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testcheck - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0-rc.0 to 1.0.0-rc.1



@@ -63,3 +63,3 @@ /**

* var genListAndItem = genList.then(
* list => [ list, gen.oneOf(list) ]
* list => gen.array([ list, gen.oneOf(list) ])
* );

@@ -381,4 +381,17 @@ *

* - Generate Arrays of specific lengths with different kinds of values at
* each index (e.g. tuples). (ex. tuples of [int, bool] like `[3, true]`)
* gen.array([, gen.boolean ])
array: <T>(valueGen: Generator<T>, options?: SizeOptions) => Generator<Array<T>>;
array: {
<T>(valueGen: Generator<T>): Generator<Array<T>>;
<T>(valueGen: Generator<T>, options?: SizeOptions): Generator<Array<T>>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(tupleGens: [T1 | Generator<T1>, T2 | Generator<T2>, T3 | Generator<T3>, T4 | Generator<T4>, T5 | Generator<T5>]): Generator<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4>(tupleGens: [T1 | Generator<T1>, T2 | Generator<T2>, T3 | Generator<T3>, T4 | Generator<T4>]): Generator<[T1, T2, T3, T4]>;
<T1, T2, T3>(tupleGens: [T1 | Generator<T1>, T2 | Generator<T2>, T3 | Generator<T3>]): Generator<[T1, T2, T3]>;
<T1, T2>(tupleGens: [T1 | Generator<T1>, T2 | Generator<T2>]): Generator<[T1, T2]>;
<T1>(tupleGens: [T1 | Generator<T1>]): Generator<[T1]>;

@@ -393,3 +406,3 @@ /**

* var genPoint = gen.shape([, ])
* var genPoint = gen.array([, ])
* var genUniquePoints = gen.uniqueArray(genPoint, point => point.join())

@@ -415,2 +428,7 @@ *

* - Generate Objects with specific keys with different kinds of values at
* each key (e.g. records). (ex. a 2d point like `{ x: 3, y: 5 }`)
* gen.object({ x: gen.posInt, y: gen.posInt })

@@ -420,2 +438,3 @@ object: {

<T>(keyGen: Generator<string>, valueGen: Generator<T>, options?: SizeOptions): Generator<{[key: string]: T}>;
(genMap: {[key: string]: Generator<any>}): Generator<{[key: string]: any}>;

@@ -447,56 +466,2 @@

* Generates a specific shape of values given an initial nested Array or Object which
* contain *Generators*. Any values within the provided shape which don't contain
* generators will be *cloned* (with `gen.clone()`).
* Note: Whenever a non-*Generator* is provided to a function which expects a *Generator*,
* it is converted to a *Generator* with `gen.shape()`. That makes calling this function
* optional for most cases, unless trying to be explicit.
* There are a few forms `gen()` can be used:
* - Generate an Array shape with different values at each index (also known as "tuples")
* For example, a tuples of [ "constant", *int*, *bool* ] like `['foo', 3, true]`:
* ```js
* gen.shape([ 'foo',, gen.boolean ])
* ```
* - Generate an Object shape with different values for each key (also known as "records")
* For example, a record of { x: "constant", y: *int*, z: *bool* } like `{ x: 'foo', y: -4, z: false }`:
* ```js
* gen.shape({ x: 'foo', y:, z: gen.boolean })
* ```
* - Combinations of Array and Object shapes with generators at any point:
* For example, a data shape for a complex "place" data shape might look like:
* ```js
* gen.shape({
* type: 'Place',
* name: gen.string,
* location: [ gen.number, gen.number ],
* address: {
* street: gen.string,
* city: gen.string
* }
* })
* ```
shape: {
// Note: this only models one layer deep shapes, not recursive shapes, and does not model records.
<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(tupleGens: [T1 | Generator<T1>, T2 | Generator<T2>, T3 | Generator<T3>, T4 | Generator<T4>, T5 | Generator<T5>]): Generator<[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]>;
<T1, T2, T3, T4>(tupleGens: [T1 | Generator<T1>, T2 | Generator<T2>, T3 | Generator<T3>, T4 | Generator<T4>]): Generator<[T1, T2, T3, T4]>;
<T1, T2, T3>(tupleGens: [T1 | Generator<T1>, T2 | Generator<T2>, T3 | Generator<T3>]): Generator<[T1, T2, T3]>;
<T1, T2>(tupleGens: [T1 | Generator<T1>, T2 | Generator<T2>]): Generator<[T1, T2]>;
<T1>(tupleGens: [T1 | Generator<T1>]): Generator<[T1]>;
(genMap: {[key: string]: Generator<any>}): Generator<{[key: string]: any}>;

@@ -544,12 +509,4 @@ // ----

* Creates a Generator which will always generate clones of the provided value.
* Creates a Generator which will always generate the provided value.
* var threeThings = gen.clone([1,2,3]);
clone: <T>(value: T) => Generator<T>;
* Creates a Generator which will always generate references of the provided value.
* var alwaysBlue = gen.return('blue');

@@ -556,0 +513,0 @@ *

"name": "testcheck",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.0",
"version": "1.0.0-rc.1",
"description": "Property testing for JavaScript",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "homepage": "",

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