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@@ -0,1 +1,8 @@

declare type Partial$1<T> = {
[K in keyof T]?: T[K];
declare type KeysOnly<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: K;
declare type ms = number;

@@ -202,15 +209,31 @@ declare type second = number;

interface INames {
[k: string]: string;
interface ITimer<TName> {
start(...labelArr: string[]): void;
end(...labelArr: string[]): void;
switch(endLabel: string | string[], startLabel: string | string[]): void;
log(prefix?: string): void;
reset(): void;
names: KeysOnly<TName>;
displayNames: TName;
* Usage:
* ```typescript
* const timer = getTimer('Example');
* timer.start('TOTAL', 'intro');
* const timer = getTimer('Example', false, {
* INTRO: 'Action 1',
* ENDING: 'Action 2'
* });
* timer.start(timer.TOTAL, timer.INTRO);
* await wait(seconds(4)); // do something async
* timer.switch('intro', 'ending'); // same as calling end('intro') and start('ending')
* timer.switch(timer.INTRO, timer.ENDING); // same as calling end(timer.INTRO) and start(timer.ENDING)
* await wait(seconds(6)); // do something async
* timer.end('TOTAL', 'ending');
* timer.end(timer.TOTAL, timer.ENDING);
* timer.log();

@@ -223,23 +246,11 @@ * ```

* TOTAL: 10s
* intro: 4s
* ending: 6s
* Action 1: 4s
* Action 2: 6s
* ```
declare const getTimer: (name?: string) => {
start(...labelArr: string[]): void;
end(...labelArr: string[]): void;
switch(endLabel: string | string[], startLabel: string | string[]): void;
log(prefix?: string): void;
reset(): void;
declare const getTimer: <TName extends INames>(name?: string, verbose?: boolean, displayNames?: TName) => ITimer<TName> & KeysOnly<TName>;
* Global timer
declare const timer: {
start(...labelArr: string[]): void;
end(...labelArr: string[]): void;
switch(endLabel: string | string[], startLabel: string | string[]): void;
log(prefix?: string): void;
reset(): void;
declare const timer: ITimer<INames> & KeysOnly<INames>;

@@ -269,2 +280,15 @@ /**

declare const printLn: (...text: any[]) => void;
interface ProgressBarOptionsFull {
prefix: string;
maxWidth: number;
chalk: any;
wrapperFn: any;
showCount: boolean;
showPercent: boolean;
progChar: string;
emptyChar: string;
prefixChar: string;
suffixChar: string;
declare type ProgressBarOptions = Partial<ProgressBarOptionsFull>;

@@ -278,3 +302,8 @@ * Usage:

* const progress = getProgressBar(5, 'ABC', 20, chalk,;
* const progress = getProgressBar(5, {
* prefix: 'ABC',
* maxWidth: 20,
* chalk,
* wrapperFn:
* });
* for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {

@@ -297,3 +326,3 @@ * progress.set(i);

declare const getProgressBar: (max: number, prefix?: string, maxWidth?: number, chalk?: any, wrapperFn?: any) => {
declare const getProgressBar: (max: number, options?: ProgressBarOptions) => {
next: () => string;

@@ -307,2 +336,3 @@ set: (newCurrent: number) => string;

declare const progressBar_printLn: typeof printLn;
type progressBar_ProgressBarOptions = ProgressBarOptions;
declare const progressBar_getProgressBar: typeof getProgressBar;

@@ -312,2 +342,3 @@ declare namespace progressBar {

progressBar_printLn as printLn,
progressBar_ProgressBarOptions as ProgressBarOptions,
progressBar_getProgressBar as getProgressBar,

@@ -346,15 +377,20 @@ };

getDeferred: <T extends unknown>() => DeferredPromise<T>;
allObj: <T_1 extends unknown>(input: {
[key: string]: Promise<T_1>;
all: <T_1 extends unknown>(promises: Promise<T_1>[]) => Promise<any>;
allLimit: <T_2 extends unknown>(limit: number, items: ((index: number) => Promise<T_2>)[], noThrow?: boolean) => Promise<T_2[]>;
each: <Ti extends unknown>(items: Ti[], func: (item: Ti, index: number, array: Ti[]) => Promise<any>) => Promise<any>;
eachLimit: <Ti_1 extends unknown>(limit: number, items: Ti_1[], func: (item?: Ti_1, index?: number, array?: Ti_1[]) => Promise<any>) => Promise<any>;
map: <Ti_2 extends unknown, To extends unknown>(items: Ti_2[], func: (item?: Ti_2, index?: number, array?: Ti_2[]) => Promise<To>) => Promise<To[]>;
mapLimit: <Ti_3 extends unknown, To_1 extends unknown>(limit: number, items: Ti_3[], func: (item?: Ti_3, index?: number, array?: Ti_3[]) => Promise<To_1>) => Promise<To_1[]>;
allObj: <T_3 extends unknown>(input: {
[key: string]: Promise<T_3>;
}) => Promise<{
[key: string]: T_1;
allLimit: <T_2 extends unknown>(items: ((index: number) => Promise<T_2>)[], limit?: number, noThrow?: boolean) => Promise<T_2[]>;
allLimitObj: <T_3 extends unknown>(input: {
[key: string]: (index: number) => Promise<T_3>;
}, limit?: number, noThrow?: boolean) => Promise<{
[key: string]: T_3;
allLimitObj: <T_4 extends unknown>(limit: number, input: {
[key: string]: (index: number) => Promise<T_4>;
}, noThrow?: boolean) => Promise<{
[key: string]: T_4;
export { CENTURY, DAY, DECADE, DeferredPromise, HOUR, MILLENNIUM, MILLISECOND, MINUTE, MONTH, PromiseUtils, SECOND, WEEK, YEAR, centuries, century, day, days, decade, decades, getDeferred, getProgressBar, getTimer, hour, hours, interval, millennium, millenniums, milliseconds, minute, minutes, month, months, ms, printLn, progressBar, second, seconds, stopInterval, timer, times, wait, waitEvery, waitFor, waitUntil, waiters, week, weeks, year, years };
export { CENTURY, DAY, DECADE, DeferredPromise, HOUR, KeysOnly, MILLENNIUM, MILLISECOND, MINUTE, MONTH, Partial$1 as Partial, ProgressBarOptions, PromiseUtils, SECOND, WEEK, YEAR, centuries, century, day, days, decade, decades, getDeferred, getProgressBar, getTimer, hour, hours, interval, millennium, millenniums, milliseconds, minute, minutes, month, months, ms, printLn, progressBar, second, seconds, stopInterval, timer, times, wait, waitEvery, waitFor, waitUntil, waiters, week, weeks, year, years };

@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;

var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __export = (target, all2) => {
for (var name in all2)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all2[name], enumerable: true });

@@ -157,6 +157,31 @@ var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {

// src/tools/timer.ts
var getTimer = (name) => {
var formatDuration = (duration) => {
const seconds2 = duration / SECOND;
let extra = "";
let secsEx = Math.round(seconds2);
let minsEx = Math.floor(secsEx / 60);
if (minsEx >= 1) {
secsEx %= 60;
extra = `${minsEx}m ${secsEx}s`;
let hoursEx = Math.floor(minsEx / 60);
if (hoursEx >= 1) {
minsEx %= 60;
extra = `${hoursEx}h ${minsEx}m ${secsEx}s`;
return `${extra}${extra ? ` (${seconds2}s)` : `${seconds2}s`}`;
var getTimer = (name, verbose = false, displayNames) => {
let startTimes = {};
let endTimes = {};
let dispNames = displayNames || { TOTAL: "TOTAL" };
const names = Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(dispNames).map((key) => [key, key]));
const logLine = (label, prefix = "") => {
const start = startTimes[label];
const end = endTimes[label] ||;
const duration = end - start;
console.log(`${prefix}${dispNames[label] || label}: ${formatDuration(duration)}`);
return {
start(...labelArr) {

@@ -170,2 +195,6 @@ for (let label of labelArr) {

endTimes[label] =;
if (verbose) {

@@ -183,6 +212,3 @@ },

for (let label of Object.keys(startTimes)) {
const start = startTimes[label];
const end = endTimes[label] ||;
const duration = end - start;
console.log(` ${label}: ${duration / SECOND}s`);
logLine(label, " ");

@@ -194,3 +220,5 @@ console.log("");

endTimes = {};
displayNames: dispNames

@@ -211,15 +239,2 @@ };

var getBarString = (current, max, width = 50, chalk = noChalk, progChar = "\u2588", emptyChar = " ", prefix = "\u2595", suffix = "\u258F") => {
const numProgChars = Math.round(width * (Math.max(0, Math.min(current / max, 1)) / 1));
const numEmptyChars = width - numProgChars;
const body = `${progChar.repeat(numProgChars)}${emptyChar.repeat(numEmptyChars)}`;
return `${chalk.dim(prefix)}${chalk.bold(body)}${chalk.dim(suffix)}`;
var getDefaultWidth = () => {
if (process == null ? void 0 : process.stdout) {
return process.stdout.columns;
} else {
return 100;
var printLn = (...text) => {

@@ -246,8 +261,47 @@ if (process == null ? void 0 : process.stdout) {

var getProgressBar = (max, prefix = "", maxWidth = getDefaultWidth(), chalk = noChalk, wrapperFn = noChalk) => {
var getBarString = (current, max, width, opts) => {
const { progChar, emptyChar, prefixChar, suffixChar, chalk } = opts;
const numProgChars = Math.round(width * (Math.max(0, Math.min(current / max, 1)) / 1));
const numEmptyChars = width - numProgChars;
const body = `${progChar.repeat(numProgChars)}${emptyChar.repeat(numEmptyChars)}`;
return `${chalk.dim(prefixChar)}${chalk.bold(body)}${chalk.dim(suffixChar)}`;
var getSuffix = (current, max, opts) => {
let items = [""];
if (opts.showCount) {
items.push(`[${current.toString().padStart(max.toString().length, " ")} / ${max}]`);
if (opts.showPercent) {
const percent = Math.round(current / max * 100);
items.push(`(${percent.toString().padStart("100".toString().length, " ")}%)`);
const joined = items.filter((x) => x).join(" ");
return joined.length ? " " + joined : "";
var getFullOptions = (opts = {}) => ({
maxWidth: (process == null ? void 0 : process.stdout) ? process.stdout.columns : 100,
chalk: noChalk,
wrapperFn: noWrap,
showCount: true,
showPercent: false,
progChar: "\u2588",
emptyChar: " ",
prefixChar: "\u2595",
suffixChar: "\u258F",
prefix: (opts.prefix || "").length ? opts.prefix + " " : ""
var getProgressBar = (max, options = {}) => {
const opts = getFullOptions(options);
const { prefix, maxWidth, wrapperFn, prefixChar, suffixChar } = opts;
let current = 0;
let finished = false;
const update = () => {
const suffix = `[${current.toString().padStart(max.toString().length, " ")} / ${max}]`;
const output = `${prefix} ${getBarString(current, max, Math.max(0, maxWidth - (prefix.length + suffix.length + 4)), chalk)} ${suffix}`;
const suffix = getSuffix(current, max, opts);
const output = `${prefix}${getBarString(
Math.max(0, maxWidth - [prefix, suffix, prefixChar, suffixChar].join("").length),
print(output, wrapperFn);

@@ -274,3 +328,3 @@ return output;

const output = update();
return output;

@@ -306,3 +360,6 @@ };

var allLimit = (items, limit = items.length, noThrow = false) => {
var all = async (promises) => {
await Promise.all(promises);
var allLimit = (limit, items, noThrow = false) => {
let runningCount = 0;

@@ -348,8 +405,34 @@ let errors = [];

var each = async (items, func) => {
await Promise.all(, index, array) => func(item, index, array)));
var eachLimit = async (limit, items, func) => {
await allLimit(
limit,, index, array) => () => func(item, index, array))
var map = async (items, func) => {
const result = [];
await Promise.all( (item, index, array) => {
const res = await func(item, index, array);
result[index] = res;
return result;
var mapLimit = async (limit, items, func) => await allLimit(
limit,, index, array) => () => {
const res = func(item, index, array);
return res;
var allObj = async (input) => {
return objectify(Promise.all, input);
var allLimitObj = async (input, limit, noThrow = false) => {
var allLimitObj = async (limit, input, noThrow = false) => {
return objectify((items) => {
return allLimit(items, limit, noThrow);
return allLimit(limit, items, noThrow);
}, input);

@@ -359,4 +442,9 @@ };


@@ -363,0 +451,0 @@ };

"name": "swiss-ak",
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "1.3.0",
"author": "Jack Cannon <> (",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

@@ -116,14 +116,16 @@ # swiss-ak (Swiss Army Knife)

import { getTimer } from 'swiss-ak';
const timer = getTimer('Example', false, {
INTRO: 'Action 1',
ENDING: 'Action 2'
timer.start(timer.TOTAL, timer.INTRO);
const timer = getTimer('Example');
timer.start('TOTAL', 'intro');
await wait(seconds(4)); // do something async
timer.switch('intro', 'ending'); // same as calling end('intro') and start('ending')
timer.switch(timer.INTRO, timer.ENDING); // same as calling end(timer.INTRO) and start(timer.ENDING)
await wait(seconds(6)); // do something async
timer.end('TOTAL', 'ending');
timer.end(timer.TOTAL, timer.ENDING);

@@ -137,4 +139,4 @@ ```

TOTAL: 10s
intro: 4s
ending: 6s
Action 1: 4s
Action 2: 6s

@@ -149,3 +151,3 @@


@@ -177,6 +179,12 @@

### PromiseUtils.allObj
### PromiseUtils.all
Like Promise.all, but takes/gives an object instead of an array
An alias for Promise.all
### PromiseUtils.allLimit
Like Promise.all, but limits the numbers of concurrently running items.
Takes an array of functions (that return Promises), rather than an array of Promises

@@ -191,29 +199,99 @@ import { PromiseUtils, timer, ms, seconds } from 'swiss-ak';

timer.start('allObj', 'a', 'b', 'c');
timer.start('allLimit', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
const results = PromiseUtils.allObj<number>({
a: give(seconds(10), 1, 'a'),
b: give(seconds(15), 2, 'b'),
c: give(seconds(20), 3, 'c')
const results = PromiseUtils.allLimit<number>(2, [
give(seconds(5), 1, 'a'),
give(seconds(5), 2, 'b'),
give(seconds(5), 3, 'c'),
give(seconds(5), 4, 'd')
console.log(results); // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
console.log(results); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
// Times:
// allObj: 20s
// a: 10s
// b: 15s
// c: 20s
// allLimit: 10s
// a: 5s
// b: 5s
// c: 10s
// d: 10s
### PromiseUtils.allLimit
### PromiseUtils.each
Like Promise.all, but limits the numbers of concurrently running items.
Run an async function against each item in an array
Takes an array of functions (that return Promises), rather than an array of Promises
import { PromiseUtils, ms, seconds, wait } from 'swiss-ak';
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
await PromiseUtils.each<number>(arr, async (val: number) => {
await wait(seconds(2));
console.log(''); // after 2 seconds
### PromiseUtils.eachLimit
Run an async function against each item in an array, limiting the number of items that can run concurrently.
See PromiseUtils.allLimit for information about limited functions.
import { PromiseUtils, ms, seconds, wait } from 'swiss-ak';
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
await PromiseUtils.eachLimit<number>(2, arr, async (val: number) => {
await wait(seconds(2));
console.log(''); // after 4 seconds
Run an async map function against each item in an array, mapping the results to a returned array
import { PromiseUtils, ms, seconds, wait } from 'swiss-ak';
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
const mapped = await<number>(arr, async (val: number) => {
await wait(seconds(2));
return val * 2;
console.log(mapped); // [2, 4, 6, 8] (after 2 seconds)
### PromiseUtils.mapLimit
Run an async map function against each item in an array, mapping the results to a returned array, and limiting the number of items that can run concurrently.
See PromiseUtils.allLimit for information about limited functions.
import { PromiseUtils, ms, seconds, wait } from 'swiss-ak';
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
const mapped = await PromiseUtils.mapLimit<number>(2, arr, async (val: number) => {
await wait(seconds(2));
return val * 2;
console.log(mapped); // [2, 4, 6, 8] (after 4 seconds)
### PromiseUtils.allObj
Like Promise.all, but takes/gives an object instead of an array
import { PromiseUtils, timer, ms, seconds } from 'swiss-ak';

@@ -227,21 +305,20 @@

timer.start('allLimit', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd');
timer.start('allObj', 'a', 'b', 'c');
const results = PromiseUtils.allLimit<number>(
[give(seconds(5), 1, 'a'), give(seconds(5), 2, 'b'), give(seconds(5), 3, 'c'), give(seconds(5), 4, 'd')],
const results = PromiseUtils.allObj<number>({
a: give(seconds(10), 1, 'a'),
b: give(seconds(15), 2, 'b'),
c: give(seconds(20), 3, 'c')
console.log(results); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
console.log(results); // { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
// Times:
// allLimit: 10s
// a: 5s
// b: 5s
// c: 10s
// d: 10s
// allObj: 20s
// a: 10s
// b: 15s
// c: 20s

@@ -266,12 +343,8 @@

const results = PromiseUtils.allLimitObj<number>(
a: give(seconds(5), 1, 'a'),
b: give(seconds(5), 2, 'b'),
c: give(seconds(5), 3, 'c'),
d: give(seconds(5), 4, 'd')
const results = PromiseUtils.allLimitObj<number>(2, {
a: give(seconds(5), 1, 'a'),
b: give(seconds(5), 2, 'b'),
c: give(seconds(5), 3, 'c'),
d: give(seconds(5), 4, 'd')

@@ -295,2 +368,19 @@ timer.end('allLimitObj');

### Options
All options are optional.
| Property | Default | Description |
| ----------- | --------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| prefix | `''` | String to show to left of progress bar |
| maxWidth | `process.stdout.columns` or `100` | The maximum width the entire string may extend |
| chalk | nothing | the `chalk` module, if available |
| wrapperFn | nothing | function to wrap the printed string (eg `chalk.cyan)` |
| showCount | `true` | Show numerical values of the count - `[11 / 15]` |
| showPercent | `false` | Show percentage completed - `( 69%)` |
| progChar | `'█'` | Character to use for progress section of bar |
| emptyChar | `' '` | Character to use for empty (rail) section of bar |
| prefixChar | `'▕'` | Character to start the progress bar with |
| suffixChar | `'▏'` | Character to end the progress bar with |
### Usage

@@ -304,3 +394,8 @@

const progress = getProgressBar(5, 'ABC', 20, chalk,;
const progress = getProgressBar(5, {
prefix: 'ABC',
maxWidth: 20,
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {

@@ -312,3 +407,3 @@ progress.set(i);


@@ -315,0 +410,0 @@ ```

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

export * from './tools/types';
export * from './tools/times';

@@ -2,0 +3,0 @@ export * from './tools/waiters';

@@ -7,27 +7,2 @@ const noWrap = (x: any) => x;

const getBarString = (
current: number,
max: number,
width: number = 50,
chalk: any = noChalk,
progChar: string = '█',
emptyChar: string = ' ',
prefix: string = '▕',
suffix: string = '▏'
) => {
const numProgChars = Math.round(width * (Math.max(0, Math.min(current / max, 1)) / 1));
const numEmptyChars = width - numProgChars;
const body = `${progChar.repeat(numProgChars)}${emptyChar.repeat(numEmptyChars)}`;
return `${chalk.dim(prefix)}${chalk.bold(body)}${chalk.dim(suffix)}`;
const getDefaultWidth = () => {
if (process?.stdout) {
return process.stdout.columns;
} else {
return 100;

@@ -78,2 +53,51 @@ * Can use instead of console.log

const getBarString = (current: number, max: number, width: number, opts: ProgressBarOptionsFull) => {
const { progChar, emptyChar, prefixChar, suffixChar, chalk } = opts;
const numProgChars = Math.round(width * (Math.max(0, Math.min(current / max, 1)) / 1));
const numEmptyChars = width - numProgChars;
const body = `${progChar.repeat(numProgChars)}${emptyChar.repeat(numEmptyChars)}`;
return `${chalk.dim(prefixChar)}${chalk.bold(body)}${chalk.dim(suffixChar)}`;
const getSuffix = (current: number, max: number, opts: ProgressBarOptionsFull) => {
let items = [''];
if (opts.showCount) {
items.push(`[${current.toString().padStart(max.toString().length, ' ')} / ${max}]`);
if (opts.showPercent) {
const percent = Math.round((current / max) * 100);
items.push(`(${percent.toString().padStart('100'.toString().length, ' ')}%)`);
const joined = items.filter((x) => x).join(' ');
return joined.length ? ' ' + joined : '';
interface ProgressBarOptionsFull {
prefix: string;
maxWidth: number;
chalk: any;
wrapperFn: any;
showCount: boolean;
showPercent: boolean;
progChar: string;
emptyChar: string;
prefixChar: string;
suffixChar: string;
export type ProgressBarOptions = Partial<ProgressBarOptionsFull>;
const getFullOptions = (opts: ProgressBarOptions = {}): ProgressBarOptionsFull => ({
maxWidth: process?.stdout ? process.stdout.columns : 100,
chalk: noChalk,
wrapperFn: noWrap,
showCount: true,
showPercent: false,
progChar: '█',
emptyChar: ' ',
prefixChar: '▕',
suffixChar: '▏',
prefix: (opts.prefix || '').length ? opts.prefix + ' ' : ''

@@ -87,3 +111,8 @@ * Usage:

* const progress = getProgressBar(5, 'ABC', 20, chalk,;
* const progress = getProgressBar(5, {
* prefix: 'ABC',
* maxWidth: 20,
* chalk,
* wrapperFn:
* });
* for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {

@@ -106,9 +135,5 @@ * progress.set(i);

export const getProgressBar = (
max: number,
prefix: string = '',
maxWidth: number = getDefaultWidth(),
chalk: any = noChalk,
wrapperFn: any = noChalk
) => {
export const getProgressBar = (max: number, options: ProgressBarOptions = {}) => {
const opts = getFullOptions(options);
const { prefix, maxWidth, wrapperFn, prefixChar, suffixChar } = opts;
let current = 0;

@@ -118,4 +143,9 @@ let finished = false;

const update = () => {
const suffix = `[${current.toString().padStart(max.toString().length, ' ')} / ${max}]`;
const output = `${prefix} ${getBarString(current, max, Math.max(0, maxWidth - (prefix.length + suffix.length + 4)), chalk)} ${suffix}`;
const suffix = getSuffix(current, max, opts);
const output = `${prefix}${getBarString(
Math.max(0, maxWidth - [prefix, suffix, prefixChar, suffixChar].join('').length),

@@ -145,3 +175,3 @@ print(output, wrapperFn);

const output = update();
print(); // blank/new line
printLn(); // blank/new line
return output;

@@ -148,0 +178,0 @@ };

@@ -47,5 +47,13 @@ export interface DeferredPromise<T> {

* Like Promise.all, but limits the number of items that can run concurrently.
* Takes array of functions that return Promises, not an array of Promises.
* An alias for Promise.all
const all = async <T extends unknown>(promises: Promise<T>[]): Promise<any> => {
await Promise.all(promises);
* Like Promise.all, but limits the numbers of concurrently running items.
* Takes an array of functions (that return Promises), rather than an array of Promises
* ```typescript

@@ -62,7 +70,8 @@ * import { PromiseUtils, timer, ms, seconds } from 'swiss-ak';

* const results = PromiseUtils.allLimit<number>(
* [give(seconds(5), 1, 'a'), give(seconds(5), 2, 'b'), give(seconds(5), 3, 'c'), give(seconds(5), 4, 'd')],
* 2,
* true
* );
* const results = PromiseUtils.allLimit<number>(2, [
* give(seconds(5), 1, 'a'),
* give(seconds(5), 2, 'b'),
* give(seconds(5), 3, 'c'),
* give(seconds(5), 4, 'd')
* ]);

@@ -82,7 +91,3 @@ * timer.end('allLimit');

const allLimit = <T extends unknown>(
items: ((index: number) => Promise<T>)[],
limit: number = items.length,
noThrow: boolean = false
): Promise<T[]> => {
const allLimit = <T extends unknown>(limit: number, items: ((index: number) => Promise<T>)[], noThrow: boolean = false): Promise<T[]> => {
let runningCount: number = 0;

@@ -134,2 +139,112 @@ let errors: any[] = [];

* Run an async function against each item in an array
* ```typescript
* import { PromiseUtils, ms, seconds, wait } from 'swiss-ak';
* const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
* await PromiseUtils.each<number>(arr, async (val: number) => {
* await wait(seconds(2));
* sendToSomewhere(val);
* });
* console.log(''); // after 2 seconds
* ```
const each = async <Ti extends unknown>(items: Ti[], func: (item: Ti, index: number, array: Ti[]) => Promise<any>): Promise<any> => {
await Promise.all( Ti, index: number, array: Ti[]) => func(item, index, array)));
* Run an async function against each item in an array, limiting the number of items that can run concurrently.
* See PromiseUtils.allLimit for information about limited functions.
* ```typescript
* import { PromiseUtils, ms, seconds, wait } from 'swiss-ak';
* const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
* await PromiseUtils.eachLimit<number>(2, arr, async (val: number) => {
* await wait(seconds(2));
* sendToSomewhere(val);
* });
* console.log(''); // after 4 seconds
* ```
const eachLimit = async <Ti extends unknown>(
limit: number,
items: Ti[],
func: (item?: Ti, index?: number, array?: Ti[]) => Promise<any>
): Promise<any> => {
await allLimit(
limit, Ti, index: number, array: Ti[]) => () => func(item, index, array))
* Run an async map function against each item in an array, mapping the results to a returned array
* ```typescript
* import { PromiseUtils, ms, seconds, wait } from 'swiss-ak';
* const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
* const mapped = await<number>(arr, async (val: number) => {
* await wait(seconds(2));
* return val * 2;
* });
* console.log(mapped); // [2, 4, 6, 8] (after 2 seconds)
* ```
const map = async <Ti extends unknown, To extends unknown>(
items: Ti[],
func: (item?: Ti, index?: number, array?: Ti[]) => Promise<To>
): Promise<To[]> => {
const result: To[] = [];
await Promise.all( (item: Ti, index: number, array: Ti[]) => {
const res = await func(item, index, array);
result[index] = res;
return result;
* Run an async map function against each item in an array, mapping the results to a returned array, and limiting the number of items that can run concurrently.
* See PromiseUtils.allLimit for information about limited functions.
* ```typescript
* import { PromiseUtils, ms, seconds, wait } from 'swiss-ak';
* const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
* const mapped = await PromiseUtils.mapLimit<number>(2, arr, async (val: number) => {
* await wait(seconds(2));
* return val * 2;
* });
* console.log(mapped); // [2, 4, 6, 8] (after 4 seconds)
* ```
const mapLimit = async <Ti extends unknown, To extends unknown>(
limit: number,
items: Ti[],
func: (item?: Ti, index?: number, array?: Ti[]) => Promise<To>
): Promise<To[]> =>
await allLimit(
limit, Ti, index: number, array: Ti[]) => () => {
const res = func(item, index, array);
return res;
* Like Promise.all, but pass/receive objects rather than arrays

@@ -171,4 +286,6 @@ *

* Like PromiseUtils.allLimit, but pass/receive objects rather than arrays
* A mix of allObj and allLimit.
* Takes an array of functions (that return Promises), and limits the numbers of concurrently running items.
* ```typescript

@@ -185,12 +302,8 @@ * import { PromiseUtils, timer, ms, seconds } from 'swiss-ak';

* const results = PromiseUtils.allLimitObj<number>(
* {
* a: give(seconds(5), 1, 'a'),
* b: give(seconds(5), 2, 'b'),
* c: give(seconds(5), 3, 'c'),
* d: give(seconds(5), 4, 'd')
* },
* 2,
* true
* );
* const results = PromiseUtils.allLimitObj<number>(2, {
* a: give(seconds(5), 1, 'a'),
* b: give(seconds(5), 2, 'b'),
* c: give(seconds(5), 3, 'c'),
* d: give(seconds(5), 4, 'd')
* });

@@ -211,8 +324,8 @@ * timer.end('allLimitObj');

const allLimitObj = async <T extends unknown>(
limit: number,
input: { [key: string]: (index: number) => Promise<T> },
limit?: number,
noThrow: boolean = false
): Promise<{ [key: string]: T }> => {
return objectify((items: ((index: number) => Promise<T>)[]) => {
return allLimit(items, limit, noThrow);
return allLimit(limit, items, noThrow);
}, input);

@@ -223,5 +336,10 @@ };

import { ms, SECOND } from './times';
import { KeysOnly } from './types';
// Hacky little display function
const formatDuration = (duration: ms) => {
const seconds = duration / SECOND;
let extra = '';
let secsEx = Math.round(seconds);
let minsEx = Math.floor(secsEx / 60);
if (minsEx >= 1) {
secsEx %= 60;
extra = `${minsEx}m ${secsEx}s`;
let hoursEx = Math.floor(minsEx / 60);
if (hoursEx >= 1) {
minsEx %= 60;
extra = `${hoursEx}h ${minsEx}m ${secsEx}s`;
return `${extra}${extra ? ` (${seconds}s)` : `${seconds}s`}`;
interface INames {
[k: string]: string;
interface ITimer<TName> {
start(...labelArr: string[]): void;
end(...labelArr: string[]): void;
switch(endLabel: string | string[], startLabel: string | string[]): void;
log(prefix?: string): void;
reset(): void;
names: KeysOnly<TName>;
displayNames: TName;
* Usage:
* ```typescript
* const timer = getTimer('Example');
* timer.start('TOTAL', 'intro');
* const timer = getTimer('Example', false, {
* INTRO: 'Action 1',
* ENDING: 'Action 2'
* });
* timer.start(timer.TOTAL, timer.INTRO);
* await wait(seconds(4)); // do something async
* timer.switch('intro', 'ending'); // same as calling end('intro') and start('ending')
* timer.switch(timer.INTRO, timer.ENDING); // same as calling end(timer.INTRO) and start(timer.ENDING)
* await wait(seconds(6)); // do something async
* timer.end('TOTAL', 'ending');
* timer.end(timer.TOTAL, timer.ENDING);
* timer.log();

@@ -23,11 +63,22 @@ * ```

* TOTAL: 10s
* intro: 4s
* ending: 6s
* Action 1: 4s
* Action 2: 6s
* ```
export const getTimer = (name?: string) => {
export const getTimer = <TName extends INames>(name?: string, verbose: boolean = false, displayNames?: TName): ITimer<TName> & KeysOnly<TName> => {
let startTimes: { [label: string]: ms } = {};
let endTimes: { [label: string]: ms } = {};
let dispNames = (displayNames || { TOTAL: 'TOTAL' }) as TName;
const names = Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(dispNames).map((key) => [key, key])) as KeysOnly<TName>;
const logLine = (label: string, prefix: string = '') => {
const start = startTimes[label];
const end = endTimes[label] ||;
const duration = end - start;
console.log(`${prefix}${dispNames[label] || label}: ${formatDuration(duration)}`);
return {
start(...labelArr: string[]) {

@@ -41,2 +92,6 @@ for (let label of labelArr) {

endTimes[label] =;
if (verbose) {

@@ -52,6 +107,3 @@ },

for (let label of Object.keys(startTimes)) {
const start = startTimes[label];
const end = endTimes[label] ||;
const duration = end - start;
console.log(` ${label}: ${duration / SECOND}s`);
logLine(label, ' ');

@@ -63,3 +115,5 @@ console.log('');

endTimes = {};
displayNames: dispNames

@@ -66,0 +120,0 @@ };

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