What is tap-mocha-reporter?
The 'tap-mocha-reporter' npm package is a TAP (Test Anything Protocol) reporter for Mocha, a popular JavaScript test framework. It allows you to format test results in a human-readable way, making it easier to understand the output of your tests.
What are tap-mocha-reporter's main functionalities?
Basic Usage
This code demonstrates how to set up Mocha to use the 'tap-mocha-reporter'. It initializes a new Mocha instance, sets the reporter to 'tap-mocha-reporter', adds a test file, and runs the tests.
const Mocha = require('mocha');
const mocha = new Mocha({
reporter: 'tap-mocha-reporter'
Custom Reporter Options
This code shows how to pass custom options to the 'tap-mocha-reporter'. In this example, the output is directed to a file named 'output.tap'.
const Mocha = require('mocha');
const mocha = new Mocha({
reporter: 'tap-mocha-reporter',
reporterOptions: {
output: 'output.tap'
Other packages similar to tap-mocha-reporter
The 'mocha-tap-reporter' package is another TAP reporter for Mocha. It provides similar functionality to 'tap-mocha-reporter' by formatting test results in the TAP format. However, it may have different customization options and output formats.
The 'tap-spec' package is a TAP reporter that formats TAP output into a more readable and visually appealing format. While it is not specifically designed for Mocha, it can be used in conjunction with Mocha's TAP output to provide a more user-friendly test result display.
The 'tap-xunit' package converts TAP output to the xUnit format, which is useful for integrating with CI/CD systems that support xUnit. It provides a different output format compared to 'tap-mocha-reporter', focusing on compatibility with xUnit-based tools.
Format a TAP stream using Mocha's set of reporters
On the command line, pipe TAP in, and it'll do its thing.
tap test/*.js | tap-mocha-reporter
You can also specify a reporter with the first argument. The default
is spec
tap test/*.js | tap-mocha-reporter nyan
Programmatically, you can use this as a transform stream.
var TSR = require('tap-mocha-reporter')