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Text Quality Indicator
Return a indicator (in %) of any text, using dictionnary.
The aim
TQI is a node.js written module which get any text data and return you a number regarding the quality of it.
How does it work ?
TQI compares your text to a list of words comming from large affix dictionaries in some languages.
Which languages do TQI support ?
TQI supports all languages present in the list of dictionaries for Hunspell.
You could use all languages which are in ./lib/dictionaries. It contains :
- a custom dictionnary (
subdir) - a copy of all the libreoffice dictionnaires (
subdir, downloaded at post-install)
How to use it ?
Hunspell (version >= 1.3)
sudo apt-get install hunspell
Using our module in your project :
npm install --save text-quality-indicator
const Tqi = require('text-quality-indicator'),
tqi = new Tqi();
const options = { wordsResult: true, timeout: 5 }
tqi.analyze(file.txt, options).then((result) => {
console.log("result : ", result);
{ correct: 3,
misspelled: 0,
rate: 100,
words: { correct: [ 'somme', 'english', 'words' ], mispelled: [] }
When you init TQI you can send an array of langage's code, a path to a personnal dictionnary or a mix of both:
const Tqi = require('text-quality-indicator'),
tqi = new Tqi("en"),
tqiEnFr = new Tqi(["en", "fr"]);
tqiEnFrAndMyDictionnary = new Tqi(["en", "fr", "/path/to/my/dictionnary"]);
Using our CLI programm
npm install -g text-quality-indicator
tqi --help
Cli examples:
On a sample french txt files containing 1 "bad word":
cat ./test/data/fr-sample.txt
-> En se réveillant un matin après des rêves agités, Gregor Samsa se retrouva, dans son lit, métamorphosé en un monstrueux insecte.
Lauch TQI with fr lang option :
tqi -d fr ./test/data/fr-sample.txt
Will return you:
fr-sample.txt => { correct: 20, mispelled: 1, rate: 95.23809523809523 }
On an english folder containing txts :
tqi /path/to/folder
English is the default lang used.
You can ask cli to send back you the corect/mispelled words :
./bin/cli.js -w ./pathToTxt.txt