Small library to create tags by typing
How to use it?
The usage is simple:
Create container element where taggify will be installed, like:
<div class="taggify"></div>
Include Taggify library script to your HTML code:
<script src="taggify.min.js"></script>
Then start using in your JS script:
(function () {
'use strict';
new window.Taggify();
Taggify library uses a configuration object containing following properties:
containerSelector {String}
Container selector to find HTML node to initialize taggify element. By default: '.taggify'
containerNode {HTMLElement}
Container node to initialize taggify element. Will be used instead of containerSelector
, if defined.
autocomplete {Boolean}
Indicator whether to use autocomplete callback. By default: false
autocompleteCallback {Function}
The autocomplete callback. It takes 2 params:
- value - the taggify input value,
- callback - the callback where data should be provided in order to generate tags
inputDelay {Number}
The input event callback delay. After this time, the tags are created.
It's used to increase performance of the solution. By default: 100
inputLabel {String}
The text to display to a user as a label. By default: 'Start typing ...'
allowDuplicates {Boolean}
Indicator whether to allow duplicated tags. Used when autocomplete is turned off.
By default: false
hotKeys {Array}
List of hot keys which generate tags when autocomplete is off.
The list contains key codes, like - coma is 188, but enter is 13.
By default: [13, 188]
displayLabel {Boolean}
Flag indicating whether an input label should be displayed
The method allows to create tags based on provided array of strings
const tags = ['a','b','c'];