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Comparing version 0.3.7 to 0.3.8




@@ -1,79 +0,138 @@

'use strict'; /*jslint node: true, es5: true, indent: 2 */
var os = require('os');
var stream = require('stream');
var streaming = require('streaming');
var util = require('util');
var inference = require('./inference');
var Parser = exports.Parser = require('./parser');
var Stringifier = exports.Stringifier = require('./stringifier');
var json_1 = require('streaming/json');
var property_1 = require('streaming/property');
var fs_1 = require('fs');
var async_1 = require('async');
// import * as optimist from 'optimist';
var optimist = require('optimist');
var parser_1 = require('./parser');
exports.Parser = parser_1.Parser;
var stringifier_1 = require('./stringifier');
exports.Stringifier = stringifier_1.Stringifier;
function pluck(xs, prop) {
return { return x[prop]; });
return (x) { return x[prop]; });
var whitespace_literals = {
'\r': '\\r',
'\n': '\\n',
'\t': '\\t',
'\r': '\\r',
'\n': '\\n',
'\t': '\\t',
function escapeWhitespace(s) {
return whitespace_literals[s];
return whitespace_literals[s];
var describe = exports.describe = function(input, filename, parser_opts, stringifier_opts, callback) {
if (filename) {
var rows = [];
var parser = input.pipe(new Parser(parser_opts));
parser.on('data', function(row) {
if (rows.length > 10) {
for (var i = 0, l = parser.columns.length; i < l; i++) {
var name = parser.columns[i];
console.log('[' + i + '] ' + name + ':');
var cells = pluck(rows, name).join(', ').replace(/\r|\n|\t/g, escapeWhitespace);
var segment = stringifier_opts.width - 2;
for (var start = 0, end = cells.length; start < end; start += segment) {
console.log(' ' + cells.slice(start, start + segment));
function transform(input, parserConfig, stringifierConfig, callback) {
// if (filename) {
// console.error('Transforming ' + filename);
// }
var transforms = [
parserConfig.json ? new json_1.Parser() : new parser_1.Parser(parserConfig),
if (stringifierConfig.omit) {
transforms.push(new property_1.Omitter(stringifierConfig.omit.split(/,/g)));
if (stringifierConfig.filter) {
transforms.push(new property_1.Picker(stringifierConfig.filter.split(/,/g)));
var stringifier = stringifierConfig.json ? new json_1.Stringifier() : new stringifier_1.Stringifier(stringifierConfig);
var output = transforms.reduce(function (outputStream, transform) { return outputStream.pipe(transform); }, input).pipe(process.stdout);
output.on('finish', callback);
output.on('error', function (error) {
// panic! (lets us quit faster, actually)
// output.unpipe();
exports.transform = transform;
function main() {
var argvparser = optimist
'Consolidate any tabular format.',
'Usage: <sprints.txt sv [options] > sprints.csv',
' or: sv [options] ~/Desktop/**/*.csv > ~/all.csv',
'Parser options:',
' --in-delimiter field separator (inferred if unspecified)',
' --in-quotechar " ',
' --in-json parse input as JSON (one object per row)',
'Stringifier options:',
' --peek 10 infer columns from first ten objects of input',
' --out-delimiter , field separator',
' --out-quotechar " marks beginning and end of fields containing delimiter',
' --filter a,b keep only fields a and b in the results',
' --omit c,d leave out fields x and y from the results (processed before filter)',
' -j, --json write one JSON object per row',
'Other options:',
' --version print version and quit',
' -v --verbose turn up the verbosity (still all on STDERR)',
'STDIN, if supplied, will be coerced to utf8',
.string(['delimiter', 'quotechar', 'escapechar'])
.boolean(['json', 'verbose', 'version', 'in-json'])
j: 'json',
v: 'verbose',
width: process.stdout['columns'] || 80,
var argv = argvparser.argv;
var parser_opts = {
delimiter: argv['in-delimiter'],
quotechar: argv['in-quotechar'],
json: argv['in-json'],
var stringifier_opts = {
delimiter: argv['out-delimiter'],
quotechar: argv['out-quotechar'],
peek: argv.peek,
filter: argv.filter,
omit: argv.omit,
json: argv.json,
width: argv.width,
function exit(err) {
if (err && err.code != 'EPIPE') {
throw err;
// if err.code == 'EPIPE' that just means that someone down
// the line cut us short with a | head or something
if (argv.verbose) {
// process.exit(); // wait for stdout to finish, actually.
var transform = exports.transform = function(input, filename, parser_opts, stringifier_opts, callback) {
if (filename) {
console.error('Transforming ' + filename);
var parser = input.pipe((parser_opts.json) ? new streaming.json.Parser() : new Parser(parser_opts));
if (stringifier_opts.omit) {
parser = parser.pipe(new,/g)));
if (stringifier_opts.filter) {
parser = parser.pipe(new,/g)));
var stringifier = stringifier_opts.json ? new streaming.json.Stringifier() : new Stringifier(stringifier_opts);
var output = stringifier.pipe(process.stdout);
output.on('finish', callback);
output.on('error', function(err) {
// panic! (lets us quit faster, actually)
if ( {
console.log('ARGV: ' + process.argv.join(' '));
if (argv.verbose) {
console.log(' argv: ' + JSON.stringify(argv, null, ' ').replace(/\n/g, '\n '));
console.log(' parser options: ' + JSON.stringify(parser_opts, null, ' ').replace(/\n/g, '\n '));
console.log(' stringifier options: ' + JSON.stringify(stringifier_opts, null, ' ').replace(/\n/g, '\n '));
else if (argv.version) {
else if (!process.stdin['isTTY']) {
// process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
transform(process.stdin, parser_opts, stringifier_opts, exit);
else if (argv._.length) {
var filepaths = argv._;
async_1.eachSeries(filepaths, function (filepath, callback) {
var stream = fs_1.createReadStream(filepath);
transform(stream, parser_opts, stringifier_opts, callback);
console.error(''); // newline
}, exit);
else {
console.error('You must supply data via STDIN or as unflagged command line arguments.');
exports.main = main;
"name": "sv",
"version": "0.3.7",
"version": "0.3.8",
"description": "Any separated values.",

@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ "keywords": [

"bin": {
"sv": "bin/sv.js"
"homepage": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"url": ""

@@ -28,10 +25,16 @@ "author": "Christopher Brown <> (",

"optimist": "*",
"streaming": ">=0.3.7"
"streaming": "*"
"devDependencies": {
"tap": "*"
"babel-core": "^5.0.0",
"declarations": "*",
"mocha": "*",
"typescript": "next"
"scripts": {
"test": "tap test"
"test": "mocha test"
"bin": {
"sv": "bin/sv"

@@ -1,221 +0,171 @@

'use strict'; /*jslint node: true, es5: true, indent: 2 */
var fs = require('fs');
var util = require('util');
var stream = require('stream');
var inference = require('./inference');
var Parser = module.exports = function(opts) {
/** new Parser(opts)
Options (`opts`):
- `encoding` for converting to strings.
- `missing` is the value we use for 'time' when we have `columns = ['index', 'time']` and `write({index: 90})` is called.
- `columns` is an array of strings used as object keys. Inferred by default (but after inferring `delimiter`)
- `delimiter` is the field separator used for incoming strings, ',' for csv, '\t' for tsv, etc.
- `quote` is the value that designates a string in which there might be delimiters to ignore. Defaults to '"'
- `escape` is the character that escapes special characters in a quoted field
Private values:
- `_bytes_buffer` is a buffer (of bytes) that have yet to be processed (and sent to output).
- `_cells_buffer` is a list of strings that have yet to be processed (and sent to output).
- etc.
*/, {
decodeStrings: true, // Writable option, ensure _transform always gets a Buffer
objectMode: true, // Readable option, .read(n) should return a single value, rather than a Buffer
// this._readableState.objectMode = true; // default, good
// decodeStrings: true, dammit! ()
// stream.Transform({decodeStrings: true}) is not honored if objectMode: true,
// because objectMode: true (intended for the Readable) overrides the decodeStrings: true
// if this gets fixed, you can remove the private field setting below.
// Issue at
this._writableState.objectMode = false;
if (opts === undefined) opts = {};
// arbitrary settings (non-inferrable, but with sane & safe defaults)
this.encoding = opts.encoding;
this.missing_string = opts.missing || ''; // should be a string
this.columns = opts.columns;
// special demarcating characters
// 1. delimiter
this._delimiter_byte = opts.delimiter ? opts.delimiter.charCodeAt(0) : null;
// 2. quote
this._quote_string = opts.quote || '"';
this._quote_byte = this._quote_string.charCodeAt(0);
this._quotequote_regex = new RegExp(this._quote_string + this._quote_string, 'g');
// 3. escape
var escape_string = opts.escape || '\\';
this._escape_byte = escape_string.charCodeAt(0);
this._escapequote_regex = new RegExp('\\' + escape_string + this._quote_string, 'g');
// private storage
this._bytes_buffer = new Buffer(0);
this._cells_buffer = [];
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {
for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
util.inherits(Parser, stream.Transform);
Parser.prototype._row = function(cells) {
if (!this.columns) {
// we don't emit the column names as data
this.columns = cells;
else {
this.push(, cells, this.missing_string));
var stream_1 = require('stream');
var common_1 = require('./common');
exports.defaultParserConfiguration = {
encoding: 'utf8',
missing: '',
newline: '\n',
// omit delimiter so that it gets inferred
quotechar: '"',
escape: '\\',
- `byteBuffer` is a buffer (of bytes) that have yet to be processed (and sent to output).
- `cellBuffer` is a list of strings that have yet to be processed (and sent to output).
Parser.prototype.flush = function(callback, nonfinal) {
var buffer = this._bytes_buffer;
var cells = this._cells_buffer;
if (!this._delimiter_byte) {
// should we wait for some minimum amount of data?
this._delimiter_byte = inference.delimiter(buffer);
var start = 0;
var end = buffer.length;
var inside_quote = false;
// outside_quote reminds us to remove the quotes later (in pushCell)
var outside_quote = false;
for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) {
var eos = !nonfinal && i + 1 == end;
// var snippet = buffer.toString('utf8', 0, i) +
// '\x1b[7m' + buffer.toString('utf8', i, i + 1) + '\x1b[0m' +
// buffer.toString('utf8', i + 1, end);
// console.error(snippet.replace(/\n/g, 'N').replace(/\t/g, 'T'), inside_quote ? 'inside_quote' : '');
// if we are on an escape char, simply skip over it (++) and the (default)
if (!eos && buffer[i] == this._escape_byte) {
// excel is bizarre. An escape before a quotebyte doesn't count,
// so we only increment if the next character is not a quotebyte
// unless we are not inside quotes, in which case we do skip over it.
if (!inside_quote || buffer[i+1] !== this._quote_byte) {
var Parser = (function (_super) {
__extends(Parser, _super);
function Parser(config) {
if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }, {
decodeStrings: true,
objectMode: true,
this.byteBuffer = new Buffer(0);
this.cellBuffer = [];
// this._readableState.objectMode = true; // default, good
// decodeStrings: true, dammit! ()
// stream.Transform({decodeStrings: true}) is not honored if objectMode: true,
// because objectMode: true (intended for the Readable) overrides the decodeStrings: true
// if this gets fixed, you can remove the private field setting below.
// Issue at
this['_writableState'].objectMode = false;
// merge defaults
this.config = common_1.merge(config, exports.defaultParserConfiguration);
// special demarcating characters
// 1. delimiter
if (this.config.delimiter) {
this.delimiterByte = this.config.delimiter.charCodeAt(0);
// 2. quote
this.quoteByte = this.config.quotechar.charCodeAt(0);
this.quotequoteRegExp = new RegExp(this.config.quotechar + this.config.quotechar, 'g');
// 3. escape
this.escapeByte = this.config.escape.charCodeAt(0);
this.escapeQuoteRegExp = new RegExp('\\' + this.config.escape + this.config.quotechar, 'g');
else if (!eos && buffer[i] === this._quote_byte && inside_quote) {
// if we are inside, and on a "
// handle excel dialect: double quotebyte => single literal quotebyte
if (buffer[i+1] === this._quote_byte) {
// double quotebyte
// we just advance over it for now, so that we can put this back on the buffer, if needed.
else {
// lone quotebyte -> don't assume that they're always followed by a delimiter.
// they might be followed by a newline
// and we advance so that buffer[i] skips over the delimiter
inside_quote = false;
outside_quote = true;
else if (!eos && buffer[i] === this._quote_byte && !inside_quote && i == start) {
// if we are not already inside, and on a "
inside_quote = true;
// we can only enter a quote at the edge of the cell (thus, i == start)
// otherwise we just wait for the delimiter
else if (
// if we are at the very end of the input and this is the final chunk (ignoring any sort of state)
eos ||
// OR, we push a new cell whenever we hit a delimiter (say, tab) and are not inside a quote
(!inside_quote && (buffer[i] == 13 || buffer[i] == 10 || buffer[i] == this._delimiter_byte))
) {
// this generally won't hurt, since it will only go to the end of the buffer anyway.
if (eos) i++;
// add the unprocessed buffer to our cells
// inside_quote might be true if the file ends on a quote
if (inside_quote || outside_quote) {
var trimmed_cell = buffer.toString(this.encoding, start + 1, i - 1);
if (this._quotequote_regex) {
trimmed_cell = trimmed_cell.replace(this._quotequote_regex, this._quote_string);
Parser.prototype.writeRow = function (cells) {
if (!this.config.columns) {
// we don't emit the column names as data
this.config.columns = cells;
// is this good enough?
outside_quote = inside_quote = false;
else {
var cell = buffer.toString(this.encoding, start, i);
if (this._escapequote_regex) {
cell = cell.replace(this._escapequote_regex, this._quote_string);
else {
this.push(, cells, this.config.missing));
// handle \r, \r\n, or \n (but not \n\n) as one line break
// '\r' == 13, '\n' == 10
// we flush the row, also, if we are at the end and this is the final chunk
if (eos || (buffer[i] != this._delimiter_byte)) {
// add these cells to the emit queue
// and reset them
cells = [];
// also consume a following \n, if this was \r, and there is one.
if (buffer[i] == 13 && buffer[i+1] == 10) {
Parser.prototype.flush = function (callback, nonfinal) {
var buffer = this.byteBuffer;
var cells = this.cellBuffer;
if (!this.delimiterByte) {
// should we wait for some minimum amount of data?
this.delimiterByte = common_1.inferDelimiter(buffer);
start = i + 1;
// save whatever we have yet to process
this._bytes_buffer = buffer.slice(start, end);
this._cells_buffer = cells;
// if there was a trailing newline, this._buffer.length = 0
// Parser.prototype._flush = Parser.prototype.flush;
Parser.prototype._flush = function(callback) {
return this.flush(callback, false);
Parser.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
// we'll assume that we always get chunks with the same encoding.
if (!this.encoding && encoding != 'buffer') {
this.encoding = encoding;
// collect unused buffer and new chunk into a single buffer
this._bytes_buffer = this._bytes_buffer.length ? Buffer.concat([this._bytes_buffer, chunk]) : chunk;
// do all the processing
this.flush(callback, true);
Parser.readToEnd = function(filename, opts, callback) {
// `opts` is optional, `callback` is required
// callback signature: function(err, rows) --> rows is a list of objects
if (callback === undefined) {
callback = opts;
opts = undefined;
var rows = [];
var filepath = filename.replace(/^~/, process.env.HOME);
return fs.createReadStream(filepath, opts).pipe(new Parser(opts))
.on('error', function(err) {
.on('data', function(row) {
.on('end', function() {
callback(null, rows);
var start = 0;
var end = buffer.length;
var inside_quote = false;
// outside_quote reminds us to remove the quotes later (in pushCell)
var outside_quote = false;
for (var i = 0; i < end; i++) {
var eos = !nonfinal && i + 1 == end;
// var snippet = buffer.toString('utf8', 0, i) +
// '\x1b[7m' + buffer.toString('utf8', i, i + 1) + '\x1b[0m' +
// buffer.toString('utf8', i + 1, end);
// console.error(snippet.replace(/\n/g, 'N').replace(/\t/g, 'T'), inside_quote ? 'inside_quote' : '');
// if we are on an escape char, simply skip over it (++) and the (default)
if (!eos && buffer[i] == this.escapeByte) {
// excel is bizarre. An escape before a quotebyte doesn't count,
// so we only increment if the next character is not a quotebyte
// unless we are not inside quotes, in which case we do skip over it.
if (!inside_quote || buffer[i + 1] !== this.quoteByte) {
else if (!eos && buffer[i] === this.quoteByte && inside_quote) {
// if we are inside, and on a "
// handle excel dialect: double quotebyte => single literal quotebyte
if (buffer[i + 1] === this.quoteByte) {
// double quotebyte
// we just advance over it for now, so that we can put this back on the buffer, if needed.
else {
// lone quotebyte -> don't assume that they're always followed by a delimiter.
// they might be followed by a newline
// and we advance so that buffer[i] skips over the delimiter
inside_quote = false;
outside_quote = true;
else if (!eos && buffer[i] === this.quoteByte && !inside_quote && i == start) {
// if we are not already inside, and on a "
inside_quote = true;
else if (
// if we are at the very end of the input and this is the final chunk (ignoring any sort of state)
eos ||
// OR, we push a new cell whenever we hit a delimiter (say, tab) and are not inside a quote
(!inside_quote && (buffer[i] == 13 || buffer[i] == 10 || buffer[i] == this.delimiterByte))) {
// this generally won't hurt, since it will only go to the end of the buffer anyway.
if (eos)
// add the unprocessed buffer to our cells
// inside_quote might be true if the file ends on a quote
if (inside_quote || outside_quote) {
var trimmed_cell = buffer.toString(this.config.encoding, start + 1, i - 1);
if (this.quotequoteRegExp) {
trimmed_cell = trimmed_cell.replace(this.quotequoteRegExp, this.config.quotechar);
// is this good enough?
outside_quote = inside_quote = false;
else {
var cell = buffer.toString(this.config.encoding, start, i);
if (this.escapeQuoteRegExp) {
cell = cell.replace(this.escapeQuoteRegExp, this.config.quotechar);
// handle \r, \r\n, or \n (but not \n\n) as one line break
// '\r' == 13, '\n' == 10
// we flush the row, also, if we are at the end and this is the final chunk
if (eos || (buffer[i] != this.delimiterByte)) {
// add these cells to the emit queue
// and reset them
cells = [];
// also consume a following \n, if this was \r, and there is one.
if (buffer[i] == 13 && buffer[i + 1] == 10) {
start = i + 1;
// save whatever we have yet to process
this.byteBuffer = buffer.slice(start, end);
this.cellBuffer = cells;
// if there was a trailing newline, this._buffer.length = 0
Parser.prototype._flush = function (callback) {
return this.flush(callback, false);
Parser.prototype._transform = function (chunk, encoding, callback) {
// we'll assume that we always get chunks with the same encoding.
if (!this.config.encoding && encoding != 'buffer') {
this.config.encoding = encoding;
// collect unused buffer and new chunk into a single buffer
this.byteBuffer = this.byteBuffer.length ? Buffer.concat([this.byteBuffer, chunk]) : chunk;
// do all the processing
this.flush(callback, true);
return Parser;
exports.Parser = Parser;

@@ -98,6 +98,42 @@ # sv

Also see the [notes]( for more development comments.
# Development notes
## Characters codes
Line separators:
* `\n` = 10 (newline)
* `\r` = 13 (return)
Field separators:
* `\t` = 9 (tab)
* ` ` = 32 (space)
* `,` = 44 (comma)
* `;` = 59 (semicolon)
Field quotations:
* `"` = 34 (double quote)
* `'` = 39 (single quote)
* <code>`</code> = 96 (backtick)
* `\` = 92 (backslash)
## Debugging helper:
function logEvents(emitter, prefix, names) {
names.forEach(function(name) {
emitter.on(name, function(/*...*/) {
console.error(prefix + ':' + name, arguments);
## License
Copyright © 2013-2015 Christopher Brown. [MIT Licensed](LICENSE).
Copyright 2013-2015 Christopher Brown. [MIT Licensed](

@@ -1,8 +0,18 @@

'use strict'; /*jslint node: true, es5: true, indent: 2 */
var os = require('os');
var stream = require('stream');
var util = require('util');
var inference = require('./inference');
/* Stringifier class
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {
for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var stream_1 = require('stream');
var common_1 = require('./common');
exports.defaultStringifierConfiguration = {
encoding: 'utf8',
missing: '',
newline: '\n',
delimiter: ',',
quotechar: '"',
escape: '\\',
peek: 1,
/** Stringifier class
new Stringifier();

@@ -22,130 +32,112 @@ - `peek` is an integer (or undefined / null) describing how many rows we

var Stringifier = module.exports = function(opts) {, {
objectMode: true,
// we want:
// Readable({objectMode: false})
// Writable({objectMode: true})
this._readableState.objectMode = false;
if (opts === undefined) opts = {};
this.encoding = opts.encoding || 'utf8';
this.peek = opts.peek || 1; // should this even be 1? (ignored if opts.columns)
this.missing = opts.missing || ''; // should be a string
this.newline = opts.newline || os.EOL;
this.delimiter = opts.delimiter || ',';
this.quotechar = opts.quotechar || '"';
this.quotechar_regex = new RegExp(this.quotechar, 'ig');
// this.escapechar = opts.escapechar || '\\';
if (opts.columns) {
if (!util.isArray(opts.columns)) {
throw new Error("Stringifier's `columns` must be an array");
var Stringifier = (function (_super) {
__extends(Stringifier, _super);
function Stringifier(config) {
if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }, { objectMode: true });
this.rowBuffer = [];
// we want:
// Readable({objectMode: false})
// Writable({objectMode: true})
this['_readableState'].objectMode = false;
this.config = common_1.merge(config, exports.defaultStringifierConfiguration);
this.quotecharRegExp = new RegExp(this.config.quotechar, 'ig');
if (this.config.columns) {
// maybe we should write the columns even if we don't get any data?
this.rowBuffer = [this.config.columns];
else {
this.rowBuffer = [];
this.columns = opts.columns;
// maybe we should write the columns even if we don't get any data?
this._buffer = [this.columns];
else {
this._buffer = [];
util.inherits(Stringifier, stream.Transform);
Stringifier.prototype._line = function(obj) {
// _write is already a thing, so don't use it.
// this.columns must be set!
if (typeof(obj) === 'string') {
// raw string
this.push(obj + this.newline, this.encoding);
else {
// if obj is an array, we ignore this.columns
var length = obj.length;
if (!util.isArray(obj)) {
// object
length = this.columns.length;
// pull properties off the given object in proper column order
var list = new Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var column_value = obj[this.columns[i]];
list[i] = (column_value === undefined) ? this.missing : column_value;
obj = list;
// obj is definitely an array now, but the fields aren't quoted.
for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {
// assume minimal quoting (don't quote unless the cell contains the delimiter)
var value = obj[j].toString();
var contains_newline = value.indexOf('\n') > -1 || value.indexOf('\r') > -1;
var contains_quotechar = value.indexOf(this.quotechar) > -1;
if (value.indexOf(this.delimiter) > -1 || contains_newline || contains_quotechar) {
if (contains_quotechar) {
// serialize into the excel dialect, currently
value = value.replace(this.quotechar_regex, this.quotechar + this.quotechar);
// serialize with escapes:
// value = value.replace(this.quotechar_regex, '\\' + this.quotechar);
Stringifier.prototype.writeObject = function (object) {
// _write is already a thing, so don't use it.
// this.columns must be set!
if (typeof (object) === 'string') {
// raw string
this.push(object + this.config.newline, this.config.encoding);
value = this.quotechar + value + this.quotechar;
obj[j] = value;
this.push(obj.join(this.delimiter) + this.newline, this.encoding);
Stringifier.prototype._lines = function(objs) {
for (var i = 0, l = objs.length; i < l; i++) {
Stringifier.prototype.flush = function(callback, nonfinal) {
// called when we're done peeking (nonfinal = true) or when end() is
// called (nonfinal = false), in which case we are done peeking, but for a
// different reason. In either case, we need to flush the peeked columns.
if (!this.columns) {
// infer columns
this.columns = inference.columns(this._buffer);
if (this._buffer) {
// flush the _buffer
// a null _buffer means we're done peeking and won't be buffering any more rows
this._buffer = null;
// this.push(null); // inferred
// the docs decree that we shouldn't call _flush directly
// Stringifier.prototype._flush = Stringifier.prototype.flush;
Stringifier.prototype._flush = function(callback) {
return this.flush(callback, false);
Stringifier.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
// objectMode: true, so chunk is an object (and encoding is always 'utf8'?)
if (this.columns) {
// flush the _buffer, if needed
if (this._buffer) {
this._buffer = null;
else {
// if set {peek: 10}, column inference will be called when write(obj) is called the 10th time
if (this._buffer.length >= this.peek) {
this.flush(callback, true);
else {
else {
// if object is an array, we ignore this.columns
var length = object.length;
if (!Array.isArray(object)) {
// object
length = this.config.columns.length;
// pull properties off the given object in proper column order
var list = new Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var column_value = object[this.config.columns[i]];
list[i] = (column_value === undefined) ? this.config.missing : column_value;
object = list;
// obj is definitely an array now, but the fields aren't quoted.
for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) {
// assume minimal quoting (don't quote unless the cell contains the delimiter)
var value = object[j].toString();
var contains_newline = value.indexOf('\n') > -1 || value.indexOf('\r') > -1;
var contains_quotechar = value.indexOf(this.config.quotechar) > -1;
if (value.indexOf(this.config.delimiter) > -1 || contains_newline || contains_quotechar) {
if (contains_quotechar) {
// serialize into the excel dialect, currently
value = value.replace(this.quotecharRegExp, this.config.quotechar + this.config.quotechar);
value = this.config.quotechar + value + this.config.quotechar;
object[j] = value;
this.push(object.join(this.config.delimiter) + this.config.newline, this.config.encoding);
Stringifier.prototype.writeObjects = function (objects) {
for (var i = 0, l = objects.length; i < l; i++) {
Stringifier.prototype.flush = function (callback, nonfinal) {
// called when we're done peeking (nonfinal = true) or when end() is
// called (nonfinal = false), in which case we are done peeking, but for a
// different reason. In either case, we need to flush the peeked columns.
if (!this.config.columns) {
// infer columns
this.config.columns = common_1.inferColumns(this.rowBuffer);
if (this.rowBuffer) {
// flush the _buffer
// a null _buffer means we're done peeking and won't be buffering any more rows
this.rowBuffer = null;
// this.push(null); // inferred
// the docs decree that we shouldn't call _flush directly
Stringifier.prototype._flush = function (callback) {
return this.flush(callback, false);
Stringifier.prototype._transform = function (chunk, encoding, callback) {
// objectMode: true, so chunk is an object (and encoding is always 'utf8'?)
if (this.config.columns) {
// flush the _buffer, if needed
if (this.rowBuffer) {
this.rowBuffer = null;
else {
// if set {peek: 10}, column inference will be called when write(obj) is called the 10th time
if (this.rowBuffer.length >= this.config.peek) {
this.flush(callback, true);
else {
return Stringifier;
exports.Stringifier = Stringifier;

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