System Timezone
A simple package that checks various system configuration files in an attempt to determine what this computer's timezone is (in Olson notation).
This is a 100% javasctipt package that should work on any version of node > 0.10.0
We do this via 4 methods:
- If
is set, return it - If
is present, return the contents of the file - If
is present, and is a symlink to a file in /usr/share/zoneinfo
, we can follow the link to know the proper timezone - If
is present, but not a symlink, we MD5 the contents and compare it to all other files in, /usr/share/zoneinfo
, and then return the name of the first match.
var system_timezone = require('system-timezone');
var thisTimezone = system_timezone();
console.log( thisTimezone );
- can we test this without messing up system time?
- can we get this to work on windows?