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svg.draggable.js - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 2.0.0



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

/*! svg.draggable.js - v1.0.0 - 2015-06-12
/*! svg.draggable.js - v2.0.0 - 2015-06-21

@@ -6,182 +6,169 @@ * Copyright (c) 2015 Wout Fierens; Licensed MIT */

SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
// Make element draggable
// Constraint might be a object (as described in or a function in the form "function (x, y)" that gets called before every move.
// The function can return a boolean or a object of the form {x, y}, to which the element will be moved. "False" skips moving, true moves to raw x, y.
draggable: function(value, constraint, undefined) {
var start, drag, end, element = this,
parent = this.parent(SVG.Nested) || this.parent(SVG.Doc),
parameter = {}
// creates handler, saves it
function DragHandler(el){
el.remember('_draggable', this)
this.el = el
/* Check the parameters and reassign if needed */
if (typeof value == 'function' || typeof value == 'object') {
constraint = value
value = true
/* When no parameter is given, our value is true */
value = value === undefined ? true : value
constraint = constraint || {}
// Sets new parameter, starts dragging
DragHandler.prototype.init = function(constraint, val){
var _this = this
this.constraint = constraint
this.value = val
this.el.on('mousedown.drag', function(e){ _this.start(e) })
element.remember('_draggable', constraint)
/* Remember the constraints on the element because they would be overwritten by the next draggable-call otherwise */
element.remember('_draggable', constraint)
// transforms one point from screen to user coords
DragHandler.prototype.transformPoint = function(x, y){
/* start dragging */
start = function(event) {
this.p.x = x
this.p.y = y
/* invoke any callbacks */'beforedrag', {
event: event
return this.p.matrixTransform(this.m);
/* get element bounding box */
var box = element.bbox()
// gets elements bounding box with specian handling of groups, nested and use
DragHandler.prototype.getBBox = function(){
if (element instanceof SVG.G) {
box.x = element.x()
box.y = element.y()
var box = this.el.bbox()
} else if (element instanceof SVG.Nested) {
box = element.rbox()
/*box = {
x: element.x(),
y: element.y(),
width: element.width(),
height: element.height()
if(this.el instanceof SVG.Nested) box = this.el.rbox()
if (this.el instanceof SVG.G || this.el instanceof SVG.Use || this.el instanceof SVG.Nested) {
box.x = this.el.x()
box.y = this.el.y()
/* store event and start position */
parameter = {
event: event,
position: {
x: box.x,
y: box.y,
width: box.width,
height: box.height,
zoom: parent.viewbox().zoom,
rotation: element.transform().rotation * Math.PI / 180
return box
/* add while and end events to window */
SVG.on(window, 'mousemove.drag', drag)
SVG.on(window, 'mouseup.drag', end)
// start dragging
DragHandler.prototype.start = function(e){
/* invoke any callbacks */'dragstart', parameter)
// check for left button
if((e.which || e.buttons) != 1){
var _this = this
/* prevent selection dragging */
// fire beforedrag event'beforedrag', { event: e, handler: this })
/* while dragging */
drag = function(event) {
// search for parent on the fly to make sure we can call
// draggable() even when element is not in the dom currently
this.parent = this.parent || this.el.parent(SVG.Nested) || this.el.parent(SVG.Doc)
this.p = this.parent.node.createSVGPoint()
var x, y, constraint = element.remember('_draggable'),
rotation = parameter.position.rotation,
width = parameter.position.width,
height = parameter.position.height,
delta = {
x: event.pageX - parameter.event.pageX,
y: event.pageY - parameter.event.pageY,
zoom: parameter.position.zoom
}'dragmove', {
delta: delta,
event: event
// save current transformation matrix
this.m = this.el.node.getScreenCTM().inverse()
/* caculate new position [with rotation correction] */
x = parameter.position.x + (delta.x * Math.cos(rotation) + delta.y * Math.sin(rotation)) / parameter.position.zoom
y = parameter.position.y + (delta.y * Math.cos(rotation) + delta.x * Math.sin(-rotation)) / parameter.position.zoom
var box = this.getBBox()
this.startPoints = {
// We take absolute coordinates since we are just using a delta here
mouse: this.transformPoint(e.pageX, e.pageY),
box: box
// add drag and end events to window
SVG.on(window, 'mousemove.drag', function(e){ _this.drag(e) })
SVG.on(window, 'mouseup.drag', function(e){ _this.end(e) })
/* move the element to its new position, if possible by constraint */
if (typeof constraint == 'function') {
// fire dragstart event'dragstart', {event: e, p: this.p, m: this.m, handler: this})
var coord =, x, y)
// prevent browser drag behavior
/* bool just show us if movement is allowed or not */
if (typeof coord == 'boolean') {
coord = {
x: coord,
y: coord
// while dragging
DragHandler.prototype.drag = function(e){
/* if true, we just move. If !false its a number and we move it there */
if (coord.x === true) {
} else if (coord.x !== false) {
var box = this.getBBox()
, p = this.transformPoint(e.pageX, e.pageY)
, x = + p.x - this.startPoints.mouse.x
, y = + p.y - this.startPoints.mouse.y
, c = this.constraint
if (coord.y === true) {
} else if (coord.y !== false) {
}'dragmove', { event: e, p: this.p, m: this.m, handler: this })
} else if (typeof constraint == 'object') {
// move the element to its new position, if possible by constraint
if (typeof c == 'function') {
/* keep element within constrained box */
if (constraint.minX != null && x < constraint.minX)
x = constraint.minX
else if (constraint.maxX != null && x > constraint.maxX - width)
x = constraint.maxX - width
var coord =, x, y, this.m)
if (constraint.minY != null && y < constraint.minY)
y = constraint.minY
else if (constraint.maxY != null && y > constraint.maxY - height)
y = constraint.maxY - height
element.move(x, y)
// bool, just show us if movement is allowed or not
if (typeof coord == 'boolean') {
coord = {
x: coord,
y: coord
// if true, we just move. If !false its a number and we move it there
if (coord.x === true) {
} else if (coord.x !== false) {
if (coord.y === true) {
} else if (coord.y !== false) {
/* when dragging ends */
end = function(event) {
} else if (typeof c == 'object') {
/* calculate move position */
var delta = {
x: event.pageX - parameter.event.pageX,
y: event.pageY - parameter.event.pageY,
zoom: parameter.position.zoom
// keep element within constrained box
if (c.minX != null && x < c.minX)
x = c.minX
else if (c.maxX != null && x > c.maxX - box.width){
x = c.maxX - box.width
}if (c.minY != null && y < c.minY)
y = c.minY
else if (c.maxY != null && y > c.maxY - box.height)
y = c.maxY - box.height
/* remove while and end events to window */, 'mousemove.drag', drag), 'mouseup.drag', end)
this.el.move(x, y)
/* invoke any callbacks */'dragend', {
delta: delta,
event: event
DragHandler.prototype.end = function(e){
if (!value) {'mousedown.drag'), 'mousemove.drag'), 'mouseup.drag')
// final drag
start = drag = end = null
return this
// fire dragend event'dragend', { event: e, p: this.p, m: this.m, handler: this })
// unbind events, 'mousemove.drag'), 'mouseup.drag')
SVG.extend(SVG.Element, {
// Make element draggable
// Constraint might be a object (as described in or a function in the form "function (x, y)" that gets called before every move.
// The function can return a boolean or a object of the form {x, y}, to which the element will be moved. "False" skips moving, true moves to raw x, y.
draggable: function(value, constraint) {
// Check the parameters and reassign if needed
if (typeof value == 'function' || typeof value == 'object') {
constraint = value
value = true
/* bind mousedown event */
element.on('mousedown.drag', start)
var dragHandler = this.remember('_draggable') || new DragHandler(this)
// When no parameter is given, value is true
value = typeof value === 'undefined' ? true : value
if(value) dragHandler.init(constraint || {}, value)
return this

@@ -188,0 +175,0 @@ }

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

/*! svg.draggable.js - v1.0.0 - 2015-06-12
/*! svg.draggable.js - v2.0.0 - 2015-06-21
* Copyright (c) 2015 Wout Fierens; Licensed MIT */
(function(){SVG.extend(SVG.Element,{draggable:function(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g=this,h=this.parent(SVG.Nested)||this.parent(SVG.Doc),i={};return("function"==typeof a||"object"==typeof a)&&(b=a,a=!0),a=a===c?!0:a,b=b||{},g.remember("_draggable")?void g.remember("_draggable",b):(g.remember("_draggable",b),d=function(a){"beforedrag",{event:a});var b=g.bbox();g instanceof SVG.G?(b.x=g.x(),b.y=g.y()):g instanceof SVG.Nested&&(b=g.rbox()),i={event:a,position:{x:b.x,y:b.y,width:b.width,height:b.height,zoom:h.viewbox().zoom,rotation:g.transform().rotation*Math.PI/180}},SVG.on(window,"mousemove.drag",e),SVG.on(window,"mouseup.drag",f),"dragstart",i),a.preventDefault()},e=function(a){var b,c,d=g.remember("_draggable"),e=i.position.rotation,f=i.position.width,h=i.position.height,j={x:a.pageX-i.event.pageX,y:a.pageY-i.event.pageY,zoom:i.position.zoom};if("dragmove",{delta:j,event:a}),b=i.position.x+(j.x*Math.cos(e)+j.y*Math.sin(e))/i.position.zoom,c=i.position.y+(j.y*Math.cos(e)+j.x*Math.sin(-e))/i.position.zoom,"function"==typeof d){var,b,c);"boolean"==typeof k&&(k={x:k,y:k}),k.x===!0?g.x(b):k.x!==!1&&g.x(coords.x),k.y===!0?g.y(c):k.y!==!1&&g.y(coords.y)}else"object"==typeof d&&(null!=d.minX&&b<d.minX?b=d.minX:null!=d.maxX&&b>d.maxX-f&&(b=d.maxX-f),null!=d.minY&&c<d.minY?c=d.minY:null!=d.maxY&&c>d.maxY-h&&(c=d.maxY-h),g.move(b,c))},f=function(a){var b={x:a.pageX-i.event.pageX,y:a.pageY-i.event.pageY,zoom:i.position.zoom};,"mousemove.drag",e),,"mouseup.drag",f),"dragend",{delta:b,event:a})},a?(g.on("mousedown.drag",d),this):("mousedown.drag"),,"mousemove.drag"),,"mouseup.drag"),d=e=f=null,g.forget("_draggable"),this))}})}).call(this);
(function(){function a(a){a.remember("_draggable",this),this.el=a}a.prototype.init=function(a,b){var c=this;this.constraint=a,this.value=b,this.el.on("mousedown.drag",function(a){c.start(a)})},a.prototype.transformPoint=function(a,b){return this.p.x=a,this.p.y=b,this.p.matrixTransform(this.m)},a.prototype.getBBox=function(){var a=this.el.bbox();return this.el instanceof SVG.Nested&&(a=this.el.rbox()),(this.el instanceof SVG.G||this.el instanceof SVG.Use||this.el instanceof SVG.Nested)&&(a.x=this.el.x(),a.y=this.el.y()),a},a.prototype.start=function(a){if(1==(a.which||a.buttons)){var b=this;"beforedrag",{event:a,handler:this}),this.parent=this.parent||this.el.parent(SVG.Nested)||this.el.parent(SVG.Doc),this.p=this.parent.node.createSVGPoint(),this.m=this.el.node.getScreenCTM().inverse();var c=this.getBBox();this.startPoints={mouse:this.transformPoint(a.pageX,a.pageY),box:c},SVG.on(window,"mousemove.drag",function(a){b.drag(a)}),SVG.on(window,"mouseup.drag",function(a){b.end(a)}),"dragstart",{event:a,p:this.p,m:this.m,handler:this}),a.preventDefault()}},a.prototype.drag=function(a){var b=this.getBBox(),c=this.transformPoint(a.pageX,a.pageY),,,f=this.constraint;if("dragmove",{event:a,p:this.p,m:this.m,handler:this}),"function"==typeof f){var,d,e,this.m);"boolean"==typeof g&&(g={x:g,y:g}),g.x===!0?this.el.x(d):g.x!==!1&&this.el.x(g.x),g.y===!0?this.el.y(e):g.y!==!1&&this.el.y(g.y)}else"object"==typeof f&&(null!=f.minX&&d<f.minX?d=f.minX:null!=f.maxX&&d>f.maxX-b.width&&(d=f.maxX-b.width),null!=f.minY&&e<f.minY?e=f.minY:null!=f.maxY&&e>f.maxY-b.height&&(e=f.maxY-b.height),this.el.move(d,e))},a.prototype.end=function(a){this.drag(a),"dragend",{event:a,p:this.p,m:this.m,handler:this}),,"mousemove.drag"),,"mouseup.drag")},SVG.extend(SVG.Element,{draggable:function(b,c){("function"==typeof b||"object"==typeof b)&&(c=b,b=!0);var d=this.remember("_draggable")||new a(this);return b="undefined"==typeof b?!0:b,b?d.init(c||{},b)"mousedown.drag"),this}})}).call(this);
"name": "svg.draggable.js",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "An extension for svn.js which allows to drag elements with your mouse",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "An extension for svg.js which allows to drag elements with your mouse",
"main": "dist/svg.draggable.js",
"keywords": [

@@ -40,4 +41,4 @@ "svg.js",

"dependencies": {

@@ -45,6 +45,3 @@ # svg.draggable.js

// event.detail.event hold the mouseevent
// dragmove and dragend also serves the current delta values (, y, zoom)
// do stuff
// event.detail.event hold the given data explained below

@@ -57,2 +54,11 @@ })

### event.detail
`beforedrag`, `dragstart`, `dragmove` and `dragend` gives you the `event` and the `handler` which calculates the drag.
Except for `beforedrag` the events also give you:
- `detail.m` transformation matrix to calculate screen coords to coords in the elements userspace
- `detail.p` pageX and pageY transformed into the elements userspace
## Constraint

@@ -78,2 +84,3 @@ The drag functionality can be limited within a given box. You can pass the the constraint values as an object:

**Note** that every constraint given is evaluated in the elements coordinate system and not in the screen-space

@@ -84,3 +91,3 @@ ## Remove


@@ -93,7 +100,13 @@

var draw = SVG('paper').attr('viewBox', '0 0 150 100').size(600, 400)
var draw = SVG('paper').viewbox(0, 0, 150, 100).size(600, 400)
## Restrictions
- If your root-svg is transformed this plugin won't work properly (Viewbox is possible)
- Furthermore it is not possible to move a rotated or flipped group properly. However transformed nested SVGs are possible and should be used instead.
## Dependencies
This module requires svg.js v2.0
This module requires svg.js >= v2.0.1
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