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A simple and reusable typewriter effect for your Svelte applications

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A simple and reusable typewriter effect for your Svelte applications

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pnpm i -D svelte-typewriter

pnpm is used here just as an example, you can use your package of choice


Component-based approach

In order to use this method, you need to import the Svelte component, and wrap your elements with the <Typewriter> component

    import Typewriter from 'svelte-typewriter'

    <h1>Testing the typewriter effect</h1>

Directive-based approach

This method relies on Svelte actions (more specifically, the use:action directive), in order to animate your components with this approach, you must import the directive of the animation mode you want to use and include it as a attribute on your element

    import { concurrent } from 'svelte-typewriter'

<p use:concurrent={{ interval: 30 }}>Testing the typewriter effect</p>

Each mode has it's own directive, which accepts a single object parameter that can be used to set the animation props (just like on the component-based approach)

There are just a few limitations of this approach to keep in mind:

  • For now, there's no way to have the cursor caret on the text being animated
  • Event listeners (like on:done) won't be triggered
  • Depending on the animation mode you're using, some essential animation properties must be explicitly specified, because they don't have default values when used on a directive, otherwise the animation won't work properly, those include interval, wordInterval, writeInterval and scrambleDuration


The <Typewriter> component can receive props that allows to manipulate the behavior of the resulting animation, these props are divided into the following groups

  • Settings: general animation properties
  • Event listeners: functions executed based on the condition of a trigger
  • Child attributes: child elements animation properties
  • CSS variables: styling-related properties


modeconcurrent, cascade, loop, loopOnce, loopRandom or scrambleThe animation mode to be usedconcurrent
intervalnumber or arrayThe interval (in milliseconds) between each letter, you can also pass a array of distinct intervals to mimic human typing30
cursorbooleanEnables/disables the cursor on the Typewriter animationtrue
keepCursorOnFinishnumber or booleanKeep the cursor visible (indefinitely, or for a given amount of time, in milliseconds) after the animation has finishedfalse
delaynumberThe interval (in milliseconds) before the animation starts0
showCursorOnDelayboolean(only usable when delay is not 0) Shows the cursor during delay periodfalse
disabledbooleanEnables/disables the typewriter animationfalse
elementstringSets the tag that will be used for the container elementdiv
wordIntervalnumber(loop, loopOnce and loopRandom modes only) Sets the interval (in milliseconds) between each word1500
unwriteIntervalnumber(loop, loopOnce and loopRandom modes only) The interval (in milliseconds) between each letter unwrite, if not defined it uses interval30
scrambleDurationnumber(scramble mode only) Sets the duration (in milliseconds) of the scramble animation3000
scrambleSlowdownboolean(scramble mode only) Enables/disables the slowdown effect right before the scramble animation ends (only works in scramble mode)true

You can control the behavior of the typewriter effect by passing specific props to the <Typewriter> component, the table below contains information about all modes:

concurrentApply animation simultaneously on all elements, as opposed to the sequential animation of cascade mode
cascadeApply animation on all elements sequentially instead of simultaneously
loopCycles the animation between the children elements of the parent Typewriter component
loopOnceIt's very similar to the loop mode, but the animation stops once it reaches the last element
loopRandomIt's very similar to loop mode, but instead of cycling the animation in a linear way, it picks a random child element to animate each time
scrambleSlowly reveals the a word by continuously randomizing all of it's letters for a specific amount of time

Event listeners

on:doneIs executed at the end of the animation, if used with one of the loop modes, this event will be fired at the end of each loop

Child attributes

data-staticMarks an element as static, excluding it from receiving animations from the <Typewriter> component

CSS variables

--cursor-colorSets the cursor color (accepts any valid color name, hex code and rgb/rgba values)
--cursor-widthSets the cursor width

Used by


UMD and IIFE output formats are not supported for code-splitting builds.

From version 2.1.17 onwards, this library makes use of dynamic imports, if your Rollup configuration output.format is set to iife or umd, consider setting inlineDynamicImports to true, otherwise, change output.format to something else, like esm (for more details, consider checking #21)

Test suite failed to run: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'

This happens because Jest cannot parse Svelte syntax right away, it needs to be transformed by svelte-jester first, therefore, we must tell Jest to NOT ignore svelte-typewriter, as by default, everything inside node_modules is ignored and parsed as-is without any kind of pre-processing, this can be done by setting the transformIgnorePatterns property on your Jest configuration, example below:

// jest.config.js
module.exports = {
    transformIgnorePatterns: ["/node_modules/(?!(svelte-typewriter)/)"]

More details on #73


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b fix/my-new-bug-fix
  3. Preview your changes by running the dev script on package.json
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'fix: solve some issue'
  5. Push to the branch: git push --set-upstream origin fix/my-new-bug-fix
  6. Submit a pull request



Package last updated on 18 Nov 2022

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