A NodeJS command line interface port of rilden's fantastic tile palette quantization / dithering tool https://rilden.github.io/tiledpalettequant/ (https://github.com/rilden/tiledpalettequant)/
An additional feature added is the ability to vertically split the quantized image. This can be used to quantize multiple images using a shared set of palettes.
Note that this has only been tested in WSL so your milage may vary running on other platforms (anything with a terminal that can run NodeJS should work though).
With a recent version of NodeJS installed, run one of the following:
npm install tiledpalettequantcli
npx tiledpalettequantcli
npm install tiledpalettequantcli -g
(to install globally)
In the terminal, run npx tiledpalettequantcli [Options]
or tiledpalettequantcli [Options]
(depending if you installed locally or globally)
| | |
-f | --file [f] | Input file to quantize (can also accept images from stdin if this option not included) |
-v | --vsplit [v] | Split resulting file into vertical chunks of [v] pixels each |
-o | --output [prefix] | Output name prefix (default is the current directory name) |
-si | --startIndex [si] | Start index for output names (default is no suffix if not needed, 0 if using --vsplit) |
-tw | --tileWidth [width] | Tile width px (default: 8) |
-th | --tileHeight [height] | Tile height px (default: 8) |
-p | --palettes [p] | Number of palettes (default: 1) |
-cpp | --colorsPerPalette [cpp] | Colors per palette (default: 16) |
-bpc | --bitsPerChannel [bpc] | Bits per channel (default: 5) |
-fp | --fractionOfPixels [fp] | Fraction of Pixels (default: 0.1) |
-czb | --colorZeroBehaviour [czb] | Color index zero behaviour (choices: "Unique", "Shared", "TransparentFromTransparent", "TransparentFromColor", default: "TransparentFromColor") |
-cz | --colorZero [cz] | Color index Zero (hex formated: #RRGGBB) (default: "#000000") |
-d | --ditherMethod [d] | Dithering Method (choices: "Off", "Fast", "Slow", default: "Off") |
-dw | --ditherWeight [dw] | Dither weight (default: 0.3) |
-dp | --ditherPattern [dp] | Dithering Pattern (choices: "Diagonal4", "Diagonal2", "Horizontal2", "Horizontal4", "Vertical2", "Vertical4", default: "Diagonal4") |
-h | --help | display help for command |
npx tiledpalettequantcli -f test.png
cat test.png | npx tiledpalettequantcli
npx tiledpalettequantcli -f example.png --ditherMethod Fast --ditherPattern Horizontal2
Using an external tool to resize and quantize multiple source images at once:
magick *.jpg -background 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' -resize '240' -gravity Center -extent 256x256 -append png:- | npx tiledpalettequantcli -output sharedPaletteExample -vsplit 256 -d Slow -p 5