TinyTrim v0.0.86
A set of CSS generic classes for on-the-fly adjustment of elements without having to add a long style list every time you need to adjust an element like:
style="lots-of-stuff: #ugh;"
This CSS sheet is mainly for use in development and early design stages, but can be useful for sites where you need a lot of flexibility for special pages.
The class names are very terse. For instance, font-size is fs, and setting an element to font-size: 1.2em; is the class .fs12 setting all margins to 0 is .m0 or setting the top margin to 12px is mt12p etc.
There's a set of classes for standard HTML color names, plus a set for color and border-color using LuvLCh colors in 5 degree increments, so the class luv015 is Luv 15 degrees, which is red.
There's also a set of colors specifically for background use, all of which are light enough for body text.
This is a small subset of Color-StyleS
Light Backgrounds
The light backgrounds are for a background for text, including body text. The class name has three parts:
p l m meaning Pastel, Light, or Medium
bg Obviously for background-color
R G Y M etc for the color ID
Thus pbgB is the lightest (pastel) of Blue as background-color
Luv Colors
The Luv colors are useable for text with "luv000" or border-color with "bcluv000" where 000 is the three digit hue, in five degree increments starting at 000 through 360 (which is the same as 000).
HTML Named Colors
The ever so yucky basic HTML colors are here for ... well, they're here.
Simple class names:
.c is for color:
, .bg is for background-color:
, and .bc is for border-color:
Each is available by the full name, or one or two shorthands:
Example for Black, showing color:
, background-color:
, and border-color:
.cBlack, .cBlk, .cBk
.bgBlack, .bgBlk,.bgBk
.bcBlack, .bcBlk,.bcBk
For the rest, we'll just show color:
, the others follow the same naming convention.
.cBrown, .cBrn, .cBn
.cNavy, .cNvy, .cN
.cBlue, .cBlu, .cB
.cYellow, .cYlw, .cY
.cRed, .cR
.cOrange, .cOrg, .cO
.cTan, .cTn
.cMaroon, .cMrn, .cMn
.cPurple, .cPur, .cP
.cMagenta, .cMag, .cM
.cFuchsia, .cFsh, .cF
.cOlive, .cOlv, .cOv
.cGreen, .cGrn, .cG
.cTeal, .cTea, .cT
.cLime, .cLim, .cL,
.cAqua, .cAqu, .cA
.cGray, .cGry, .cGy
.cSilver, .cSlv, .cS
.cWhite, .cWht, .cW
pastel: p light: l medium: m
RED: pbgR lbgR mbgR
PURPLE: pbgP lbgP mbgP
LAVENDER: pbgL lbgL mbgL
BLUE: pbgB lbgB mbgB
GREEN: pbgG lbgG mbgG
TAN: pbgT lbgT mbgT
ORANGE: pbgO lbgO mbgO
YELLOW: pbgY lbgY mbgY
BEIGE: pbgE lbgE mbgE
WHITE: pbgW lbgW mbgW
SILVER: pbgS lbgS mbgS
a '0' indicates a number is required
.a .un all:
.al align, alias for text-align (ta)
.d .ds display: (see display section)
.fl float
.c .cl clear
.w0 width
.h0 height
///// Not implemented yet
.mnw0 min-width
.mnh0 min-height
.mxw0 max-width
.mxh0 max-height
.m0 margin
.ma0 margin set vertical numeric and auto for horizontal
.mt0 .mr0 .mb0 .ml0 top right bottom left
.p0 padding
.pt0 .pr0 .pb0 .pl0 top right bottom left
.po position settings (abs, rel etc)
.po0 position adjust
.pot0 .por0 .pob0 .pol0 top right bottom left
.z0 z-index
.b0 border
//// NOT IMPLEMENTED: .bt0 .br0 .bb0 .bl0 top right bottom left border ////
.br0 border radius
.f font
.ff font-family
.fs0 font-size (.fs no numeric is font style)
.fw0 font-weight
.ft or .fs font-style
.fd or .td text-decoration (font decoration is an alias) aka underline
.bs box-shadow
.bsi inset box-shadow
.ts text-shadow
.tt text-transform
.t or .ta text-align
.tl text-align-last
.ti text-indent
.v visibility or vertical align
.va vertical align for initial, inherit, others as alias
.ws white-space
.o overflow
.to text overflow
depends on context, all contexts shown together
i initial
h inherit
a auto, absolute
o oblique
it italic
NoLetter: normal
b both, bold
b (when after numbers): bottom
br bolder
lr lighter
l light, lowercase, length
l (when after numbers): left
r relative
r (when after numbers): right
j justify (.tj, .taj, .tlj)
c center, capitalize, clip
s scroll, string, start
e end
t top (when after numbers)
xt text-top
m middle
b bottom (when after numbers)
xb text-bottom
p pre
pl pre-line
pw pre-wrap
bl baseline
n none, hidden, nowrap
h hidden, also hid and hi
v visible also vis
u unset or uppercase
NO 2ND/3RD LETTER: 'normal'
r rem
p prcentage
x px
t pt
v vh or vw
nothing: em or unitless
•••• TO DO ••••
Add vmin vw and vh for certain properties
max-width: none|length|initial|inherit;
min-width: length|initial|inherit;
max-height: none|length|initial|inherit;
min-height: length|initial|inherit;
cursor: value;
.selector {
container size (width/height)
floats and clears
letter-spacing & line-height
text alignment, whitespace
overflow, other text related
General guidelines
.d or .ds display
b block
c content, cell (tc), or container (ruby)
f flow
fr flow-root
fx flex
g grid or group
i inline
ib inline-block
ih inherit
it initial
l list-item
m column
n, no = none
p caption
r ruby or row or run-in
rb ruby base
rt ruby text
ry ruby