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string-ts - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.1.0



@@ -0,1 +1,9 @@

type GetTuple<L extends number, result extends any[] = []> = result['length'] extends L ? result : GetTuple<L, [...result, any]>;
declare namespace Math {
type Subtract<A extends number, B extends number> = GetTuple<A> extends [...infer U, ...GetTuple<B>] ? U['length'] : 0;
type IsPositive<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${number}` ? false : true;
type Abs<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${infer U extends number}` ? U : T;
type GetPositiveIndex<T extends string, I extends number> = IsPositive<I> extends true ? I : Subtract<Length<T>, Abs<I>>;

@@ -6,5 +14,5 @@ * Gets the character at the given index.

type CharAt<T extends string, index extends number> = Split<T, ''>[index];
type CharAt<T extends string, index extends number> = Split<T>[index];
* A strongly typed version of `String.prototype.charAt`.
* A strongly-typed version of `String.prototype.charAt`.
* @param str the string to get the character from.

@@ -17,2 +25,14 @@ * @param index the index of the character.

* Concatenates a tuple of strings.
* T: The tuple of strings to concatenate.
type Concat<T extends string[]> = Join<T>;
* A strongly-typed version of `String.prototype.concat`.
* @param strings the tuple of strings to concatenate.
* @returns the concatenated string in both type level and runtime.
* @example concat('a', 'bc', 'def') // 'abcdef'
declare function concat<T extends string[]>(...strings: T): Concat<T>;
* Joins a tuple of strings with the given delimiter.

@@ -27,3 +47,3 @@ * T: The tuple of strings to join.

* A strongly typed version of `Array.prototype.join`.
* A strongly-typed version of `Array.prototype.join`.
* @param tuple the tuple of strings to join.

@@ -36,2 +56,13 @@ * @param delimiter the delimiter.

* Gets the length of a string.
type Length<T extends string> = Split<T>['length'];
* A strongly-typed version of `String.prototype.length`.
* @param str the string to get the length from.
* @returns the length of the string in both type level and runtime.
* @example length('hello world') // 11
declare function length<T extends string>(str: T): Length<T>;
* Replaces the first occurrence of a string with another string.

@@ -44,3 +75,3 @@ * sentence: The sentence to replace.

* A strongly typed version of `String.prototype.replace`.
* A strongly-typed version of `String.prototype.replace`.
* @param sentence the sentence to replace.

@@ -61,3 +92,3 @@ * @param lookup the lookup string to be replaced.

* A strongly typed version of `String.prototype.replaceAll`.
* A strongly-typed version of `String.prototype.replaceAll`.
* @param sentence the sentence to replace.

@@ -71,2 +102,20 @@ * @param lookup the lookup string to be replaced.

* Slices a string from a startIndex to an endIndex.
* T: The string to slice.
* startIndex: The start index.
* endIndex: The end index.
* @warning 🚨 it doesn't work exactly like the native slice as it will ignore the end index if start index is negative
type Slice<T extends string, startIndex extends number = 0, endIndex extends number = Split<T>['length']> = T extends `${infer head}${infer rest}` ? startIndex extends 0 ? endIndex extends 0 ? '' : `${head}${Slice<rest, 0, endIndex extends -1 ? -1 : Math.Subtract<endIndex, 1>>}` : `${Slice<rest, Math.Subtract<Math.GetPositiveIndex<T, startIndex>, 1>, Math.IsPositive<startIndex> extends true ? Math.Subtract<endIndex, 1> : Split<T>['length']>}` : '';
* A strongly-typed version of `String.prototype.slice`.
* @param str the string to slice.
* @param start the start index.
* @param end the end index.
* @returns the sliced string in both type level and runtime.
* @example slice('hello world', 6) // 'world'
* @warning 🚨 it doesn't work exactly like the native slice as it will ignore the end index if start index is negative
declare function slice<T extends string, const S extends number = 0, const E extends number = Split<T>['length']>(str: T, start?: S, end?: E): Slice<T, S, E>;
* Splits a string into an array of substrings.

@@ -78,3 +127,3 @@ * T: The string to split.

* A strongly typed version of `String.prototype.split`.
* A strongly-typed version of `String.prototype.split`.
* @param str the string to split.

@@ -92,3 +141,3 @@ * @param delimiter the delimiter.

* A strongly typed version of `String.prototype.trimStart`.
* A strongly-typed version of `String.prototype.trimStart`.
* @param str the string to trim.

@@ -105,3 +154,3 @@ * @returns the trimmed string in both type level and runtime.

* A strongly typed version of `String.prototype.trimEnd`.
* A strongly-typed version of `String.prototype.trimEnd`.
* @param str the string to trim.

@@ -118,3 +167,3 @@ * @returns the trimmed string in both type level and runtime.

* A strongly typed version of `String.prototype.trim`.
* A strongly-typed version of `String.prototype.trim`.
* @param str the string to trim.

@@ -140,6 +189,6 @@ * @returns the trimmed string in both type level and runtime.

type PascalCaseAll<T extends string[]> = T extends [infer First, ...infer Rest] ? [
Capitalize<Lowercase<Is<First, string>>>,
...PascalCaseAll<Is<Rest, string[]>>
] : T;
type PascalCaseAll<T extends string[]> = T extends [
infer head extends string,
...infer rest extends string[]
] ? [Capitalize<Lowercase<head>>, ...PascalCaseAll<rest>] : T;

@@ -214,2 +263,9 @@ type Digit = '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9';

* Capitalizes the first letter of a string. This is a runtime counterpart of `Capitalize<T>` from `src/types.d.ts`.
* @param str the string to capitalize.
* @returns the capitalized string.
* @example capitalize('hello world') // 'Hello world'
declare function capitalize<T extends string>(str: T): Capitalize<T>;
* This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of String.prototype.toLowerCase.

@@ -229,8 +285,8 @@ * @param str the string to make lowercase.

* Capitalizes the first letter of a string. This is a runtime counterpart of `Capitalize<T>` from `src/types.d.ts`.
* @param str the string to capitalize.
* @returns the capitalized string.
* @example capitalize('hello world') // 'Hello world'
* Uncapitalizes the first letter of a string. This is a runtime counterpart of `Uncapitalize<T>` from `src/types.d.ts`.
* @param str the string to uncapitalize.
* @returns the uncapitalized string.
* @example uncapitalize('Hello world') // 'hello world'
declare function capitalize<T extends string>(str: T): Capitalize<T>;
declare function uncapitalize<T extends string>(str: T): Uncapitalize<T>;

@@ -251,3 +307,3 @@ * Transforms a string with the specified separator (delimiter).

type CamelCase<T extends string> = T extends unknown ? PascalCase<T> extends `${infer first}${infer rest}` ? `${Lowercase<first>}${rest}` : T : never;
type CamelCase<T extends string> = Uncapitalize<PascalCase<T>>;

@@ -263,3 +319,3 @@ * A strongly typed version of `toCamelCase` that works in both runtime and type level.

type PascalCase<T extends string> = Join<PascalCaseAll<Is<Words<T>, string[]>>>;
type PascalCase<T extends string> = Join<PascalCaseAll<Words<T>>>;

@@ -328,2 +384,16 @@ * A strongly typed version of `toPascalCase` that works in both runtime and type level.

* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to camelCase.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
type CamelKeys<T> = T extends [] ? T : {
[K in keyof T as CamelCase<Is<K, string>>]: T[K];
* A strongly typed function that shallowly transforms the keys of an object to camelCase. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example camelKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { fooBar: { 'fizz-buz': true } }
declare function camelKeys<T>(obj: T): CamelKeys<T>;
* Recursively transforms the keys of an Record to camelCase.

@@ -338,52 +408,86 @@ * T: the type of the Record to transform.

* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to camelCase.
* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to camelCase. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example deepCamelKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { fooBar: { fizzBuzz: true } }
declare function deepCamelKeys<T>(obj: T): DeepCamelKeys<T>;
* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to CONSTANT_CASE.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
type CamelKeys<T> = T extends [] ? T : {
[K in keyof T as CamelCase<Is<K, string>>]: T[K];
type ConstantKeys<T> = T extends [] ? T : {
[K in keyof T as ConstantCase<Is<K, string>>]: T[K];
* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to camelCase. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* A strongly typed function that shallowly transforms the keys of an object to CONSTANT_CASE. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example deepCamelKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { fooBar: { fizzBuzz: true } }
* @example constantKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { FOO_BAR: { 'fizz-buzz': true } }
declare function deepCamelKeys<T>(obj: T): DeepCamelKeys<T>;
declare function constantKeys<T>(obj: T): ConstantKeys<T>;
* A strongly typed function that shallowly transforms the keys of an object to camelCase. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* Recursively transforms the keys of an Record to CONSTANT_CASE.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
type DeepConstantKeys<T> = T extends [any, ...any] ? {
[I in keyof T]: DeepConstantKeys<T[I]>;
} : T extends (infer V)[] ? DeepConstantKeys<V>[] : {
[K in keyof T as ConstantCase<Is<K, string>>]: DeepConstantKeys<T[K]>;
* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to CONSTANT_CASE. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example camelKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { fooBar: { 'fizz-buz': true } }
* @example deepConstantKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { FOO_BAR: { FIZZ_BUZZ: true } }
declare function camelKeys<T>(obj: T): CamelKeys<T>;
declare function deepConstantKeys<T>(obj: T): DeepConstantKeys<T>;
* Recursively transforms the keys of an Record to PascalCase.
* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to a custom delimiter case.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
* D: the delimiter to use.
type DeepPascalKeys<T> = T extends [any, ...any] ? {
[I in keyof T]: DeepPascalKeys<T[I]>;
} : T extends (infer V)[] ? DeepPascalKeys<V>[] : {
[K in keyof T as PascalCase<Is<K, string>>]: DeepPascalKeys<T[K]>;
type DelimiterKeys<T, D extends string> = T extends [] ? T : {
[K in keyof T as DelimiterCase<Is<K, string>, D>]: T[K];
* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to PascalCase.
* A strongly typed function that shallowly transforms the keys of an object to a custom delimiter case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @param delimiter the delimiter to use.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example delimiterKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }, '.') // { '': { '': true } }
declare function delimiterKeys<T, D extends string>(obj: T, delimiter: D): DelimiterKeys<T, D>;
* Recursively transforms the keys of an Record to a custom delimiter case.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
* D: the delimiter to use.
type PascalKeys<T> = T extends [] ? T : {
[K in keyof T as PascalCase<Is<K, string>>]: T[K];
type DeepDelimiterKeys<T, D extends string> = T extends [any, ...any] ? {
[I in keyof T]: DeepDelimiterKeys<T[I], D>;
} : T extends (infer V)[] ? DeepDelimiterKeys<V, D>[] : {
[K in keyof T as DelimiterCase<Is<K, string>, D>]: DeepDelimiterKeys<T[K], D>;
* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to pascal case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to a custom delimiter case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @param delimiter the delimiter to use.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example deepPascalKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { FooBar: { FizzBuzz: true } }
* @example deepDelimiterKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }, '.') // { '': { '': true } }
declare function deepPascalKeys<T>(obj: T): DeepPascalKeys<T>;
declare function deepDelimiterKeys<T, D extends string>(obj: T, delimiter: D): DeepDelimiterKeys<T, D>;
* A strongly typed function that shallowly transforms the keys of an object to pascal case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to kebab-case.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
type KebabKeys<T> = T extends [] ? T : {
[K in keyof T as KebabCase<Is<K, string>>]: T[K];
* A strongly typed function that shallowly transforms the keys of an object to kebab-case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example pascalKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { FooBar: { 'fizz-buzz': true } }
* @example kebabKeys({ fooBar: { fizzBuzz: true } }) // { 'foo-bar': { fizzBuzz: true } }
declare function pascalKeys<T>(obj: T): PascalKeys<T>;
declare function kebabKeys<T>(obj: T): KebabKeys<T>;

@@ -399,9 +503,2 @@ * Recursively transforms the keys of an Record to kebab-case.

* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to kebab-case.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
type KebabKeys<T> = T extends [] ? T : {
[K in keyof T as KebabCase<Is<K, string>>]: T[K];
* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to kebab-case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.

@@ -414,18 +511,32 @@ * @param obj the object to transform.

* A strongly typed function that shallowly transforms the keys of an object to kebab-case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to PascalCase.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
type PascalKeys<T> = T extends [] ? T : {
[K in keyof T as PascalCase<Is<K, string>>]: T[K];
* A strongly typed function that shallowly transforms the keys of an object to pascal case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example kebabKeys({ fooBar: { fizzBuzz: true } }) // { 'foo-bar': { fizzBuzz: true } }
* @example pascalKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { FooBar: { 'fizz-buzz': true } }
declare function kebabKeys<T>(obj: T): KebabKeys<T>;
declare function pascalKeys<T>(obj: T): PascalKeys<T>;
* Recursively transforms the keys of an Record to snake_case.
* Recursively transforms the keys of an Record to PascalCase.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
type DeepSnakeKeys<T> = T extends [any, ...any] ? {
[I in keyof T]: DeepSnakeKeys<T[I]>;
} : T extends (infer V)[] ? DeepSnakeKeys<V>[] : {
[K in keyof T as SnakeCase<Is<K, string>>]: DeepSnakeKeys<T[K]>;
type DeepPascalKeys<T> = T extends [any, ...any] ? {
[I in keyof T]: DeepPascalKeys<T[I]>;
} : T extends (infer V)[] ? DeepPascalKeys<V>[] : {
[K in keyof T as PascalCase<Is<K, string>>]: DeepPascalKeys<T[K]>;
* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to pascal case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example deepPascalKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { FooBar: { FizzBuzz: true } }
declare function deepPascalKeys<T>(obj: T): DeepPascalKeys<T>;
* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to snake_case.

@@ -438,9 +549,2 @@ * T: the type of the Record to transform.

* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to snake_case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example deepSnakeKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { 'foo_bar': { 'fizz_buzz': true } }
declare function deepSnakeKeys<T>(obj: T): DeepSnakeKeys<T>;
* A strongly typed function that shallowly the keys of an object to snake_case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.

@@ -453,66 +557,18 @@ * @param obj the object to transform.

* Recursively transforms the keys of an Record to CONSTANT_CASE.
* Recursively transforms the keys of an Record to snake_case.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
type DeepConstantKeys<T> = T extends [any, ...any] ? {
[I in keyof T]: DeepConstantKeys<T[I]>;
} : T extends (infer V)[] ? DeepConstantKeys<V>[] : {
[K in keyof T as ConstantCase<Is<K, string>>]: DeepConstantKeys<T[K]>;
type DeepSnakeKeys<T> = T extends [any, ...any] ? {
[I in keyof T]: DeepSnakeKeys<T[I]>;
} : T extends (infer V)[] ? DeepSnakeKeys<V>[] : {
[K in keyof T as SnakeCase<Is<K, string>>]: DeepSnakeKeys<T[K]>;
* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to CONSTANT_CASE.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
type ConstantKeys<T> = T extends [] ? T : {
[K in keyof T as ConstantCase<Is<K, string>>]: T[K];
* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to CONSTANT_CASE. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to snake_case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example deepConstantKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { FOO_BAR: { FIZZ_BUZZ: true } }
* @example deepSnakeKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { 'foo_bar': { 'fizz_buzz': true } }
declare function deepConstantKeys<T>(obj: T): DeepConstantKeys<T>;
* A strongly typed function that shallowly transforms the keys of an object to CONSTANT_CASE. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example constantKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }) // { FOO_BAR: { 'fizz-buzz': true } }
declare function constantKeys<T>(obj: T): ConstantKeys<T>;
* Recursively transforms the keys of an Record to a custom delimiter case.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
* D: the delimiter to use.
type DeepDelimiterKeys<T, D extends string> = T extends [any, ...any] ? {
[I in keyof T]: DeepDelimiterKeys<T[I], D>;
} : T extends (infer V)[] ? DeepDelimiterKeys<V, D>[] : {
[K in keyof T as DelimiterCase<Is<K, string>, D>]: DeepDelimiterKeys<T[K], D>;
* Shallowly transforms the keys of an Record to a custom delimiter case.
* T: the type of the Record to transform.
* D: the delimiter to use.
type DelimiterKeys<T, D extends string> = T extends [] ? T : {
[K in keyof T as DelimiterCase<Is<K, string>, D>]: T[K];
* A strongly typed function that recursively transforms the keys of an object to a custom delimiter case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @param delimiter the delimiter to use.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example deepDelimiterKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }, '.') // { '': { '': true } }
declare function deepDelimiterKeys<T, D extends string>(obj: T, delimiter: D): DeepDelimiterKeys<T, D>;
* A strongly typed function that shallowly transforms the keys of an object to a custom delimiter case. The transformation is done both at runtime and type level.
* @param obj the object to transform.
* @param delimiter the delimiter to use.
* @returns the transformed object.
* @example delimiterKeys({ 'foo-bar': { 'fizz-buzz': true } }, '.') // { '': { '': true } }
declare function delimiterKeys<T, D extends string>(obj: T, delimiter: D): DelimiterKeys<T, D>;
declare function deepSnakeKeys<T>(obj: T): DeepSnakeKeys<T>;
export { CamelCase, CamelKeys, CharAt, ConstantCase, ConstantKeys, DeepCamelKeys, DeepConstantKeys, DeepDelimiterKeys, DeepKebabKeys, DeepPascalKeys, DeepSnakeKeys, DelimiterCase, DelimiterKeys, Digit, Is, IsDigit, IsLetter, IsLower, IsSeparator, IsSpecial, IsUpper, Join, KebabCase, KebabKeys, PascalCase, PascalKeys, Replace, ReplaceAll, Separator, SnakeCase, SnakeKeys, Split, TitleCase, Trim, TrimEnd, TrimStart, Words, camelKeys, capitalize, charAt, constantKeys, deepCamelKeys, deepConstantKeys, deepDelimiterKeys, deepKebabKeys, deepPascalKeys, deepSnakeKeys, deepTransformKeys, delimiterKeys, join, kebabKeys, pascalKeys, replace, replaceAll, snakeKeys, split, toCamelCase, toConstantCase, toDelimiterCase, toKebabCase, toLowerCase, toPascalCase, toSnakeCase, toTitleCase, toUpperCase, trim, trimEnd, trimStart, words };
export { CamelCase, CamelKeys, CharAt, Concat, ConstantCase, ConstantKeys, DeepCamelKeys, DeepConstantKeys, DeepDelimiterKeys, DeepKebabKeys, DeepPascalKeys, DeepSnakeKeys, DelimiterCase, DelimiterKeys, Digit, IsDigit, IsLetter, IsLower, IsSeparator, IsSpecial, IsUpper, Join, KebabCase, KebabKeys, Length, PascalCase, PascalKeys, Replace, ReplaceAll, Separator, Slice, SnakeCase, SnakeKeys, Split, TitleCase, Trim, TrimEnd, TrimStart, Words, camelKeys, capitalize, charAt, concat, constantKeys, deepCamelKeys, deepConstantKeys, deepDelimiterKeys, deepKebabKeys, deepPascalKeys, deepSnakeKeys, deepTransformKeys, delimiterKeys, join, kebabKeys, length, pascalKeys, replace, replaceAll, slice, snakeKeys, split, toCamelCase, toConstantCase, toDelimiterCase, toKebabCase, toLowerCase, toPascalCase, toSnakeCase, toTitleCase, toUpperCase, trim, trimEnd, trimStart, uncapitalize, words };

@@ -26,2 +26,3 @@ "use strict";

charAt: () => charAt,
concat: () => concat,
constantKeys: () => constantKeys,

@@ -38,5 +39,7 @@ deepCamelKeys: () => deepCamelKeys,

kebabKeys: () => kebabKeys,
length: () => length,
pascalKeys: () => pascalKeys,
replace: () => replace,
replaceAll: () => replaceAll,
slice: () => slice,
snakeKeys: () => snakeKeys,

@@ -56,2 +59,3 @@ split: () => split,

trimStart: () => trimStart,
uncapitalize: () => uncapitalize,
words: () => words

@@ -65,14 +69,24 @@ });

function concat(...strings) {
return join(strings);
function join(tuple, delimiter) {
return tuple.join(delimiter ?? "");
function replace(sentence, lookup, replacement) {
return sentence.replace(lookup, replacement ?? "");
function length(str) {
return str.length;
function replaceAll(sentence, lookup, replacement) {
return sentence.replaceAll(
replacement ?? ""
function replace(sentence, lookup, replacement = "") {
return sentence.replace(lookup, replacement);
function replaceAll(sentence, lookup, replacement = "") {
if (typeof sentence.replaceAll === "function") {
return sentence.replaceAll(lookup, replacement);
const regex = new RegExp(lookup, "g");
return sentence.replace(regex, replacement);
function slice(str, start = 0, end = str.length) {
return str.slice(start, start < 0 ? void 0 : end);
function split(str, delimiter) {

@@ -96,3 +110,14 @@ return str.split(delimiter ?? "");

// src/internals.ts
function typeOf(t) {
return^\[object (.+)\]$/, "$1").toLowerCase();
function pascalCaseAll(words2) {
return => capitalize(toLowerCase(v)));
// src/casing.ts
function capitalize(str) {
return join([toUpperCase(charAt(str, 0)), slice(str, 1)]);
function toLowerCase(str) {

@@ -104,4 +129,4 @@ return str.toLowerCase();

function capitalize(str) {
return toUpperCase(str.charAt(0)) + str.slice(1);
function uncapitalize(str) {
return join([toLowerCase(charAt(str, 0)), slice(str, 1)]);

@@ -112,7 +137,6 @@ function toDelimiterCase(str, delimiter) {

function toCamelCase(str) {
const res = toPascalCase(str);
return res.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase() + res.slice(1);
return uncapitalize(toPascalCase(str));
function toPascalCase(str) {
return words(str).map((v) => capitalize(toLowerCase(v))).join("");
return join(pascalCaseAll(words(str)));

@@ -132,8 +156,12 @@ function toKebabCase(str) {

// src/internals.ts
function typeOf(t) {
return^\[object (.+)\]$/, "$1").toLowerCase();
// src/key-casing.ts
function transformKeys(obj, transform) {
if (typeOf(obj) !== "object")
return obj;
const res = {};
for (const key in obj) {
res[transform(key)] = obj[key];
return res;
// src/key-casing.ts
function deepTransformKeys(obj, transform) {

@@ -151,10 +179,4 @@ if (!["object", "array"].includes(typeOf(obj)))

function transformKeys(obj, transform) {
if (typeOf(obj) !== "object")
return obj;
const res = {};
for (const key in obj) {
res[transform(key)] = obj[key];
return res;
function camelKeys(obj) {
return transformKeys(obj, toCamelCase);

@@ -164,13 +186,16 @@ function deepCamelKeys(obj) {

function camelKeys(obj) {
return transformKeys(obj, toCamelCase);
function constantKeys(obj) {
return transformKeys(obj, toConstantCase);
function deepPascalKeys(obj) {
return deepTransformKeys(obj, toPascalCase);
function deepConstantKeys(obj) {
return deepTransformKeys(obj, toConstantCase);
function pascalKeys(obj) {
return transformKeys(obj, toPascalCase);
function delimiterKeys(obj, delimiter) {
return transformKeys(obj, (str) => toDelimiterCase(str, delimiter));
function deepKebabKeys(obj) {
return deepTransformKeys(obj, toKebabCase);
function deepDelimiterKeys(obj, delimiter) {
return deepTransformKeys(
(str) => toDelimiterCase(str, delimiter)

@@ -180,23 +205,17 @@ function kebabKeys(obj) {

function deepSnakeKeys(obj) {
return deepTransformKeys(obj, toSnakeCase);
function deepKebabKeys(obj) {
return deepTransformKeys(obj, toKebabCase);
function pascalKeys(obj) {
return transformKeys(obj, toPascalCase);
function deepPascalKeys(obj) {
return deepTransformKeys(obj, toPascalCase);
function snakeKeys(obj) {
return transformKeys(obj, toSnakeCase);
function deepConstantKeys(obj) {
return deepTransformKeys(obj, toConstantCase);
function deepSnakeKeys(obj) {
return deepTransformKeys(obj, toSnakeCase);
function constantKeys(obj) {
return transformKeys(obj, toConstantCase);
function deepDelimiterKeys(obj, delimiter) {
return deepTransformKeys(
(str) => toDelimiterCase(str, delimiter)
function delimiterKeys(obj, delimiter) {
return transformKeys(obj, (str) => toDelimiterCase(str, delimiter));
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:

@@ -207,2 +226,3 @@ 0 && (module.exports = {


@@ -219,5 +239,7 @@ deepCamelKeys,


@@ -237,3 +259,4 @@ split,

"name": "string-ts",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.1.0",
"description": "Strongly-typed string functions.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "./dist/index.js",

# Strongly-typed string functions for all!
![A demonstration of string-ts](
## 😬 The problem

@@ -37,3 +39,2 @@

This example should illustrate the highly-specific and flexible nature of `string-ts`.
_Note: All types in this example could be inferred, but are included for demonstrative purposes._

@@ -43,6 +44,5 @@ ```ts

import { camelCase, mapKeys } from 'lodash-es'
import type { Dictionary } from 'lodash'
import z from 'zod'
export const EnvSchema = z.object({
const EnvSchema = z.object({
NODE_ENV: z.string(),

@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ })

function getEnvLoose() {
const rawEnv: { NODE_ENV: string } = EnvSchema.parse(process.env)
const env: Dictionary<string> = mapKeys(rawEnv, (_v, k) => camelCase(k))
const rawEnv = EnvSchema.parse(process.env)
const env = mapKeys(rawEnv, (_v, k) => camelCase(k))
// ^? Dictionary<string>
// `Dictionary<string>` is too loose
// TypeScript is okay with this, 'abc' will be of type `string`
// TypeScript is okay with this, 'abc' is expected to be of type `string`
// This will have unexpected behavior at runtime

@@ -62,7 +64,9 @@ }

function getEnvPrecise() {
const rawEnv: { NODE_ENV: string } = EnvSchema.parse(process.env)
const env: { nodeEnv: string } = deepCamelKeys(rawEnv)
const rawEnv = EnvSchema.parse(process.env)
const env = deepCamelKeys(rawEnv)
// ^? { nodeEnv: string }
// Error: Property 'abc' does not exist on type '{ nodeEnv: string; }'
// Our type is more specific, so TypeScript catches this error.
// This mistake will be caught at compile time

@@ -91,36 +95,40 @@ }

- [capitalize](#capitalize)
- [uncapitalize](#uncapitalize)
- [Strongly-typed alternatives to native runtime utilities](#strongly-typed-alternatives-to-native-runtime-utilities)
- [toUpperCase](#touppercase)
- [toLowerCase](#tolowercase)
- [trim](#trim)
- [trimStart](#trimstart)
- [trimEnd](#trimend)
- [chartAt](#charat)
- [charAt](#charat)
- [concat](#concat)
- [join](#join)
- [length](#length)
- [replace](#replace)
- [replaceAll](#replaceall)
- [slice](#slice)
- [split](#split)
- [toLowerCase](#tolowercase)
- [toUpperCase](#touppercase)
- [trim](#trim)
- [trimEnd](#trimend)
- [trimStart](#trimstart)
- [Strongly-typed alternatives to common loosely-typed functions](#strongly-typed-alternatives-to-common-loosely-typed-functions)
- [words](#words)
- [toCamelCase](#tocamelcase)
- [toConstantCase](#toconstantcase)
- [toDelimiterCase](#todelimitercase)
- [toCamelCase](#tocamelcase)
- [toKebabCase](#tokebabcase)
- [toPascalCase](#topascalcase)
- [toKebabCase](#tokebabcase)
- [toSnakeCase](#tosnakecase)
- [toConstantCase](#toconstantcase)
- [toTitleCase](#totitlecase)
- [words](#words)
- [Strongly-typed shallow transformation of objects](#strongly-typed-shallow-transformation-of-objects)
- [DelimiterKeys](#delimiterkeys)
- [CamelKeys](#camelkeys)
- [PascalKeys](#pascalkeys)
- [KebabKeys](#kebabkeys)
- [SnakeKeys](#snakekeys)
- [ConstantKeys](#constantkeys)
- [camelKeys](#camelkeys)
- [constantKeys](#constantkeys)
- [delimiterKeys](#delimiterkeys)
- [kebabKeys](#kebabkeys)
- [pascalKeys](#pascalkeys)
- [snakeKeys](#snakekeys)
- [Strongly-typed deep transformation of objects](#strongly-typed-deep-transformation-of-objects)
- [deepCamelKeys](#deepcamelkeys)
- [deepConstantKeys](#deepconstantkeys)
- [deepDelimiterKeys](#deepdelimiterkeys)
- [deepCamelKeys](#deepcamelkeys)
- [deepKebabKeys](#deepkebabkeys)
- [deepPascalKeys](#deeppascalkeys)
- [deepKebabKeys](#deepkebabkeys)
- [deepSnakeKeys](#deepsnakekeys)
- [deepConstantKeys](#deepconstantkeys)
- [Type Utilities](#type-utilities)

@@ -150,86 +158,61 @@ - [Native TS type utilities](#native-ts-type-utilities)

## Strongly-typed alternatives to native runtime utilities
### uncapitalize
### toUpperCase
Uncapitalizes the first letter of a string. This is a runtime counterpart of `Uncapitalize<T>` from `src/types.d.ts`.
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.toUpperCase`.
import { toUpperCase } from 'string-ts'
import { uncapitalize } from 'string-ts'
const str = 'hello world'
const result = toUpperCase(str)
### toLowerCase
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.toLowerCase`.
import { toLowerCase } from 'string-ts'
const str = 'HELLO WORLD'
const result = toLowerCase(str)
const str = 'Hello world'
const result = uncapitalize(str)
// ^ 'hello world'
### trim
## Strongly-typed alternatives to native runtime utilities
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.trim`.
### charAt
import { trim } from 'string-ts'
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.charAt`.
const str = ' hello world '
const result = trim(str)
// ^ 'hello world'
### trimStart
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.trimStart`.
import { trimStart } from 'string-ts'
import { charAt } from 'string-ts'
const str = ' hello world '
const result = trimStart(str)
// ^ 'hello world '
const str = 'hello world'
const result = charAt(str, 6)
// ^ 'w'
### trimEnd
### concat
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.trimEnd`.
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.concat`.
import { trimEnd } from 'string-ts'
import { concat } from 'string-ts'
const str = ' hello world '
const result = trimEnd(str)
// ^ ' hello world'
const result = concat('a', 'bc', 'def')
// ^ 'abcdef'
### charAt
### join
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.charAt`.
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `Array.prototype.join`.
import { charAt } from 'string-ts'
import { join } from 'string-ts'
const str = 'hello world'
const result = charAt(str, 6)
// ^ 'w'
const str = ['hello', 'world']
const result = join(str, ' ')
// ^ 'hello world'
### join
### length
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `Array.prototype.join`.
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.length`.
import { join } from 'string-ts'
import { length } from 'string-ts'
const str = ['hello', 'world'] as const
const result = join(str, ' ')
// ^ 'hello world'
const str = 'hello'
const result = length(str)
// ^ 5

@@ -241,2 +224,4 @@

_Warning: this is a partial implementation as we don't support Regex._

@@ -253,3 +238,6 @@ import { replace } from 'string-ts'

This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.replaceAll`.
It also has a polyfill for runtimes older than ES2021.
_Warning: this is a partial implementation as we don't support Regex._

@@ -263,2 +251,20 @@ import { replaceAll } from 'string-ts'

### slice
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.slice`.
_Warning: this is a partial implementation. For now we ignore the second argument (endIndex) if the first (startIndex) is negative and we also don't support a negative endIndex._
import { slice } from 'string-ts'
const str = 'hello-world'
const result = slice(str, 6)
// ^ 'world'
const result2 = slice(str, 1, 5)
// ^ 'ello'
const result3 = slice(str, -5)
// ^ 'world'
### split

@@ -276,28 +282,64 @@

## Strongly-typed alternatives to common loosely-typed functions
### toLowerCase
### words
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.toLowerCase`.
This function identifies the words in a string and returns a tuple of words split by separators, differences in casing, numbers, and etc.
import { toLowerCase } from 'string-ts'
const str = 'HELLO WORLD'
const result = toLowerCase(str)
// ^ 'hello world'
### toUpperCase
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.toUpperCase`.
import { words } from 'string-ts'
import { toUpperCase } from 'string-ts'
const str = '-20someVery-weird String'
const result = words(str)
// ^ ['20', 'some', 'Very', 'weird', 'String']
const str = 'hello world'
const result = toUpperCase(str)
### toDelimiterCase
### trim
This function converts a string to a new case with a custom delimiter at both runtime and type levels.
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.trim`.
import { toDelimiterCase } from 'string-ts'
import { trim } from 'string-ts'
const str = 'helloWorld'
const result = toDelimiterCase(str, '.')
// ^ 'hello.World'
const str = ' hello world '
const result = trim(str)
// ^ 'hello world'
### trimEnd
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.trimEnd`.
import { trimEnd } from 'string-ts'
const str = ' hello world '
const result = trimEnd(str)
// ^ ' hello world'
### trimStart
This function is a strongly-typed counterpart of `String.prototype.trimStart`.
import { trimStart } from 'string-ts'
const str = ' hello world '
const result = trimStart(str)
// ^ 'hello world '
## Strongly-typed alternatives to common loosely-typed functions
### toCamelCase

@@ -315,14 +357,26 @@

### toPascalCase
### toConstantCase
This function converts a string to `PascalCase` at both runtime and type levels.
This function converts a string to `CONSTANT_CASE` at both runtime and type levels.
import { toPascalCase } from 'string-ts'
import { toConstantCase } from 'string-ts'
const str = 'hello-world'
const result = toPascalCase(str)
// ^ 'HelloWorld'
const str = 'helloWorld'
const result = toConstantCase(str)
### toDelimiterCase
This function converts a string to a new case with a custom delimiter at both runtime and type levels.
import { toDelimiterCase } from 'string-ts'
const str = 'helloWorld'
const result = toDelimiterCase(str, '.')
// ^ 'hello.World'
### toKebabCase

@@ -340,24 +394,24 @@

### toSnakeCase
### toPascalCase
This function converts a string to `snake_case` at both runtime and type levels.
This function converts a string to `PascalCase` at both runtime and type levels.
import { toSnakeCase } from 'string-ts'
import { toPascalCase } from 'string-ts'
const str = 'helloWorld'
const result = toSnakeCase(str)
// ^ 'hello_world'
const str = 'hello-world'
const result = toPascalCase(str)
// ^ 'HelloWorld'
### toConstantCase
### toSnakeCase
This function converts a string to `CONSTANT_CASE` at both runtime and type levels.
This function converts a string to `snake_case` at both runtime and type levels.
import { toConstantCase } from 'string-ts'
import { toSnakeCase } from 'string-ts'
const str = 'helloWorld'
const result = toConstantCase(str)
const result = toSnakeCase(str)
// ^ 'hello_world'

@@ -377,24 +431,22 @@

## Strongly-typed shallow transformation of objects
### words
### delimiterKeys
This function shallowly converts the keys of an object to a new case with a custom delimiter at both runtime and type levels.
This function identifies the words in a string and returns a tuple of words split by separators, differences in casing, numbers, and etc.
import { delimiterKeys } from 'string-ts';
import { words } from 'string-ts'
const data = {
'hello-world': {
'foo-bar': 'baz',
} as const;
const result = delimiterKeys(data, '.');
// ^ { '': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' } }
const str = '-20someVery-weird String'
const result = words(str)
// ^ ['20', 'some', 'Very', 'weird', 'String']
## Strongly-typed shallow transformation of objects
### camelKeys
This function shallowly converts the keys of an object to `camelCase` at both runtime and type levels.
import { camelKeys } from 'string-ts';
import { camelKeys } from 'string-ts'

@@ -405,65 +457,85 @@ const data = {

} as const;
const result = camelKeys(data);
} as const
const result = camelKeys(data)
// ^ { helloWorld: { 'foo-bar': 'baz' } }
### pascalKeys
This function shallowly converts the keys of an object to `PascalCase` at both runtime and type levels.
### constantKeys
This function shallowly converts the keys of an object to `CONSTANT_CASE` at both runtime and type levels.
import { pascalKeys } from 'string-ts';
import { constantKeys } from 'string-ts'
const data = {
helloWorld: {
fooBar: 'baz',
} as const
const result = constantKeys(data)
// ^ { 'HELLO_WORLD': { 'fooBar': 'baz' } }
### delimiterKeys
This function shallowly converts the keys of an object to a new case with a custom delimiter at both runtime and type levels.
import { delimiterKeys } from 'string-ts'
const data = {
'hello-world': {
'foo-bar': 'baz',
} as const;
const result = pascalKeys(data);
// ^ { HelloWorld: { FooBar: 'baz' } }
} as const
const result = delimiterKeys(data, '.')
// ^ { '': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' } }
### kebabKeys
This function shallowly converts the keys of an object to `kebab-case` at both runtime and type levels.
import { kebabKeys } from 'string-ts';
import { kebabKeys } from 'string-ts'
const data = {
'helloWorld': {
'fooBar': 'baz',
helloWorld: {
fooBar: 'baz',
} as const;
const result = kebabKeys(data);
} as const
const result = kebabKeys(data)
// ^ { 'hello-world': { fooBar: 'baz' } }
### snakeKeys
This function shallowly converts the keys of an object to `snake_case` at both runtime and type levels.
### pascalKeys
This function shallowly converts the keys of an object to `PascalCase` at both runtime and type levels.
import { snakeKeys } from 'string-ts';
import { pascalKeys } from 'string-ts'
const data = {
'helloWorld': {
'fooBar': 'baz',
'hello-world': {
'foo-bar': 'baz',
} as const;
const result = snakeKeys(data);
// ^ { 'hello_world': { 'fooBar': 'baz' } }
} as const
const result = pascalKeys(data)
// ^ { HelloWorld: { FooBar: 'baz' } }
### constantKeys
This function shallowly converts the keys of an object to `CONSTANT_CASE` at both runtime and type levels.
### snakeKeys
This function shallowly converts the keys of an object to `snake_case` at both runtime and type levels.
import { constantKeys } from 'string-ts';
import { snakeKeys } from 'string-ts'
const data = {
'helloWorld': {
'fooBar': 'baz',
helloWorld: {
fooBar: 'baz',
} as const;
const result = constantKeys(data);
// ^ { 'HELLO_WORLD': { 'fooBar': 'baz' } }
} as const
const result = snakeKeys(data)
// ^ { 'hello_world': { 'fooBar': 'baz' } }

@@ -473,8 +545,8 @@

### deepDelimiterKeys
### deepCamelKeys
This function recursively converts the keys of an object to a new case with a custom delimiter at both runtime and type levels.
This function recursively converts the keys of an object to `camelCase` at both runtime and type levels.
import { deepDelimiterKeys } from 'string-ts'
import { deepCamelKeys } from 'string-ts'

@@ -486,28 +558,28 @@ const data = {

} as const
const result = deepDelimiterKeys(data, '.')
// ^ { '': { '': 'baz' } }
const result = deepCamelKeys(data)
// ^ { helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' } }
### deepCamelKeys
### deepConstantKeys
This function recursively converts the keys of an object to `camelCase` at both runtime and type levels.
This function recursively converts the keys of an object to `CONSTANT_CASE` at both runtime and type levels.
import { deepCamelKeys } from 'string-ts'
import { deepConstantKeys } from 'string-ts'
const data = {
'hello-world': {
'foo-bar': 'baz',
helloWorld: {
fooBar: 'baz',
} as const
const result = deepCamelKeys(data)
// ^ { helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' } }
const result = deepConstantKeys(data)
// ^ { 'HELLO_WORLD': { 'FOO_BAR': 'baz' } }
### deepPascalKeys
### deepDelimiterKeys
This function recursively converts the keys of an object to `PascalCase` at both runtime and type levels.
This function recursively converts the keys of an object to a new case with a custom delimiter at both runtime and type levels.
import { deepPascalKeys } from 'string-ts'
import { deepDelimiterKeys } from 'string-ts'

@@ -519,4 +591,4 @@ const data = {

} as const
const result = deepPascalKeys(data)
// ^ { HelloWorld: { FooBar: 'baz' } }
const result = deepDelimiterKeys(data, '.')
// ^ { '': { '': 'baz' } }

@@ -540,24 +612,24 @@

### deepSnakeKeys
### deepPascalKeys
This function recursively converts the keys of an object to `snake_case` at both runtime and type levels.
This function recursively converts the keys of an object to `PascalCase` at both runtime and type levels.
import { deepSnakeKeys } from 'string-ts'
import { deepPascalKeys } from 'string-ts'
const data = {
helloWorld: {
fooBar: 'baz',
'hello-world': {
'foo-bar': 'baz',
} as const
const result = deepSnakeKeys(data)
// ^ { 'hello_world': { 'foo_bar': 'baz' } }
const result = deepPascalKeys(data)
// ^ { HelloWorld: { FooBar: 'baz' } }
### deepConstantKeys
### deepSnakeKeys
This function recursively converts the keys of an object to `CONSTANT_CASE` at both runtime and type levels.
This function recursively converts the keys of an object to `snake_case` at both runtime and type levels.
import { deepConstantKeys } from 'string-ts'
import { deepSnakeKeys } from 'string-ts'

@@ -569,4 +641,4 @@ const data = {

} as const
const result = deepConstantKeys(data)
// ^ { 'HELLO_WORLD': { 'FOO_BAR': 'baz' } }
const result = deepSnakeKeys(data)
// ^ { 'hello_world': { 'foo_bar': 'baz' } }

@@ -593,11 +665,14 @@

St.Words<'hello-world'> // ['hello', 'world']
St.CharAt<'hello world', 6> // 'w'
St.Concat<['a', 'bc', 'def']> // 'abcdef'
St.Join<['hello', 'world'], '-'> // 'hello-world'
St.Length<'hello'> // 5
St.Replace<'hello-world', 'l', '1'> // 'he1lo-world'
St.ReplaceAll<'hello-world', 'l', '1'> // 'he11o-wor1d'
St.Slice<'hello-world', -5> // 'world'
St.Split<'hello-world', '-'> // ['hello', 'world']
St.Trim<' hello world '> // 'hello world'
St.TrimEnd<' hello world '> // ' hello world'
St.TrimStart<' hello world '> // 'hello world '
St.TrimEnd<' hello world '> // ' hello world'
St.Trim<' hello world '> // 'hello world'
St.Words<'hello-world'> // ['hello', 'world']

@@ -609,9 +684,35 @@

St.CamelCase<'hello-world'> // 'helloWorld'
St.ConstantCase<'helloWorld'> // 'HELLO_WORLD'
St.DelimiterCase<'hello world', '.'> // ''
St.KebabCase<'helloWorld'> // 'hello-world'
St.PascalCase<'hello-world'> // 'HelloWorld'
St.KebabCase<'helloWorld'> // 'hello-world'
St.SnakeCase<'helloWorld'> // 'hello_world'
St.ConstantCase<'helloWorld'> // 'HELLO_WORLD'
St.TitleCase<'helloWorld'> // 'Hello World'
St.DelimiterCase<'hello world', '.'> // ''
'hello-world': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' }
}> // { helloWorld: { 'foo-bar': 'baz' } }
helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' }
}> // { 'HELLO_WORLD': { fooBar: 'baz' } }
St.DelimiterKeys<{ 'hello-world': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' } }, '.'>
// { '': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' } }
helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' }
}> // { 'hello-world': { fooBar: 'baz' } }
'hello-world': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' }
}> // { HelloWorld: { 'foo-bar': 'baz' } }
helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' }
}> // { 'hello_world': { fooBar: 'baz' } }
'hello-world': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' }
}> // { helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' } }
helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' }
}> // { 'HELLO_WORLD': { 'FOO_BAR': 'baz' } }

@@ -623,17 +724,11 @@ {

> // { '': { '': 'baz' } }
'hello-world': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' }
}> // { helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' } }
helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' }
}> // { 'hello-world': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' } }
'hello-world': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' }
}> // { HelloWorld: { FooBar: 'baz' } }
helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' }
}> // { 'hello-world': { 'foo-bar': 'baz' } }
helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' }
}> // { 'hello_world': { 'foo_bar': 'baz' } }
helloWorld: { fooBar: 'baz' }
}> // { 'HELLO_WORLD': { 'FOO_BAR': 'baz' } }

@@ -678,2 +773,6 @@

This library doesn't support every internal character for the sake of keeping the maintainer's sanity.
We don't plan to support international characters.
## Aknowledgements
This library got a lot of inspiration from libraries such as [lodash](, [ts-reset](, [type-fest](, [HOTScript](, and many others.

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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