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Comparing version 2.2.0-beta.3 to 2.2.0-beta.4



@@ -0,7 +1,356 @@

import react, { FC, PropsWithChildren, MutableRefObject } from 'react';
declare const FOCUS_EVENT = 0;
declare const RECONNECT_EVENT = 1;
declare const MUTATE_EVENT = 2;
declare const ERROR_REVALIDATE_EVENT = 3;
declare const constants_FOCUS_EVENT: typeof FOCUS_EVENT;
declare const constants_MUTATE_EVENT: typeof MUTATE_EVENT;
declare const constants_RECONNECT_EVENT: typeof RECONNECT_EVENT;
declare namespace constants {
export {
declare const compare: (currentData: any, newData: any) => boolean;
declare const cache: Cache<any>;
declare const mutate: ScopedMutator<any>;
declare const defaultConfig: FullConfiguration;
type GlobalState = [
Record<string, RevalidateCallback[]>,
Record<string, [number, number]>,
Record<string, [any, number]>,
Record<string, FetcherResponse<any>>,
(key: string, value: any, prev: any) => void,
(key: string, callback: (current: any, prev: any) => void) => () => void
type FetcherResponse<Data = unknown> = Data | Promise<Data>;
type BareFetcher<Data = unknown> = (...args: any[]) => FetcherResponse<Data>;
type Fetcher<Data = unknown, SWRKey extends Key = Key> = SWRKey extends () => infer Arg | null | undefined | false ? (arg: Arg) => FetcherResponse<Data> : SWRKey extends null | undefined | false ? never : SWRKey extends infer Arg ? (arg: Arg) => FetcherResponse<Data> : never;
type ReactUsePromise<T = unknown, Error = unknown> = Promise<any> & {
status?: 'pending' | 'fulfilled' | 'rejected';
value?: T;
reason?: Error;
type BlockingData<Data = any, Options = SWROptions<Data>> = Options extends undefined ? false : Options extends {
suspense: true;
} ? true : Options extends {
fallbackData: Data;
} ? true : false;
interface InternalConfiguration {
cache: Cache;
mutate: ScopedMutator;
* @link
interface PublicConfiguration<Data = any, Error = any, Fn extends Fetcher = BareFetcher> {
* error retry interval in milliseconds
* @defaultValue 5000
errorRetryInterval: number;
/** max error retry count */
errorRetryCount?: number;
* timeout to trigger the onLoadingSlow event in milliseconds
* @defaultValue 3000
loadingTimeout: number;
* only revalidate once during a time span in milliseconds
* @defaultValue 5000
focusThrottleInterval: number;
* dedupe requests with the same key in this time span in milliseconds
* @defaultValue 2000
dedupingInterval: number;
* @link
* * Disabled by default: `refreshInterval = 0`
* * If set to a number, polling interval in milliseconds
* * If set to a function, the function will receive the latest data and should return the interval in milliseconds
refreshInterval?: number | ((latestData: Data | undefined) => number);
* polling when the window is invisible (if `refreshInterval` is enabled)
* @defaultValue false
refreshWhenHidden?: boolean;
* polling when the browser is offline (determined by `navigator.onLine`)
refreshWhenOffline?: boolean;
* automatically revalidate when window gets focused
* @defaultValue true
* @link
revalidateOnFocus: boolean;
* automatically revalidate when the browser regains a network connection (via `navigator.onLine`)
* @defaultValue true
* @link
revalidateOnReconnect: boolean;
* enable or disable automatic revalidation when component is mounted
revalidateOnMount?: boolean;
* automatically revalidate even if there is stale data
* @defaultValue true
* @link
revalidateIfStale: boolean;
* retry when fetcher has an error
* @defaultValue true
shouldRetryOnError: boolean | ((err: Error) => boolean);
* keep the previous result when key is changed but data is not ready
* @defaultValue false
keepPreviousData?: boolean;
* @experimental enable React Suspense mode
* @defaultValue false
* @link
suspense?: boolean;
* initial data to be returned (note: ***This is per-hook***)
fallbackData?: Data;
* the fetcher function
fetcher?: Fn;
* array of middleware functions
* @link
use?: Middleware[];
* a key-value object of multiple fallback data
* @link
fallback: {
[key: string]: any;
* function to detect whether pause revalidations, will ignore fetched data and errors when it returns true. Returns false by default.
isPaused: () => boolean;
* callback function when a request takes too long to load (see `loadingTimeout`)
onLoadingSlow: (key: string, config: Readonly<PublicConfiguration<Data, Error, Fn>>) => void;
* callback function when a request finishes successfully
onSuccess: (data: Data, key: string, config: Readonly<PublicConfiguration<Data, Error, Fn>>) => void;
* callback function when a request returns an error
onError: (err: Error, key: string, config: Readonly<PublicConfiguration<Data, Error, Fn>>) => void;
* handler for error retry
onErrorRetry: (err: Error, key: string, config: Readonly<PublicConfiguration<Data, Error, Fn>>, revalidate: Revalidator, revalidateOpts: Required<RevalidatorOptions>) => void;
* callback function when a request is ignored
onDiscarded: (key: string) => void;
* comparison function used to detect when returned data has changed, to avoid spurious rerenders. By default, [stable-hash]( is used.
compare: (a: Data | undefined, b: Data | undefined) => boolean;
* isOnline and isVisible are functions that return a boolean, to determine if the application is "active". By default, SWR will bail out a revalidation if these conditions are not met.
* @link
isOnline: () => boolean;
* isOnline and isVisible are functions that return a boolean, to determine if the application is "active". By default, SWR will bail out a revalidation if these conditions are not met.
* @link
isVisible: () => boolean;
type FullConfiguration<Data = any, Error = any, Fn extends Fetcher = BareFetcher> = InternalConfiguration & PublicConfiguration<Data, Error, Fn>;
type ProviderConfiguration = {
initFocus: (callback: () => void) => (() => void) | void;
initReconnect: (callback: () => void) => (() => void) | void;
* @example
* ```ts
* const { data, error } = useSWR(key, fetcher)
* ```
interface SWRHook {
<Data = any, Error = any, SWRKey extends Key = StrictKey>(key: SWRKey): SWRResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any, SWRKey extends Key = StrictKey>(key: SWRKey, fetcher: Fetcher<Data, SWRKey> | null): SWRResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any, SWRKey extends Key = StrictKey, SWROptions extends SWRConfiguration<Data, Error, Fetcher<Data, SWRKey>> | undefined = SWRConfiguration<Data, Error, Fetcher<Data, SWRKey>> | undefined>(key: SWRKey, config: SWROptions): SWRResponse<Data, Error, SWROptions>;
<Data = any, Error = any, SWRKey extends Key = StrictKey, SWROptions extends SWRConfiguration<Data, Error, Fetcher<Data, SWRKey>> | undefined = SWRConfiguration<Data, Error, Fetcher<Data, SWRKey>> | undefined>(key: SWRKey, fetcher: Fetcher<Data, SWRKey> | null, config: SWROptions): SWRResponse<Data, Error, SWROptions>;
<Data = any, Error = any>(key: Key): SWRResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any>(key: Key, fetcher: BareFetcher<Data> | null): SWRResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any, SWROptions extends SWRConfiguration<Data, Error, BareFetcher<Data>> | undefined = SWRConfiguration<Data, Error, BareFetcher<Data>> | undefined>(key: Key, config: SWROptions): SWRResponse<Data, Error, SWROptions>;
<Data = any, Error = any, SWROptions extends SWRConfiguration<Data, Error, BareFetcher<Data>> | undefined = SWRConfiguration<Data, Error, BareFetcher<Data>> | undefined>(key: Key, fetcher: BareFetcher<Data> | null, config: SWROptions): SWRResponse<Data, Error, SWROptions>;
type Middleware = (useSWRNext: SWRHook) => <Data = any, Error = any>(key: Key, fetcher: BareFetcher<Data> | null, config: typeof defaultConfig & SWRConfiguration<Data, Error, BareFetcher<Data>>) => SWRResponse<Data, Error>;
type ArgumentsTuple = [any, ...unknown[]] | readonly [any, ...unknown[]];
type Arguments = string | ArgumentsTuple | Record<any, any> | null | undefined | false;
type Key = Arguments | (() => Arguments);
type StrictTupleKey = ArgumentsTuple | null | undefined | false;
type StrictKey = StrictTupleKey | (() => StrictTupleKey);
type MutatorCallback<Data = any> = (currentData?: Data) => Promise<undefined | Data> | undefined | Data;
type MutatorOptions<Data = any> = {
revalidate?: boolean;
populateCache?: boolean | ((result: any, currentData: Data | undefined) => Data);
optimisticData?: Data | ((currentData: Data | undefined, displayedData: Data | undefined) => Data);
rollbackOnError?: boolean | ((error: unknown) => boolean);
throwOnError?: boolean;
type MutatorConfig = {
revalidate?: boolean;
populateCache?: boolean;
type Broadcaster<Data = any, Error = any> = (cache: Cache<Data>, key: string, data: Data, error?: Error, isValidating?: boolean, revalidate?: boolean, populateCache?: boolean) => Promise<Data>;
type State<Data = any, Error = any> = {
data?: Data;
error?: Error;
isValidating?: boolean;
isLoading?: boolean;
type MutatorFn<Data = any> = (cache: Cache, key: Key, data?: Data | Promise<Data> | MutatorCallback<Data>, opts?: boolean | MutatorOptions<Data>) => Promise<Data | undefined>;
type MutatorWrapper<Fn> = Fn extends (...args: [...infer Parameters]) => infer Result ? Parameters[3] extends boolean ? Result : Parameters[3] extends Required<Pick<MutatorOptions, 'populateCache'>> ? Parameters[3]['populateCache'] extends false ? never : Result : Result : never;
type Mutator<Data = any> = MutatorWrapper<MutatorFn<Data>>;
interface ScopedMutator<Data = any> {
<T = Data>(matcher: (key?: Arguments) => boolean, data?: T | Promise<T> | MutatorCallback<T>, opts?: boolean | MutatorOptions<Data>): Promise<Array<T | undefined>>;
<T = Data>(key: Arguments, data?: T | Promise<T> | MutatorCallback<T>, opts?: boolean | MutatorOptions<Data>): Promise<T | undefined>;
type KeyedMutator<Data> = (data?: Data | Promise<Data | undefined> | MutatorCallback<Data>, opts?: boolean | MutatorOptions<Data>) => Promise<Data | undefined>;
type SWRConfiguration<Data = any, Error = any, Fn extends BareFetcher<any> = BareFetcher<any>> = Partial<PublicConfiguration<Data, Error, Fn>>;
type SWROptions<Data> = SWRConfiguration<Data, Error, Fetcher<Data, Key>>;
interface SWRResponse<Data = any, Error = any, Config = any> {
* The returned data of the fetcher function.
data: BlockingData<Data, Config> extends true ? Data : Data | undefined;
* The error object thrown by the fetcher function.
error: Error | undefined;
mutate: KeyedMutator<Data>;
isValidating: boolean;
isLoading: BlockingData<Data, Config> extends true ? false : boolean;
type KeyLoader<Args extends Arguments = Arguments> = ((index: number, previousPageData: any | null) => Args) | null;
interface RevalidatorOptions {
retryCount?: number;
dedupe?: boolean;
type Revalidator = (revalidateOpts?: RevalidatorOptions) => Promise<boolean> | void;
type RevalidateEvent = typeof FOCUS_EVENT | typeof RECONNECT_EVENT | typeof MUTATE_EVENT | typeof ERROR_REVALIDATE_EVENT;
type RevalidateCallbackReturnType = {
[FOCUS_EVENT]: void;
[MUTATE_EVENT]: Promise<boolean>;
type RevalidateCallback = <K extends RevalidateEvent>(type: K, opts?: any) => RevalidateCallbackReturnType[K];
interface Cache<Data = any> {
keys(): IterableIterator<string>;
get(key: string): State<Data> | undefined;
set(key: string, value: State<Data>): void;
delete(key: string): void;
interface StateDependencies {
data?: boolean;
error?: boolean;
isValidating?: boolean;
isLoading?: boolean;
type Config = SWRConfiguration & Partial<ProviderConfiguration> & {
provider?: (cache: Readonly<Cache>) => Cache;
declare const SWRConfig: FC<PropsWithChildren<{
value?: Config | ((parentConfig?: Config) => Config);
declare const initCache: <Data = any>(provider: Cache<Data>, options?: Partial<ProviderConfiguration>) => [Cache<Data>, ScopedMutator<Data>, () => void, () => void] | [Cache<Data>, ScopedMutator<Data>] | undefined;
declare const IS_REACT_LEGACY = false;
declare const IS_SERVER: boolean;
declare const rAF: (f: (...args: any[]) => void) => number | ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;
declare const useIsomorphicLayoutEffect: typeof react.useEffect;
declare const slowConnection: boolean | undefined;
declare const SWRGlobalState: WeakMap<Cache<any>, GlobalState>;
declare const stableHash: (arg: any) => string;
declare const isWindowDefined: boolean;
declare const isDocumentDefined: boolean;
declare const hasRequestAnimationFrame: () => boolean;
declare const createCacheHelper: <Data = any, T = State<Data, any>>(cache: Cache, key: string | undefined) => readonly [() => T, (info: T) => void, (key: string, callback: (current: any, prev: any) => void) => () => void, () => any];
declare const noop: () => void;
declare const UNDEFINED: undefined;
declare const OBJECT: ObjectConstructor;
declare const isUndefined: (v: any) => v is undefined;
declare const isFunction: <T extends (...args: any[]) => any = (...args: any[]) => any>(v: unknown) => v is T;
declare const mergeObjects: (a: any, b?: any) => any;
declare const isPromiseLike: (x: unknown) => x is PromiseLike<unknown>;
declare const mergeConfigs: (a: Partial<FullConfiguration>, b?: Partial<FullConfiguration>) => Partial<FullConfiguration>;
type KeyFilter = (key?: Arguments) => boolean;
declare function internalMutate<Data>(cache: Cache, _key: KeyFilter, _data?: Data | Promise<Data | undefined> | MutatorCallback<Data>, _opts?: boolean | MutatorOptions<Data>): Promise<Array<Data | undefined>>;
declare function internalMutate<Data>(cache: Cache, _key: Arguments, _data?: Data | Promise<Data | undefined> | MutatorCallback<Data>, _opts?: boolean | MutatorOptions<Data>): Promise<Data | undefined>;
declare const normalize: <KeyType_1 = Key, Data = any>(args: [KeyType_1] | [KeyType_1, Fetcher<Data> | null] | [KeyType_1, Partial<PublicConfiguration<any, any, BareFetcher<any>>> | undefined] | [KeyType_1, Fetcher<Data> | null, Partial<PublicConfiguration<any, any, BareFetcher<any>>> | undefined]) => [KeyType_1, Fetcher<Data> | null, Partial<Partial<PublicConfiguration<Data, any, BareFetcher<any>>>>];
declare const withArgs: <SWRType>(hook: any) => SWRType;
declare const serialize: (key: Key) => [string, Key];
export { serialize };
* An implementation of state with dependency-tracking.
declare const useStateWithDeps: <S = any>(state: any) => [MutableRefObject<any>, Record<keyof S, boolean>, (payload: Partial<S>) => void];
type Callback = (...args: any[]) => any;
declare const subscribeCallback: (key: string, callbacks: Record<string, Callback[]>, callback: Callback) => () => void;
declare const getTimestamp: () => number;
declare const useSWRConfig: () => FullConfiguration;
declare const preset: {
readonly isOnline: () => boolean;
readonly isVisible: () => boolean;
declare const defaultConfigOptions: ProviderConfiguration;
declare const withMiddleware: (useSWR: SWRHook, middleware: Middleware) => SWRHook;
type PreloadFetcher<Data = unknown, SWRKey extends Key = Key> = SWRKey extends () => infer Arg ? (arg: Arg) => FetcherResponse<Data> : SWRKey extends infer Arg ? (arg: Arg) => FetcherResponse<Data> : never;
declare const preload: <Data = any, SWRKey extends Key = Key, Fetcher extends BareFetcher = PreloadFetcher<Data, SWRKey>>(key_: SWRKey, fetcher: Fetcher) => ReturnType<Fetcher>;
export { Arguments, BareFetcher, BlockingData, Broadcaster, Cache, Fetcher, FetcherResponse, FullConfiguration, GlobalState, IS_REACT_LEGACY, IS_SERVER, InternalConfiguration, Key, KeyLoader, KeyedMutator, Middleware, Mutator, MutatorCallback, MutatorConfig, MutatorFn, MutatorOptions, MutatorWrapper, OBJECT, ProviderConfiguration, PublicConfiguration, ReactUsePromise, RevalidateCallback, RevalidateEvent, Revalidator, RevalidatorOptions, SWRConfig, SWRConfiguration, SWRGlobalState, SWRHook, SWRResponse, ScopedMutator, State, StateDependencies, StrictTupleKey, UNDEFINED, cache, compare, createCacheHelper, defaultConfig, defaultConfigOptions, getTimestamp, hasRequestAnimationFrame, initCache, internalMutate, isDocumentDefined, isFunction, isPromiseLike, isUndefined, isWindowDefined, mergeConfigs, mergeObjects, mutate, noop, normalize, preload, preset, rAF, constants as revalidateEvents, serialize, slowConnection, stableHash, subscribeCallback, useIsomorphicLayoutEffect, useSWRConfig, useStateWithDeps, withArgs, withMiddleware };

@@ -1,7 +0,39 @@

import { Arguments } from 'swr/_internal';
import { Arguments, BareFetcher, SWRConfiguration, SWRResponse, StrictTupleKey, Middleware } from 'swr/_internal';
type FetcherResponse<Data = unknown> = Data | Promise<Data>;
type SWRInfiniteFetcher<Data = any, KeyLoader extends SWRInfiniteKeyLoader = SWRInfiniteKeyLoader> = KeyLoader extends (...args: any[]) => any ? ReturnType<KeyLoader> extends infer T | null | false | undefined ? (args: T) => FetcherResponse<Data> : never : never;
type SWRInfiniteKeyLoader<Data = any, Args extends Arguments = Arguments> = (index: number, previousPageData: Data | null) => Args;
interface SWRInfiniteCompareFn<Data = any> {
(a: Data | undefined, b: Data | undefined): boolean;
(a: Data[] | undefined, b: Data[] | undefined): boolean;
interface SWRInfiniteConfiguration<Data = any, Error = any, Fn extends SWRInfiniteFetcher<Data> = BareFetcher<Data>> extends Omit<SWRConfiguration<Data[], Error>, 'compare'> {
initialSize?: number;
revalidateAll?: boolean;
persistSize?: boolean;
revalidateFirstPage?: boolean;
parallel?: boolean;
fetcher?: Fn;
compare?: SWRInfiniteCompareFn<Data>;
interface SWRInfiniteResponse<Data = any, Error = any> extends SWRResponse<Data[], Error> {
size: number;
setSize: (size: number | ((_size: number) => number)) => Promise<Data[] | undefined>;
interface SWRInfiniteHook {
<Data = any, Error = any, KeyLoader extends SWRInfiniteKeyLoader = (index: number, previousPageData: Data | null) => StrictTupleKey>(getKey: KeyLoader): SWRInfiniteResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any, KeyLoader extends SWRInfiniteKeyLoader = (index: number, previousPageData: Data | null) => StrictTupleKey>(getKey: KeyLoader, fetcher: SWRInfiniteFetcher<Data, KeyLoader> | null): SWRInfiniteResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any, KeyLoader extends SWRInfiniteKeyLoader = (index: number, previousPageData: Data | null) => StrictTupleKey>(getKey: KeyLoader, config: SWRInfiniteConfiguration<Data, Error, SWRInfiniteFetcher<Data, KeyLoader>> | undefined): SWRInfiniteResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any, KeyLoader extends SWRInfiniteKeyLoader = (index: number, previousPageData: Data | null) => StrictTupleKey>(getKey: KeyLoader, fetcher: SWRInfiniteFetcher<Data, KeyLoader> | null, config: SWRInfiniteConfiguration<Data, Error, SWRInfiniteFetcher<Data, KeyLoader>> | undefined): SWRInfiniteResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any>(getKey: SWRInfiniteKeyLoader): SWRInfiniteResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any>(getKey: SWRInfiniteKeyLoader, fetcher: BareFetcher<Data> | null): SWRInfiniteResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any>(getKey: SWRInfiniteKeyLoader, config: SWRInfiniteConfiguration<Data, Error, BareFetcher<Data>> | undefined): SWRInfiniteResponse<Data, Error>;
<Data = any, Error = any>(getKey: SWRInfiniteKeyLoader, fetcher: BareFetcher<Data> | null, config: SWRInfiniteConfiguration<Data, Error, BareFetcher<Data>> | undefined): SWRInfiniteResponse<Data, Error>;
declare const unstable_serialize: (getKey: SWRInfiniteKeyLoader) => string;
export { unstable_serialize };
declare const infinite: Middleware;
declare const useSWRInfinite: SWRInfiniteHook;
export { SWRInfiniteCompareFn, SWRInfiniteConfiguration, SWRInfiniteFetcher, SWRInfiniteHook, SWRInfiniteKeyLoader, SWRInfiniteResponse, useSWRInfinite as default, infinite, unstable_serialize };


"name": "swr",
"version": "2.2.0-beta.3",
"version": "2.2.0-beta.4",
"description": "React Hooks library for remote data fetching",

@@ -117,3 +117,3 @@ "keywords": [

"@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.59.8",
"bunchee": "3.4.0",
"bunchee": "3.4.1",
"eslint": "8.42.0",

@@ -120,0 +120,0 @@ "eslint-config-prettier": "8.8.0",

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