A package for string manipulation with useful functions.
is a versatile package designed to make string manipulation easy and intuitive. Whether you need to reverse strings, convert case formats, generate random strings, validate emails, or analyze text, str-manipulate provides a comprehensive set of functions to meet your needs. Lightweight and easy to use, this package is ideal for any project that requires advanced string manipulation capabilities.
You can install the package via npm:
npm install str-manipulate
reverseWords(str: string): string
The reverseWords
function takes a string as input, reverses the order of the words, and returns the modified string.
The reverseCharacters
function takes a string as input, reverses the order of all characters in the string, and returns the modified string.
reverseEachWord(str: string): string
The reverseEachWord
function takes a string as input, reverses the order of characters in each word, and returns the modified string.
reverseCase(str: string): string
The reverseCase
function takes a string as input, inverts the case of each character, and returns the modified string.
toSnakeCase(str: string): string
The toSnakeCase
function converts a string to snake_case format by replacing spaces with underscores and transforming all letters to lowercase.
toKebabCase(str: string): string
The toKebabCase
function converts a string to kebab-case format by replacing spaces with hyphens and transforming all letters to lowercase.
toPascalCase(str: string): string
The toPascalCase
function converts a string to PascalCase format by removing spaces and capitalizing the first letter of each word.
toCamelCase(str: string): string
The toCamelCase
function converts a string to camelCase format by removing spaces and capitalizing the first letter of each word except the first one.
toCapitalize(str: string): string
The tocapitalize
function converts the first letter of a string to uppercase and the rest of the string to lowercase.
truncate(str: string, length: number, suffix: string = "..."): string
The truncate
function shortens a string to a specified length, appending a suffix if the original string exceeds that length. If the string is shorter than or equal to the specified length, it returns the original string.
removeWhitespace(str: string): string
The removeWhitespace
function remove all the whitespaces from a string
removeVowels(str: string): string
The removeVowels
function removes all vowels (both uppercase and lowercase) from the input string.
removeConsonants(str: string): string
The removeConsonants
function removes all consonants (both uppercase and lowercase) from the input string.
removeDigits(str: string): string
The removeDigits
function removes all digits from the input string.
removePunctuation(str: string): string
The removePunctuation
function removes all punctation marks from the input string.
generateRandomString(length: number, haracters: string = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'): string
The generateRandomString
function generates a random string of a specified length using the specified characters. By default, it uses uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and digits. This function is useful for creating unique identifiers, passwords, or any other string that requires randomness. If no custom characters are provided, it will use the default character set.
generateHexColor(): string
The generateHexColor
function generates a random hexadecimal color code in the standard format. It produces a string representing a color, which can be used for styling elements in web development or for creating random color palettes.
generateLoremIpsum(wordCount: number = 10): string
The generateLoremIpsum
function generates a random "Lorem Ipsum" text consisting of a specified number of words. By default, it produces 10 words, making it useful for creating placeholder text in applications or web pages.
generateStrongPassword(length: number = 8): string
The generateStrongPassword
function generates a secure random password of the specified length, ensuring it includes at least one character from each of the following categories: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. This function helps create strong passwords that are less predictable and more resistant to guessing attacks.
isPalindrome(str: string): boolean
The isPalindrome
function checks if a given string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters that reads the same forward and backward (ignoring spaces, punctuation, and capitalization).
wordCount(str: string): number
The wordCount
function counts the number of words in a given string. It ignores spaces and punctuation, treating consecutive sequences of alphanumeric characters as words.
vowelCount(str: string): number
The vowelCount
function counts the number of vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in a given string, ignoring case.
consonantCount(str: string): number
The consonantCount
function counts the number of consonants in a given string, ignoring case.
sentenceCount(str: string): number
The sentenceCount
function counts the number of sentences in a given string based on sentence-ending punctuation (.!?).
findLongestWord(str: string): string
The findLongestWord
function finds the longest word in a given string. A word is defined as a sequence of characters separated by spaces or punctuation.
findShortestWord(str: string): string
The findShortestWord
function finds the shortest word in a given string. A word is defined as a sequence of characters separated by spaces or punctuation.
isEmail(email: string): boolean
The isEmail
function checks if the provided string is a valid email address. A valid email address consists of a local part, an '@' symbol, and a domain part, where the local part may contain alphanumeric characters, dots, and other special characters. The domain part must contain at least one dot and cannot start or end with a dot.
isURL(url: string): boolean
The isURL
function checks if a given string is a valid URL. It verifies that the input string follows the structure of a valid URL, including the protocol (http or https), domain name, and optional components like port, path, query string, and fragment.
isHexColor(color: string): boolean
The isHexColor
function checks if a given string is a valid hexadecimal color code. It verifies that the input string follows the format of a hex color code, which includes a hash (#) followed by either three or six hexadecimal digits.
isStrongPassword(color: string): boolean
The isStrongPassword
function checks whether a given password meets the criteria for strength. A strong password should contain a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, along with a minimum length.