Simple unit test framework for not node based javascript modules.
Install the package with npm:
npm install -g sutest
Write your test script file:
module.exports = function (unitTest) {
unitTest.AddTest ('AdditionTest', function (test) {
test.Assert (2 + 3 == 5);
Run the test from command line:
sutest mytestfile.js
Create suites
You can create test suites, and add tests to suites:
module.exports = function (unitTest) {
var opTestSuite = unitTest.AddTestSuite ('OperationsTest');
opTestSuite.AddTest ('AdditionTest', function (test) {
test.Assert (2 + 3 == 5);
opTestSuite.AddTest ('SubtractionTest', function (test) {
test.Assert (2 - 3 == -1);
Include modules
You can add not node based modules, and use them in your tests.
For example, create a module with this content:
function Addition (a, b)
return a + b;
function Subtraction (a, b)
return a - b;
Now you can add this module to your test:
module.exports = function (unitTest) {
unitTest.AddSourceFile ('./operationsmodule.js');
var opTestSuiteLib = unitTest.AddTestSuite ('OperationsTestFromLib');
opTestSuiteLib.AddTest ('AdditionTest', function (test) {
test.Assert (Addition (2, 3) == 5);
opTestSuiteLib.AddTest ('SubtractionTest', function (test) {
test.Assert (Subtraction (2, 3) == -1);
Create multiple test files
You can create multiple test files, and call them from a main test file:
module.exports = function (unitTest)
unitTest.AddTestFile ('./additiontest.js');
unitTest.AddTestFile ('./subtractiontest.js');
Usage as library
Install the package locally:
npm install sutest
Create your standalone test file:
var path = require ('path');
var dirName = path.dirname (require.main.filename);
var sutest = require ('sutest');
var unitTest = new sutest.UnitTest (dirName, process.argv);
var opTestSuite = unitTest.AddTestSuite ('OperationsTest');
opTestSuite.AddTest ('AdditionTest', function (test) {
test.Assert (2 + 3 == 5);
opTestSuite.AddTest ('SubtractionTest', function (test) {
test.Assert (2 - 3 == -1);
unitTest.Run ();
Run the test from command line:
node mytestfile.js