Swiper (nestia modified)
This is a slightly modified version of Swiper.
Modified the functionality of parameter 'lazyLoadingInPrevNext'. Now when users swipe to second slide, all slides left will be loaded.
This modification works when the initial slide is not slide 0.
Dist / Build
On production use files (JS and CSS) only from dist/
folder, there will be the most stable versions, build/
folder is only for development purpose
Swiper uses gulp
to build a development (build) and dist versions.
First you need to have gulp-cli
which you should install globally.
$ npm install --global gulp
Then install all dependencies, in repo's root:
$ npm install
And build development version of Swiper:
$ gulp build
The result is available in build/
After you have made build:
$ gulp dist
Distributable version will available in dist/
All changes should be commited to src/
files. Swiper uses LESS for CSS compliations, and concatenated JS files (look at gulpfile.js for concat files order)
Swiper 2.x.x
If you still using Swiper 2.x.x or you need old browsers support, you may find it in Swiper2 Branch