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sqlite3-cluster - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.1 to 2.1.0



'use strict';
/*global Promise*/
// I'm not a fan of singletons (as they are EVIL).
// However, this module is, by intent, meant to
// represent a worker process in a cluster.
// Thus, it is appropriately a singleton.
var processWebSocket;
var promiseWebSocket;
var PromiseA = Promise;
try {
PromiseA = require('bluebird').Promise;
} catch(e) {
console.warn("For better Promise support please use bluebird");
// TODO iterate over the prototype
// translate request / response
var sqlite3real = require('sqlite3');
function createConnection(opts) {
var server = ;
return server.create(opts).then(function () {
// created and listening
function startServer(opts) {
return require('./server').create(opts).then(function (server) {
function startServer(opts, verbs, myServer) {
if (myServer) {
return verbs.Promise.resolve(myServer);
return require('./server').create(opts, verbs).then(function (server) {
// this process doesn't need to connect to itself

@@ -33,15 +21,48 @@ // through a socket

function getConnection(opts) {
return new PromiseA(function (resolve) {
// connection is scoped per-process, nothing more
function getConnection(opts, verbs, mySocket, retry) {
function incr(ws) {
if (!ws.__count) {
ws.__count = 0;
ws.__count += 1;
return ws;
if (!retry && (mySocket || processWebSocket)) {
promiseWebSocket = verbs.Promise.resolve(mySocket || processWebSocket);
return promiseWebSocket.then(incr);
if (!retry && promiseWebSocket) {
return promiseWebSocket.then(incr);
promiseWebSocket = new verbs.Promise(function (resolve) {
//setTimeout(function () {
var WebSocket = require('ws');
var ws = new WebSocket('ws+unix:' + opts.sock);
// TODO how to include path and such?
// http://unix:/absolute/path/to/unix.socket:/request/path
var ws;
var pathname = '/' + (require('cluster').worker||{}).id + '/' + opts.ipcKey;
var queryparams = {
ipcKey: opts.ipcKey
, ipc_key: opts.ipcKey
, worker_id: (require('cluster').worker||{}).id
var search = require('querystring').stringify(queryparams);
var wspath = 'ws+unix://' + opts.sock + ':' + pathname + '?' + search;
// ws+unix:///absolule/path/to/uds_socket:/pathname?search_params
console.log('ws connect', wspath);
ws = new WebSocket(wspath);
ws.on('error', function (err) {
console.error('[ERROR] ws connection failed, retrying');
console.error(err.stack || err);
function retry() {
// TODO eventually throw up
setTimeout(function () {
getConnection(opts).then(resolve, retry);
getConnection(opts, verbs, mySocket, true).then(resolve, retry);
}, 100 + (Math.random() * 250));

@@ -52,3 +73,3 @@ }

console.log('[NO SERVER] attempting to create a server #######################');
return startServer(opts).then(function (client) {
return startServer(opts, verbs).then(function (client) {
// ws.masterClient = client;

@@ -58,3 +79,3 @@ resolve({ masterClient: client });

console.error('[ERROR] failed to connect to sqlite3-cluster service. retrying...');
console.error(err.stack || err);

@@ -68,62 +89,272 @@ });

ws.on('open', function () {
//}, 100 + (Math.random() * 250));
}).then(function (ws) {
if (!processWebSocket) {
processWebSocket = ws;
return ws;
return promiseWebSocket.then(incr);
function create(opts) {
if (!opts.sock) {
opts.sock = opts.filename + '.sock';
module.exports.createClientFactory = function (conf, verbs, _socket) {
// TODO distinguish between defaults and mandates
var promise;
var numcpus = require('os').cpus().length;
if (opts.standalone || (1 === numcpus && !opts.serve && !opts.connect)) {
return require('./wrapper').create(opts);
if (!conf.ipcKey) {
throw new Error("[E_NO_IPCKEY] Your config must specify an ipcKey.");
function retryServe() {
return startServer(opts).then(function (client) {
// ws.masterClient = client;
return { masterClient: client };
}, function (err) {
console.error('[ERROR] retryServe()');
return {
create: function (opts, _s) {
var copy = {};
if (_socket && _s) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_SOCKET] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own SOCKET. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
if (opts.key && conf.key) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_KEY] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own KEY. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
if (opts.algo && conf.algo) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_ALGO] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own ALGO. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
if (opts.bits && conf.bits) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_BITS] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own BITS. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
if (opts.dirname && conf.dirname) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_TENANT] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own TENANT. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
if (opts.tenant && conf.tenant) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_TENANT] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own TENANT. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
if (opts.prefix && conf.prefix) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_PREFIX] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own PREFIX. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
if (opts.suffix && conf.suffix) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_SUFFIX] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own SUFFIX. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
if (opts.ext && conf.ext) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_EXT] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own EXT. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
if (opts.serve) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_SERVE] Your parent have forbidden you to SERVE. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
if (opts.sock && conf.sock) {
throw new Error("[E_USR_SERVE] Your parent have forbidden you to choose your own SOCK. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them.");
Object.keys(conf).forEach(function (key) {
copy[key] = conf[key];
Object.keys(opts).forEach(function (key) {
copy[key] = opts[key];
if (!verbs) {
verbs = {
Promise: null
if (!verbs.Promise) {
verbs.Promise = require('bluebird');
copy.connect = (require('cluster').worker && true);
copy.sock = conf.sock;
copy.tenant = conf.tenant;
copy.ipcKey = conf.ipcKey;
return module.exports.create(copy, verbs, _socket || _s || processWebSocket);
module.exports.create = function (opts, verbs, mySocket) {
if (!verbs) {
verbs = {};
if (opts.serve) {
promise = retryServe();
} else {
promise = getConnection(opts);
var PromiseA = verbs && verbs.Promise || require('bluebird');
verbs.Promise = PromiseA;
// TODO iterate over the prototype
// translate request / response
var sqlite3real = require('sqlite3');
if (!mySocket) {
mySocket = processWebSocket;
if (opts.connect) {
// TODO maybe use HTTP POST instead?
return promise.then(function (ws) {
if (ws.masterClient) {
return ws.masterClient;
function create(opts) {
function retryServe() {
return startServer(opts, verbs).then(function (client) {
// ws.masterClient = client;
return { masterClient: client };
}, function (err) {
console.error('[ERROR] retryServe()');
console.error(err.stack || err);
var db = {};
var proto = sqlite3real.Database.prototype;
var messages = [];
if (opts.serve) {
return retryServe(opts).then(function (servers) {
return servers.masterClient;
function init(opts) {
return new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
var id = Math.random();
if (!opts.tenant) {
opts.tenant = "";
if (!opts.subtenant) {
opts.subtenant = "";
if (!opts.prefix) {
opts.prefix = '';
if (!opts.suffix) {
opts.suffix = '';
if (!opts.ext) {
opts.ext = '.sqlite3'; // also .sqlcipher
if (!opts.dbname) {
throw new Error("Please specify opts.dbname as the name of the database");
var promise;
var numcpus = require('os').cpus().length;
// if we're only on one core, use the lib directly, no socket
if (opts.standalone || (1 === numcpus && !opts.serve && !opts.connect)) {
return require('./wrapper').create(opts, verbs);
if (!opts.sock) {
throw new Error("Please specify opts.sock as the path to the master socket. '/tmp/sqlite3-cluster' would do nicely.");
promise = getConnection(opts, verbs, mySocket, true).then(function (socket) {
mySocket = socket;
return mySocket;
// TODO maybe use HTTP POST instead?
return promise.then(function (ws) {
var db = {};
var proto = sqlite3real.Database.prototype;
var messages = [];
var idprefix = require('crypto').randomBytes(12).toString('base64');
var idcount = 0;
function genId() {
idcount += 1;
return idprefix + idcount;
function init(iopts) {
//console.log('CLIENT INIT');
if (db._initPromise) {
return db._initPromise;
db._initPromise = new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
// TODO needs to reject by a timeout
var id = genId();
type: 'init'
, args: [{
// encryption
bits: opts.bits || iopts.bits
, algorithm: opts.algo || opts.algorithm || iopts.algorithm || iopts.algo
, algo: opts.algo || opts.algorithm || iopts.algorithm || iopts.algo
, encmode: opts.mode || iopts.mode
, func: 'init'
// db
, dirname: opts.dirname
, prefix: opts.prefix
, subtenant: opts.subtenant
, tenant: opts.tenant
, dbname: opts.dbname
, suffix: opts.suffix
, ext: opts.ext
// session
, id: id
function onMessage(data) {
var cmd;
try {
cmd = JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8'));
} catch(e) {
console.error('[ERROR] in client, from sql server parse json');
console.error(e.stack || e);
// ignore this message, it came out of order
return reject(new Error("suxors to rejexors parse"));
if ( !== id) {
// ignore this message, it came out of order
if (cmd.self) {
cmd.args = [db];
messages.splice(messages.indexOf(onMessage), 1);
if ('error' === cmd.type) {
//console.log('ERROR ARGS');
//console.log('CLIENT RESOLVING INIT');
return db._initPromise;
function rpcThunk(fname, args) {
var id;
var cb;
if ('function' === typeof args[args.length - 1]) {
id = genId();
cb = args.pop();
type: 'init'
, args: [opts]
, func: 'init'
, filename: opts.filename
type: 'rpc'
, func: fname
, args: args
, dirname: opts.dirname
, prefix: opts.prefix
, subtenant: opts.subtenant
, tenant: opts.tenant
, dbname: opts.dbname
, suffix: opts.suffix
, ext: opts.ext
, id: id
if (!cb) {
function onMessage(data) {

@@ -136,3 +367,3 @@ var cmd;

console.error('[ERROR] in client, from sql server parse json');
console.error(e.stack || e);

@@ -146,2 +377,3 @@ console.error();

if ( !== id) {
// ignore this message, it probably came out of order

@@ -153,111 +385,68 @@ }

//console.log('RESOLVING RPC', cmd.this, cmd.args);
cb.apply(cmd.this, cmd.args);
messages.splice(messages.indexOf(onMessage), 1);
if ('error' === cmd.type) {
if ('on' !== fname) {
var index = messages.indexOf(onMessage);
messages.splice(index, 1);
function rpcThunk(fname, args) {
var id;
var cb;
if ('function' === typeof args[args.length - 1]) {
id = Math.random();
cb = args.pop();
type: 'rpc'
, func: fname
, args: args
, filename: opts.filename
, id: id
db.sanitize = require('./wrapper').sanitize;
db.escape = require('./wrapper').escape;
if (!cb) {
// TODO get methods from server (cluster-store does this)
// instead of using the prototype
Object.keys(sqlite3real.Database.prototype).forEach(function (key) {
function onMessage(data) {
var cmd;
if ('function' === typeof proto[key]) {
db[key] = function () {
try {
cmd = JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8'));
} catch(e) {
console.error('[ERROR] in client, from sql server parse json');
db.init = init;
//ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', value: { message: e.message, code: "E_PARSE_JSON" } }));
ws.on('message', function (data) {
messages.forEach(function (fn) {
try {
} catch(e) {
console.error("[ERROR] ws.on('message', fn) (multi-callback)");
console.error(e.stack || e);
// ignore
if ( !== id) {
// serialize
// parallel
db.serialize = db.parallel = function () {
throw new Error('NOT IMPLEMENTED in SQLITE3-remote');
if (cmd.self) {
cmd.args = [db];
db.close = function (fn) {
ws.__count -= 1;
if (!ws.__count) {
// waiting for to land
// 1000 means 'normal'
ws.close(1000, null, fn);
cb.apply(cmd.this, cmd.args);
if ('on' !== fname) {
var index = messages.indexOf(onMessage);
messages.splice(index, 1);
if (opts.init) {
return db.init(opts);
db.sanitize = require('./wrapper').sanitize;
db.escape = require('./wrapper').escape;
// TODO get methods from server (cluster-store does this)
// instead of using the prototype
Object.keys(sqlite3real.Database.prototype).forEach(function (key) {
if ('function' === typeof proto[key]) {
db[key] = function () {
return db;
db.init = init;
return create(opts);
ws.on('message', function (data) {
messages.forEach(function (fn) {
try {
} catch(e) {
console.error("[ERROR] ws.on('message', fn) (multi-callback)");
// ignore
// serialize
// parallel
db.serialize = db.parallel = function () {
throw new Error('NOT IMPLEMENTED in SQLITE3-remote');
return db;
module.exports.sanitize = require('./wrapper').sanitize;
module.exports.escape = require('./wrapper').escape;
module.exports.create = create;

@@ -23,1 +23,3 @@ 'use strict';

module.exports.create = create;
module.exports.createServer = sqlite3.createServer;
module.exports.createMasterClient = sqlite3.createMasterClient;
"name": "sqlite3-cluster",
"version": "1.1.1",
"version": "2.1.0",
"description": "A wrapper to enable the use of sqlite3 with node cluster via a socket server (i.e. for Raspberry Pi 2).",

@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ "main": "index.js",

"sqlite3": "^3.0.9",
"ws": "^0.7.2"
"ws": "^2.3.1"
'use strict';
/*global Promise*/
var PromiseA = Promise;
try {
PromiseA = require('bluebird').Promise;
} catch(e) {
console.warn("For better Promise support please use bluebird");
var PromiseA = require('bluebird').Promise;
var wsses = {};
function createApp(server, options) {
function createApp(servers, options) {
var url = require('url');
var wss = servers.wss;
//var server = servers.server;
if (wsses[options.filename]) {
return PromiseA.resolve(wsses[options.filename]);
//var express = require('express');
//var app = express();
function app(req, res) {
return require('./wrapper').create(options).then(function (db) {
wss.on('connection', function (ws) {
var location = url.parse(ws.upgradeReq.url, true);
// you might use location.query.access_token to authenticate or share sessions
// or ws.upgradeReq.headers.cookie (see
var url = require('url');
//var express = require('express');
//var app = express();
var wss = server.wss;
if (!options.ipcKey) {
console.warn("[S] [SECURITY] please include { ipcKey: crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64') }"
+ " in your options and pass it from master to worker processes with worker.send()");
ws._authorized = true;
} else {
ws._authorized = (options.ipcKey === (location.query.ipcKey || location.query.ipc_key));
function app(req, res) {
if (!ws._authorized) {
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ error: { message: "Unauthorized: ipc_key does not match", code: 'E_UNAUTHORIZED_IPCKEY' } }));
wss.on('connection', function (ws) {
if (!wss.__count) {
wss.__count = 0;
wss.__count += 1;
var location = url.parse(ws.upgradeReq.url, true);
// you might use location.query.access_token to authenticate or share sessions
// or ws.upgradeReq.headers.cookie (see
function decrWs() {
wss.__count -= 1;
if (!wss.__count) {
console.log('[S] client count is zero, but server will be left open');
wss.close(function () {
server.close(function () {
console.log('server closed, but will not exit due to bug? in wss.close()');
ws.__session_id = location.query.session_id || Math.random();
ws.on('error', function (err) {
console.error('[S] [WebSocket error]');
ws.on('close', decrWs);
ws.on('message', function (buffer) {
var cmd;
var promise;
ws.on('message', function (buffer) {
var cmd;
try {
cmd = JSON.parse(buffer.toString('utf8'));
} catch(e) {
console.error('[S] [ERROR] parse json');
console.error(e.stack || e);
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', value: { message: e.message, code: "E_PARSE_JSON" } }));
try {
cmd = JSON.parse(buffer.toString('utf8'));
} catch(e) {
console.error('[ERROR] parse json');
ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', value: { message: e.message, code: "E_PARSE_JSON" } }));
// caching and create logic happens in the wrapper stored here below
promise = require('./wrapper').create(cmd && cmd.dbname && cmd || options).then(function (db) {
switch(cmd.type) {
case 'init':
//console.log('[S] init', cmd);
db[cmd.func].apply(db, cmd.args).then(function () {

@@ -62,2 +97,3 @@ var args =;

//console.log('[INIT HAPPENING]');

@@ -73,8 +109,9 @@ id:

case 'rpc':
if (!db._initialized) {
if ('close' !== cmd.func && !db._initialized) {
//console.log('[RPC NOT HAPPENING]');
type: 'error'
, id:
, args: [{ message: 'database has not been initialized' }]
, error: { message: 'database has not been initialized' }
, args: [{ message: 'database has not been initialized', code: 'E_NO_INIT' }]
, error: { message: 'database has not been initialized', code: 'E_NO_INIT' }

@@ -84,3 +121,3 @@ return;

cmd.args.push(function () {
cmd.args.push(function (err) {
var args =;

@@ -94,7 +131,9 @@ var myself;

//console.log('[RPC HAPPENING]', args,;
this: this
this: (!err && this !== global) ? this : {}
, args: args
, self: myself
, id:
, error: err

@@ -112,37 +151,73 @@ });

ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'session', value: ws.__session_id }));
// wsses[options.sock] = app;
return PromiseA.resolve();
function newSocket(options) {
if (wsses[options.sock]) {
return PromiseA.resolve(wsses[options.sock]);
wsses[options.sock] = new PromiseA(function (resolve) {
var fs = require('fs');
fs.unlink(options.sock, function () {
var server = require('http').createServer();
// ignore error when socket doesn't exist
server.listen(options.sock, function () {
}).then(function (server) {
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server;
var servers = {
server: require('http').createServer()
, wss: new WebSocketServer({ server: server })
return createApp(servers, options).then(function (/*app*/) {
// server.on('request', app);
wsses[options.sock] = servers;
app.masterClient = db;
wsses[options.filename] = app;
return wsses[options.sock];
return app;
return wsses[options.sock];
function createMasterClient(options) {
return require('./wrapper').create(options, null).then(function (db) {
return db;
function create(options) {
var server = require('http').createServer();
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server;
var wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: server });
//var port = process.env.PORT || process.argv[0] || 4080;
function createServer(options) {
if (!options.sock) {
throw new Error("Please provide options.sock as the socket to serve from");
options.server = options.sock;
var fs = require('fs');
var ps = [];
return newSocket(options).then(function () {
var result = {};
ps.push(new PromiseA(function (resolve) {
fs.unlink(options.sock, function () {
// ignore error when socket doesn't exist
server.listen(options.sock, resolve);
Object.keys(wsses[options.sock]).forEach(function (key) {
result[key] = wsses[options.sock][key];
ps.push(createApp({ server: server, wss: wss }, options).then(function (app) {
server.on('request', app);
return { masterClient: app.masterClient };
function create(options) {
return createServer(options).then(function (result) {
if (!options.dbname) {
return result;
return PromiseA.all(ps).then(function (results) {
return results[1];
return createMasterClient(options).then(function (db) {
result.masterClient = db;
return result;

@@ -152,1 +227,3 @@ }

module.exports.create = create;
module.exports.createMasterClient = createMasterClient;
module.exports.createServer = createServer;
'use strict';
/*global Promise*/
var PromiseA = Promise;
try {
PromiseA = require('bluebird').Promise;
} catch(e) {
console.warn("For better Promise support please use bluebird");
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3');
// TODO expire unused dbs from cache
var dbs = {};

@@ -17,5 +11,6 @@

function create(opts) {
var db;
function create(opts, verbs) {
if (!verbs) {
verbs = {};
if (!opts) {

@@ -25,15 +20,23 @@ opts = {};

if (opts.verbose) {
var db;
var PromiseA = verbs.Promise || require('bluebird');
var dbname = "";
if (!dbs[opts.filename]) {
dbs[opts.filename] = new sqlite3.Database(opts.filename);
dbname += (opts.prefix || '');
if (opts.subtenant) {
dbname += opts.subtenant + '.';
if (opts.tenant) {
dbname += opts.tenant + '.';
dbname += (opts.dbname || '');
dbname += (opts.suffix || '');
dbname += (opts.ext || '');
dbname = require('path').resolve(opts.dirname || '', dbname);
db = dbs[opts.filename];
db.sanitize = sanitize;
db.escape = sanitize;
function initDb(newOpts) {
if (dbs[dbname].initPromise) {
return dbs[dbname].initPromise;
db.init = function (newOpts) {
if (!newOpts) {

@@ -46,4 +49,4 @@ newOpts = {};

return new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
if (db._initialized) {
dbs[dbname].initPromise = new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
if (dbs[dbname].db._initialized) {

@@ -55,4 +58,7 @@ return;

if (!bits) {
db._initialized = true;
dbs[dbname].db._initialized = true;
dbs[dbname].db = db;

@@ -64,3 +70,2 @@ return;

db._initialized = true;
db.serialize(function () {

@@ -91,2 +96,5 @@ var setup = [];

// restore original functions
dbs[dbname].db._initialized = true;
dbs[dbname].db = db;

@@ -96,5 +104,37 @@ }, reject);

return db.init(opts);
return dbs[dbname].initPromise;
function newDb() {
// dbs[dbname] = db //
db = new sqlite3.Database(dbname);
db.init = initDb;
db.sanitize = sanitize;
db.escape = sanitize;
if (opts.verbose) {
return db;
// Could be any of:
// * db object
// * init promise
if (!dbs[dbname]) {
dbs[dbname] = { db: newDb() };
if (dbs[dbname].db._initialized) {
return PromiseA.resolve(dbs[dbname].db);
if (opts.init || ('init' === opts.type) || (opts.bits && opts.key)) {
dbs[dbname].initPromise = db.init(opts);
return dbs[dbname].initPromise || PromiseA.resolve(dbs[dbname].db);

@@ -101,0 +141,0 @@

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