?
Validate SPDX License Expression
This feature allows you to validate whether a given SPDX license expression is valid according to the SPDX specification. The code sample demonstrates how to use the package to validate the expression 'MIT OR Apache-2.0'.
const validate = require('spdx-expression-validate');
const expression = 'MIT OR Apache-2.0';
const isValid = validate(expression);
console.log(isValid); // true
Invalid SPDX License Expression
This feature allows you to check if an invalid SPDX license expression is correctly identified as invalid. The code sample demonstrates how to use the package to validate the expression 'Invalid-License'.
const validate = require('spdx-expression-validate');
const expression = 'Invalid-License';
const isValid = validate(expression);
console.log(isValid); // false
Other packages similar to spdx-expression-validate
The spdx-correct package is used to correct common misspellings and typos in SPDX license expressions. While spdx-expression-validate focuses on validating the correctness of the expressions, spdx-correct helps in correcting them to valid SPDX expressions.
The spdx-satisfies package is used to check if a given SPDX license expression satisfies another SPDX license expression. This is useful for license compatibility checks. Unlike spdx-expression-validate, which only validates the expression, spdx-satisfies checks for compatibility between expressions.
The spdx-license-ids package provides a list of all valid SPDX license identifiers. It is useful for referencing valid license IDs but does not perform validation of expressions like spdx-expression-validate.
var assert = require('assert')
var valid = require('spdx-expression-validate')
Simple License Expressions
Composite License Expressions
Disjunctive OR
assert(valid('(LGPL-2.1 OR MIT)'))
assert(valid('(LGPL-2.1 OR MIT OR BSD-3-Clause)'))
Conjunctive AND
assert(valid('(LGPL-2.1 AND MIT)'))
assert(valid('(LGPL-2.1 AND MIT AND BSD-2-Clause)'))
Exception WITH
assert(valid('(GPL-2.0+ WITH Bison-exception-2.2)'))
Strict Whitespace Rules
assert(!valid('MIT '))
assert(!valid(' MIT'))
assert(!valid('MIT AND BSD-3-Clause'))
The Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) specification is the work of the Linux Foundation and its contributors, and is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 Unported (SPDX: "CC-BY-3.0"). "SPDX" is a United States federally registered trademark of the Linux Foundation.