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Styra Run Node.js SDK

Version published

The Styra Run Node.js SDK

How to Install

On the command line:

npm install --save styra-run-sdk-node

or in your package.json:

    "dependencies": {
        "styra-run-sdk-node": "latest"

How to Use

Instantiate a Run Client

import StyraRun from "styra-run-sdk-node"

// Options are pulled from the environment
const styraRun = StyraRun(process.env.RUN_URL, process.env.RUN_TOKEN)


Makes a policy rule query, returning the result object: {"result": any}

const input = ...
const {result:data} = await styraRun.query('foo/bar/allowed', input)
if (data) {
    // Handle policy result
} else {
    // Handle policy reject


Makes a policy rule query, returning true if the result object equals {"result": true}, false otherwise.

const input = ...
if (await styraRun.check('foo/bar/allowed', input)) {
    // Handle policy accept
} else {
    // Handle policy reject


Makes a policy rule query, throwing an exception if the result document doesn't equal {"result": true}. By default, the assert() function requires the policy decision to contain {"result": true}.

const input = {...}
styraRun.assert('foo/bar/allowed', input)
    .then(() => {
        // Handle accept
    .catch((err) => {
        // Handle error

However, the default predicate can be overridden:

const input = {...}
// Predicate that requires the policy rule to return a object containing a `{"role": "admin"}` entry.
const myPredicate = (response) => {
    return response?.result?.role === 'admin'
styraRun.assert('foo/bar/allowed', input, myPredicate)
    .then(() => {
        // Handle accept
    .catch((err) => {
        // Handle error

Often, when asserting that something is allowed according to a policy, there is some piece of data that should be processed in following steps. There is a convenience function for this case:

const input = {...}
const maybeAllowedObject = ...
styraRun.assertAndReturn(maybeAllowedObject, 'foo/bar/allowed', input)
    .then((allowedObject) => {
        // Do something with the allowed object
    .catch((err) => {
        // Handle error


Filters a provided list.

import StyraRun, { defaultPredicate } from "run-sdk"

const list = ["do", "re", "mi"]
// Creates a unique input document for each list item, so the policy rule can differentiate between them and make decissions accordingly.
const toInput = (item) => {
    return {note: item}

// The default predicate asserts the policy decision is equal to `{"result": true}`
const filteredList = await styraRun.filter(list, defaultPredicate, 'foo/bar/allowed', list, toInput)

Upload Data

const data = ...
await styraRun.putData('bindings/foo/bar', data)

Get Data

const {result} = await styraRun.getData('bindings/foo/bar')

Delete Data

await styraRun.deleteData('bindings/foo/bar')

Proxy Client-Side Policy Checks

The Styra Run client can produce a HTTP request handler that proxies browser/client-side policy queries to Styra Run. This proxy is compatible with, and necessary for, the Styra Run js SDK.

import {Router} from 'express'
import {DefaultSessionInputStrategy} from "styra-run-sdk-node"

const router = Router()'/authz', styraRun.proxy({sessionInputStrategy: DefaultSessionInputStrategy.COOKIE}))
Proxy Session Input

The proxy() function takes an optional sessionInputStrategy callback function as argument, and returns a request handling function. The provided sessionInputStrategy callback takes as arguments the incoming HTTP Request, the path of the queried policy, and the - possibly incomplete - input value for the policy query. The callback must return an updated input value, and is a means to inject session information into any policy query made by the front-end.

DefaultSessionInputStrategy provides default strategies for injecting session information into proxied policy queries. Available strategies are:

  • COOKIE: Extracts subject and tenant parameters from a cookie named user on the incoming HTTP request. The cookie value is expected to have the format <tenant> / <subject>. The exported newCookieSessionInputStrategy({cookieName}) factory function can be used for creating a callback that pulls information from a cookie with a custom name.
  • NONE: Returns the input value provided by the client, if any.

If no sessionInputStrategy callback is provided, DefaultSessionInputStrategy.COOKIE is used by default.


The proxy API exposes the following endpoint:

<API endpoint>/POSTProxies a set of policy queries to Styra Run. The request body must be a JSON object with one parameter: items, a list of query objects. A query object has two parameters: path, a string representing the path of the policy rule to query; and input, the input value to provide to the policy. This endpoint returns a JSON object with a result parameter, which contains a list of policy decision results; ordering reflects the list of incoming queries.

RBAC Management API

const rbac = styraRun.rbacManager()
Get Roles


Returns: a list of string role identifiers.

authzInputThe input value expected by the authorization policy rule.
await rbac.getRoles({subject: "alice", tennant: "acmecorp"})
List User Bindings

listUserBindings(users, authzInput)

Returns: a list of user binding objects with two parameters: id, the string user identifier; and roles, a list of string role identifiers.

usersA list of string user identifiers for which to retrieve bindings.
authzInputThe input value expected by the authorization policy rule.
const bindings = await rbac.getUserBindings(["bob", "cesar"], {subject: "alice", tennant: "acmecorp"})
Get User Binding

getUserBinding(id, authzInput)

Returns: a list of string role identifiers

idA string user identifier for which to retrieve a binding.
authzInputThe input value expected by the authorization policy rule.
const roles = await getUserBinding("bob", {subject: "alice", tennant: "acmecorp"})
Set User Binding

setUserBinding(id, roles, authzInput)

idA string user identifier for which to set a binding.
rolesA list of string role identifiers.
authzInputThe input value expected by the authorization policy rule.
await setUserBinding("bob", ["ADMIN"], {subject: "alice", tennant: "acmecorp"})
Delete User Binding

deleteUserBinding(id, authzInput)

idA string user identifier for which to delete a binding.
authzInputThe input value expected by the authorization policy rule.
await setUserBinding("bob", {subject: "alice", tennant: "acmecorp"})
HTTP Handler

The Styra Run client can produce an HTTP request handler exposing the RBAC management API necessary for the RBAC management widget provided by the Styra Run js SDK.

import StyraRun, {Paginators} from "styra-run-sdk-node"

router.all('/rbac/*', styraRun.rbacProxy({
  sessionInputStrategy: DefaultSessionInputStrategy.COOKIE,
  paginateUsers: () => {
    return {result: ['alice', 'bob', 'cesar']}

The rbacProxy(createInput, getUsers, onSetBinding, pageSize) function returns a request handling function, and takes the following arguments:

sessionInputStrategy(request)callbackA callback function that takes a single argument: request, the incoming HTTP Request. This callback must return an object representing the input document for any necessary authorization policy checks. This object should contain the following two attributes: subject, a string representing the subject of the user session with which the request was made; and tenant, a string representing the tenant of the user session with which the request was made. Defaults to a function that returns an empty document {}. Compatible with DefaultSessionInputStrategy, described here. If not provided, DefaultSessionInputStrategy.COOKIE is used by default.
paginateUsers(page, request)callbackA callback function that takes two arguments: page, some opaque string representing the page of users to enumerate, defined by the callback; and the incoming HTTP request. If limit is 0, no upper limit should be applied to the number of returned users. Defaults to a function that returns an empty list []. The callback is expected to return an object with two properties: result, a list of user identifier strings; and page, an opaque string describing the returned page of users.
onGetRoleBinding(id, request)callbackA callback function that is called when a binding is about to be retrieved. It takes two arguments: id, the id of the binding's user; and request, the incoming HTTP request. This callback must return a boolean, where true signals that the binding may be retrieved, and false signals that it must not. When called, implementations may create new users if necessary. Defaults to a function returning true.
onSetRoleBinding(id, roles, request)callbackA callback function that is called when a binding is about to be upserted. It takes three arguments: id, the id of the binding's user; roles, the roles this binding will apply to the user; and request, the incoming HTTP request. This callback must return a boolean, where true signals that the binding may be applied, and false signals that it must not. When called, implementations may create new users if necessary. Defaults to a function returning true.
onDeleteRoleBinding(id, request)callbackA callback function that is called when a binding is about to be deleted. It takes two arguments: id, the id of the binding's user; and request, the incoming HTTP request. This callback must return a boolean, where true signals that the binding may be deleted, and false signals that it must not. When called, implementations may remove existing users if necessary. Defaults to a function returning true.

The RBAC API exposes the following endpoints:

<API route>/rolesGETGet a list of available roles. Returns a JSON object where the result property is a list of strings; e.g. ["ADMIN","VIEWER"].
<API route>/user_bindingsGETGet user to role bindings. Returns JSON object where the result property is a list of objects, where each entry has two attributes: the id of the user; and their roles, as a list of role string identifiers; e.g. [{"id": "alice", "roles": ["ADMIN"]}, {"id": "bob", "roles": ["VIEWER"]}]. GET requests to this endpoint can include the page query attribute; an integer indicating what page of bindings to enumerate. The page size is defined when creating the API request handler on the server by calling rbacProxy().
<API route>/user_bindings/<id>PUTSets the role binding of a user, where the <id> path component is the ID of the user. The request body must be a json list string role identifiers; e.g. ['ADMIN', 'VIEWER'].
<API route>/user_bindings/<id>DELETERemoves the role binding of a user, where the <id> path component is the ID of the user.

The RBAC management API supports pagination when listing user bindings. To facilitate this, the getUsers callback takes a page string argument, describing the "page" of users to return; and returns an object containing a page string property, representing the "page" of users just returned; e.g. {result: [...], page: "..."}. These string values are opaque to this SDK, and no assumptions are made about their content. The HTTP API will accept the incoming page as a query parameter, which it then forwards to the callback. Similarly, it will emmit the returned page object parameter as part of the returned JSON response document. It is up to the HTTP API user (e.g. front-end) and the callback implementation to negotiate how the page values are formatted and used. The Paginators.makeIndexedPaginator(pageSize, producer, getTotalCount) function constructs a simple index-based paginator where the page input is the numbered index of the page as a string, and the emitted page is a json document with two parameters: index, the index of the current page; and of, the total number of pages possible to retrieve. The provided producer(offset, limit, request) callback returns a list of string user identifiers, and takes three arguments: offset, the integer index from where in the total list of users to start enumeration; limit, an integer number of users to enumerate, starting at offset; and request, the incoming HTTP request. Optionally, the getTotalCount(request) callback can be included to inform the paginator about the total number of pages to be expected. It takes the incoming HTTP request as argument, and is expected to return the total number of users the producer callback can emmit. If this callback is not provided, the of parameter in the emitted page is omitted.



import StyraRun, {Paginators} from "styra-run-sdk-node"

const users = ['alice', 'bob', 'cesar', ...]

router.all('/rbac/*', styra.rbacProxy({
  createAuthzInput: async (req) => {
    return {subject: req.auth.subject, tenant: req.auth.tenant}
  getUsers: Paginators.makeIndexedPaginator(10, (offset, limit, req) => {
      if (limit === 0) {
        return users.slice(offset)
      return users.slice(offset, offset + limit)
    (req) => users.length)


GET /api/rbac/user_bindings?page=2


{"result": ["alice", "bob", ...], "page": {"index": 2, "of": 3}}



Package last updated on 22 Sep 2022

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