Styled-System compatible shapes for use in your JSX
Checkout Storybook for some examples / demos.
npm i styled-shapes
import { Shape, star, hexagon } from 'styled-shapes';
const Star = () => <Shape path={star}/>;
const CustomShape = () => <Shape path="M 0,0 1,0, 1,1, 0,1 Z"/>;
const ShapeWithBordersAndShadow = () => <Shape path={hexagon} border="1px solid black" boxShadow="0 0 .5em rgba(0,0,0,.5)"/>;
- Space
- Color
- Typography
- Layout
- Flexbox
- Background
- Border
- Shadow
- Grid
<Shape color="blue" background="red" path={star}/>
<Shape fontSize="10px" path={hexagon}/>
<Shape background="linear-gradient(#000, #fff)" path={triangle}/>
<Shape borderTop="1px solid blue" borderBottom="2px solid green" path={moon}/>
<Shape boxShadow="0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.6), inset 0 0 3px rgba(255,255,255,.5)" path={pentagon}/>
Built In Shapes
- triangle
- square
- diamond
- pentagon
- hexagon
- heptagon
- octagon
- nonagon
- decagon
polygon(n: number)
- circle
- trapezoid
- plus
- heart
- moon
- star
- egg
- rainbow
Custom Shapes
<Shape path="M 0,0 1,0 1,1 0,1 Z"/>
How it works
"Standard" HTML elements are limited to the box model, i.e. rectangles.
We can get additional shapes by manipulating borders, border radiuses, and/or css transforms to skew rectangles into other shapes.
But, these shapes still have some limitations:
- it's hard to combine borders and box shadows with occluded shapes
- backgrounds and box shadows will get equally skewed by the css transformations
For example: using "plain" HTML and CSS, its hard to make a 5 pointed star with both borders and box shadows.
Meanwhile, SVGs lets us build arbitrary shapes in our webpages. But, SVGs do not support the same css properties as non-SVG components.
- We cannot add box shadows to SVG elements.
- We cannot add border top/left/right/bottom to SVGs - they use
Canvas/WebGL let us draw almost anything we can imagine. But, by drawing raw images to the screen, we are no longer building the page semantically.
This library attempts to bridge the differences between SVG and HTML - allowing users to build arbitrary shapes while still using semantic HTML and the CSS properties we're used to. (via styled system).
- Main shape: css clip-path
- Box shadow:
filters + dropshadow - Border:
paths with stroke, broken apart at via trigonometry > 45 (top), > 135 (left) , > 225 (bottom), > 315 (right) degrees - Space + Layout: math based on the given
- Typography, Flex, Grid, Background: standard HTML + CSS
For more about CSS in JS, checkout the styled-system or this article.
- Animations / Transitions
- Border Style (dashed / dottted / double / groove)
- More Cross browser testing (cough IE cough)