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text-annotator - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.8.8 to 1.0.0




@@ -8,722 +8,265 @@ "use strict";

var _htmlEntities = require("html-entities");
var _sbd = _interopRequireDefault(require("./ext/sbd"));
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
// div inside span is a bad idea
const blockElements = ['address', 'article', 'aside', 'blockquote', 'canvas', 'dd', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'header', 'hgroup', 'hr', 'li', 'main', 'nav', 'noscript', 'ol', 'output', 'p', 'pre', 'section', 'table', 'tfoot', 'ul', 'video'];
class TextAnnotator {
constructor(options = {}) {
const content = options.content; // isHTML is used to reduce the memory used: stripedHTML is empty if isHTML is false
constructor(html) {
this.html = html;
const isHTML = options.isHTML === undefined || options.isHTML; // annotatedContent is introduced in order to avoid passing content in the methods
const {
} = this._stripHTMLTags(html);
this.originalContent = this.annotatedContent = content;
this.isHTML = isHTML; // stripedHTML and tagLocations are needed only when the content is HTML
this.text = text; // [{ index, length, isCloseTag, annotationIndex* }]; ordered by index
this.stripedHTML = '';
this.tagLocations = []; // sentences are used in sentence-based fuzzy search
this.tags = tags; // [{ index, length }]; unordered
this.sentences = []; // future work: one highlight can have more than one location because of the potential issue in tag insertion
this.annotations = [];
this.highlights = [];
search(searchText, {
prefix = '',
postfix = '',
trim = true,
caseSensitive = false,
offset = 0
} = {}) {
const {
} = this;
let str = prefix + searchText + postfix;
str = trim ? str.trim() : str;
str = caseSensitive ? str : str.toLowerCase();
const index = (caseSensitive ? text : text.toLowerCase()).indexOf(str, offset);
const prefixLength = trim ? prefix.replace(/^\s+/, '').length : prefix.length;
const postfixLength = trim ? postfix.replace(/\s+$/, '').length : postfix.length;
return index === -1 ? -1 : annotations.push({
index: index + prefixLength,
length: str.substring(prefixLength, str.length - postfixLength).length
}) - 1;
if (isHTML) {
} // the order of directSearch => fuzzy search => eager search is tailored for specific feature, it is now the default way of search but it can be customized via options. More customizations can be done by composing functions
searchAll(searchText, options) {
let offset = 0;
const annotationIndexes = [];
let annotationIndex = -1; // do not mutate param
const newOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
search(str, options = {}) {
let prefix = options.prefix || '';
let postfix = options.postfix || '';
const directSearchOptions = options.directSearchOptions || {};
const fuzzySearchOptions = options.fuzzySearchOptions;
const eagerSearchOptions = options.eagerSearchOptions; // trim by default
do {
annotationIndex =, newOptions);
const trim = options.trim === undefined || options.trim; // used unless overwritten
const caseSensitive = options.caseSensitive;
if (trim) {
const res = TextAnnotator.trim(prefix, str, postfix);
prefix = res.prefix;
str = res.str;
postfix = res.postfix;
let highlightIndex = -1; // direct search will always be performed
highlightIndex = this.directSearch(prefix, str, postfix, Object.assign({
}, directSearchOptions));
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
return highlightIndex;
} // experimental feature
if (fuzzySearchOptions) {
highlightIndex = this.fuzzySearch(prefix, str, postfix, Object.assign({
}, fuzzySearchOptions));
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
return highlightIndex;
if (annotationIndex !== -1) {
offset = this.annotations[annotationIndex].index + 1;
newOptions.offset = offset;
} // experimental feature
// eager search only works in (particular) browsers
} while (annotationIndex !== -1);
return annotationIndexes;
if (eagerSearchOptions) {
highlightIndex = this.eagerSearch(prefix, str, postfix, Object.assign({
}, eagerSearchOptions));
annotate(annotationIndex, {
tagName = 'span',
baseClassName = 'annotation',
classPattern = 'annotation-'
} = {}) {
const {
} = this;
const annotation = annotations[annotationIndex]; // [start, end, offset]
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
return highlightIndex;
const annotationLocation = [annotation.index, annotation.index + annotation.length, 0]; // partition
return highlightIndex;
} // experimental feature
// only support direct search for now
const annotatorLocations = [[...annotationLocation]];
for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
const {
index: tagIndex,
length: tagLength
} = tags[i];
searchAll(str, options = {}) {
const highlightIndexes = [];
if (tagIndex <= annotationLocation[0]) {
annotatorLocations[0][2] += tagLength;
} else if (tagIndex < annotationLocation[1]) {
const lastTagIndex = i === 0 ? 0 : tags[i - 1].index;
const lastAnnotatorLocation = annotatorLocations[annotatorLocations.length - 1];
const continueSearch = (str, options) => {
const highlightIndex =, options);
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
options.directSearchOptions = options.directSearchOptions || {};
options.directSearchOptions.lastHighlightIndex = highlightIndex;
continueSearch(str, options);
if (tagIndex === lastTagIndex) {
lastAnnotatorLocation[2] += tagLength;
} else {
const annotatorLocationEnd = lastAnnotatorLocation[1];
lastAnnotatorLocation[1] = tagIndex;
annotatorLocations.push([lastAnnotatorLocation[1], annotatorLocationEnd, lastAnnotatorLocation[2] + tagLength]);
} else {
} // insert annotator tags into tag list and html
continueSearch(str, options);
return highlightIndexes;
highlight(highlightIndex, options = {}) {
const highlightTagName = options.highlightTagName || 'span';
const highlightClass = options.highlightClass || 'highlight';
const highlightIdPattern = options.highlightIdPattern || 'highlight-';
const openTag = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(highlightTagName, highlightIdPattern, highlightIndex, highlightClass);
const loc = this.adjustLoc(highlightTagName, highlightIdPattern, highlightIndex, highlightClass);
this.annotatedContent = TextAnnotator.insert(this.annotatedContent, openTag, loc[0]);
this.annotatedContent = TextAnnotator.insert(this.annotatedContent, TextAnnotator.createCloseTag(highlightTagName), loc[1] + openTag.length); // it has to be set after adjustLoc so that it will not be checked
const annotatorOpenTag = `<${tagName} class="${baseClassName} ${classPattern}${annotationIndex}">`;
const annotatorCloseTag = `</${tagName}>`;
const annotatorOpenTagLength = annotatorOpenTag.length;
const annotatorCloseTagLength = annotatorCloseTag.length;
let locInc = 0;
this.highlights[highlightIndex].highlighted = true;
return this.annotatedContent;
} // experimental feature
for (let i = 0; i < annotatorLocations.length; i++) {
const annotatorLocation = annotatorLocations[i];
_binaryInsert(tags, {
index: annotatorLocation[0],
length: annotatorOpenTagLength,
isCloseTag: false,
}, (a, b) => {
return a.index <= b.index ? -1 : 1;
highlightAll(highlightIndexes, options = {}) {
for (let i = 0; i < highlightIndexes.length; i++) {
this.annotatedContent = this.highlight(highlightIndexes[i], options);
_binaryInsert(tags, {
index: annotatorLocation[1],
length: annotatorCloseTagLength,
isCloseTag: true,
}, (a, b) => a.index - b.index);
return this.annotatedContent;
searchAndHighlight(str, options = {}) {
const highlightIndex =, options.searchOptions);
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
return {
content: this.highlight(highlightIndex, options.highlightOptions)
this.html = _insert(this.html, annotatorOpenTag, annotatorLocation[0] + annotatorLocation[2] + locInc);
this.html = _insert(this.html, annotatorCloseTag, annotatorLocation[1] + annotatorLocation[2] + locInc + annotatorOpenTagLength);
locInc += annotatorOpenTagLength + annotatorCloseTagLength;
unhighlight(highlightIndex, options = {}) {
const highlightTagName = options.highlightTagName || 'span';
const highlightClass = options.highlightClass || 'highlight';
const highlightIdPattern = options.highlightIdPattern || 'highlight-'; // it has to be set before adjustLoc so that it will not be checked
this.highlights[highlightIndex].highlighted = false; // need to change when one annotation => more than one highlight
const loc = this.adjustLoc(highlightTagName, highlightIdPattern, highlightIndex, highlightClass);
const openTagLength = TextAnnotator.getOpenTagLength(highlightTagName, highlightIdPattern, highlightIndex, highlightClass);
const substr1 = this.annotatedContent.substring(loc[0], loc[1] + openTagLength + TextAnnotator.getCloseTagLength(highlightTagName));
const substr2 = this.annotatedContent.substring(loc[0] + openTagLength, loc[1] + openTagLength);
this.annotatedContent = this.annotatedContent.replace(substr1, substr2);
return this.annotatedContent;
return this.html;
stripAndStoreHTMLTags() {
let tag;
this.stripedHTML = this.originalContent;
const tagRegEx = /<[^>]+>/;
let indexInc = 0;
while (tag = this.stripedHTML.match(tagRegEx)) {
this.stripedHTML = this.stripedHTML.replace(tag, '');
const tagLength = tag[0].length; // tagLocations will be used in adjustLoc
this.tagLocations.push([tag.index, tagLength, indexInc]);
indexInc += tagLength;
annotateAll(annotationIndexes, options) {
annotationIndexes.forEach(annotationIndex => {
this.annotate(annotationIndex, options);
return this.html;
directSearch(prefix, str, postfix, directSearchOptions = {}) {
const caseSensitive = directSearchOptions.caseSensitive; // experimental option; used for specific feature
const ifEncode = directSearchOptions.encode;
const lastHighlightIndex = directSearchOptions.lastHighlightIndex;
let strWithFixes = prefix + str + postfix;
let text = this.isHTML ? this.stripedHTML : this.originalContent;
if (!caseSensitive) {
strWithFixes = strWithFixes.toLowerCase();
text = text.toLowerCase();
} // for searchAll
let offset = 0;
if (lastHighlightIndex !== undefined) {
offset = this.highlights[lastHighlightIndex].loc[1] + 1;
let highlightIndex = -1;
const index = text.indexOf(strWithFixes, offset); // experimental feature: if the text to be searched does not work, try to encode it
if (ifEncode && index === -1) {
const encodedStrWithFixes = (0, _htmlEntities.encode)(strWithFixes);
const index = text.indexOf(encodedStrWithFixes, offset);
if (index !== -1) {
const loc = [];
loc[0] = index + (0, _htmlEntities.encode)(prefix).length;
loc[1] = loc[0] + (0, _htmlEntities.encode)(str).length;
highlightIndex = this.highlights.push({
}) - 1;
unannotate(annotationIndex) {
// annotatorIndexesInTags amd annotators have the same size
const annotatorIndexesInTags = [];
const annotators = this.tags.filter((tag, index) => {
if (tag.annotationIndex === annotationIndex) {
} else if (index !== -1) {
const loc = [];
loc[0] = index + prefix.length;
loc[1] = loc[0] + str.length;
highlightIndex = this.highlights.push({
}) - 1;
return highlightIndex;
return tag.annotationIndex === annotationIndex;
const otherTags = this.tags.filter(tag => tag.annotationIndex !== annotationIndex); // find index difference
eagerSearch(prefix, str, postfix, eagerSearchOptions = {}) {
const caseSensitive = eagerSearchOptions.caseSensitive;
const containerId = eagerSearchOptions.containerId;
const threshold = eagerSearchOptions.threshold || 0.74;
const strWithFixes = prefix + str + postfix;
let highlightIndex = -1; // IE is not considered
for (let i = 0; i < annotators.length; i++) {
const annotator = annotators[i];
let indexInc = 0;
if (window.find) {
document.designMode = 'on'; // step 1: ask the browser to highlight the found
for (let j = 0; j < otherTags.length; j++) {
const otherTag = otherTags[j];
const sel = window.getSelection();
sel.collapse(document.body, 0);
while (window.find(strWithFixes, caseSensitive)) {
document.execCommand('hiliteColor', true, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)');
sel.collapseToEnd(); // step 2: locate the found within the container where the annotator is applied
// selector may become better
const found = document.querySelector('#' + containerId + ' [style="background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);"]');
if (found) {
const foundStr = found.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
const result = TextAnnotator.getBestSubstring(foundStr, str, threshold);
if (result.similarity) {
const text = this.isHTML ? this.stripedHTML : this.originalContent;
const index = text.indexOf(foundStr);
if (index !== -1) {
highlightIndex = this.highlights.push({
loc: [index + result.loc[0], index + result.loc[1]]
}) - 1;
if (annotator.index < otherTag.index) {
} // step 3: remove the highlights created by the browser
document.designMode = 'off';
return highlightIndex;
fuzzySearch(prefix, str, postfix, fuzzySearchOptions = {}) {
const caseSensitive = fuzzySearchOptions.caseSensitive;
const tokenBased = fuzzySearchOptions.tokenBased;
let tbThreshold = fuzzySearchOptions.tbThreshold || 0.68; // sentence-based fuzzy search is enabled by default
const sentenceBased = fuzzySearchOptions.sentenceBased === undefined || fuzzySearchOptions.sentenceBased;
let sbThreshold = fuzzySearchOptions.sbThreshold || 0.85;
const maxLengthDiff = fuzzySearchOptions.maxLengthDiff || 0.1;
const lenRatio = fuzzySearchOptions.lenRatio || 2;
const processSentence = fuzzySearchOptions.processSentence;
let highlightIndex = -1;
const text = this.isHTML ? this.stripedHTML : this.originalContent; // token-based
if (tokenBased || prefix || postfix) {
// step 1: find all indexes of str
const strIndexes = [];
let i = -1;
while ((i = text.indexOf(str, i + 1)) !== -1) {
} // step 2: find the index of the most similar "fragment" - the str with pre- and post- fixes
let strIndex = -1;
const fragment = prefix + str + postfix;
for (let i = 0; i < strIndexes.length; i++) {
const si = strIndexes[i]; // f can be wider
const f = text.substring(si - prefix.length, si) + str + text.substring(si + str.length, si + str.length + postfix.length);
const similarity = TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(f, fragment, caseSensitive);
if (similarity >= tbThreshold) {
tbThreshold = similarity;
strIndex = si;
} // step 3: check whether the most similar enough "fragment" is found, if yes return its location
if (strIndex !== -1) {
highlightIndex = this.highlights.push({
loc: [strIndex, strIndex + str.length]
}) - 1;
} // sentence-based
else if (sentenceBased) {
// step 1: sentenize the text if has not done so
let sentences = [];
if (this.sentences.length) {
sentences = this.sentences;
} else if (annotator.index > otherTag.index) {
indexInc += otherTag.length;
} else {
sentences = this.sentences = TextAnnotator.sentenize(text);
} // step 2 (for efficiency only): filter sentences by words of the str
const words = str.split(/\s/);
const filteredSentences = [];
for (let i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < words.length; j++) {
if (sentences[i].raw.includes(words[j])) {
if (otherTag.annotationIndex === undefined) {
if (!annotator.isCloseTag) {
indexInc += otherTag.length;
} //step 3 (optional)
if (processSentence) {
let index = 0; // for each sentence
for (let i = 0; i < filteredSentences.length; i++) {
const fs = filteredSentences[i];
let raw = fs.raw; // loc without tags
const loc = [fs.index, fs.index + raw.length];
let locInc = 0; // add loc of all tags before the one being checked so as to derive the actual loc
const tagLocations = this.tagLocations; // for each loc of tag whose loc is larger than the last sentence
for (let j = index; j < tagLocations.length; j++) {
const tagLoc = tagLocations[j];
if (tagLoc[0] >= loc[0] && tagLoc[0] <= loc[1]) {
const tag = this.originalContent.substring(tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2], tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2] + tagLoc[1]);
const insertIndex = tagLoc[0] + locInc - loc[0];
raw = raw.slice(0, insertIndex) + tag + raw.slice(insertIndex);
locInc += tagLoc[1];
} else if (tagLoc[0] > loc[1]) {
index = j; // not sure this part
} else {
if (annotator.annotationIndex < otherTag.annotationIndex) {
if (otherTag.isCloseTag) {
indexInc += otherTag.length;
raw = processSentence(raw);
raw = raw.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, '');
const copy = fs.raw; // update the sentence if it got reduced
if (copy !== raw) {
fs.raw = raw;
fs.index = fs.index + copy.indexOf(raw);
} // step 4: find the most possible sentence
let mostPossibleSentence = null;
for (let i = 0; i < filteredSentences.length; i++) {
const sentence = filteredSentences[i];
const similarity = TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(sentence.raw, str, caseSensitive);
if (similarity >= sbThreshold) {
sbThreshold = similarity;
mostPossibleSentence = sentence;
} else if (i !== filteredSentences.length - 1) {
// combine two sentences to reduce the inaccuracy of sentenizing text
const newSentenceRaw = sentence.raw + filteredSentences[i + 1].raw;
const lengthDiff = Math.abs(newSentenceRaw.length - str.length) / str.length;
if (lengthDiff <= maxLengthDiff) {
const newSimilarity = TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(newSentenceRaw, str, caseSensitive);
if (newSimilarity >= sbThreshold) {
sbThreshold = newSimilarity;
mostPossibleSentence = {
raw: newSentenceRaw,
index: sentence.index
} else {
if (!annotator.isCloseTag) {
indexInc += otherTag.length;
} // step 5: if the most possible sentence is found, derive and return the location of the most similar str from it
if (mostPossibleSentence) {
const result = TextAnnotator.getBestSubstring(mostPossibleSentence.raw, str, sbThreshold, lenRatio, caseSensitive, true);
if (result.loc) {
let index = mostPossibleSentence.index;
highlightIndex = this.highlights.push({
loc: [index + result.loc[0], index + result.loc[1]]
}) - 1;
} // remove annotators one by one
return highlightIndex;
} // future work: further improvement when one annotation binds with more than one highlight
// includeRequiredTag used in = condition only
includeRequiredTag(i, highlightLoc, tag) {
const isCloseTag = tag.startsWith('</');
const tagName = isCloseTag ? tag.split('</')[1].split('>')[0] : tag.split(' ')[0].split('<')[1].split('>')[0];
let included = false;
let requiredTagNumber = 1;
let requiredTagCount = 0; // if both the start tag and the end tag are at the borders, place the tags outside the borders
// if the close tag is at the border, check backwards until the start of the highlight
if (isCloseTag) {
for (let i2 = i - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
const tagLoc2 = this.tagLocations[i2];
if (highlightLoc[0] > tagLoc2[0]) {
} else {
const tag2 = this.originalContent.substring(tagLoc2[0] + tagLoc2[2], tagLoc2[0] + tagLoc2[2] + tagLoc2[1]);
if (tag2.startsWith('</' + tagName)) {
} else if (tag2.startsWith('<' + tagName)) {
if (requiredTagNumber === requiredTagCount) {
included = true;
} // if the start tag is at the border, check forwards until the end of the highlight
else {
for (let i2 = i + 1; i2 < this.tagLocations.length; i2++) {
const tagLoc2 = this.tagLocations[i2];
if (highlightLoc[1] < tagLoc2[0]) {
} else {
const tag2 = this.originalContent.substring(tagLoc2[0] + tagLoc2[2], tagLoc2[0] + tagLoc2[2] + tagLoc2[1]);
if (tag2.startsWith('<' + tagName)) {
} else if (tag2.startsWith('</' + tagName)) {
if (requiredTagNumber === requiredTagCount) {
included = true;
return included;
adjustLoc(highlightTagName = 'span', highlightIdPattern, highlightIndex, highlightClass) {
const highlightLoc = this.highlights[highlightIndex].loc;
const locInc = [0, 0]; // step 1: check locations of tags
const length = this.tagLocations.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const tagLoc = this.tagLocations[i]; // start end tag
if (highlightLoc[1] < tagLoc[0]) {
} // start end&tag
else if (highlightLoc[1] === tagLoc[0]) {
const tag = this.originalContent.substring(tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2], tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2] + tagLoc[1]); // if end tag, not block element and include the required close tag, add right to the tag
if (!tag.endsWith('/>') && tag.startsWith('</') && !blockElements.includes(tag.split('</')[1].split('>')[0]) && this.includeRequiredTag(i, highlightLoc, tag)) {
locInc[1] += tagLoc[1];
} // start tag end
else if (highlightLoc[1] > tagLoc[0]) {
locInc[1] += tagLoc[1]; // start&tag end
if (highlightLoc[0] === tagLoc[0]) {
const tag = this.originalContent.substring(tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2], tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2] + tagLoc[1]); // if self close tag or end tag or block element or not include the required close tag, add right to the tag
if (tag.startsWith('</') || tag.endsWith('/>') || blockElements.includes(tag.split(' ')[0].split('<')[1].split('>')[0]) || !this.includeRequiredTag(i, highlightLoc, tag)) {
locInc[0] += tagLoc[1];
} // tag start end
else if (highlightLoc[0] > tagLoc[0]) {
locInc[0] += tagLoc[1];
} // step 2: check locations of other highlights
// all span (no blocks)
// stored in a different array than tags
// can intersect
for (let i = 0; i < this.highlights.length; i++) {
const highlight = this.highlights[i]; // only check the highlighted
if (highlight.highlighted) {
const openTagLength = TextAnnotator.getOpenTagLength(highlightTagName, highlightIdPattern, i, highlightClass);
const closeTagLength = TextAnnotator.getCloseTagLength(highlightTagName);
const loc = highlight.loc;
if (highlightLoc[0] >= loc[1]) {
locInc[0] += openTagLength + closeTagLength;
locInc[1] += openTagLength + closeTagLength;
} // syntactical correct but semantical incorrect
else if (highlightLoc[0] < loc[1] && highlightLoc[0] > loc[0] && highlightLoc[1] > loc[1]) {
locInc[0] += openTagLength;
locInc[1] += openTagLength + closeTagLength;
} else if (highlightLoc[0] <= loc[0] && highlightLoc[1] >= loc[1]) {
locInc[1] += openTagLength + closeTagLength;
} // syntactical correct but semantical incorrect
else if (highlightLoc[0] < loc[0] && highlightLoc[1] > loc[0] && highlightLoc[1] < loc[1]) {
locInc[1] += openTagLength;
} else if (highlightLoc[0] >= loc[0] && highlightLoc[1] <= loc[1]) {
locInc[0] += openTagLength;
locInc[1] += openTagLength;
this.html = this.html.slice(0, annotator.index + indexInc) + this.html.slice(annotator.index + indexInc + annotator.length);
this.tags.splice(annotatorIndexesInTags[i] - i, 1);
return [highlightLoc[0] + locInc[0], highlightLoc[1] + locInc[1]];
return this.html;
static createOpenTag(highlightTagName = 'span', highlightIdPattern, highlightIndex, highlightClass) {
return `<${highlightTagName} id="${highlightIdPattern + highlightIndex}" class="${highlightClass}">`;
unannotateAll(annotationIndexes) {
annotationIndexes.forEach(annotationIndex => {
return this.html;
} // pure function
static createCloseTag(highlightTagName = 'span') {
return `</${highlightTagName}>`;
static getOpenTagLength(highlightTagName = 'span', highlightIdPattern, highlightIndex, highlightClass) {
return TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(highlightTagName, highlightIdPattern, highlightIndex, highlightClass).length;
_stripHTMLTags(html) {
let text = html;
const tags = [];
let tag;
const tagRegEx = /<[^>]+>/;
static getCloseTagLength(highlightTagName = 'span') {
return TextAnnotator.createCloseTag(highlightTagName).length;
static trim(prefix, str, postfix) {
prefix = prefix.replace(/^\s+/, '');
postfix = postfix.replace(/\s+$/, '');
if (!prefix) {
str = str.replace(/^\s+/, '');
while (tag = text.match(tagRegEx)) {
text = text.replace(tag, '');
index: tag.index,
length: tag[0].length,
isCloseTag: tag[0].startsWith('</')
if (!postfix) {
str = str.replace(/\s+$/, '');
return {
} // pure function
static insert(str1, str2, index) {
_insert(str1, str2, index) {
return str1.slice(0, index) + str2 + str1.slice(index);
} // pure function
static sentenize(text) {
const options = {
newline_boundaries: false,
html_boundaries: false,
sanitize: false,
allowed_tags: false,
preserve_whitespace: true,
abbreviations: null
return (0, _sbd.default)(text, options).map(raw => {
// future work: can tokenizer return location directly
const index = text.indexOf(raw);
return {
static getBestSubstring(str, substr, threshold, lenRatio, caseSensitive, skipFirstRun) {
let result = {};
let similarity = skipFirstRun ? threshold : TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(str, substr, caseSensitive);
if (similarity >= threshold) {
// step 1: derive best substr
// future work: /s may be better
const words = str.split(' ');
while (words.length) {
const firstWord = words.shift();
const newStr = words.join(' ');
let newSimilarity = TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(newStr, substr, caseSensitive);
if (newSimilarity < similarity) {
const lastWord = words.pop();
newSimilarity = TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(words.join(' '), substr, caseSensitive);
if (newSimilarity < similarity) {
} else {
similarity = newSimilarity;
} else {
similarity = newSimilarity;
const bestSubstr = words.join(' '); // step 2: return the best substr and its loc if found and if it meets the threshold and the length ratio
if (!lenRatio || bestSubstr.length / substr.length <= lenRatio) {
const loc = [];
loc[0] = str.indexOf(bestSubstr);
loc[1] = loc[0] + bestSubstr.length;
result = {
_binaryInsert(arr, val, comparator) {
if (arr.length === 0 || comparator(arr[0], val) >= 0) {
arr.splice(0, 0, val);
return arr;
} else if (arr.length > 0 && comparator(arr[arr.length - 1], val) <= 0) {
arr.splice(arr.length, 0, val);
return arr;
return result;
let left = 0,
right = arr.length;
let leftLast = 0,
rightLast = right;
static getSimilarity(str1, str2, caseSensitive) {
if (!caseSensitive) {
str1 = str1.toLowerCase();
str2 = str2.toLowerCase();
while (left < right) {
const inPos = Math.floor((right + left) / 2);
const compared = comparator(arr[inPos], val);
if (str1 === str2) return 1; // set str2 to denominator
return TextAnnotator.lcsLength(str1, str2) / str2.length;
} // copy from the code in
static lcsLength(firstSequence, secondSequence, caseSensitive) {
function createArray(dimension) {
const array = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
array[i] = [];
if (compared < 0) {
left = inPos;
} else if (compared > 0) {
right = inPos;
} else {
right = inPos;
left = inPos;
return array;
const firstString = caseSensitive ? firstSequence : firstSequence.toLowerCase();
const secondString = caseSensitive ? secondSequence : secondSequence.toLowerCase();
if (firstString === secondString) {
return firstString.length;
if ((firstString || secondString) === '') {
return ''.length;
const firstStringLength = firstString.length;
const secondStringLength = secondString.length;
const lcsMatrix = createArray(secondStringLength + 1);
let i;
let j;
for (i = 0; i <= firstStringLength; i++) {
lcsMatrix[0][i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= secondStringLength; i++) {
lcsMatrix[i][0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= secondStringLength; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= firstStringLength; j++) {
if (firstString[j - 1] === secondString[i - 1]) {
lcsMatrix[i][j] = lcsMatrix[i - 1][j - 1] + 1;
} else {
lcsMatrix[i][j] = Math.max(lcsMatrix[i - 1][j], lcsMatrix[i][j - 1]);
if (leftLast === left && rightLast === right) {
let lcs = '';
i = secondStringLength;
j = firstStringLength;
while (i > 0 && j > 0) {
if (firstString[j - 1] === secondString[i - 1]) {
lcs = firstString[j - 1] + lcs;
} else if (Math.max(lcsMatrix[i - 1][j], lcsMatrix[i][j - 1]) === lcsMatrix[i - 1][j]) {
} else {
leftLast = left;
rightLast = right;
return lcs.length;
arr.splice(right, 0, val);
return arr;

@@ -730,0 +273,0 @@

"name": "text-annotator",
"version": "0.8.8",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "A JavaScript library for locating and annotating plain text in HTML",

@@ -34,3 +34,2 @@ "main": "build/text-annotator.js",

"babel-jest": "^26.6.3",
"dotenv": "^8.0.0",
"eslint": "^7.21.0",

@@ -44,2 +43,3 @@ "eslint-config-prettier": "^8.1.0",

"sync-directory": "^2.2.17",
"typescript": "^4.3.2",
"webpack": "^4.46.0",

@@ -90,6 +90,3 @@ "webpack-cli": "^3.3.12"

"dependencies": {
"html-entities": "^2.1.0"

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

# text-annotator
# text-annotator-v2
A JavaScript library for annotating plain text in the HTML<br />

@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@ The annotation process is:

2. **Annotate**: Annotate the found text given its index<br />
It can be seen that in order to annotate a piece of text, two steps, **search** and **annotate**, are taken. The idea of decomposing the annotation process into the two steps is to allow more flexibility, e.g., the user can search for all pieces of text first, and then annotate (some of) them later when required (e.g., when clicking a button). There is also a function combining the two steps, as can be seen in the **An example of the usage** section.<br />
*text-annotator* can be used in the browser or the Node.js server.
It can be seen that in order to annotate a piece of text, two steps, **search** and **annotate**, are taken. The idea of decomposing the annotation process into the two steps is to allow more flexibility, e.g., the user can search for all pieces of text first, and then annotate (some of) them later when required (e.g., when clicking a button). <br />
*text-annotator-v2* can be used in the browser or the Node.js server.<br />
*text-annotator-v2* evolved from [text-annotator]( See *Comparing text-annotator-v2 and text-annotator* at the end of this document.
## Import
### install it via npm
`npm install --save text-annotator`
`npm install --save text-annotator-v2`
import TextAnnotator from 'text-annotator'
import TextAnnotator from 'text-annotator-v2'

@@ -23,58 +24,34 @@ ### include it into the head tag

// below is the HTML
// <div id="content"><p><b>Europe PMC</b> is an <i>open science platform</i> that enables access to a worldwide collection of life science publications and preprints from trusted sources around the globe.</p></p>Europe PMC is <i>developed by <b>EMBL-EBI</b></i>. It is a partner of <b>PubMed Central</b> and a repository of choice for many international science funders.</p></div>
below is the HTML
<div id="content"><p><i>JavaScript</i> is the <b>world's most popular programming language</b>.</p><p><i>JavaScript</i> is the programming language of the Web. JavaScript is easy to learn.</p></div>
// create an instance of TextAnnotator
// content is the HTML string within which a piece of text can be annotated
var annotator = new TextAnnotator({content: document.getElementById('content').innerHTML})
// create an instance of TextAnnotator by passing the html to be annotated
var annotator = new TextAnnotator(document.getElementById('content').innerHTML)
// search for 'EMBL-EBI' in the HTML
// if found, store the location of 'EMBL-EBI' and then return the index; otherwise return -1
var highlightIndex ='EMBL-EBI')
// highlightIndex = 0
// annotate 'EMBL-EBI' in the HTML
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = annotator.highlight(highlightIndex)
// <span id="highlight-0" class="highlight"> is used to annotate 'EMBL-EBI', see below
// <div id="content"><p><b>Europe PMC</b> is an <i>open science platform</i> that enables access to a worldwide collection of life science publications and preprints from trusted sources around the globe.</p></p>Europe PMC is <i>developed by <span id="highlight-0" class="highlight"><b>EMBL-EBI</b></span></i>. It is a partner of <b>PubMed Central</b> and a repository of choice for many international science funders.</p></div>
// search for text "JavaScript is the world's most popular programming language.JavaScript is the programming language of the Web." within the HTML
var annotationIndex ='JavaScript is the world\'s most popular programming language.JavaScript is the programming language of the Web.')
// annotate the text if finding it
if (annotationIndex !== -1) {
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = annotator.annotate(annotationIndex)
// search for all occurances of 'Europe PMC' in the HTML
var highlightIndexes = annotator.searchAll('Europe PMC')
// highlightIndexes = [1, 2]
// annotate all the found occurances of 'Europe PMC' given their indexes
if (highlightIndexes.length) {
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = annotator.highlightAll(highlightIndexes)
// <span id="highlight-1" class="highlight"> and <span id="highlight-2" class="highlight"> are used to annotate 'Europe PMC', see below
// <div id="content"><p><span id="highlight-1" class="highlight"><b>Europe PMC</b><span> is an <i>open science platform</i> that enables access to a worldwide collection of life science publications and preprints from trusted sources around the globe.</p><p><span id="highlight-2" class="highlight">Europe PMC</span> is <i>developed by <span id="highlight-0" class="highlight"><b>EMBL-EBI</b></span></i>. It is a partner of <b>PubMed Central</b> and a repository of choice for many international science funders.</p></div>
// search for all occurances of "JavaScript" in the HTML
var annotationIndexes = annotator.searchAll('JavaScript')
// annotate all the found occurances of 'Javascript' given their indexes
if (annotationIndexes.length) {
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = annotator.annotateAll(annotationIndexes)
// search for and then annotate 'a partner of PubMed Central'
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = annotator.searchAndHighlight('a partner of PubMed Central').content
// searchAndHighlight returns { content, highlightIndex }
// <span id="highlight-3" class="highlight"> is used to annotate 'a partner of PubMed Central', see below
// <div id="content"><p><span id="highlight-1" class="highlight"><b>Europe PMC</b><span> is an <i>open science platform</i> that enables access to a worldwide collection of life science publications and preprints from trusted sources around the globe.</p><p><span id="highlight-2" class="highlight">Europe PMC</span> is <i>developed by <span id="highlight-0" class="highlight"><b>EMBL-EBI</b></span></i>. It is <span id="highlight-3" class="highlight">a partner of <b>PubMed Central</b></span> and a repository of choice for many international science funders.</p></div>
// remove annotation 'EMBL-EBI' given its index
// the index is 0 as shown above
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = annotator.unhighlight(highlightIndex)
// annotation <span id="highlight-0" class="highlight"> is removed, see below
// <div id="content"><p><span id="highlight-1" class="highlight"><b>Europe PMC</b><span> is an <i>open science platform</i> that enables access to a worldwide collection of life science publications and preprints from trusted sources around the globe.</p><p><span id="highlight-2" class="highlight">Europe PMC</span> is <i>developed by <b>EMBL-EBI</b></i>. It is <span id="highlight-3" class="highlight">a partner of <b>PubMed Central</b></span> and a repository of choice for many international science funders.</p></div>
// help annotate one occurance of 'science' - the one within 'international science funders', by providing the prefix and postfix of 'Europe PMC'
var highlightIndex ='science', { prefix: 'international ', postfix: ' funders' })
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = annotator.highlight(highlightIndex)
// <span id="highlight-4" class="highlight"> is used to annotate 'science' within 'international science funders', see below
// <div id="content"><p><span id="highlight-1" class="highlight"><b>Europe PMC</b><span> is an <i>open science platform</i> that enables access to a worldwide collection of life science publications and preprints from trusted sources around the globe.</p><p><span id="highlight-2" class="highlight">Europe PMC</span> is <i>developed by <b>EMBL-EBI</b></i>. It is <span id="highlight-3" class="highlight">a partner of <b>PubMed Central</b></span> and a repository of choice for many international <span id="highlight-4" class="highlight">science</span> funders.</p></div>
// unannotate all the previously annotated text
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = annotator.unannotate(annotationIndex)
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = annotator.unannotateAll(annotationIndexes)
## Constructor options
#### new TextAnnotator(*options*)
#### new TextAnnotator(html)
| Prop | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| content | string | The HTML string within which a piece of text can be annotated. |
| html | string | The HTML string within which a piece of text can be annotated. |

@@ -92,26 +69,16 @@ ## Search options

## Annotate options
#### highlight(highlightIndex, *options*)
#### highlightAll(highlightIndexes, *options*)
#### unhighlight(highlightIndex, *options*)
#### annotate(annotationIndex, *options*)
#### annotationAll(annotationIndexes, *options*)
#### unannotate(annotationIndex)
#### unannotateAll(annotationIndexes)
| Prop | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| highlightTagName | string | The name of the annotation tag. Default is *span* so that the tag is *<span ...>*. |
| highlightClass | string | The class name of the annotation tag. Default is *highlight* so that the tag is *<span class="highlight" ...>*. |
| highlightIdPattern | string | The ID pattern of the annotation tag. Default is *highlight-* so that the tag is *<span id="highlight-[highlightIndex]" ...>*. |
| tagName | string | The tag name of the annotation tag. Default is *span* so that the tag is *<span ...>*. |
| baseClassName | string | The base class name of the annotation tag. Default is *annotation* so that the tag is *<span class="annotation" ...>*. |
| classPattern | string | The pattern of the class used as the ID of the annotation. Default is *annotation-* so that the tag is *<span class="annotation-[annotation]" ...>*. |
## searchAndHighlight options
*searchAndHighlight(str, **options**)*, where *options = { searchOptions, highlightOptions }*, *searchOptions* and *highlightOptions* are described above in the Annotate options table.
## Comparing text-annotator-v2 and text-annotator
## Examples from Europe PMC
text-annotator has been widely used in [Europe PMC]( "Europe PMC"), an open science platform that enables access to a worldwide collection of life science publications. Here is a list of examples:
1. Article title highlighting:
!["Article title highlighting" "Article title highlighting"](
2. Snippets: (Visit from
!["Snippets" "Snippets"](
3. SciLite: (Click the Annotations link in the right panel)
!["SciLite" "SciLite"](
4. Linkback: (In the popup shown in Example 3, click "Share" to get this linkback URL)
!["Linkback" "Linkback"](
## Contact
[Zhan Huang]( "Zhan Huang")

@@ -1,487 +0,201 @@

import { encode } from 'html-entities'
import getSentences from './ext/sbd'
// div inside span is a bad idea
const blockElements = [
class TextAnnotator {
constructor(options = {}) {
const content = options.content
// isHTML is used to reduce the memory used: stripedHTML is empty if isHTML is false
const isHTML = options.isHTML === undefined || options.isHTML
// annotatedContent is introduced in order to avoid passing content in the methods
this.originalContent = this.annotatedContent = content
this.isHTML = isHTML
// stripedHTML and tagLocations are needed only when the content is HTML
this.stripedHTML = ''
this.tagLocations = []
// sentences are used in sentence-based fuzzy search
this.sentences = []
// future work: one highlight can have more than one location because of the potential issue in tag insertion
this.highlights = []
if (isHTML) {
constructor(html) {
this.html = html
const { text, tags } = this._stripHTMLTags(html)
this.text = text
// [{ index, length, isCloseTag, annotationIndex* }]; ordered by index
this.tags = tags
// [{ index, length }]; unordered
this.annotations = []
// the order of directSearch => fuzzy search => eager search is tailored for specific feature, it is now the default way of search but it can be customized via options. More customizations can be done by composing functions
search(str, options = {}) {
let prefix = options.prefix || ''
let postfix = options.postfix || ''
const directSearchOptions = options.directSearchOptions || {}
const fuzzySearchOptions = options.fuzzySearchOptions
const eagerSearchOptions = options.eagerSearchOptions
// trim by default
const trim = options.trim === undefined || options.trim
// used unless overwritten
const caseSensitive = options.caseSensitive
prefix = '',
postfix = '',
trim = true,
caseSensitive = false,
offset = 0,
} = {}
) {
const { text, annotations } = this
let str = prefix + searchText + postfix
str = trim ? str.trim() : str
str = caseSensitive ? str : str.toLowerCase()
if (trim) {
const res = TextAnnotator.trim(prefix, str, postfix)
prefix = res.prefix
str = res.str
postfix = res.postfix
let highlightIndex = -1
// direct search will always be performed
highlightIndex = this.directSearch(
const index = (caseSensitive ? text : text.toLowerCase()).indexOf(
Object.assign({ caseSensitive }, directSearchOptions)
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
return highlightIndex
// experimental feature
if (fuzzySearchOptions) {
highlightIndex = this.fuzzySearch(
Object.assign({ caseSensitive }, fuzzySearchOptions)
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
return highlightIndex
const prefixLength = trim
? prefix.replace(/^\s+/, '').length
: prefix.length
const postfixLength = trim
? postfix.replace(/\s+$/, '').length
: postfix.length
return index === -1
? -1
: annotations.push({
index: index + prefixLength,
length: str.substring(prefixLength, str.length - postfixLength)
}) - 1
// experimental feature
// eager search only works in (particular) browsers
if (eagerSearchOptions) {
highlightIndex = this.eagerSearch(
Object.assign({ caseSensitive }, eagerSearchOptions)
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
return highlightIndex
searchAll(searchText, options) {
let offset = 0
const annotationIndexes = []
let annotationIndex = -1
// do not mutate param
const newOptions = Object.assign({}, options)
do {
annotationIndex =, newOptions)
if (annotationIndex !== -1) {
offset = this.annotations[annotationIndex].index + 1
newOptions.offset = offset
return highlightIndex
} while (annotationIndex !== -1)
return annotationIndexes
// experimental feature
// only support direct search for now
searchAll(str, options = {}) {
const highlightIndexes = []
tagName = 'span',
baseClassName = 'annotation',
classPattern = 'annotation-',
} = {}
) {
const { tags, annotations, _insert, _binaryInsert } = this
const annotation = annotations[annotationIndex]
// [start, end, offset]
const annotationLocation = [
annotation.index + annotation.length,
const continueSearch = (str, options) => {
const highlightIndex =, options)
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
options.directSearchOptions = options.directSearchOptions || {}
options.directSearchOptions.lastHighlightIndex = highlightIndex
continueSearch(str, options)
// partition
const annotatorLocations = [[...annotationLocation]]
for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
const { index: tagIndex, length: tagLength } = tags[i]
if (tagIndex <= annotationLocation[0]) {
annotatorLocations[0][2] += tagLength
} else if (tagIndex < annotationLocation[1]) {
const lastTagIndex = i === 0 ? 0 : tags[i - 1].index
const lastAnnotatorLocation =
annotatorLocations[annotatorLocations.length - 1]
if (tagIndex === lastTagIndex) {
lastAnnotatorLocation[2] += tagLength
} else {
const annotatorLocationEnd = lastAnnotatorLocation[1]
lastAnnotatorLocation[1] = tagIndex
lastAnnotatorLocation[2] + tagLength,
} else {
continueSearch(str, options)
// insert annotator tags into tag list and html
const annotatorOpenTag = `<${tagName} class="${baseClassName} ${classPattern}${annotationIndex}">`
const annotatorCloseTag = `</${tagName}>`
const annotatorOpenTagLength = annotatorOpenTag.length
const annotatorCloseTagLength = annotatorCloseTag.length
let locInc = 0
for (let i = 0; i < annotatorLocations.length; i++) {
const annotatorLocation = annotatorLocations[i]
index: annotatorLocation[0],
length: annotatorOpenTagLength,
isCloseTag: false,
(a, b) => {
return a.index <= b.index ? -1 : 1
index: annotatorLocation[1],
length: annotatorCloseTagLength,
isCloseTag: true,
(a, b) => a.index - b.index
return highlightIndexes
this.html = _insert(
annotatorLocation[0] + annotatorLocation[2] + locInc
this.html = _insert(
annotatorLocation[1] +
annotatorLocation[2] +
locInc +
locInc += annotatorOpenTagLength + annotatorCloseTagLength
highlight(highlightIndex, options = {}) {
const highlightTagName = options.highlightTagName || 'span'
const highlightClass = options.highlightClass || 'highlight'
const highlightIdPattern = options.highlightIdPattern || 'highlight-'
const openTag = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
const loc = this.adjustLoc(
this.annotatedContent = TextAnnotator.insert(
this.annotatedContent = TextAnnotator.insert(
loc[1] + openTag.length
// it has to be set after adjustLoc so that it will not be checked
this.highlights[highlightIndex].highlighted = true
return this.annotatedContent
return this.html
// experimental feature
highlightAll(highlightIndexes, options = {}) {
for (let i = 0; i < highlightIndexes.length; i++) {
this.annotatedContent = this.highlight(highlightIndexes[i], options)
return this.annotatedContent
annotateAll(annotationIndexes, options) {
annotationIndexes.forEach((annotationIndex) => {
this.annotate(annotationIndex, options)
return this.html
searchAndHighlight(str, options = {}) {
const highlightIndex =, options.searchOptions)
if (highlightIndex !== -1) {
return {
content: this.highlight(highlightIndex, options.highlightOptions),
unannotate(annotationIndex) {
// annotatorIndexesInTags amd annotators have the same size
const annotatorIndexesInTags = []
const annotators = this.tags.filter((tag, index) => {
if (tag.annotationIndex === annotationIndex) {
unhighlight(highlightIndex, options = {}) {
const highlightTagName = options.highlightTagName || 'span'
const highlightClass = options.highlightClass || 'highlight'
const highlightIdPattern = options.highlightIdPattern || 'highlight-'
// it has to be set before adjustLoc so that it will not be checked
this.highlights[highlightIndex].highlighted = false
// need to change when one annotation => more than one highlight
const loc = this.adjustLoc(
return tag.annotationIndex === annotationIndex
const otherTags = this.tags.filter(
(tag) => tag.annotationIndex !== annotationIndex
const openTagLength = TextAnnotator.getOpenTagLength(
const substr1 = this.annotatedContent.substring(
loc[1] + openTagLength + TextAnnotator.getCloseTagLength(highlightTagName)
const substr2 = this.annotatedContent.substring(
loc[0] + openTagLength,
loc[1] + openTagLength
this.annotatedContent = this.annotatedContent.replace(substr1, substr2)
return this.annotatedContent
stripAndStoreHTMLTags() {
let tag
this.stripedHTML = this.originalContent
const tagRegEx = /<[^>]+>/
let indexInc = 0
while ((tag = this.stripedHTML.match(tagRegEx))) {
this.stripedHTML = this.stripedHTML.replace(tag, '')
const tagLength = tag[0].length
// tagLocations will be used in adjustLoc
this.tagLocations.push([tag.index, tagLength, indexInc])
indexInc += tagLength
directSearch(prefix, str, postfix, directSearchOptions = {}) {
const caseSensitive = directSearchOptions.caseSensitive
// experimental option; used for specific feature
const ifEncode = directSearchOptions.encode
const lastHighlightIndex = directSearchOptions.lastHighlightIndex
let strWithFixes = prefix + str + postfix
let text = this.isHTML ? this.stripedHTML : this.originalContent
if (!caseSensitive) {
strWithFixes = strWithFixes.toLowerCase()
text = text.toLowerCase()
// for searchAll
let offset = 0
if (lastHighlightIndex !== undefined) {
offset = this.highlights[lastHighlightIndex].loc[1] + 1
let highlightIndex = -1
const index = text.indexOf(strWithFixes, offset)
// experimental feature: if the text to be searched does not work, try to encode it
if (ifEncode && index === -1) {
const encodedStrWithFixes = encode(strWithFixes)
const index = text.indexOf(encodedStrWithFixes, offset)
if (index !== -1) {
const loc = []
loc[0] = index + encode(prefix).length
loc[1] = loc[0] + encode(str).length
highlightIndex = this.highlights.push({ loc }) - 1
} else if (index !== -1) {
const loc = []
loc[0] = index + prefix.length
loc[1] = loc[0] + str.length
highlightIndex = this.highlights.push({ loc }) - 1
return highlightIndex
eagerSearch(prefix, str, postfix, eagerSearchOptions = {}) {
const caseSensitive = eagerSearchOptions.caseSensitive
const containerId = eagerSearchOptions.containerId
const threshold = eagerSearchOptions.threshold || 0.74
const strWithFixes = prefix + str + postfix
let highlightIndex = -1
// IE is not considered
if (window.find) {
document.designMode = 'on'
// step 1: ask the browser to highlight the found
const sel = window.getSelection()
sel.collapse(document.body, 0)
while (window.find(strWithFixes, caseSensitive)) {
document.execCommand('hiliteColor', true, 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)')
// step 2: locate the found within the container where the annotator is applied
// selector may become better
const found = document.querySelector(
'#' +
containerId +
' [style="background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);"]'
if (found) {
const foundStr = found.innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '')
const result = TextAnnotator.getBestSubstring(
if (result.similarity) {
const text = this.isHTML ? this.stripedHTML : this.originalContent
const index = text.indexOf(foundStr)
if (index !== -1) {
highlightIndex =
loc: [index + result.loc[0], index + result.loc[1]],
}) - 1
// find index difference
for (let i = 0; i < annotators.length; i++) {
const annotator = annotators[i]
let indexInc = 0
for (let j = 0; j < otherTags.length; j++) {
const otherTag = otherTags[j]
if (annotator.index < otherTag.index) {
// step 3: remove the highlights created by the browser
document.designMode = 'off'
return highlightIndex
fuzzySearch(prefix, str, postfix, fuzzySearchOptions = {}) {
const caseSensitive = fuzzySearchOptions.caseSensitive
const tokenBased = fuzzySearchOptions.tokenBased
let tbThreshold = fuzzySearchOptions.tbThreshold || 0.68
// sentence-based fuzzy search is enabled by default
const sentenceBased =
fuzzySearchOptions.sentenceBased === undefined ||
let sbThreshold = fuzzySearchOptions.sbThreshold || 0.85
const maxLengthDiff = fuzzySearchOptions.maxLengthDiff || 0.1
const lenRatio = fuzzySearchOptions.lenRatio || 2
const processSentence = fuzzySearchOptions.processSentence
let highlightIndex = -1
const text = this.isHTML ? this.stripedHTML : this.originalContent
// token-based
if (tokenBased || prefix || postfix) {
// step 1: find all indexes of str
const strIndexes = []
let i = -1
while ((i = text.indexOf(str, i + 1)) !== -1) {
// step 2: find the index of the most similar "fragment" - the str with pre- and post- fixes
let strIndex = -1
const fragment = prefix + str + postfix
for (let i = 0; i < strIndexes.length; i++) {
const si = strIndexes[i]
// f can be wider
const f =
text.substring(si - prefix.length, si) +
str +
text.substring(si + str.length, si + str.length + postfix.length)
const similarity = TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(
if (similarity >= tbThreshold) {
tbThreshold = similarity
strIndex = si
// step 3: check whether the most similar enough "fragment" is found, if yes return its location
if (strIndex !== -1) {
highlightIndex =
this.highlights.push({ loc: [strIndex, strIndex + str.length] }) - 1
// sentence-based
else if (sentenceBased) {
// step 1: sentenize the text if has not done so
let sentences = []
if (this.sentences.length) {
sentences = this.sentences
} else {
sentences = this.sentences = TextAnnotator.sentenize(text)
// step 2 (for efficiency only): filter sentences by words of the str
const words = str.split(/\s/)
const filteredSentences = []
for (let i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < words.length; j++) {
if (sentences[i].raw.includes(words[j])) {
//step 3 (optional)
if (processSentence) {
let index = 0
// for each sentence
for (let i = 0; i < filteredSentences.length; i++) {
const fs = filteredSentences[i]
let raw = fs.raw
// loc without tags
const loc = [fs.index, fs.index + raw.length]
let locInc = 0
// add loc of all tags before the one being checked so as to derive the actual loc
const tagLocations = this.tagLocations
// for each loc of tag whose loc is larger than the last sentence
for (let j = index; j < tagLocations.length; j++) {
const tagLoc = tagLocations[j]
if (tagLoc[0] >= loc[0] && tagLoc[0] <= loc[1]) {
const tag = this.originalContent.substring(
tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2],
tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2] + tagLoc[1]
const insertIndex = tagLoc[0] + locInc - loc[0]
raw = raw.slice(0, insertIndex) + tag + raw.slice(insertIndex)
locInc += tagLoc[1]
} else if (tagLoc[0] > loc[1]) {
index = j // not sure this part
} else if (annotator.index > otherTag.index) {
indexInc += otherTag.length
} else {
if (otherTag.annotationIndex === undefined) {
if (!annotator.isCloseTag) {
indexInc += otherTag.length
raw = processSentence(raw)
raw = raw.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, '')
const copy = fs.raw
// update the sentence if it got reduced
if (copy !== raw) {
fs.raw = raw
fs.index = fs.index + copy.indexOf(raw)
// step 4: find the most possible sentence
let mostPossibleSentence = null
for (let i = 0; i < filteredSentences.length; i++) {
const sentence = filteredSentences[i]
const similarity = TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(
if (similarity >= sbThreshold) {
sbThreshold = similarity
mostPossibleSentence = sentence
} else if (i !== filteredSentences.length - 1) {
// combine two sentences to reduce the inaccuracy of sentenizing text
const newSentenceRaw = sentence.raw + filteredSentences[i + 1].raw
const lengthDiff =
Math.abs(newSentenceRaw.length - str.length) / str.length
if (lengthDiff <= maxLengthDiff) {
const newSimilarity = TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(
if (newSimilarity >= sbThreshold) {
sbThreshold = newSimilarity
mostPossibleSentence = {
raw: newSentenceRaw,
index: sentence.index,
} else {
if (annotator.annotationIndex < otherTag.annotationIndex) {
if (otherTag.isCloseTag) {
indexInc += otherTag.length
} else {
if (!annotator.isCloseTag) {
indexInc += otherTag.length

@@ -492,403 +206,80 @@ }

// step 5: if the most possible sentence is found, derive and return the location of the most similar str from it
if (mostPossibleSentence) {
const result = TextAnnotator.getBestSubstring(
if (result.loc) {
let index = mostPossibleSentence.index
highlightIndex =
loc: [index + result.loc[0], index + result.loc[1]],
}) - 1
// remove annotators one by one
this.html =
this.html.slice(0, annotator.index + indexInc) +
this.html.slice(annotator.index + indexInc + annotator.length)
this.tags.splice(annotatorIndexesInTags[i] - i, 1)
return highlightIndex
// future work: further improvement when one annotation binds with more than one highlight
// includeRequiredTag used in = condition only
includeRequiredTag(i, highlightLoc, tag) {
const isCloseTag = tag.startsWith('</')
const tagName = isCloseTag
? tag.split('</')[1].split('>')[0]
: tag.split(' ')[0].split('<')[1].split('>')[0]
let included = false
let requiredTagNumber = 1
let requiredTagCount = 0
// if both the start tag and the end tag are at the borders, place the tags outside the borders
// if the close tag is at the border, check backwards until the start of the highlight
if (isCloseTag) {
for (let i2 = i - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
const tagLoc2 = this.tagLocations[i2]
if (highlightLoc[0] > tagLoc2[0]) {
} else {
const tag2 = this.originalContent.substring(
tagLoc2[0] + tagLoc2[2],
tagLoc2[0] + tagLoc2[2] + tagLoc2[1]
if (tag2.startsWith('</' + tagName)) {
} else if (tag2.startsWith('<' + tagName)) {
if (requiredTagNumber === requiredTagCount) {
included = true
// if the start tag is at the border, check forwards until the end of the highlight
else {
for (let i2 = i + 1; i2 < this.tagLocations.length; i2++) {
const tagLoc2 = this.tagLocations[i2]
if (highlightLoc[1] < tagLoc2[0]) {
} else {
const tag2 = this.originalContent.substring(
tagLoc2[0] + tagLoc2[2],
tagLoc2[0] + tagLoc2[2] + tagLoc2[1]
if (tag2.startsWith('<' + tagName)) {
} else if (tag2.startsWith('</' + tagName)) {
if (requiredTagNumber === requiredTagCount) {
included = true
return included
return this.html
highlightTagName = 'span',
) {
const highlightLoc = this.highlights[highlightIndex].loc
const locInc = [0, 0]
// step 1: check locations of tags
const length = this.tagLocations.length
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const tagLoc = this.tagLocations[i]
// start end tag
if (highlightLoc[1] < tagLoc[0]) {
// start end&tag
else if (highlightLoc[1] === tagLoc[0]) {
const tag = this.originalContent.substring(
tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2],
tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2] + tagLoc[1]
// if end tag, not block element and include the required close tag, add right to the tag
if (
!tag.endsWith('/>') &&
tag.startsWith('</') &&
!blockElements.includes(tag.split('</')[1].split('>')[0]) &&
this.includeRequiredTag(i, highlightLoc, tag)
) {
locInc[1] += tagLoc[1]
// start tag end
else if (highlightLoc[1] > tagLoc[0]) {
locInc[1] += tagLoc[1]
// start&tag end
if (highlightLoc[0] === tagLoc[0]) {
const tag = this.originalContent.substring(
tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2],
tagLoc[0] + tagLoc[2] + tagLoc[1]
// if self close tag or end tag or block element or not include the required close tag, add right to the tag
if (
tag.startsWith('</') ||
tag.endsWith('/>') ||
tag.split(' ')[0].split('<')[1].split('>')[0]
) ||
!this.includeRequiredTag(i, highlightLoc, tag)
) {
locInc[0] += tagLoc[1]
// tag start end
else if (highlightLoc[0] > tagLoc[0]) {
locInc[0] += tagLoc[1]
// step 2: check locations of other highlights
// all span (no blocks)
// stored in a different array than tags
// can intersect
for (let i = 0; i < this.highlights.length; i++) {
const highlight = this.highlights[i]
// only check the highlighted
if (highlight.highlighted) {
const openTagLength = TextAnnotator.getOpenTagLength(
const closeTagLength = TextAnnotator.getCloseTagLength(highlightTagName)
const loc = highlight.loc
if (highlightLoc[0] >= loc[1]) {
locInc[0] += openTagLength + closeTagLength
locInc[1] += openTagLength + closeTagLength
// syntactical correct but semantical incorrect
else if (
highlightLoc[0] < loc[1] &&
highlightLoc[0] > loc[0] &&
highlightLoc[1] > loc[1]
) {
locInc[0] += openTagLength
locInc[1] += openTagLength + closeTagLength
} else if (highlightLoc[0] <= loc[0] && highlightLoc[1] >= loc[1]) {
locInc[1] += openTagLength + closeTagLength
// syntactical correct but semantical incorrect
else if (
highlightLoc[0] < loc[0] &&
highlightLoc[1] > loc[0] &&
highlightLoc[1] < loc[1]
) {
locInc[1] += openTagLength
} else if (highlightLoc[0] >= loc[0] && highlightLoc[1] <= loc[1]) {
locInc[0] += openTagLength
locInc[1] += openTagLength
return [highlightLoc[0] + locInc[0], highlightLoc[1] + locInc[1]]
unannotateAll(annotationIndexes) {
annotationIndexes.forEach((annotationIndex) => {
return this.html
static createOpenTag(
highlightTagName = 'span',
) {
return `<${highlightTagName} id="${
highlightIdPattern + highlightIndex
}" class="${highlightClass}">`
// pure function
_stripHTMLTags(html) {
let text = html
const tags = []
static createCloseTag(highlightTagName = 'span') {
return `</${highlightTagName}>`
static getOpenTagLength(
highlightTagName = 'span',
) {
return TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
static getCloseTagLength(highlightTagName = 'span') {
return TextAnnotator.createCloseTag(highlightTagName).length
static trim(prefix, str, postfix) {
prefix = prefix.replace(/^\s+/, '')
postfix = postfix.replace(/\s+$/, '')
if (!prefix) {
str = str.replace(/^\s+/, '')
let tag
const tagRegEx = /<[^>]+>/
while ((tag = text.match(tagRegEx))) {
text = text.replace(tag, '')
index: tag.index,
length: tag[0].length,
isCloseTag: tag[0].startsWith('</'),
if (!postfix) {
str = str.replace(/\s+$/, '')
return { prefix, str, postfix }
return { text, tags }
static insert(str1, str2, index) {
// pure function
_insert(str1, str2, index) {
return str1.slice(0, index) + str2 + str1.slice(index)
static sentenize(text) {
const options = {
newline_boundaries: false,
html_boundaries: false,
sanitize: false,
allowed_tags: false,
preserve_whitespace: true,
abbreviations: null,
// pure function
_binaryInsert(arr, val, comparator) {
if (arr.length === 0 || comparator(arr[0], val) >= 0) {
arr.splice(0, 0, val)
return arr
} else if (arr.length > 0 && comparator(arr[arr.length - 1], val) <= 0) {
arr.splice(arr.length, 0, val)
return arr
return getSentences(text, options).map((raw) => {
// future work: can tokenizer return location directly
const index = text.indexOf(raw)
return { raw, index }
static getBestSubstring(
) {
let result = {}
let similarity = skipFirstRun
? threshold
: TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(str, substr, caseSensitive)
if (similarity >= threshold) {
// step 1: derive best substr
// future work: /s may be better
const words = str.split(' ')
while (words.length) {
const firstWord = words.shift()
const newStr = words.join(' ')
let newSimilarity = TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(
if (newSimilarity < similarity) {
const lastWord = words.pop()
newSimilarity = TextAnnotator.getSimilarity(
words.join(' '),
if (newSimilarity < similarity) {
} else {
similarity = newSimilarity
} else {
similarity = newSimilarity
let left = 0,
right = arr.length
let leftLast = 0,
rightLast = right
while (left < right) {
const inPos = Math.floor((right + left) / 2)
const compared = comparator(arr[inPos], val)
if (compared < 0) {
left = inPos
} else if (compared > 0) {
right = inPos
} else {
right = inPos
left = inPos
const bestSubstr = words.join(' ')
// step 2: return the best substr and its loc if found and if it meets the threshold and the length ratio
if (!lenRatio || bestSubstr.length / substr.length <= lenRatio) {
const loc = []
loc[0] = str.indexOf(bestSubstr)
loc[1] = loc[0] + bestSubstr.length
result = { similarity, loc }
if (leftLast === left && rightLast === right) {
leftLast = left
rightLast = right
return result
arr.splice(right, 0, val)
return arr
static getSimilarity(str1, str2, caseSensitive) {
if (!caseSensitive) {
str1 = str1.toLowerCase()
str2 = str2.toLowerCase()
if (str1 === str2) return 1
// set str2 to denominator
return TextAnnotator.lcsLength(str1, str2) / str2.length
// copy from the code in
static lcsLength(firstSequence, secondSequence, caseSensitive) {
function createArray(dimension) {
const array = []
for (let i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
array[i] = []
return array
const firstString = caseSensitive
? firstSequence
: firstSequence.toLowerCase()
const secondString = caseSensitive
? secondSequence
: secondSequence.toLowerCase()
if (firstString === secondString) {
return firstString.length
if ((firstString || secondString) === '') {
return ''.length
const firstStringLength = firstString.length
const secondStringLength = secondString.length
const lcsMatrix = createArray(secondStringLength + 1)
let i
let j
for (i = 0; i <= firstStringLength; i++) {
lcsMatrix[0][i] = 0
for (i = 0; i <= secondStringLength; i++) {
lcsMatrix[i][0] = 0
for (i = 1; i <= secondStringLength; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= firstStringLength; j++) {
if (firstString[j - 1] === secondString[i - 1]) {
lcsMatrix[i][j] = lcsMatrix[i - 1][j - 1] + 1
} else {
lcsMatrix[i][j] = Math.max(lcsMatrix[i - 1][j], lcsMatrix[i][j - 1])
let lcs = ''
i = secondStringLength
j = firstStringLength
while (i > 0 && j > 0) {
if (firstString[j - 1] === secondString[i - 1]) {
lcs = firstString[j - 1] + lcs
} else if (
Math.max(lcsMatrix[i - 1][j], lcsMatrix[i][j - 1]) ===
lcsMatrix[i - 1][j]
) {
} else {
return lcs.length
export default TextAnnotator
import TextAnnotator from '../src/text-annotator'
const content =
'"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan Huang'
const html =
'"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan HUANG'
const closeTag = '</span>'
test('annotate text without surrounding/inside tags', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
const searchText = 'EMBL-EBI'
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate(
'"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in <span class="annotation annotation-0">EMBL-EBI</span>. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan HUANG'
describe('test main scenarios', () => {
test('direct search', () => {
const annotator = new TextAnnotator({ content })
const highlightIndex ='I')
const newContent = annotator.highlight(highlightIndex)
const openTag = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
`"${openTag}I${closeTag} am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan Huang`
test('annotate text with surrounding tags', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
const searchText = 'frontend developer'
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate(
'"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b><span class="annotation annotation-0">frontend developer</span></b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan HUANG'
test('search all', () => {
const annotator = new TextAnnotator({ content })
const highlightIndexes = annotator.searchAll('Zhan Huang')
const newContent = annotator.highlightAll(highlightIndexes)
const openTag1 = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
const openTag2 = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
`"I am ${openTag1}<b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>${closeTag}, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - ${openTag2}Zhan Huang${closeTag}`
test('annotate text with inside open tag', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
const searchText = 'a frontend developer'
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate(
'"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, <span class="annotation annotation-0">a </span><b><span class="annotation annotation-0">frontend developer</span></b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan HUANG'
test('token-based fuzzy search', () => {
const annotator = new TextAnnotator({ content })
const highlightIndex ='frontend developer', {
prefix: 'a ',
postfix: ' in EMBLEBI',
fuzzySearchOptions: {},
const newContent = annotator.highlight(highlightIndex)
const openTag = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
`"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a ${openTag}<b>frontend developer</b>${closeTag} in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan Huang`
test('annotate text with inside close tag', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
const searchText = 'frontend developer in EMBL-EBI'
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate(
'"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b><span class="annotation annotation-0">frontend developer</span></b><span class="annotation annotation-0"> in EMBL-EBI</span>. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan HUANG'
test('sentence-based fuzzy search', () => {
const annotator = new TextAnnotator({ content })
const highlightIndex ='I like fool', {
fuzzySearchOptions: {},
const newContent = annotator.highlight(highlightIndex)
const openTag = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
`"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. ${openTag}I like food${closeTag} and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan Huang`
test('annotate text with multiple tags surrounding/inside', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
const searchText = 'Zhan Huang, a frontend developer in EMBL-EBI'
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate(
'"I am <b><i><span class="annotation annotation-0">Zhan Huang</span></i></b><span class="annotation annotation-0">, a </span><b><span class="annotation annotation-0">frontend developer</span></b><span class="annotation annotation-0"> in EMBL-EBI</span>. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan HUANG'
test('combination of searching and highlighting', () => {
const annotator = new TextAnnotator({ content })
const result = annotator.searchAndHighlight('sports')
const openTag = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
`"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and ${openTag}sports${closeTag}. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan Huang`
test('annotate all occurrences of the text', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
const searchText = 'Zhan Huang'
const annotationIndexes = textAnnotator.searchAll(searchText)
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotateAll(annotationIndexes)
'"I am <b><i><span class="annotation annotation-0">Zhan Huang</span></i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - <span class="annotation annotation-1">Zhan HUANG</span>'
test('removal of a highlight', () => {
const annotator = new TextAnnotator({ content })
const result = annotator.searchAndHighlight('udon noodles')
annotator.unhighlight(result.highlightIndex, {
content: result.content,
test('annotate multiple pieces of text', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
textAnnotator.annotate('Zhan Huang'))
textAnnotator.annotate('food and sports'))
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate('a frontend developer in EMBL-EBI')
'"I am <b><i><span class="annotation annotation-0">Zhan Huang</span></i></b>, <span class="annotation annotation-2">a </span><b><span class="annotation annotation-2">frontend developer</span></b><span class="annotation annotation-2"> in EMBL-EBI</span>. I like <span class="annotation annotation-1">food and sports</span>. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan HUANG'
test('use <mark> for highlight', () => {
const annotator = new TextAnnotator({ content })
const highlightIndex ='I')
const newContent = annotator.highlight(highlightIndex, {
highlightTagName: 'mark',
const openTag = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
const closeTag = '</mark>'
`"${openTag}I${closeTag} am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan Huang`
test('annotate text with multiple tags inside/surrounding', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(
'<p><span>I am <b>Zhan Huang</b></span></p>. <p><i>I like apples.<i></p>'
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate('I am Zhan Huang. I like')
'<p><span><span class="annotation annotation-0">I am </span><b><span class="annotation annotation-0">Zhan Huang</span></b></span></p><span class="annotation annotation-0">. </span><p><i><span class="annotation annotation-0">I like</span> apples.<i></p>'
describe('test edge cases', () => {
test('ec1', () => {
const annotator = new TextAnnotator({ content })
const highlightIndex ='I am Zhan Huang')
const newContent = annotator.highlight(highlightIndex)
const openTag = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
`"${openTag}I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>${closeTag}, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan Huang`
test('annotate text with prefix/postfix', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate('Zhan Huang', { prefix: '- ', postfix: '' })
'"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - <span class="annotation annotation-0">Zhan HUANG</span>'
test('ec2', () => {
const annotator = new TextAnnotator({ content })
const highlightIndex ='frontend developer in EMBL-EBI')
const newContent = annotator.highlight(highlightIndex)
const openTag = TextAnnotator.createOpenTag(
`"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a ${openTag}<b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI${closeTag}. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan Huang`
test('annotate text with trimming', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate('Zhan Huang', { prefix: ' - ', postfix: '' })
'"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - <span class="annotation annotation-0">Zhan HUANG</span>'
test('annotate text with case sensitive', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate('Zhan HUANG', { caseSensitive: true })
'"I am <b><i>Zhan Huang</i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - <span class="annotation annotation-0">Zhan HUANG</span>'
test('unannotate the text', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
const searchText = 'Zhan Huang, a frontend developer in EMBL-EBI'
const annotationIndex =
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate(annotationIndex)
'"I am <b><i><span class="annotation annotation-0">Zhan Huang</span></i></b><span class="annotation annotation-0">, a </span><b><span class="annotation annotation-0">frontend developer</span></b><span class="annotation annotation-0"> in EMBL-EBI</span>. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan HUANG'
const unannotatedHtml = textAnnotator.unannotate(annotationIndex)
test('unnotatate the text with tags inside', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
textAnnotator.annotate('Zhan Huang, a frontend developer in EMBL-EBI')
textAnnotator.annotate('Zhan Huang'))
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.unannotate(0)
'"I am <b><i><span class="annotation annotation-1">Zhan Huang</span></i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan HUANG'
test('annotate the text again after unannotating it', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator(html)
textAnnotator.annotate('Zhan Huang'))
textAnnotator.annotate('food and sports'))
textAnnotator.unannotateAll([0, 1])
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate(0)
'"I am <b><i><span class="annotation annotation-0">Zhan Huang</span></i></b>, a <b>frontend developer</b> in EMBL-EBI. I like food and sports. My favourite food is udon noodles." - Zhan HUANG'
test('annotate document without html tags', () => {
const textAnnotator = new TextAnnotator('I am Zhan Huang')
const annotatedHtml = textAnnotator.annotate('Zhan Huang')
'I am <span class="annotation annotation-0">Zhan Huang</span>'

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