Strider Extension Loader
Strider is an extensible CI
system, written in node. Strider extensions are simply NPM packages
with additional metadata contained in a file named
. This metadata tells Strider which JavaScript source
files should be loaded and initialized.
Hence, to install a new Strider extension, you can just npm install
it in your strider repositiory.
This is a small Node.JS library for loading Strider extensions.
var Loader = require('strider-extension-loader');
var loader = new Loader();
new Loader(lesspaths, isNamespaced)
is an optional list of directories that will be made
available while compiling plugins' less
style files.isNamespaced
is for backwards compatibility with older versions
where the default type controllers e.g. JobController
were not namespaced.
For versions < 1.6.0 this property should NOT be set.
.collectExtensions(dirs, done(err))
Collect all strider extensions found in the given directories.
.initWebAppExtensions(context, done(err, extensions))
Load the "webapp" portion of all extensions.
looks like { plugintype: { pluginid: loadedPlugin, ... }, ... }
The structure of the loadedPlugin
object depend on the plugin type.
.initWorkerExtensions(context, done(err, extensions))
Same as initWebAppExtensions
but for the worker
.initTemplates(done(err, templates))
Load all of the templates from all extensions. templates
looks like
{ templatename: stringtemplate, ... }
.initStaticDirs(app, done(err))
Register the /static/
directories of all plugins to map to /ext/:pluginid
.initConfig(jspath, csspath, done(err, configs))
Assets for configuring plugins on the /my/project/config
Collect the html, js, and css for all plugins. This is per-project
config. js scripts will each be wrapped in an anonymous function to
namespace it, and concatenated into one file (in future it will also
be minified). Stylesheets will also be concatenated together, and
files will be compiled to css (with the lesspaths available
for imports).
Then the js and css are written to the files specified jspath
Html for the templates are available on the configs
Configs look like { plugintype: { pluginid: config, ...}, ... }
looks like:
id: "myplugin",
controller: "MyController",
html: "<the>html</the>",
icon: "icon.png",
title: "My Plugin"
Basically, this is constructed from the strider
section of
"strider": {
"id": "myplugin",
"title": "My Plugin",
"icon": "icon.png",
"config": {
I hope that's clear.
Angular Controller
If you don't need to do anything fancy, you can just use the default
controller for your plugin type. Take a look in
strider's client/config/controllers
directory for the source of
those controllers. Basically, each controller makes available a
object on the scope, which is populated by the plugin's
config for the currently selected branch. Also a save()
function is
available on the scope.
So, for example, the simplest configuration template for any plugin
type could just have
<input ng-model="config.oneAttr" placeholder="One Attribute Here">
<button class="btn" ng-click="save()">Save</button>
No javascript required. Just put that in "config/config.html" and
you're done.
.initUserConfig(jspath, csspath, done)
This is very similar to initConfig, but for per-user as opposed to
per-project config. For provider plugins, the default file name is
config/accountConfig.html, js, less
, and for all other plugin types
it's config/userConfig.html, js, less
.initStatusBlocks(jspath, csspath, done)
Status blocks allow plugins to
Strider Extensions
Extension types
- runner: runs the jobs, like strider-simple-runner
- provider: gets the source code for a project, like strider-github,
strider-bitbucket or strider-git. Can be hosted or regular.
- job: setup the environment, run tests, deploy etc. like strider-node or strider-sauce
- basic: do whatever you want. If you need more power, use this, but
you don't get the helpers provided by the more specific plugin types.
Webapp vs Worker
There are two environments where plugins are loaded, webapp and worker.
Webapp environment
Effects the way the strider webapp works, how it looks, etc. You can
define templates, serve static files, listen to global strider events,
and other great things.
Worker environment
This code is loaded for each job that is run, by the process that is
running the job. This may be the same process as the webapp (as when
using strider-simple-runner
), or it might be somewhere else
entirely. Accordingly, it is recommended that you not depend on
network connections unless absolutely necessary. In many cases, you
can pass a message up to the strider app and handle it in your
To declare your npm package as a strider plugin, include a
in the base directory. Alternatively, you can have a
section to your package.json
"id": "pluginid",
"title": "Human Readable",
"icon": "icon.png",
"type": "runner | provider | job | basic",
"webapp": "filename.js",
"worker": "filename.js",
"templates": {
"tplname": "<div>Hello {{ name }}</div>",
"tplname": "path/to/tpl.html"
"config": {
Additionally, if there is a /static/
directory, the files within it
will be accessible at the path /ext/:pluginid
Runner plugins do not get loaded in the worker environment.
module.exports = {
config: {},
appConfig: {},
create: function (emitter, options, callback(err, runner)) {}
Runner object
These are used for the strider admin dashboard.
number of jobs currently runningqueued
length of the queue
handles events (job)
see strider-runner-core for a description of the job
datajob.cancel (jobid)
if the runner has the specified job, either
queued or in process, stop it and fire the job.canceled
Runners are only expected to handle a job if
identifies it as belonging to this runner.
emits events
browser.update (eventname, data)
this is for proxying internal
events up to the browserjob.queued (jobid, time)
job.done (data)
see the job plugin sectionappPanel
similar to panel, but for global config
Provider plugins that need an ssh keypair are encouraged to use the
and pubkey
that are defined for each project. They are
attributes on the project
module.exports = {
config: {},
userConfig: {},
getFile: function (filepath, userConfig, config, project, done(err, filecontents))
getBranches: function (userConfig, config, project, done(err, [branchname, ...]))
listRepos: function (userConfig, done(err, repos)) {},
setupLink: "/ext/github/oauth",
isSetup: function (account) {},
initialize: function (userConfig, repo, done(err, name, display_url, config)) {},
routes: function (app, context) {}
The repos
that are returned by listRepos
contain objects
which, when activated, will be the provider config for the project. As
such, it is required to have a url
that is unique, a name
looks like "org/name" and it should also define a display_url
appropriate. All other config is up to you.
name: 'some/name',
url: '',
display_url: ''
If just a function is exposed, it is assumed to be "fetch".
module.exports = {
fetch: function (dest, userConfig, config, job, context, done) {}
Use panel
for project-level config, and userPanel
for user-level config.
you can also define a 24x24
icon for the
links. If this is not a path, it is assumed to be the
name of an icon from FontAwesome
(without the icon-
prefix) and
will be loaded as such. Defaults to external-link
config: {},
routes: function (app, context) {},
globalRoutes: function (app, context) {},
listen: function (emitter, context) {}
If only a function is exposed, it is assumed to be the init(config, job, cb)
Autodetection rules are only used when a project has no plugins
module.exports = {
init: function (config, job, context, cb) {
return cb(null, {
path: path.join(__dirname, 'bin'),
env: {},
listen: function (emitter, context) {
environment: 'nvm install ' + (config.version || '0.10'),
prepare: 'npm install',
test: function (context, done) {
checkSomething(context, function (shouldDoThings) {
if (!shouldDoThings) {
return done(null, false);
doThings(function (err) {
done(err, true);
cleanup: 'rm -rf node_modules'
autodetect: {
filename: 'package.json',
exists: true
Phase Context
cmd(cmd || options, done(exitCode))
Run a shell command
cmd: "shell string" || {command: "", args: [], screen: ""},
env: {},
cwd: ""
If the command contains sensitive information (such as a password or
OAuth token), you can specify a screen
command, which is what will
be output.
status(type, args) Update the job status
See strider-runner-core
for the job.status.
events. This emits a
event with [jobid] + arguments.
out(data, type) Output
Type defaults to stdout
. It can be one of stderr
, message
, warn
. error
and warn
are prefixed by a colored
and sent to stderr
. message
is prefixed
by a colored [STRIDER]
and sent to stdout
Other context data
You shouldn't need to use these, but they're there.
Job plugins can also define an icon
in the strider.json
which is the path to a 48x48 image that will be shown on the project
configuration page when a user is enabling plugins.
Config Panel
If the plugin requires special configuration, it can also define a
object in strider.json
, which looks like:
"panel": {
"src": "path/to/file.html",
"controller": "NameOfCtrl"
Define the angular controller in /static/project_config.js
, which
will be loaded.
See strider-webhooks
for an example of a custom config panel.
This is where you do whatever you want. It will not be listed in the
UI anywhere automatically, so user configuration will require your own
ingenuity. If the need arises, we might expose some kind of config on
the system level to strider administrators, but not at the moment.
You can listen for events, but you shouldn't run any tests or interact
with the source code in any way. For that, write a job
module.exports = function (context, job, done) {
module.exports = function (context, done) {
Webapp Plugin Context
This is what gets passed into the basic
init function, as well as
the listen
and routes
functions of various plugin types.
- config -- main strider config
- emitter -- for passing events
- models
- logger
- middleware
- auth
- app -- the express app
- registerBlock
registerBlock(name, cb)
ctx.registerBlock('HeaderBrand', function(context, cb) {
var email =;
cb(null, '<h1>FooStrider</h1>');
Templates in strider.json
Because writing a bunch of registerBlock
calls for simple pieces of template
overrides is a little tedious, you can also use the following shortcut in your
"templates": {
"HeaderBrand": "<h1>An HTML String</h1>",
"FooterTOS": "./path/to/TOS.html"
These are either inline strings or paths to static HTML. There is no templating
available for these at present.
Note If more than one override is specified for a block, then the first one
will be used. At the moment this means that extensions can squash each other.
If you want to simply 'append' to a block, use the registerBlock
and make sure that you prefix the html you return with:
which will contain either the default html, or the content from
previous extensions.