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strman - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.1 to 1.0.0




@@ -1,7 +0,8 @@

var strman = require('./src/strman');
var safe = strman.safeTruncate;
//var vitjs = require('./src/vitjs')
//var slugfy = vitjs.slugify
//console.log(slugfy(' Bar bár .'));
console.log(safe('foo bar', 3, '.'));
"name": "strman",
"version": "0.0.1",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A Javascript string manipulation library without npm dependences.",
"main": "index.js",
"main": "dist/strman.js",
"directories": {

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "test": "test"

"scripts": {
"test": "eslint . && mocha --compilers js:babel-register"
"test": "eslint ./src && mocha --compilers js:babel-register"

@@ -32,5 +32,15 @@ "repository": {

"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.6.0",
"babel-register": "^6.7.2",
"babelify": "^7.2.0",
"browserify": "^13.0.0",
"chai": "^3.5.0",
"deglobalify": "^0.2.0",
"es6ify": "^1.6.0",
"eslint": "^2.7.0",
"mocha": "^2.4.5"
"gulp": "^3.9.1",
"gulp-uglify": "^1.5.3",
"mocha": "^2.4.5",
"vinyl-buffer": "^1.0.0",
"vinyl-source-stream": "^1.1.0"

@@ -1,4 +0,6 @@

# strman
A Javascript string manipulation library.
# strman
A Javascript string manipulation library without npm dependences.
## Install

@@ -11,2 +13,7 @@

or bower:
bower install strman
## Usage

@@ -34,41 +41,736 @@

### With Browser
<script src="./bower_components/strman/dist/strman.js"></script>
var result = _s.isString('strman');
// result => true
Also available for [AMD](
# Available Functions
- [x] [slugify](
- [x] [Utils](
- [x] isString
- [x] trim
- [x] rtrim
- [x] ltrim
- [x] removeSpaces
- [x] replace
- [x] removeNonChars
- [x] removeNonWords
- [x] append
- [x] at
- [x] between
- [x] chars
- [x] collapseWhitespace
- [x] contains
- [x] containsAll
- [x] containsAny
- [x] countSubstr
- [x] endsWith
- [x] startsWith
- [x] ensureLeft
- [x] ensureRight
- [x] first
- [x] last
- [x] hasLowerCase
- [x] hasUpperCase
- [ ] [String Cases](
- [x] toLowerCase
- [ ] toUpperCase
- [ ] toCammelCase
- [ ] toStudlyCaps
- [ ] toDecamelize
- [ ] toSnakeCase
- [ ] toKebabCase
- [x] [append](
- [x] [appendArray](
- [x] [at](
- [x] [between](
- [x] [chars](
- [x] [collapseWhitespace](
- [x] [contains](
- [x] [containsAll](
- [x] [containsAny](
- [x] [countSubstr](
- [x] [endsWith](
- [x] [ensureLeft](
- [x] [ensureRight](
- [x] [first](
- [x] [includes](
- [x] [indexOf](
- [x] [insert](
- [x] [isLowerCase](
- [x] [isString](
- [x] [isUpperCase](
- [x] [last](
- [x] [lastIndexOf](
- [x] [leftPad](
- [x] [leftTrim](
- [x] [length](
- [x] [prepend](
- [x] [prependArray](
- [x] [removeLeft](
- [x] [removeNonChars](
- [x] [removeNonWords](
- [x] [removeRight](
- [x] [removeSpaces](
- [x] [repeat](
- [x] [replace](
- [x] [reverse](
- [x] [rightPad](
- [x] [rightTrim](
- [x] [safeTruncate](
- [x] [shuffle](
- [x] [slice](
- [x] [slugify](
- [x] [split](
- [x] [startsWith](
- [x] [substr](
- [x] [surround](
- [x] [toCamelCase](
- [x] [toDecamelize](
- [x] [toKebabCase](
- [x] [toLowerCase](
- [x] [toSnakeCase](
- [x] [toStudlyCaps](
- [x] [toUpperCase](
- [x] [trim](
- [x] [truncate](
## append([value], ...[append])
Method to add [...append] on the end of [value].
import {append} from 'strman'
let title = "s";
let result = append(title, "tr", "m", "an");
// result => "strman";
## appendArray([value], [append = []])
Method to add [append[]] on the end of [value].
import {append} from 'strman'
let title = "s";
let result = append(title, ["tr", "m", "an"]);
// result => "strman";
## at([value], [index])
Get the character of the [index].
import {at} from 'strman'
let title = "abc";
let result = at(title, 1);
// result => "b";
## between([value], [start], [end])
Returns array with strings between [start] and [end].
import {between} from 'strman'
let title = "[abc][def]";
let result = between(title, "[", "]");
// result => ["abc", "def"];
## chars([value])
Returns an array consisting of the characters in the string.
import {chars} from 'strman'
let title = "abc";
let result = chars(title);
// result => ["a", "b", "c"];
## collapseWhitespace([value])
Replaces consecutive whitespace characters with a single space.
import {collapseWhitespace} from 'strman'
let title = " a b c ";
let result = collapseWhitespace(title);
// result => "a b c";
## contains([value], [needle], [caseSensitive = true])
Verifies that the needle is contained in value.
import {contains} from 'strman'
let title = "Daniel Leite";
let needle = "Leite";
let result = contains(title, needle, true);
// result => true;
## containsAll([value], [needles = []], [caseSensitive = true])
Verifies that all needles are contained in value.
import {containsAll} from 'strman'
let title = "Daniel Leite";
let needles = ["Leite", "Daniel"];
let result = containsAll(title, needles, true);
// result => true;
## containsAny([value], [needles = []], [caseSensitive = true])
Verifies that one or more of needles are contained in value.
import {containsAny} from 'strman'
let title = "Daniel Leite";
let needles = ["Leite", "Daniel", "Oliveira"];
let result = containsAny(title, needles, true);
// result => true;
## countSubstr([value], [substr], [caseSensitive = true], [allowOverlapping = false])
Count the number of times substr appears in value.
import {countSubstr} from 'strman'
let title = "Daniel Leite";
let substr = "Leite";
let result = countSubstr(title, substr);
// result => 1;
## endsWith([value], [search], [position=null])
Test if [value] ends with [search]
import {endsWith} from 'strman'
let value = "Daniel Leite";
let search = "Leite";
let result = endsWith(value, search);
// result => true;
## ensureLeft([value], [substr])
Ensures that the [value] begins with [substr]. If it doesn't, it's prepended.
import {ensureLeft} from 'strman'
let value = "Leite";
let substr = "Daniel ";
let result = ensureLeft(value, substr);
// result => "Daniel Leite";
## ensureRight([value], [substr])
Ensures that the [value] ends with [substr]. If it doesn't, it's appended.
import {ensureRight} from 'strman'
let value = "Daniel";
let substr = " Leite";
let result = ensureRight(value, substr);
// result => "Daniel Leite";
## first([value], [n])
Return the first n chars of string.
import {first} from 'strman'
let value = "Daniel";
let result = first(value, 2);
// result => "Da";
## includes
Verifies that the needle is contained in value.
import {includes} from 'strman'
let title = "Daniel Leite";
let needle = "Leite";
let result = includes(title, needle, true);
// result => true;
## indexOf([value], [needle], [offset = 0])
The indexOf method returns the index within the calling String object of the first occurrence of the specified value, starting the search at fromIndex. Returns -1 if the value is not found.
import {indexOf} from 'strman'
let value = "daniel";
let result = indexOf(value, "niel");
// result => 2;
## insert([value], [substr], [index])
Inserts [substr] into the [value] at the [index] provided.
import {insert} from 'strman'
let value = "foo";
let result = insert(value, " bar", 3);
// result => "foo bar";
## isLowerCase([value], [n])
Verify if is lowerCase.
import {hasLowerCase} from 'strman'
let value = "daniel";
let result = hasLowerCase(value);
// result => true;
## isString([value])
Checks whether a string
import {isString} from 'strman'
let title = "Checks whether a string";
let result = isString(title);
// result => true
let number = 1;
let result = isString(number);
// result => false
## isUpperCase([value], [n])
Verify if is upperCase.
import {hasUpperCase} from 'strman'
let value = "DANIEL";
let result = hasUpperCase(value);
// result => true;
## last([value], [n])
Return the last n chars of string.
import {last} from 'strman'
let value = "Daniel";
let result = last(value, 2);
// result => "el";
## lastIndexOf([value], [needle], [offset = 0])
The lastIndexOf method returns the index within the calling String object of the last occurrence of the specified value, searching backwards from fromIndex. Returns -1 if the value is not found.
import {lastIndexOf} from 'strman'
let value = "daniel leite";
let result = lastIndexOf(value, "l");
// result => 7;
## leftPad([value], [length], [char])
Returns a new string of a given length such that the beginning of the string is padded.
import {leftPad} from 'strman'
let value = "foo";
let result = leftPad(value, 5, '_');
// result => "__foo";
## leftTrim([value])
Remove all spaces on left.
import {leftTrim} from 'strman'
let title = " Checks whether a string";
let result = leftTrim(title);
// result => "Checks whether a string";
## length([value])
Returns the length of the string.
import {length} from 'strman'
let value = "foo";
let result = length(value);
// result => 3;
## prepend([value], ...[prepend])
Prepend Strings [...prepend] on [value].
import {prepend} from 'strman'
let title = "a";
let result = prepend(title, "b", "c");
// result => "bca";
## prependArray([value], [prepend = []])
Prepend Strings on array [prepend] on [value].
import {prependArray} from 'strman'
let title = "a";
let result = prependArray(title, ["b", "c"]);
// result => "bca";
## removeLeft([value], [prefix])
Returns a new string with the [prefix] removed, if present.
import {removeLeft} from 'strman'
let title = "preabc";
let result = removeLeft(title, "pre");
// result => "abc";
## removeNonChars([value])
Remove all non valid characters.
import {removeNonChars} from 'strman'
let title = "áéíóú";
let result = removeNonChars(title);
// result => "aeiou";
## removeNonWords([value], [replace])
Remove all non word characters.
import {removeNonWords} from 'strman'
let title = ".....a";
let result = removeNonWords(title, "");
// result => "a";
## removeRight([value], [suffix])
Returns a new string with the [suffix] removed, if present.
import {removeRight} from 'strman'
let title = "abcpos";
let result = removeRight(title, "pos");
// result => "abc";
## removeSpaces([value], [replace])
Remove all spaces and replace for value.
import {removeSpaces} from 'strman'
let title = "Remove all spaces and replace for value";
let result = removeSpaces(title, "-");
// result => "Checks-whether-a-string";
let result = removeSpaces(title);
// result => "Checkswhetherastring";
## repeat([value], [multiplier])
Returns a repeated string given a multiplier.
import {repeat} from 'strman'
let result = repeat("a", 4);
// result => "aaaa";
## replace([value], [search], [newvalue])
Replace [search] value to [newvalue]
import {replace} from 'strman'
let title = "My car is black";
let result = replace(title, "black", "white");
// result => "My car is white";
## reverse([value])
Returns a reversed string.
import {reverse} from 'strman'
let result = reverse("abc");
// result => "cba";
## rightPad([value], [length], [char])
Returns a new string of a given length such that the ending of the string is padded.
import {rightPad} from 'strman'
let value = "foo";
let result = rightPad(value, 5, '_');
// result => "foo__";
## rightTrim([value])
Remove all spaces on right.
import {rightTrim} from 'strman'
let title = "Checks whether a string ";
let result = rightTrim(title);
// result => "Checks whether a string";
## safeTruncate([value], [length], [append])
Truncate the string securely, not cutting a word in half. It always returns the last full word.
import {safeTruncate} from 'strman'
let title = "Checks whether a string ";
let result = safeTruncate(title, 9, "...");
// result => "Checks...";
## shuffle([value])
It returns a string with its characters in random order.
import {shuffle} from 'strman'
let title = "strman";
let result = shuffle(title);
// result => "nrtmsa";
## slice([value], [beginSlice], [endSlice])
The slice method extracts a section of a string and returns a new string.
import {slice} from 'strman'
let title = "strman";
let result = slice(title, 1, 3);
// result => "trm";
## slugify([String])
Converts a string to a slug.
import {slugify} from 'strman'
let title = "Converts a string to a slug.";
let result = slugify(title);
// result => "converts-a-string-to-a-slug"
## split([value], [separator], [limit])
Alias to split function.
import {split} from 'strman'
let value = "foo";
let result = substr(split, "");
// result => ["f", "o", "o"];
## startsWith([value], [search], [position=0])
Test if [value] starts with [search]
import {startsWith} from 'strman'
let value = "Daniel Leite";
let search = "Daniel";
let result = startsWith(value, search);
// result => true;
## substr([value], [start], [length])
Alias to substr function.
import {substr} from 'strman'
let value = "foo";
let result = substr(value, 1);
// result => "oo";
## surround([value], [substr])
Surrounds a [value] with the given [substr].
import {surround} from 'strman'
let value = "foo";
let result = surround(value, "bar");
// result => "barfoobar";
## toCamelCase([value])
Transform to camelCase.
import {toCamelCase} from 'strman'
let value = "camel-case";
let result = toCamelCase(value);
// result => "camelCase";
## toDecamelize([value], [chr])
Transform to uncamelcase.
import {toDecamelize} from 'strman'
let value = "camelCase";
let result = toDecamelize(value);
// result => "camel_case";
## toKebabCase([value])
Transform to kebab-case.
import {toKebabCase} from 'strman'
let value = "camelCase";
let result = toKebabCase(value);
// result => "camel-case";
## toLowerCase([value])
Transform to lowercase.
import {toLowerCase} from 'strman'
let value = "camelCase";
let result = toLowerCase(value);
// result => "camelcase";
## toSnakeCase([value])
Transform to snake_case.
import {toSnakeCase} from 'strman'
let value = "camelCase";
let result = toSnakeCase(value);
// result => "camel_case";
## toStudlyCaps([value])
Transform to StudlyCaps.
import {toStudlyCaps} from 'strman'
let value = "camelCase";
let result = toStudlyCaps(value);
// result => "CamelCase";
## toUpperCase([value])
Transform to UPPERCASE.
import {toUpperCase} from 'strman'
let value = "camelCase";
let result = toUpperCase(value);
// result => "CAMELCASE";
## trim([value])
Remove all spaces on left and right
#### Usage
import {trim} from 'strman'
let title = " Checks whether a string ";
let result = trim(title);
// result => "Checks whether a string";
## truncate([value], [length], [append])
Truncate the unsecured form string, cutting the independent string of required position.
import {truncate} from 'strman'
let title = "Checks whether a string ";
let result = truncate(title, 7, "...");
// result => "Chec...";
The MIT License (MIT)

@@ -75,0 +777,0 @@

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ export const _isArray = value => { === '[object Array]');

@@ -14,2 +14,2 @@ export const _pop = array => {

return newarray;

@@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ export const ascii = {

'ZH': ['Ж'],
' ': ["\xC2\xA0", "\xE2\x80\x80", "\xE2\x80\x81", "\xE2\x80\x82", "\xE2\x80\x83",
"\xE2\x80\x84", "\xE2\x80\x85", "\xE2\x80\x86", "\xE2\x80\x87", "\xE2\x80\x88",
"\xE2\x80\x89", "\xE2\x80\x8A", "\xE2\x80\xAF", "\xE2\x81\x9F", "\xE3\x80\x80"]
' ': ["\xC2\xA0", "\xE2\x80\x80", "\xE2\x80\x81", "\xE2\x80\x82", "\xE2\x80\x83", // eslint-disable-line
"\xE2\x80\x84", "\xE2\x80\x85", "\xE2\x80\x86", "\xE2\x80\x87", "\xE2\x80\x88", // eslint-disable-line
"\xE2\x80\x89", "\xE2\x80\x8A", "\xE2\x80\xAF", "\xE2\x81\x9F", "\xE3\x80\x80"] // eslint-disable-line

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

export const _isNumber = value => === '[object Number]'
export const _isNumber = value => === '[object Number]';

@@ -1,24 +0,23 @@

import {toLowerCase, trim, removeSpaces, replace, removeNonChars} from './string.utils';
import {format} from './lib/format';
import {toLowerCase, trim, removeSpaces, replace, removeNonChars} from './strman';
* Converts a string to a slug.
* Example: slugify("A Javascript string manipulation library") => "a-javascript-string-manipulation-library"
* @param string - value for slugfy
* @return String - returns a slugfy string.
* Converts a value to a slug.
* Example: slugify('A Javascript string manipulation library') => 'a-javascript-string-manipulation-library'
* @param value - value for slugify
* @return String - returns a slugify value.
export function slugify(string) {
const slugify = (value) => {
return format(string,
replace("[^\\w\\-]+", "")
let result = value;
result = toLowerCase(result);
result = trim(result);
result = removeSpaces(result, '-');
result = replace(result, '&','-and-');
result = replace(result, '\-\-+','-');
result = removeNonChars(result);
result = replace(result, '[^\\w\\-]+', '');
return result;
export {slugify};

@@ -1,4 +0,5 @@

import {ascii} from "./lib/ascii";
import {_isNumber} from "./lib/number";
import {_pop} from "./lib/array";
import {ascii} from './lib/ascii';
import {_pop} from './lib/array';
import {validString, validArrayString, validNumber, validCharLength} from './lib/validate';
import {toUpperCase} from './string.cases';

@@ -10,11 +11,6 @@ /*

export const isString = value =>
const isString = value => === '[object String]';
* Transform to lowercase
* @params value - String to lowercase
* @return String
export const toLowerCase = value => value.toLowerCase();
export {isString};

@@ -26,4 +22,6 @@ /*

export const trim = value => _ltrim(_rtrim(value));
const trim = value => leftTrim(rightTrim(value));
export {trim};

@@ -34,4 +32,5 @@ * Remove spaces left

const leftTrim = value => replace(value, '^\\s+', '');
export const ltrim = value => _ltrim(value);
export {leftTrim};

@@ -43,23 +42,28 @@ /*

export const rtrim = value => _rtrim(value);
const rightTrim = value => replace(value, '\\s+$', '');
export {rightTrim};
* Remove all spaces and replace for value
* @paramsClojure replace - Value to replace
* @param replace - Value to replace
* @param value - The string being searched and replaced on.
* @return String without spaces
export const removeSpaces = (replace = "") => (value) => _replace(value, "\\s+", replace);
const removeSpaces = (value, replaced = '') => replace(value, '\\s+', replaced);
export {removeSpaces};
* Replace [search] value to [newvalue]
* @paramsClojure search - String to search
* @paramsClojure newvalue - String to replace
* @param search - String to search
* @param newvalue - String to replace
* @params value - The string being searched and replaced on.
* @return String replaced
export const replace =
(search = "", newvalue = "") =>
(value) => _replace(value, search, newvalue);
const replace = (value, search = '', newvalue = '') =>
value.replace(new RegExp(search, 'g'), newvalue);
export {replace};

@@ -71,12 +75,14 @@ * Remove all non valid characters

export const removeNonChars = (value) => {
const removeNonChars = (value) => {
let result = value;
for(let key in ascii){
for(let char in ascii[key]){
result = _replace(result, ascii[key][char], key);
result = replace(result, ascii[key][char], key);
return result;
export {removeNonChars};

@@ -88,24 +94,52 @@ * Append Strings on Value

export const append = (value, ...append) => {
throw new Error("Value is not a String.");
const append = (value, ...appends) => {
if(length(appends) === 0){
return value;
} => {
throw new Error("Append is not a String.");
return data;
return value + append.join("");
return value + appends.join('');
export {append};
* Append Array of Strings on Value
* @param value String initial
* @param ...append - array with strings to append
* @return string
const appendArray = (value, appends = []) => {
if(length(appends) === 0){
return value;
return value + appends.join('');
export {appendArray};
* Get the character at index
* @param string
* @param value
* @param index
* @return char
export const at = (string, index) => _at(string, index);
const at = (value, index) => {
return substr(value, index, 1);
export {at};

@@ -118,22 +152,12 @@ * Returns array with strings between [start] and [end]

export const between = (value, start, end) => {
const between = (value, start, end) => {
let result = null;
throw new Error("Value is not a String.");
validArrayString([value, start, end]);
throw new Error("Start is not a String.");
result = split(value, end);
throw new Error("End is not a String.");
result = value.split(end);
result = => {
return text.substr(text.indexOf(start)+start.length);
return substr(text, indexOf(text, start)+length(start));

@@ -144,4 +168,6 @@

return result;
export {between};

@@ -152,15 +178,15 @@ * Returns an array consisting of the characters in the string.

export const chars = (value) => {
let chars = [];
const chars = value => {
let _chars = [];
throw new Error("Value is not a String.");
for(let i = 0; i < value.length; i++){
chars[i] = _at(value, i);
for(let i = 0; i < length(value); i++){
_chars[i] = at(value, i);
return chars;
return _chars;
export {chars};

@@ -171,4 +197,6 @@ * Replaces consecutive whitespace characters with a single space

export const collapseWhitespace = (value) => _rtrim(_ltrim(_replace(value, "\\s\\s+"," ")));
const collapseWhitespace = (value) => trim(replace(value, '\\s\\s+',' '));
export {collapseWhitespace};

@@ -181,5 +209,18 @@ * Remove all non word characters

export const removeNonWords = (replace ="") => (value) => _replace(value, "[^\\w]+", replace);
const removeNonWords = (value, replaced = '') => replace(value, '[^\\w]+', replaced);
export {removeNonWords};
* Alias for contains
* @param value
* @param needle
* @param caseSensitive - default true
* @return boolean
const includes = (value, needle, caseSensitive = true) => contains(value, needle, caseSensitive);
export {includes};
* Verifies that the needle is contained in value

@@ -191,5 +232,14 @@ * @param value

export const contains = (value, needle, caseSensitive = true) =>
_contains(value, needle, caseSensitive);
const contains = (value, needle, caseSensitive = true) => {
return indexOf(value, needle) > -1;
return indexOf(toUpperCase(value), toUpperCase(needle)) > -1;
export {contains};

@@ -202,5 +252,5 @@ * Verifies that all needles are contained in value

export const containsAll = (value, needles, caseSensitive = true) => {
for(let i = 0; i < needles.length; i++){
if(!_contains(value, needles[i], caseSensitive)){
const containsAll = (value, needles, caseSensitive = true) => {
for(let i = 0; i < length(needles); i++){
if(!contains(value, needles[i], caseSensitive)){
return false;

@@ -212,2 +262,4 @@ }

export {containsAll};

@@ -220,5 +272,5 @@ * Verifies that one or more of needles are contained in value

export const containsAny = (value, needles, caseSensitive = true) => {
for(let i = 0; i < needles.length; i++){
if(_contains(value, needles[i], caseSensitive)){
const containsAny = (value, needles, caseSensitive = true) => {
for(let i = 0; i < length(needles); i++){
if(contains(value, needles[i], caseSensitive)){
return true;

@@ -230,3 +282,30 @@ }

export {containsAny};
* Polyfill to countSubstr function
* @param value,
* @param substr,
* @param position = 0,
* @param count = 0,
* @param allowOverlapping = false
* @return integer
const _countSubstring = (value, _substr, allowOverlapping = false, position = 0, count = 0) => {
let _position = indexOf(value, _substr, position);
if(_position === -1){
return count;
_position = _position + length(_substr) - 1;
return _countSubstring(value, _substr, allowOverlapping, _position + 1, count + 1);
* Count the number of times substr appears in value

@@ -239,14 +318,15 @@ * @param value,

export const countSubstr = (value, substr, caseSensitive = true, allowOverlapping = false) => {
const countSubstr = (value, _substr, caseSensitive = true, allowOverlapping = false) => {
// TODO: update with polyfill
value = value.toUpperCase();
substr = substr.toUpperCase();
value = toUpperCase(value);
_substr = toUpperCase(_substr);
return _countSubstring(value, substr, allowOverlapping);
return _countSubstring(value, _substr, allowOverlapping);
export {countSubstr};

@@ -259,4 +339,20 @@ * Test if [value] ends with [search]

export const endsWith = (value, search, position = null) => _endsWith(value, search, position);
const endsWith = (value, search, position = null) => {
let lastIndex = null;
if (typeof position !== 'number' || !isFinite(position)
|| Math.floor(position) !== position || position > length(value)) {
position = length(value);
position -= length(search);
lastIndex = indexOf(value, search, position);
return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;
export {endsWith};

@@ -269,4 +365,7 @@ * Test if [value] starts with [search]

export const startsWith = (value, search, position = 0) => _startsWith(value, search, position);
const startsWith = (value, search, position = 0) =>
substr(value, position, length(search)) === search;
export {startsWith};

@@ -278,5 +377,5 @@ * Ensures that the [value] begins with [substr]. If it doesn't, it's prepended.

export const ensureLeft = (value, substr) => {
if(!_startsWith(value, substr)){
return substr + "" + value;
const ensureLeft = (value, _substr) => {
if(!startsWith(value, _substr)){
return append(_substr, value);

@@ -287,2 +386,4 @@

export {ensureLeft};

@@ -294,6 +395,6 @@ * Ensures that the [value] ends with [substr]. If it doesn't, it's appended.

export const ensureRight = (value, substr) => {
const ensureRight = (value, _substr) => {
if(!_endsWith(value, substr)){
return value + "" + substr;
if(!endsWith(value, _substr)){
return append(value, _substr);

@@ -304,2 +405,4 @@

export {ensureRight};

@@ -311,4 +414,6 @@ * Return the first n chars of string.

export const first = (value, n) => value.substr(0, n);
const first = (value, n) => substr(value, 0, n);
export {first};

@@ -320,130 +425,363 @@ * Return the last n chars of string.

export const last = (value, n) => value.substr(-1 * n, n);
const last = (value, n) => substr(value, -1 * n, n);
export {last};
* Verify if has lowerCase
* The indexOf() method returns the index within the calling String object of the first occurrence
* of the specified value, starting the search at fromIndex. Returns -1 if the value is not found.
* @param value
* @return boolean
* @param needle
* @param offset
* @return integer
// TODO: update to polyfill
export const hasLowerCase = (value) => value === value.toLowerCase();
const indexOf = (value, needle, offset = 0) => value.indexOf(needle, offset);
export {indexOf};
* Verify if has upperCase
* The lastIndexOf() method returns the index within the calling String object of the last
* occurrence of the specified value, searching backwards from fromIndex. Returns -1 if the
* value is not found.
* @param value
* @return boolean
* @param needle
* @param offset
* @return integer
// TODO: update to polyfill
export const hasUpperCase = (value) => value === value.toUpperCase();
const lastIndexOf = (value, needle, offset = undefined) => value.lastIndexOf(needle, offset);
export {lastIndexOf};
* Polyfill to startsWith function
* Inserts [substr] into the [value] at the [index] provided.
* @param value
* @param search
* @param position
* @return boolean
* @param substr
* @param index
* @return string
let _startsWith = (value, search, position = 0) => value.substr(position, search.length) === search;
const insert = (value, _substr, index) => {
let start = null;
let end = null;
if(index > length(value)){
return value;
start = substr(value, 0, index);
end = substr(value, index, length(value));
return append(start, _substr, end);
export {insert};
* Polyfill to endsWith function
* Returns the length of the string
* @param value
* @param search
* @param position
* @return boolean
* @return integer
let _endsWith = (value, search, position = null) => {
const length = value => value.length;
let lastIndex = null;
export {length};
if (typeof position !== 'number' || !isFinite(position) || Math.floor(position) !== position || position > value.length) {
position = value.length;
* Returns a new string of a given length such that the beginning of the string is padded.
* @param value
* @param length
* @param char
* @return string
const leftPad = (value, _length, char = ' ') => {
let result = value;
char = String(char);
if(length(char) > 1){
char = substr(char, 0, 1);
position -= search.length;
lastIndex = value.indexOf(search, position);
return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;
_length = _length - length(value);
result = append(repeat(char, _length), result);
return result;
export {leftPad};
* Polyfill to countSubstr function
* @param value,
* @param substr,
* @param position = 0,
* @param count = 0,
* @param allowOverlapping = false
* @return integer
* Returns a new string of a given length such that the ending of the string is padded.
* @param value
* @param length
* @param char
* @return string
let _countSubstring = (value, substr, allowOverlapping = false, position = 0, count = 0) => {
const rightPad = (value, _length, char = ' ') => {
let _position = value.indexOf(substr, position);
let result = value;
char = String(char);
if(_position === -1){
return count;
if(length(char) > 1){
char = substr(char, 0, 1);
_position = _position + substr.length - 1;
return _countSubstring(value, substr, allowOverlapping, _position + 1, count + 1);
_length = _length - length(value);
result = append(result, repeat(char, _length));
return result;
export {rightPad};
* Polyfill to contains function
* Alias to substr function
* @param value
* @param needle
* @param caseSensitive - default true
* return boolean
* @param start
* @param length = undefined
* @return string
let _contains = (value, needle, caseSensitive = true) => {
return value.indexOf(needle) > -1;
const substr = (value, start, length = undefined) => value.substr(start, length);
export {substr};
* Alias to split function
* @param value
* @param separator
* @param limit = undefined
* @return string
const split = (value, separator, limit = undefined) => value.split(separator, limit);
export {split};
* Returns a new string starting with [prepends].
* @param value
* @param ...prepends
* @return string
const prepend = (value, ...prepends) => {
if(length(prepends) === 0){
return value;
// TODO: update to polyfill
return value.toUpperCase().indexOf(needle.toUpperCase()) > -1;
return prepends.join('') + value;
export {prepend};
* Returns a new string starting with [prepends].
* @param value
* @param ...prepends
* @return string
const prependArray = (value, prepends = []) => {
if(length(prepends) === 0){
return value;
return prepends.join('') + value;
export {prependArray};
* Polyfill to replace function
* @params value - The string being searched and replaced on.
* @return This function returns a string with the replaced values.
* Returns a new string with the [prefix] removed, if present.
* @param value
* @param prefix
* @return string
const removeLeft = (value, prefix) => {
if(startsWith(value, prefix)){
return substr(value, length(prefix));
return value;
export {removeLeft};
* Returns a new string with the [suffix] removed, if present.
* @param value
* @param prefix
* @return string
const removeRight = (value, suffix) => {
let _length = length(value) - length(suffix);
if(endsWith(value, suffix)){
return substr(value, 0, _length);
return value;
export {removeRight};
* Returns a repeated string given a multiplier.
* @param value
* @param multiplier
* @return string
const repeat = (value, multiplier) => {
let i = 0;
let result = '';
while(multiplier > i++) {
result += value;
return result;
export {repeat};
* Returns a reversed string.
* @param value
* @return string
const reverse = (value) => {
let i = 0;
let reversed = '';
while(length(value) > i++){
reversed = append(reversed, substr(value, -1*i, 1));
return reversed;
export {reverse};
* A multibyte str_shuffle() function. It returns a string with its characters in random order.
* @param value
* @return string
const _shuffle =(array) => {
let j;
let x;
let i;
for (i = length(array); i; i -= 1) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
x = array[i - 1];
array[i - 1] = array[j];
array[j] = x;
return array;
const shuffle = (value) => _shuffle(split(value)).join('');
export {shuffle};
* Surrounds a [value] with the given [substr].
* @param value
* @param substr
* @return string
let _replace = (value, search, newvalue) =>
value.replace(new RegExp(search, "g"), newvalue);
const surround = (value, _substr = '') => append(_substr, value, _substr);
export {surround};
* Polyfill to ltrim function
* @param value - value to ltrim
* The slice method extracts a section of a string and returns a new string.
* @param value
* @param beginSlice
* @param endSlice
* @return string
let _ltrim = (value) => _replace(value, "^\\s+", '');
const slice = (value, beginSlice, endSlice = undefined) => value.slice(beginSlice, endSlice);
export {slice};
* Polyfill to rtrim function
* @param value - value to rtrim
* Truncate the string securely, not cutting a word in half. It always returns the last full word.
* @param value
* @param _length
* @param _append = ''
* @return string
let _rtrim = (value) => _replace(value, "\\s+$", '');
const safeTruncate = (value, _length, _append = '') => {
let truncated = '';
if(_length === 0){
return '';
if (_length >= length(value)) {
return value;
if(_length === indexOf(value, ' ', 0)){
return substr(value, 0, _length);
_length -= length(_append) ;
truncated = substr(value, 0, _length);
let position = indexOf(value, ' ', _length - 1);
if(position !== _length){
let lastPos = lastIndexOf(truncated, ' ', 0);
truncated = substr(truncated, 0, lastPos);
return append(truncated, _append);
export {safeTruncate};
* Polyfill to at function
* @param string
* @param int
* @return char
* Truncate the unsecured form string, cutting the independent string of required position.
* @param value
* @param _length
* @param _append = ''
* @return string
let _at = (string, index) => {
throw new Error("Value is not a String.");
const truncate = (value, _length, _append = '') => {
let truncated = '';
if(_length === 0){
return '';
throw new Error("Index is not a Number.");
if (_length >= length(value)) {
return value;
return string.substr(index, 1);
_length -= length(_append) ;
truncated = substr(value, 0, _length);
return append(truncated, _append);
export {truncate};

@@ -1,3 +0,5 @@

export * from './slugify'
export * from './slugify';
export * from './string.utils'
export * from './string.utils';
export * from './string.cases';
import chai from 'chai';
import {slugify} from '../src/strman'
import {slugify} from '../src/strman';

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ describe('Slugfiy function', () => {

'FOO bar'

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ fixtures.forEach(el => {

it('should be foo-and-bar', () => {

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ let fixtures = [

'FOO & bar'

@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ fixtures.forEach(el => {


@@ -57,3 +57,3 @@ it('should be throw', () => {

import chai from 'chai';
import {isString, trim, removeSpaces, replace, removeNonChars, removeNonWords, append,
at, between, chars, collapseWhitespace, contains, containsAll, containsAny, countSubstr,
endsWith, startsWith, ensureLeft, ensureRight, first, last, hasLowerCase, hasUpperCase}
from '../src/strman'
endsWith, startsWith, ensureLeft, ensureRight, first, last, indexOf, lastIndexOf, insert,
length, leftPad, rightPad, prepend, removeLeft, appendArray, prependArray, removeRight,
repeat, reverse, shuffle, surround, safeTruncate, truncate}
from '../src/strman';

@@ -15,3 +17,3 @@ describe('isString function', () => {


@@ -25,4 +27,4 @@ fixtures.forEach(el => {


@@ -38,12 +40,12 @@ fixtures.forEach(el => {

let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"foo bar ",
" foo bar",
" foo bar "
'foo bar',
'foo bar ',
' foo bar',
' foo bar '
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(trim(el)).to.equal("foo bar");
chai.expect(trim(el)).to.equal('foo bar');

@@ -54,21 +56,21 @@

let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"foo bar ",
" foo bar",
" foo bar "
'foo bar',
'foo bar ',
' foo bar',
' foo bar '
fixtures.forEach(el => {
it('should be foo-bar', () => {
let fixtures = [
"foo bar"
'foo bar'
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(removeSpaces(el, '-')).to.equal('foo-bar');

@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@

let fixtures = [
"foo bar"
'foo bar'
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(replace("foo", "bar")(el)).to.equal("bar bar");
chai.expect(replace(el, 'foo', 'bar')).to.equal('bar bar');

@@ -89,9 +91,9 @@ });

let fixtures = [
"foo bar foo"
'foo bar foo'
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(replace("foo", "bar")(el)).to.equal("bar bar bar");
chai.expect(replace(el, 'foo', 'bar')).to.equal('bar bar bar');

@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@

let fixtures = [
"fóõ bár"
'fóõ bár'
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(removeNonChars(el)).to.equal("foo bar");
chai.expect(removeNonChars(el)).to.equal('foo bar');

@@ -112,37 +114,82 @@ });

describe('removeNonWords function', () => {
describe('append function', () => {
it('should be foobar', () => {
let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
chai.expect(append('f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r')).to.equal('foobar');
chai.expect(append('', 'foobar')).to.equal('foobar');
it('should be throw', () => {
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, '', 1), Error);
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, '', true), Error);
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, '', false), Error);
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, '', 1.2), Error);
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, '', {}), Error);
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, '', []), Error);
fixtures.forEach(el => {
describe('appendArray function', () => {
it('should be foobar', () => {
chai.expect(appendArray('f', ['o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r'])).to.equal('foobar');
chai.expect(appendArray('', ['foobar'])).to.equal('foobar');
it('should be throw', () => {
chai.assert.throws(appendArray.bind(this, '', 1), Error);
chai.assert.throws(appendArray.bind(this, '', true), Error);
chai.assert.throws(appendArray.bind(this, '', false), Error);
chai.assert.throws(appendArray.bind(this, '', 1.2), Error);
chai.assert.throws(appendArray.bind(this, '', {}), Error);
chai.assert.throws(appendArray.bind(this, '', [1]), Error);
chai.assert.throws(appendArray.bind(this, '', [true]), Error);
chai.assert.throws(appendArray.bind(this, '', [false]), Error);
chai.assert.throws(appendArray.bind(this, '', [1.2]), Error);
chai.assert.throws(appendArray.bind(this, '', [{}]), Error);
describe('append function', () => {
describe('prepend function', () => {
it('should be foobar', () => {
chai.expect(append("f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r")).to.equal("foobar");
chai.expect(append("", "foobar")).to.equal("foobar");
chai.expect(prepend('r', 'f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a')).to.equal('foobar');
chai.expect(prepend('', 'foobar')).to.equal('foobar');
chai.expect(prepend('bar', 'foo')).to.equal('foobar');
it('should be throw', () => {
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, "", 1), Error);
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, "", []), Error);
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, "", true), Error);
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, "", false), Error);
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, "", 1.2), Error);
chai.assert.throws(append.bind(this, "", {}), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prepend.bind(this, '', 1), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prepend.bind(this, '', []), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prepend.bind(this, '', true), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prepend.bind(this, '', false), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prepend.bind(this, '', 1.2), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prepend.bind(this, '', {}), Error);
describe('prependArray function', () => {
it('should be foobar', () => {
chai.expect(prependArray('r', ['f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a'])).to.equal('foobar');
chai.expect(prependArray('', ['foobar'])).to.equal('foobar');
chai.expect(prependArray('bar', ['foo'])).to.equal('foobar');
it('should be throw', () => {
chai.assert.throws(prependArray.bind(this, '', 1), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prependArray.bind(this, '', true), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prependArray.bind(this, '', false), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prependArray.bind(this, '', 1.2), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prependArray.bind(this, '', {}), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prependArray.bind(this, '', [1]), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prependArray.bind(this, '', [true]), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prependArray.bind(this, '', [false]), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prependArray.bind(this, '', [1.2]), Error);
chai.assert.throws(prependArray.bind(this, '', [{}]), Error);
describe('at function', () => {
it('should be f', () => {
chai.expect(at("foobar", 0)).to.equal("f");
chai.expect(at("ofobar", 1)).to.equal("f");
chai.expect(at("oobarf", -1)).to.equal("f");
chai.expect(at("oobafr", -2)).to.equal("f");
chai.expect(at('foobar', 0)).to.equal('f');
chai.expect(at('ofobar', 1)).to.equal('f');
chai.expect(at('oobarf', -1)).to.equal('f');
chai.expect(at('oobafr', -2)).to.equal('f');

@@ -157,7 +204,7 @@ });

chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, {}, 1), Error);
chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, "", ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, "", []), Error);
chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, "", true), Error);
chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, "", false), Error);
chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, "", {}), Error);
chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, '', ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, '', []), Error);
chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, '', true), Error);
chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, '', false), Error);
chai.assert.throws(at.bind(this, '', {}), Error);

@@ -168,26 +215,26 @@ });

it('should be ["foo"]', () => {
chai.expect(between("[foo]", "[", "]")[0]).to.equal("foo");
chai.expect(between("<span>foo</span>", "<span>", "</span>")[0]).to.equal("foo");
chai.expect(between("<span>bar</span><span>foo</span>", "<span>", "</span>")[0]).to.equal("bar");
chai.expect(between("<span>bar</span><span>foo</span>", "<span>", "</span>")[1]).to.equal("foo");
chai.expect(between('[foo]', '[', ']')[0]).to.equal('foo');
chai.expect(between('<span>foo</span>', '<span>', '</span>')[0]).to.equal('foo');
chai.expect(between('<span>bar</span><span>foo</span>', '<span>', '</span>')[0]).to.equal('bar');
chai.expect(between('<span>bar</span><span>foo</span>', '<span>', '</span>')[1]).to.equal('foo');
it('should be throw', () => {
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", "", 1), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", "", []), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", "", {}), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", "", true), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", "", false), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", "", 1.2), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", 1, ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", [], ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", {}, ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", true, ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", false, ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, "", 1.2, ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, 1, "", ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, [], "", ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, {}, "", ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, true, "", ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, false, "", ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, 1.2, "", ""), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', '', 1), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', '', []), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', '', {}), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', '', true), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', '', false), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', '', 1.2), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', 1, ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', [], ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', {}, ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', true, ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', false, ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, '', 1.2, ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, 1, '', ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, [], '', ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, {}, '', ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, true, '', ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, false, '', ''), Error);
chai.assert.throws(between.bind(this, 1.2, '', ''), Error);

@@ -198,8 +245,8 @@ });

it('should be ["t", "i", "t", "l", "e"]', () => {
let title = "title";
let title = 'title';

@@ -219,12 +266,12 @@ it('should be throw', () => {

let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
" foo bar ",
" foo bar ",
" foo bar "
'foo bar',
' foo bar ',
' foo bar ',
' foo bar '
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(collapseWhitespace(el)).to.equal("foo bar");
chai.expect(collapseWhitespace(el)).to.equal('foo bar');

@@ -235,8 +282,8 @@

let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
'foo bar',
fixtures.forEach(el => {

@@ -249,51 +296,51 @@ });

let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"bar foo",
'foo bar',
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(contains(el, "foo", true)).to.equal(true);
chai.expect(contains(el, 'foo', true)).to.equal(true);
it('should be true, caseSensitive = false', () => {
let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"bar foo",
'foo bar',
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(contains(el, "FOO", false)).to.equal(true);
chai.expect(contains(el, 'FOO', false)).to.equal(true);
it('should be false, caseSensitive = true', () => {
let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"bar foo",
'foo bar',
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(contains(el, "FOO", true)).to.equal(false);
chai.expect(contains(el, 'FOO', true)).to.equal(false);
it('should be false, caseSensitive = false', () => {
let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"bar foo",
'foo bar',
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(contains(el, "dleitee", false)).to.equal(false);
chai.expect(contains(el, 'dleitee', false)).to.equal(false);

@@ -304,49 +351,49 @@

let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"bar foo",
'foo bar',
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(containsAll(el, ["foo", "bar"], true)).to.equal(true);
chai.expect(containsAll(el, ['foo', 'bar'], true)).to.equal(true);
it('should be true, caseSensitive = false', () => {
let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"bar foo",
'foo bar',
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(containsAll(el, ["FOO", "BAR"], false)).to.equal(true);
chai.expect(containsAll(el, ['FOO', 'BAR'], false)).to.equal(true);
it('should be false, caseSensitive = true', () => {
let fixtures = [
"bar foo",
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(containsAll(el, ["FOO", "BAR"], true)).to.equal(false);
chai.expect(containsAll(el, ['FOO', 'BAR'], true)).to.equal(false);
it('should be false, caseSensitive = false', () => {
let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"bar foo",
'foo bar',
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(containsAll(el, ["foo", "bar", "dleitee"], false)).to.equal(false);
chai.expect(containsAll(el, ['foo', 'bar', 'dleitee'], false)).to.equal(false);

@@ -358,49 +405,49 @@

let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"bar foo",
'foo bar',
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(containsAny(el, ["foo", "bar", "test"], true)).to.equal(true);
chai.expect(containsAny(el, ['foo', 'bar', 'test'], true)).to.equal(true);
it('should be true, caseSensitive = false', () => {
let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"bar foo",
'foo bar',
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(containsAny(el, ["FOO", "BAR", "Test"], false)).to.equal(true);
chai.expect(containsAny(el, ['FOO', 'BAR', 'Test'], false)).to.equal(true);
it('should be false, caseSensitive = true', () => {
let fixtures = [
"bar foo",
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(containsAny(el, ["FOO", "BAR", "TEST"], true)).to.equal(false);
chai.expect(containsAny(el, ['FOO', 'BAR', 'TEST'], true)).to.equal(false);
it('should be false, caseSensitive = false', () => {
let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
"bar foo",
'foo bar',
'bar foo',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(containsAny(el, ["dleitee"], false)).to.equal(false);
chai.expect(containsAny(el, ['dleitee'], false)).to.equal(false);

@@ -411,10 +458,10 @@

let fixtures = [
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(countSubstr(el, "a")).to.equal(7);
chai.expect(countSubstr(el, 'a')).to.equal(7);

@@ -425,10 +472,10 @@ });

let fixtures = [
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(countSubstr(el, "A", false)).to.equal(7);
chai.expect(countSubstr(el, 'A', false)).to.equal(7);

@@ -439,7 +486,7 @@ });

it('should be 2 with allowOverlaping', () => {
chai.expect(countSubstr("aaa", "aa", true, true)).to.equal(2);
chai.expect(countSubstr('aaa', 'aa', true, true)).to.equal(2);
it('should be 1 without allowOverlaping', () => {
chai.expect(countSubstr("aaa", "aa", true, false)).to.equal(1);
chai.expect(countSubstr('aaa', 'aa', true, false)).to.equal(1);

@@ -451,17 +498,17 @@ });

let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
'foo bar',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(endsWith(el, "bar")).to.equal(true);
chai.expect(endsWith(el, 'bar')).to.equal(true);
let fixtures2 = [
"foo barr",
'foo barr',
fixtures2.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(endsWith(el, "bar", el.length-1)).to.equal(true);
chai.expect(endsWith(el, 'bar', el.length-1)).to.equal(true);

@@ -474,18 +521,18 @@ });

let fixtures = [
"foo bar",
'foo bar',
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(startsWith(el, "foo")).to.equal(true);
chai.expect(startsWith(el, 'foo')).to.equal(true);
let fixtures2 = [
"afoo barr",
'afoo barr',
fixtures2.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(startsWith(el, "foo", 1)).to.equal(true);
chai.expect(startsWith(el, 'foo', 1)).to.equal(true);

@@ -498,8 +545,8 @@ });

let fixtures = [
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(ensureLeft(el, "foo")).to.equal("foobar");
chai.expect(ensureLeft(el, 'foo')).to.equal('foobar');

@@ -512,8 +559,8 @@ });

let fixtures = [
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(ensureRight(el, "bar")).to.equal("foobar");
chai.expect(ensureRight(el, 'bar')).to.equal('foobar');

@@ -526,8 +573,8 @@ });

let fixtures = [
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(first(el, 3)).to.equal("foo");
chai.expect(first(el, 3)).to.equal('foo');

@@ -540,8 +587,8 @@ });

let fixtures = [
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(last(el, 3)).to.equal("foo");
chai.expect(last(el, 3)).to.equal('foo');

@@ -551,48 +598,153 @@ });

describe('hasLowerCase function', () => {
describe('indexOf function', () => {
it('should be true', () => {
let fixtures = [
let value = 'foobar';
chai.expect(indexOf(value, 'f')).to.equal(0);
chai.expect(indexOf(value, 'o')).to.equal(1);
chai.expect(indexOf(value, 'b')).to.equal(3);
chai.expect(indexOf(value, 'a')).to.equal(4);
chai.expect(indexOf(value, 'r')).to.equal(5);
chai.expect(indexOf(value, 't')).to.equal(-1);
fixtures.forEach(el => {
describe('lastIndexOf function', () => {
it('should be true', () => {
let value = 'foobarfoobar';
chai.expect(lastIndexOf(value, 'f')).to.equal(6);
chai.expect(lastIndexOf(value, 'o')).to.equal(8);
chai.expect(lastIndexOf(value, 'b')).to.equal(9);
chai.expect(lastIndexOf(value, 'a')).to.equal(10);
chai.expect(lastIndexOf(value, 'r')).to.equal(11);
chai.expect(lastIndexOf(value, 't')).to.equal(-1);
it('should be false', () => {
let fixtures = [
fixtures.forEach(el => {
describe('insert function', () => {
it('should be foo bar', () => {
chai.expect(insert('fbar', 'oo ', 1)).to.equal('foo bar');
chai.expect(insert('foo', ' bar', 3)).to.equal('foo bar');
chai.expect(insert('foo bar', 'asadasd', 13)).to.equal('foo bar');
describe('hasUpperCase function', () => {
describe('length function', () => {
it('should be 3', () => {
describe('leftPad function', () => {
it('should be 00001', () => {
chai.expect(leftPad('1', 5, 0)).to.equal('00001');
chai.expect(leftPad('01', 5, 0)).to.equal('00001');
chai.expect(leftPad('001', 5, 0)).to.equal('00001');
chai.expect(leftPad('0001', 5, 0)).to.equal('00001');
chai.expect(leftPad('00001', 5, 0)).to.equal('00001');
describe('rightPad function', () => {
it('should be 10000', () => {
chai.expect(rightPad('1', 5, 0)).to.equal('10000');
chai.expect(rightPad('10', 5, 0)).to.equal('10000');
chai.expect(rightPad('100', 5, 0)).to.equal('10000');
chai.expect(rightPad('1000', 5, 0)).to.equal('10000');
chai.expect(rightPad('10000', 5, 0)).to.equal('10000');
describe('removeLeft function', () => {
it('should be true', () => {
let fixtures = [
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(removeLeft(el, 'foo')).to.equal('bar');
it('should be false', () => {
describe('removeRight function', () => {
it('should be true', () => {
let fixtures = [
fixtures.forEach(el => {
chai.expect(removeRight(el, 'bar')).to.equal('foo');
chai.expect(removeRight('foofoofoobar', 'bar')).to.equal('foofoofoo');
chai.expect(removeRight('foofoofoobar', 'foobar')).to.equal('foofoo');
describe('repeat function', () => {
it('should be 1 repeated', () => {
chai.expect(repeat('1', 1)).to.equal('1');
chai.expect(repeat('1', 2)).to.equal('11');
chai.expect(repeat('1', 3)).to.equal('111');
chai.expect(repeat('1', 4)).to.equal('1111');
chai.expect(repeat('1', 5)).to.equal('11111');
describe('reverse function', () => {
it('should be strings reverse', () => {
describe('shuffle function', () => {
it('should be strings shuffle', () => {
describe('surround function', () => {
it('should be strings surround', () => {
chai.expect(surround('foo', 'bar')).to.equal('barfoobar');
chai.expect(surround('daniel', '_')).to.equal('_daniel_');
chai.expect(surround('', '>')).to.equal('>>');
chai.expect(surround('bar', '')).to.equal('bar');
describe('safeTruncate function', () => {
it('should be strings safeTruncated', () => {
chai.expect(safeTruncate('foo bar', 0, '.')).to.equal('');
chai.expect(safeTruncate('foo bar', 3, '.')).to.equal('foo');
chai.expect(safeTruncate('foo bar', 2, '.')).to.equal('.');
chai.expect(safeTruncate('foo bar', 4, '.')).to.equal('foo.');
chai.expect(safeTruncate('foo bar', 7, '.')).to.equal('foo bar');
chai.expect(safeTruncate('foo bar', 8, '.')).to.equal('foo bar');
describe('truncate function', () => {
it('should be strings truncated', () => {
chai.expect(truncate('foo bar', 0, '.')).to.equal('');
chai.expect(truncate('foo bar', 3, '.')).to.equal('fo.');
chai.expect(truncate('foo bar', 2, '.')).to.equal('f.');
chai.expect(truncate('foo bar', 4, '.')).to.equal('foo.');
chai.expect(truncate('foo bar', 7, '.')).to.equal('foo bar');
chai.expect(truncate('foo bar', 8, '.')).to.equal('foo bar');

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