Full blown authentification webcomponent.
Add to project
You might want to use a Polyfill for WebComponent:
<script src=""></script>
Include via HTML
Include it:
Include via JavaScript
import ''
Include via NPM
npm i -S tjb-auth
Then in your code:
import 'tjb-auth';
postbody="{ 'lol': 'rofl' }"
class="btn btn--cta btn--fs"
class="btn btn--cta btn--fs"
class="btn btn--cta btn--fs"
class="btn btn--cta btn--fs"
All attributes:
attribute | example | description |
postbody | postbody="{ 'lol': 'rofl' }" | Aditional object fields that will be added to any POST request. This will be applied to all requests unless there is already a specific postbody on some request, then it will be ditched |
loginpostbody | postbody="{ 'lol': 'rofl' }" | Aditional object fields that will be added to any POST request. |
loginurl | loginurl="" | The POST URL where the login request should go |
registerpostbody | postbody="{ 'lol': 'rofl' }" | Aditional object fields that will be added to any POST request. |
registerurl | registerurl="" | The POST URL where the register request should go |
mailurl | mailurl="" | The POST URL where the email sending trigger request should go |
resetpostbody | postbody="{ 'lol': 'rofl' }" | Aditional object fields that will be added to any POST request. |
reseturl | reseturl="" | The POST URL where the reset request should go |
verifypostbody | postbody="{ 'lol': 'rofl' }" | Aditional object fields that will be added to any POST request. |
verifyurl | verifyurl="" | The POST URL where the verification request should go |
showlogin | showlogin="false" | wheter or not to show the login panel (will hide all other views) |
showregister | showregister="true" | wheter or not to show the registration panel (will hide all other views) |
showreset | showreset="true" | wheter or not to show the reset panel (will hide all other views) |
showverify | showverify="true" | wheter or not to show the email verification panel (will hide all other views) |
method | example | description |
error | .error(area, message) - area @String [login/register/reset/verify] - message @String | Sets the respective widget (area) in an error state |
success | .success(area, message) - area @String [login/register/reset/verify] - message @String | Sets the respective widget (area) in a success state |
name | event details | description |
success | - event (@Object) -- area (@String) -- resp (@Object) | Triggers when any call was successful. Holds an Object which is has the name of the success calling element and the answer of that POST call. |
error | - event (@Object) -- area (@String) -- resp (@Object) | Triggers when any call had an error. Holds an Object which is has the name of the error element and the answer of that POST call. |
verify | - body (@Object) | triggered when user sends email verification request. Event is an object which contains all information for potential POST call. |
verify-sendmail | - body (@Object) | triggered when an email request would be send. Event is an object which contains all information for potential POST call. |
verify-success | - resp (@Object) | Triggers when the email verification call returned a success. Holds an Object which is the answer of that POST call. |
verify-error | - resp (@Object) | Triggers when the email verification call returned an error. Holds an Object which is the answer of that POST call. |
reset | - body (@Object) | triggered when user sends passowrd reset request. Event is an object which contains all information for potential POST call. |
reset-sendmail | - body (@Object) | triggered when an email request would be send. Event is an object which contains all information for potential POST call. |
reset-success | - resp (@Object) | Triggers when the password reset call returned a success. Holds an Object which is the answer of that POST call. |
reset-error | - resp (@Object) | Triggers when the password reset call returned a error. Holds an Object which is the answer of that POST call. |
register | - body (@Object) | triggered when user sends register request. Event is an object which contains all information for potential POST call. |
register-success | - resp (@Object) | Triggers when the registration call returned a success. Holds an Object which is the answer of that POST call. |
register-error | - resp (@Object) | Triggers when the registration call returned a error. Holds an Object which is the answer of that POST call. |
login | - body (@Object) | triggered when user sends login request. Event is an object which contains all information for potential POST call. |
login-success | - resp (@Object) | Triggers when the login call returned a success. Holds an Object which is the answer of that POST call. |
login-error | - resp (@Object) | Triggers when the login call returned a error. Holds an Object which is the answer of that POST call. |
Default public values:
:host {
--color-info: grey;
--notify-background-error: #fa354c;
--notify-background-success: limegreen;
--notify-color-error: white;
--notify-color-success: white;
--notify-margin: -55px -40px 20px;
--notify-padding: 15px 15px 15px 35px;
--input-color-error: #fa354c;
--input-color-success: limegreen;
--input-padding: 10px;
--input-margin: 0 0 30px 0;
--input-width: 100%;
--input-border: 1px solid transparent;
--input-border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey;
--input-border-radius: 0;
--input-font-size: 1rem;
--input-info-color: grey;
--input-info-font-size: 0.8rem;
--input-label-margin: 0 0 5px 0;
--background: #fff;
--display: block;
--max-width: 350px;
--box-sizing: border-box;
--overflow: hidden;
--position: relative;
--padding: 55px 40px 10px;
--box-shadow: 0 0 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
These can be overwritten easily by targetting the element. Example:
tjb-auth {
--auth-width: 300px;
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