Import it as
import Timer from "timermodule";
Create an instance for it and initialize it (using init method) before using the methods of the instance.
let timerObj = new Timer();
The above initialization data object is of the pattern:
"data" : {
"mytimer(yourtimername)" : {
time : {
hh : "00",
mm : "00",
ss : "00
status : "INIT"
"notifier" : "notifierFunction"
If many timers are required, give each timer a unique key and add the data in the above format.
The notifier function will be called each time for a change in timer object. The notifier function will get an arguement in the format : (key, value). The value will be in the format as below :
"time"(keyword) : {
hh(keyword) : "<values>",
mm(keyword) : "<values>",
ss(keyword) : "<values>"
"status"(keyword) : "INIT (OR) RUNNING (OR) PAUSED"
**Once you are done with creating an instance and initializing it, you can proceed calling the methods available on the timer instance **
The main action methods available in timer object instance are as follows :
start, pause, resume, reset.
You have call the above functions with the name of your timer as arguement. Eg : start("mytimer")
To update the timer abruptly, you can use updateTimerState
Eg : updateTimerState(<nameoftimer>, <actionname>, <durationinhh,mm,ssobformat))
i.e nameoftimer - In the above example - "mytimer".
actionname - supported values are : START, RESUME, PAUSE, RESET
durationinhh,mm,ssobformat - time object in the format { hh , mm, ss}
Examples available in : CodeSandbox example link