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Comparing version 7.7.0 to 7.7.1



@@ -45,7 +45,3 @@ "use strict";

let depthSnapshotResponse = (await got_1.default.get(`${this.httpURL}/depth?symbol=${symbol.toUpperCase()}&limit=1000`).json());
const snapshotIsStale = new Date(depthSnapshotResponse.T).getUTCSeconds() !== new Date(depthSnapshotResponse.E).getUTCSeconds();
if (snapshotIsStale) {
depthSnapshotResponse = (await got_1.default.get(`${this.httpURL}/depth?symbol=${symbol.toUpperCase()}&limit=1000`).json());
const depthSnapshotResponse = (await got_1.default.get(`${this.httpURL}/depth?symbol=${symbol.toUpperCase()}&limit=1000`).json());
const snapshot = {

@@ -52,0 +48,0 @@ stream: `${symbol}@depthSnapshot`,

@@ -16,3 +16,2 @@ import dbg from 'debug';

private _receivedMessagesCount;
private _staleConnectionCheckIntervalId?;
private _ws?;

@@ -19,0 +18,0 @@ private static _connectionId;



@@ -18,3 +18,2 @@ "use strict";

try {
const subscribeMessages = this.mapToSubscribeMessages(this._filters);

@@ -48,4 +47,4 @@ let symbolsCount = this._filters.reduce((prev, curr) => {

catch (e) {
this.debug('providing manual snapshots error: %o, closing connection...', e);
this.debug('providing manual snapshots error: %o', e);
this._ws.emit('error', e);

@@ -63,2 +62,3 @@ };

async *_stream() {
let timerId;
try {

@@ -74,2 +74,3 @@ const subscribeMessages = this.mapToSubscribeMessages(this._filters);

this._ws.onclose = this._onConnectionClosed;
timerId = this._monitorConnectionIfStale();
const realtimeMessagesStream = ws_1.default.createWebSocketStream(this._ws, {

@@ -106,4 +107,4 @@ readableObjectMode: true,

finally {
if (this._staleConnectionCheckIntervalId !== undefined) {
if (timerId !== undefined) {

@@ -132,3 +133,3 @@ }

// set up timer that checks against open, but stale connections that do not return any data
this._staleConnectionCheckIntervalId = setInterval(() => {
return setInterval(() => {
if (this._ws === undefined) {

@@ -135,0 +136,0 @@ return;

@@ -46,75 +46,80 @@ "use strict";

// helper flag that helps us not yielding two subsequent undefined/disconnect messages
let lastMessageWasUndefined = false;
let currentSliceDate = new Date(fromDate);
// iterate over every minute in <=from,to> date range
// get cached slice paths, read them as file streams, decompress, split by new lines and yield as messages
while (currentSliceDate < toDate) {
const sliceKey = currentSliceDate.toISOString();
debug_1.debug('getting slice: %s, exchange: %s', sliceKey, exchange);
let cachedSlicePath;
while (cachedSlicePath === undefined) {
cachedSlicePath = cachedSlicePaths.get(sliceKey);
// if something went wrong with worker throw error it has returned (network issue, auth issue etc)
if (workerError !== undefined) {
throw workerError;
try {
// helper flag that helps us not yielding two subsequent undefined/disconnect messages
let lastMessageWasUndefined = false;
let currentSliceDate = new Date(fromDate);
// iterate over every minute in <=from,to> date range
// get cached slice paths, read them as file streams, decompress, split by new lines and yield as messages
while (currentSliceDate < toDate) {
const sliceKey = currentSliceDate.toISOString();
debug_1.debug('getting slice: %s, exchange: %s', sliceKey, exchange);
let cachedSlicePath;
while (cachedSlicePath === undefined) {
cachedSlicePath = cachedSlicePaths.get(sliceKey);
// if something went wrong with worker throw error it has returned (network issue, auth issue etc)
if (workerError !== undefined) {
throw workerError;
if (cachedSlicePath === undefined) {
// if response for requested date is not ready yet wait 100ms and try again
debug_1.debug('waiting for slice: %s, exchange: %s', sliceKey, exchange);
await handy_1.wait(100);
if (cachedSlicePath === undefined) {
// if response for requested date is not ready yet wait 100ms and try again
debug_1.debug('waiting for slice: %s, exchange: %s', sliceKey, exchange);
await handy_1.wait(100);
// response is a path to file on disk let' read it as stream
const linesStream = fs_extra_1.createReadStream(cachedSlicePath, { highWaterMark: 128 * 1024 })
// unzip it
.pipe(zlib_1.default.createGunzip({ chunkSize: 128 * 1024 }))
// and split by new line
.pipe(new binarysplit_1.BinarySplitStream());
let linesCount = 0;
// date is always formatted to have lendth of 28 so we can skip looking for first space in line and use it
// as hardcoded value
for await (const line of linesStream) {
const bufferLine = line;
if (bufferLine.length > 0) {
lastMessageWasUndefined = false;
const localTimestampBuffer = bufferLine.slice(0, DATE_MESSAGE_SPLIT_INDEX);
const messageBuffer = bufferLine.slice(DATE_MESSAGE_SPLIT_INDEX + 1);
// as any due to
if (skipDecoding === true) {
yield {
localTimestamp: localTimestampBuffer,
message: messageBuffer
// response is a path to file on disk let' read it as stream
const linesStream = fs_extra_1.createReadStream(cachedSlicePath, { highWaterMark: 128 * 1024 })
// unzip it
.pipe(zlib_1.default.createGunzip({ chunkSize: 128 * 1024 }))
// and split by new line
.pipe(new binarysplit_1.BinarySplitStream());
let linesCount = 0;
// date is always formatted to have lendth of 28 so we can skip looking for first space in line and use it
// as hardcoded value
for await (const line of linesStream) {
const bufferLine = line;
if (bufferLine.length > 0) {
lastMessageWasUndefined = false;
const localTimestampBuffer = bufferLine.slice(0, DATE_MESSAGE_SPLIT_INDEX);
const messageBuffer = bufferLine.slice(DATE_MESSAGE_SPLIT_INDEX + 1);
// as any due to
if (skipDecoding === true) {
yield {
localTimestamp: localTimestampBuffer,
message: messageBuffer
else {
yield {
// when skipDecoding is not set, decode timestamp to Date and message to object
localTimestamp: new Date(localTimestampBuffer.toString()),
message: JSON.parse(messageBuffer)
// ignore empty lines unless withDisconnects is set to true
// do not yield subsequent undefined messages
else {
yield {
// when skipDecoding is not set, decode timestamp to Date and message to object
localTimestamp: new Date(localTimestampBuffer.toString()),
message: JSON.parse(messageBuffer)
else if (withDisconnects === true && lastMessageWasUndefined === false) {
lastMessageWasUndefined = true;
yield undefined;
// ignore empty lines unless withDisconnects is set to true
// do not yield subsequent undefined messages
else if (withDisconnects === true && lastMessageWasUndefined === false) {
// if slice was empty (no lines at all) yield undefined if flag is set
// do not yield subsequent undefined messages eg: two empty slices produce single undefined/disconnect message
if (linesCount === 0 && withDisconnects === true && lastMessageWasUndefined === false) {
lastMessageWasUndefined = true;
yield undefined;
debug_1.debug('processed slice: %s, exchange: %s, count: %d', sliceKey, exchange, linesCount);
// remove slice key from the map as it's already processed
// move one minute forward
currentSliceDate.setUTCMinutes(currentSliceDate.getUTCMinutes() + 1);
// if slice was empty (no lines at all) yield undefined if flag is set
// do not yield subsequent undefined messages eg: two empty slices produce single undefined/disconnect message
if (linesCount === 0 && withDisconnects === true && lastMessageWasUndefined === false) {
lastMessageWasUndefined = true;
yield undefined;
debug_1.debug('processed slice: %s, exchange: %s, count: %d', sliceKey, exchange, linesCount);
// remove slice key from the map as it's already processed
// move one minute forward
currentSliceDate.setUTCMinutes(currentSliceDate.getUTCMinutes() + 1);
debug_1.debug('replay for exchange: %s finished - from: %s, to: %s, filters: %o', exchange, fromDate.toISOString(), toDate.toISOString(), filters);
debug_1.debug('replay for exchange: %s finished - from: %s, to: %s, filters: %o', exchange, fromDate.toISOString(), toDate.toISOString(), filters);
finally {
await worker.terminate();

@@ -121,0 +126,0 @@ exports.replay = replay;

import { MapperFactory } from './mappers';
import { Disconnect, Exchange, FilterForExchange } from './types';
export declare function stream<T extends Exchange, U extends boolean = false>({ exchange, filters, timeoutIntervalMS, withDisconnects }: StreamOptions<T, U>): AsyncIterableIterator<U extends true ? {
export declare function stream<T extends Exchange, U extends boolean = false>({ exchange, filters, timeoutIntervalMS, withDisconnects, onError }: StreamOptions<T, U>): AsyncIterableIterator<U extends true ? {
localTimestamp: Date;

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ message: any;

export declare function streamNormalized<T extends Exchange, U extends MapperFactory<T, any>[], Z extends boolean = false>({ exchange, symbols, timeoutIntervalMS, withDisconnectMessages }: StreamNormalizedOptions<T, Z>, ...normalizers: U): AsyncIterableIterator<Z extends true ? (U extends MapperFactory<infer _, infer X>[] ? X | Disconnect : never) : (U extends MapperFactory<infer _, infer X>[] ? X : never)>;
export declare function streamNormalized<T extends Exchange, U extends MapperFactory<T, any>[], Z extends boolean = false>({ exchange, symbols, timeoutIntervalMS, withDisconnectMessages, onError }: StreamNormalizedOptions<T, Z>, ...normalizers: U): AsyncIterableIterator<Z extends true ? (U extends MapperFactory<infer _, infer X>[] ? X | Disconnect : never) : (U extends MapperFactory<infer _, infer X>[] ? X : never)>;
export declare type StreamOptions<T extends Exchange, U extends boolean = false> = {

@@ -17,2 +17,3 @@ exchange: T;

withDisconnects?: U;
onError?: (error: Error) => void;

@@ -24,3 +25,4 @@ export declare type StreamNormalizedOptions<T extends Exchange, U extends boolean = false> = {

withDisconnectMessages?: U;
onError?: (error: Error) => void;

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ "use strict";

const realtimefeeds_1 = require("./realtimefeeds");
async function* stream({ exchange, filters, timeoutIntervalMS = 10000, withDisconnects = undefined }) {
async function* stream({ exchange, filters, timeoutIntervalMS = 10000, withDisconnects = undefined, onError = undefined }) {

@@ -30,10 +30,18 @@ let retries = 0;

catch (error) {
if (onError !== undefined) {
const MAX_DELAY = 16 * 1000;
const isRateLimited = error.message.includes('429');
const expontent = isRateLimited ? retries + 4 : retries - 1;
let delay = Math.pow(2, expontent) * 1000;
const MAX_DELAY = 32 * 1000;
if (delay > MAX_DELAY) {
delay = MAX_DELAY;
let delay;
if (isRateLimited) {
delay = MAX_DELAY * retries;
else {
delay = Math.pow(2, retries - 1) * 1000;
if (delay > MAX_DELAY) {
delay = MAX_DELAY;
debug_1.debug('%s real-time feed connection error, retries count: %d, next retry delay: %dms, error message: %o', exchange, retries, delay, error);

@@ -48,3 +56,3 @@ if (withDisconnects) { = stream;
async function* streamNormalized({ exchange, symbols, timeoutIntervalMS = 10000, withDisconnectMessages = undefined }, ...normalizers) {
async function* streamNormalized({ exchange, symbols, timeoutIntervalMS = 10000, withDisconnectMessages = undefined, onError = undefined }, ...normalizers) {
// mappers assume that symbols are uppercased by default

@@ -64,3 +72,4 @@ // if user by mistake provide lowercase one let's automatically fix it


@@ -73,2 +82,5 @@ const normalizedMessages = handy_1.normalizeMessages(exchange, messages, mappers, createMappers, withDisconnectMessages);

catch (error) {
if (onError !== undefined) {
debug_1.debug('%s normalize messages error: %o, retrying with new connection...', exchange, error);

@@ -75,0 +87,0 @@ if (withDisconnectMessages) {

"name": "tardis-dev",
"version": "7.7.0",
"version": "7.7.1",
"engines": {

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "node": ">=12"

@@ -48,7 +48,3 @@ import got from 'got'

let depthSnapshotResponse = (await got.get(`${this.httpURL}/depth?symbol=${symbol.toUpperCase()}&limit=1000`).json()) as any
const snapshotIsStale = new Date(depthSnapshotResponse.T).getUTCSeconds() !== new Date(depthSnapshotResponse.E).getUTCSeconds()
if (snapshotIsStale) {
depthSnapshotResponse = (await got.get(`${this.httpURL}/depth?symbol=${symbol.toUpperCase()}&limit=1000`).json()) as any
const depthSnapshotResponse = (await got.get(`${this.httpURL}/depth?symbol=${symbol.toUpperCase()}&limit=1000`).json()) as any

@@ -55,0 +51,0 @@ const snapshot = {

@@ -21,3 +21,2 @@ import dbg from 'debug'

private _receivedMessagesCount = 0
private _staleConnectionCheckIntervalId?: NodeJS.Timeout
private _ws?: WebSocket

@@ -36,2 +35,3 @@ private static _connectionId = 0

private async *_stream() {
let timerId
try {

@@ -52,2 +52,4 @@ const subscribeMessages = this.mapToSubscribeMessages(this._filters)

timerId = this._monitorConnectionIfStale()
const realtimeMessagesStream = (WebSocket as any).createWebSocketStream(this._ws, {

@@ -91,4 +93,4 @@ readableObjectMode: true, // othwerwise we may end up with multiple messages returned by stream in single iteration

} finally {
if (this._staleConnectionCheckIntervalId !== undefined) {
if (timerId !== undefined) {

@@ -130,3 +132,3 @@ }

// set up timer that checks against open, but stale connections that do not return any data
this._staleConnectionCheckIntervalId = setInterval(() => {
return setInterval(() => {
if (this._ws === undefined) {

@@ -146,4 +148,2 @@ return

try {
const subscribeMessages = this.mapToSubscribeMessages(this._filters)

@@ -183,4 +183,4 @@

} catch (e) {
this.debug('providing manual snapshots error: %o, closing connection...', e)
this.debug('providing manual snapshots error: %o', e)
this._ws!.emit('error', e)

@@ -187,0 +187,0 @@ }

@@ -70,84 +70,94 @@ import { createReadStream } from 'fs-extra'

// helper flag that helps us not yielding two subsequent undefined/disconnect messages
let lastMessageWasUndefined = false
try {
// helper flag that helps us not yielding two subsequent undefined/disconnect messages
let lastMessageWasUndefined = false
let currentSliceDate = new Date(fromDate)
// iterate over every minute in <=from,to> date range
// get cached slice paths, read them as file streams, decompress, split by new lines and yield as messages
while (currentSliceDate < toDate) {
const sliceKey = currentSliceDate.toISOString()
let currentSliceDate = new Date(fromDate)
// iterate over every minute in <=from,to> date range
// get cached slice paths, read them as file streams, decompress, split by new lines and yield as messages
while (currentSliceDate < toDate) {
const sliceKey = currentSliceDate.toISOString()
debug('getting slice: %s, exchange: %s', sliceKey, exchange)
debug('getting slice: %s, exchange: %s', sliceKey, exchange)
let cachedSlicePath
while (cachedSlicePath === undefined) {
cachedSlicePath = cachedSlicePaths.get(sliceKey)
let cachedSlicePath
while (cachedSlicePath === undefined) {
cachedSlicePath = cachedSlicePaths.get(sliceKey)
// if something went wrong with worker throw error it has returned (network issue, auth issue etc)
if (workerError !== undefined) {
throw workerError
// if something went wrong with worker throw error it has returned (network issue, auth issue etc)
if (workerError !== undefined) {
throw workerError
if (cachedSlicePath === undefined) {
// if response for requested date is not ready yet wait 100ms and try again
debug('waiting for slice: %s, exchange: %s', sliceKey, exchange)
await wait(100)
if (cachedSlicePath === undefined) {
// if response for requested date is not ready yet wait 100ms and try again
debug('waiting for slice: %s, exchange: %s', sliceKey, exchange)
await wait(100)
// response is a path to file on disk let' read it as stream
const linesStream = createReadStream(cachedSlicePath, { highWaterMark: 128 * 1024 })
// unzip it
.pipe(zlib.createGunzip({ chunkSize: 128 * 1024 }))
// and split by new line
.pipe(new BinarySplitStream())
// response is a path to file on disk let' read it as stream
const linesStream = createReadStream(cachedSlicePath, { highWaterMark: 128 * 1024 })
// unzip it
.pipe(zlib.createGunzip({ chunkSize: 128 * 1024 }))
// and split by new line
.pipe(new BinarySplitStream())
let linesCount = 0
// date is always formatted to have lendth of 28 so we can skip looking for first space in line and use it
// as hardcoded value
let linesCount = 0
// date is always formatted to have lendth of 28 so we can skip looking for first space in line and use it
// as hardcoded value
for await (const line of linesStream) {
const bufferLine = line as Buffer
if (bufferLine.length > 0) {
lastMessageWasUndefined = false
const localTimestampBuffer = bufferLine.slice(0, DATE_MESSAGE_SPLIT_INDEX)
const messageBuffer = bufferLine.slice(DATE_MESSAGE_SPLIT_INDEX + 1)
// as any due to
if (skipDecoding === true) {
yield {
localTimestamp: localTimestampBuffer,
message: messageBuffer
} as any
} else {
yield {
// when skipDecoding is not set, decode timestamp to Date and message to object
localTimestamp: new Date(localTimestampBuffer.toString()),
message: JSON.parse(messageBuffer as any)
} as any
for await (const line of linesStream) {
const bufferLine = line as Buffer
if (bufferLine.length > 0) {
lastMessageWasUndefined = false
const localTimestampBuffer = bufferLine.slice(0, DATE_MESSAGE_SPLIT_INDEX)
const messageBuffer = bufferLine.slice(DATE_MESSAGE_SPLIT_INDEX + 1)
// as any due to
if (skipDecoding === true) {
yield {
localTimestamp: localTimestampBuffer,
message: messageBuffer
} as any
} else {
yield {
// when skipDecoding is not set, decode timestamp to Date and message to object
localTimestamp: new Date(localTimestampBuffer.toString()),
message: JSON.parse(messageBuffer as any)
} as any
// ignore empty lines unless withDisconnects is set to true
// do not yield subsequent undefined messages
} else if (withDisconnects === true && lastMessageWasUndefined === false) {
lastMessageWasUndefined = true
yield undefined as any
// ignore empty lines unless withDisconnects is set to true
// do not yield subsequent undefined messages
} else if (withDisconnects === true && lastMessageWasUndefined === false) {
// if slice was empty (no lines at all) yield undefined if flag is set
// do not yield subsequent undefined messages eg: two empty slices produce single undefined/disconnect message
if (linesCount === 0 && withDisconnects === true && lastMessageWasUndefined === false) {
lastMessageWasUndefined = true
yield undefined as any
debug('processed slice: %s, exchange: %s, count: %d', sliceKey, exchange, linesCount)
// remove slice key from the map as it's already processed
// move one minute forward
currentSliceDate.setUTCMinutes(currentSliceDate.getUTCMinutes() + 1)
// if slice was empty (no lines at all) yield undefined if flag is set
// do not yield subsequent undefined messages eg: two empty slices produce single undefined/disconnect message
if (linesCount === 0 && withDisconnects === true && lastMessageWasUndefined === false) {
lastMessageWasUndefined = true
yield undefined as any
debug('processed slice: %s, exchange: %s, count: %d', sliceKey, exchange, linesCount)
// remove slice key from the map as it's already processed
// move one minute forward
currentSliceDate.setUTCMinutes(currentSliceDate.getUTCMinutes() + 1)
'replay for exchange: %s finished - from: %s, to: %s, filters: %o',
} finally {
await worker.terminate()
debug('replay for exchange: %s finished - from: %s, to: %s, filters: %o', exchange, fromDate.toISOString(), toDate.toISOString(), filters)

@@ -154,0 +164,0 @@

@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ import { debug } from './debug'

timeoutIntervalMS = 10000,
withDisconnects = undefined
withDisconnects = undefined,
onError = undefined
}: StreamOptions<T, U>): AsyncIterableIterator<

@@ -40,9 +41,20 @@ U extends true ? { localTimestamp: Date; message: any } | undefined : { localTimestamp: Date; message: any }

} catch (error) {
if (onError !== undefined) {
const MAX_DELAY = 16 * 1000
const isRateLimited = error.message.includes('429')
const expontent = isRateLimited ? retries + 4 : retries - 1
let delay = Math.pow(2, expontent) * 1000
const MAX_DELAY = 32 * 1000
if (delay > MAX_DELAY) {
delay = MAX_DELAY
let delay
if (isRateLimited) {
delay = MAX_DELAY * retries
} else {
delay = Math.pow(2, retries - 1) * 1000
if (delay > MAX_DELAY) {
delay = MAX_DELAY

@@ -68,3 +80,3 @@

export async function* streamNormalized<T extends Exchange, U extends MapperFactory<T, any>[], Z extends boolean = false>(
{ exchange, symbols, timeoutIntervalMS = 10000, withDisconnectMessages = undefined }: StreamNormalizedOptions<T, Z>,
{ exchange, symbols, timeoutIntervalMS = 10000, withDisconnectMessages = undefined, onError = undefined }: StreamNormalizedOptions<T, Z>,
...normalizers: U

@@ -92,6 +104,8 @@ ): AsyncIterableIterator<

const normalizedMessages = normalizeMessages(exchange, messages, mappers, createMappers, withDisconnectMessages)
for await (const message of normalizedMessages) {

@@ -101,2 +115,5 @@ yield message

} catch (error) {
if (onError !== undefined) {
debug('%s normalize messages error: %o, retrying with new connection...', exchange, error)

@@ -136,2 +153,3 @@ if (withDisconnectMessages) {

withDisconnects?: U
onError?: (error: Error) => void

@@ -144,2 +162,3 @@

withDisconnectMessages?: U
onError?: (error: Error) => void

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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