a browserify plugin that runs various optimizations, so you don't have to install them all manually.
npm install --save-dev tinyify
browserify -p tinyify app.js
Options can be provided on the command line using subarg syntax, or in a separate options object using the browserify API.
env: {}
Supply custom environment variables for envify.
b.plugin('tinyify', {
env: {
PUBLIC_PATH: 'https://mywebsite.surge.sh/'
This option is only available in the API.
On the CLI, you can define environment variables beforehand instead:
PUBLIC_PATH=https://mywebsite.surge.sh browserify app.js -p tinyify
, flat: false
Disable browser-pack-flat.
This is useful if you want to generate a browser-pack style bundle, like required by disc for example.
browserify app.js -p [ tinyify --no-flat ]
b.plugin('tinyify', { flat: false })