Tailwind Audio Player
A lightweight TailwindCSS React wrapper for the default audio element.
npm install --save tailwind-player
You should have the react and react-dom installed.
import TailwindPlayer from 'tailwind-player';
See the example directory for a basic working example of using this project. To run it locally, run npm install
in the example directory and then npm start
Prop | Type | Default |
autoPlay | Boolean | false |
children | Element | null |
className | String | empty string |
controls | Boolean | false |
crossOrigin | String | empty string |
controlsList | String | empty string |
id | String | empty string |
loop | Boolean | false |
muted | Boolean | false |
volume | Number | 1.0 |
preload | String | 'metadata' |
src | String | empty string |
style | Object | --- |
Prop | Type | Description |
listenInterval | Number | Indicates how often to call the onListened prop during playback, in milliseconds. Default is 10000. |
onAbort | Function | called when unloading the audio player, like when switching to a different src file. Passed the event. |
onCanPlay | Function | called when enough of the file has been downloaded to be able to start playing. Passed the event. |
onCanPlayThrough | Function | called when enough of the file has been downloaded to play through the entire file. Passed the event. |
onEnded | Function | called when playback has finished to the end of the file. Passed the event. |
onError | Function | called when the audio tag encounters an error. Passed the event. |
onListen | Function | called every listenInterval milliseconds during playback. Passed the event. |
onPause | Function | called when the user pauses playback. Passed the event. |
onPlay | Function | called when the user taps play. Passed the event. |
onSeeked | Function | called when the user drags the time indicator to a new time. Passed the event. |
onVolumeChanged | Function | called when the user changes the volume, such as by dragging the volume slider |
onLoadedMetadata | Function | called when the metadata for the given audio file has finished downloading. Passed the event. |